17 research outputs found

    Dampak Media Sosial Terhadap Perilaku Sosial Anak di Kota Makassar

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    Perilaku Sosial, Media Komunikas

    The Family Decision Making Patterns of Children with Special Needs: a Sociology Study of the Family

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    This study aims to explain information about the patterns of family decision making for parents who have children with special needs in the city of Makassar. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The results of the study show that parents are key figures who play a very important role in providing role models, guidance, and affection in the process of child development. The role of parents in the acceptance of children with special needs is very important. Parents are the best guides and helpers for the independence of children with special needs. The mother as one of the parents of children with special needs has an important role in understanding the needs and development of their children. This is related to the mother's acceptance of children with disabilities, which is shown in the attitude to face children. If parents lack understanding of children with special needs, it can result in a lack of attention and consider the child to be unlucky in the family. Parents are the determinants of a child's life before and after birth. Therefore, it is the responsibility of parents to fully accept the existence of their children and treat them equally in all aspects of life with children in general without any discriminatory attitude and to provide the widest possible opportunity for education

    Social Meaning of Mangara Banua Tongkonan Ceremony in Toraja Society

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    As the background of this research, there was an existence of a mismatch between idealism and reality. Social change that lead to a negative change of Westernization or a change that lead to cultural destruction, but in reality therewere many cultures that had been preserved. In this case, the researchers studied the local culture that existed until now. For example, Mangrara Banua Tongkonan ceremony, the researchers saw that only the major of young generation in Tanah Toraja people knew specifically the meaning of Mangrara Banua Tongkonan Ceremony. The type of research was descriptive qualitative research that a method in research the status of community, an object, an event. The location of this research was conducted in Ariang Village, Makale Sub-district, Tana Toraja Regency, with data collection technique were observation and interview with respondents .The results obtained about the meaning of social Mangrara Banua Tongkonan ceremony in Tana Torajawas analyzed descriptively qualitative, it can be concluded that the cause of Mangrara Banua Tongkonan ceremony was still preserved until now because of the value, tradition and the active participation of the community. While the meaning in Mangrara BanuaTongkonan ceremony was connotative and denotative meanings

    Revolusi Hijau pada Perubahan Sosial Komunitas Tani (Studi Alat Produksi di Desa Tebongeano, Kecamatan Lambai, Kabupaten Kolaka Utara)

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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif untuk memperoleh gambaran secara mendalam tentang komunitas petani dengan menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi. Informan dipilih secara purposive sampling dengan beberapa kriteria yang telah ditentukan oleh peneliti, yakni kepala desa, ketua pertanian, dan enam orang dari komunitas petani yang ada di Desa Tebongeano, Kecamatan Lambai, Kabupaten Kolaka Utara. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi langsung, wawancara (interview), dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Perubahan sosial komunitas petani dan dampaknya terhadap budaya pada komunitas petani di Desa Tebongeano, Kec. Lambai, Kab. Kolaka Utara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perubahan sosial kehidupan komunitas petani banyak mengalami dinamisasi. Perubahan tersebut disebabkan oleh berbagai persoalan yang timbul dari luar yang memengaruhi pola perilaku dan tindakan sosial masyarakat petani; pergeseran nilai gotong royong masyarakat petani dalam kehidupan sosial digantikan oleh sistem upah; dan masuknya berbagai perangkat teknologi pertanian yang mengubah kehidupan masyarakat petani. Adapun dampak Perubahan sosial terhadap budaya pada komunitas petani di Desa Tebongeano, Kecamatan Lambai, Kabupaten Kolaka Utara adalah adanya pergeseran budaya sedikit demi sedikit sebagai akibat dari keberadaan teknologi yang semakin berkembang, sehingga penduduk desa memaksa diri untuk menyesuaikan dengan keterbatasan pengetahuan dan ekonomi

    Interelasi Tradisi-Modernisasi pada Masyarakat Towuti Kabupaten Luwu Timur

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    This research is based on the change of tradition in Towuti society more on the lifestyle of city society or westland culture. But the problem is the relationship and the impact that occurs due to the interrelation of tradition-modernization. This research is a content analysis research. This type of research is a type of qualitative data type. Qualitative data include the condition of the research area and the physical aspects of the research area. Data were collected using observation, literature review and documentation study. The analysis method used is the analysis of overlay and descriptive analysis. The informants were determined purpusive sampling. Data collection techniques are observation, documentation, interview. Data analysis techniques through various stages of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion, while the technique of data validity using source triage, time and technique. The results of this study indicate that, (i) relationships that occur between communities are still good although there have been changes little by little. (ii) the impact of adopting a society that upholds tradition and modern society with various changes.Keywords: Society, Traditional, Modernization

    Interaksi Sosial Anak Autis di Sekolah Inklusi (Studi Sosiologi Pada Sekolah Inklusi di Kota Makassar)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan informasi tentang interaksi sosial anak autis di sekolah inklusi di Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru pendidik khusus merupakan tokoh kunci yang memegang peran sangat penting dalam memberikan bimbingan dan arahan dalam proses interaksi anak. Peran guru pendidik khusus dalam pembinaan mengenal lingkungan sekolah dan berkomunikasi dengan teman-teman sangat penting, guru merupakan pembimbing dan penolong terbaik setelah orang tua untuk kemandirian dalam lingkungan sosial.Lingkungan yang mempengaruhi interaksi sosial anak adalah lingkungan sekolah. Sekolah lingkungan kedua setelah lingkungan keluarga, karena sekolah anak sedang dalam tahap belajar dan bersosialisasi dengan teman baru. Sekolah menuntut mereka untuk dapat berkomunikasi atau memahami dengan baik di dalam dan di luar kelas, namun tidak semua anak yang mampu dengan orang lain. Mungkin ada anak yang suka menyendiri atau bermain sendiri, atau bisa juga anak yang terlalu impulsif atau hiperaktif. Anak-anak yang mengalami gangguan dalam perkembangan sosialnya. Dengan terganggunya perkembangan tersebut, mengakibatkan anak menjadi terhambat dalam hal komunikasi atau dapat berbicara, misalnya anak autis.Kemampuan anak autis untuk mengembangkan interaksi sosial dengan orang lain sangat terbatas, bahkan mereka mungkin tidak terkait rangsangan dari orang lain sama sekali. Autisme suatu kondisi anak yang mengalami gangguan hubungan sosial yang terjadi sejak lahir atau pada masa tumbuh kembang, sehingga anak terasing dari kehidupan manusia

    Socio-Economic Analysis of Street Vendors after Relocationin Makassar City (Family Sociology Prospective Study)

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    This research contributes to knowledge and ideas in improving the welfare of street vendors after relocation due to the construction of a flyover. In addition, the government's alignment with socio-economic income in meeting the livelihoods and livelihoods of marginalized communities still has many limitations. Therefore, the type of research used is a qualitative research which aims to analyze, understand and describe the welfare of the street vendors after relocation. So this study shows that (i) PKL families on Jalan Andi Pangerang Pettarani cannot be said to be prosperous because they have not met the family welfare indicators, such as some families do not have savings have never been on vacation, which is one of the family indicator

    Interaksi Sosial Pendidikan dalam Pembelajaran Online

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    This article is entitled educational social interaction in online learning which aims to provide an overview to the wider community of the importance of social interaction, especially in the educational sphere when online learning is implemented in Islamic Religious Education, University of Muhammadiyah Makassar. The method used in the preparation of this article is descriptive qualitative with a purposive sampling approach based on certain criteria so that the data obtained is in accordance with the existing facts until it is known that when viewed from an educational perspective, the implementation of online learning reduces the educational function of students due to reduced interaction which results in on the learning quality of students such as lack of understanding of learning material, communication that can be interrupted because of the network, or more interested in online games than the learning material itself. And from a family perspective, online learning is able to strengthen the relationship between parents and children so that they can understand each other better because of the frequent interactions that occur

    Keluarga dalam Interaksi Misi Pendidikan (di Kelurahan Sungguminasa, Kab. Gowa)

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    In an effort to produce a strong and quality next generation, it requires consistent effort from parents in carrying out the task of caring for and educating children both physically and spiritually. In society, the family is the smallest miniature whose role is very large. This very large role is due to the fact that the family has a very important function in the continuity of the child's educational life where this task is the obligation of parents as a family which is the first home for children in an effort to improve the quality of children's growth. In the Islamic view, children are a mandate from Allah, therefore in the context of education, interaction between parents and children is needed before the child reaches adulthood, such as having to fully protect and guide, and is also responsible for saving the family through education. Keywords: Family, Interaction, Education

    Interaksi Sosial Pendidikan dalam Pembelajaran Online

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    This article is entitled educational social interaction in online learning which aims to provide an overview to the wider community of the importance of social interaction, especially in the educational sphere when online learning is implemented in Islamic Religious Education, University of Muhammadiyah Makassar. The method used in the preparation of this article is descriptive qualitative with a purposive sampling approach based on certain criteria so that the data obtained is in accordance with the existing facts until it is known that when viewed from an educational perspective, the implementation of online learning reduces the educational function of students due to reduced interaction which results in on the learning quality of students such as lack of understanding of learning material, communication that can be interrupted because of the network, or more interested in online games than the learning material itself. And from a family perspective, online learning is able to strengthen the relationship between parents and children so that they can understand each other better because of the frequent interactions that occur