12 research outputs found

    Defining, Designing, and Implementing Rural Smartness

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    Rural smartness: Its determinants and impacts on rural economic welfare

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    Mukti, I. Y., Henseler, J., Aldea, A., Govindaraju, R., & Iacob, M. E. (2022). Rural smartness: Its determinants and impacts on rural economic welfare. Electronic Markets. [Advanced online article at 9 March 2022]. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-022-00526-2 ---------------------------- Funding Information: This research was carried out with the financial support of the Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) with grant number S-297/LPDP.3/2019, and supported by the Office of Communication and Information of West Java Province (Diskominfo Jabar) and Jabar Digital Service (JDS), Indonesia. In addition, we gratefully thanks to the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on the previous version of this manuscript.Solving urbanization problems, especially in developing countries, solely through the adoption of smartness in urban areas is insufficient as urbanization is mostly driven by the wide urban-rural economic gap. To narrow this gap, the adoption of smartness needs to be extended into rural areas. However, studies in that direction are still lacking. Therefore, we developed a theoretical model that explains the determinants of rural smartness and its subsequent consequences on rural economic welfare. We validated the model with survey data from 179 villages in West Java Province, Indonesia. The results suggest that rural smartness is determined by the interplay of organizational, environmental, and technological readiness, and has a strong positive impact on innovativeness which, in turn, improves the competitiveness of the rural business ecosystem. This model can serve as a reference for further studies of rural smartness and as the foundation for the design of information platforms supporting it.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin


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    The growth rate of four-wheeled vehicles in particular increased significantly each year. This is supported by several aspects of which increase people's purchasing power, the rate of population mobility is increasing, and they still lack the means of public transport that is safe, convenient and timely. Since 2015 the government has been operating new Toll Road from Cikampek to Palimanan (CIPALI) which aims to reduce number of congestion on the northern coast line, especially in the holiday season of Eid. This study aimed to analyze the level of safety Cipali toll road using a Road Hazard Mapping (RHM). The method used is a combination of direct observation data collection and analysis via Google Maps. The results of the study obtained a draft RHM which can be used as a reference for the driver before entering the Cipali toll both from Cikampek to Palimanan and vice versa.Keywords: safety driving, cipali, road hazard mapping (RHM

    Challenges in Governing the Digital Transportation Ecosystem in Jakarta: A Research Direction in Smart City Frameworks

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    Mobility is one of the most difficult domains of the smart city to face. In fact, most large cities in the world are still facing urban mobility problems, especially traffic congestion. Particularly, in Jakarta, Indonesia, traffic congestion is a major issue that negatively affects productivity and the overall living quality of the citizens. Along with the development of the information communication and technology (ICT), the transportation domain in Jakarta has formed a digital transportation ecosystem, shown by the emergence of innovative digital-based transportation services. In line with this current condition, this paper hopes to contribute to the improvement of urban traffic in Jakarta by proposing research directions to govern the digital transportation ecosystem within a smart city framework. The significance of the research directions is reviewed using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodology in a systematic review of previous studies. Ultimately, the research directions proposed in this paper lead to the necessity for an architectural perspective and relevant big data analytical tools to improve the digital transportation ecosystem in Jakarta


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    PT EDC adalah perusahaan nasional yang menyediakan layanan dalam bidang pengembangan atau development, pengujian serta pembuatan dies dan mold untuk otomotif khususnya komponen-komponen otomotif kendaraan bermotor roda dua dan roda empat. Segmen pasar terbesar perusahaan adalah pasar pabrikan otomotif (OEM atau Original Equipment for Manufacturer) dan pasar suku cadang pengganti (REM atau Replacement Market). Monitoring proyek dan loading man power yang terdapat di bagian Testing masih menggunakan kartu proyek (Kanban Manual) dan papan control. Perkembangan proyek dan loading man power untuk mengawasi aktivitas yang sedang dikerjakan oleh setiap engineer, technician atau operator. Penggunaan monitoring proyek dan loading man power saat ini membutuhkan waktu yang relative banyak dalam penerapannya. Masalah yang terjadi karena belum optimalnya keteraturan dalam pengisian kartu project yang disebabkan kesibukan masing-masing karyawan dalam bekerja sehingga menyulitkan dalam pengisian kartu proyek. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari sebuah tool yang tepat yang tidak memerlukan waktu banyak untuk melakukan monitoring proyek dan loading man power serta melakukan pembaharuan setiap harinya. Mengidentifikasi kendala-kendala dalam penggunaan kartu kanban dengan menggunakan 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke). Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data yang telah dilakukan, didapatkan penyebab utama kurang tepat dan effisiennya penggunaan Kartu Kanban


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    Purpose:The purpose of this paper is to explore the lessons learned to increase the startups’ success rate based on a case study in Selurup, a digital startup worked on food delivery services. Design/methodology/approach: To systematically identify the lessons learned, and this paper adopts the hypothesis-driven entrepreneurship framework. Guides by research questions described in the introduction section, the lessons learned are elaborated by using interviews with the co-founder. Findings: Research in this paper, ultimately suggest the emerging digital startups to follow the hypothesis-driven entrepreneurship framework as the structured approach to face the extreme uncertainty that typically faced by the startups. Research limitations/implications: Research in this paper explores the lessons learned only from one startup. Consequently, the lesson learned might not represented all the startups in Indonesia. Practical implications: It is expected that the lessons learned from this research can give positive contribution to increase the emerging digital startups success rate. Originality/value: This study academically explores the lesson learned especially from the emerging digital startups, following the hypothesis-driven entrepreneurship framework

    Architecting rural smartness: A collaborative platform design for rural digital business ecosystem

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    The wide urban–rural economic gap, particularly in developing countries, has led to various problems. To lower the gap, the participation of rural communities in digital business ecosystems is being viewed as a promising approach. To this end, we use design science research methodology to present a reference architecture of a rural smartness platform that facilitates the emergence of a smarter business ecosystem. This ecosystem embodies the characteristics of rural smartness, which are empirically proven to have a strong positive impact on improving the rural economic climate. Evaluation by means of expert opinion, technical action research, and empirical research suggest that the proposed architecture effectively improves the rural economic climate and is feasible to be implemented in a real-world setting. This paper contributes to the body of knowledge regarding the establishment of a digital business ecosystem for rural communities, particularly by proposing a solution resulting from a design science perspective that is backed by empirical evidence

    Defining Rural Smartness and Its Impact: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The utilisation of information technology to facilitate “smartness” is considered as a promising approach to improve the rural economy. However, the explanation of how the adoption of smartness in rural areas can lead to an improvement in the citizen’s economic welfare is still lacking in current studies. This paper aims to formulate a theoretical model that explains the causal mechanism of smartness adoption in rural areas to contribute to the improvement of rural citizen’s economic welfare. To achieve this, we conducted a systematic literature review based on three research questions resulting in 119 selected articles, which we used to formulate a theoretical model. The proposed model posits that rural smartness has a mediating effect on the citizen’s economic welfare through its positive impact on the competitiveness and innovativeness of rural business entities. Additionally, the proposed theoretical model highlights the necessity of adopting a smart service platform, representing the IT artefact for smartness. We argue that the adoption of such a platform would have a significant moderating effect on the competitiveness and innovativeness of rural business entities. We also contribute a comprehensive set of candidate measures we extracted from the selected literature as operationalisation of the proposed model. In terms of contribution to practice, the proposed theoretical model can be used as the starting point to guide the diffusion of smartness in rural areas