9 research outputs found

    Мониторинг земельных участков приаэродромной территории

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    This article touches upon issues related to the monitoring of land plots located in a zone with special conditions for the use of territories - the aerodrome territory of the Domodedovo airfield (Moscow). The tasks and the monitoring procedure, including the analysis and processing of the received information, as well as the directions of its use, are considered.В данной статье затронуты вопросы, связанные с мониторингом земельных участков, расположенных в зоне с особыми условиями использования территорий-приаэродромная территория аэродрома Домодедово (Москва) . Рассмотрены задачи и процедура мониторинга, включая анализ и обработку полученной информации, а также направления ее использования

    Stages of Monitoring the Process of Managing the Creation of An Online Course

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    Management in education is one of the main tools that allow the rational use of various resources in order to achieve the objectives and improve work efficiency. The article shows the opportunities provided by management for the implementation of educational processes. The purpose of the work is to identify the need of using a checklist for placing an open online course on electronic educational platforms. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature, periodicals, publications on the topic of research, analysis of developed online courses and requirements for them. It has been revealed that the current level of development of information technology opens up opportunities for training for absolutely every person, regardless of age and health. The article discloses in detail one of the ways to realize this possibility - training using open online courses, analyzes the features of various educational platforms designed to host online courses. To place an open online course on any platform, it requires careful development. The need for using a checklist in the development and creation of an online course as a mandatory tool for monitoring by the developer has been identified, since a checklist is a predefined list of tasks or actions that are used as instructions. The article describes the need and advantages of using a checklist and presents one of the options for the checklist of the course “Concepts of modern science.” An approximate algorithm for launching an online course by means of a developed checklist is presented. The necessary components of the document are determined, and the example of filling each component of the course “Concepts of modern science” is given in the paper. The checklist can be changed in accordance with the requirements for the development of a particular course, the features of the placement platform and the learning audience. The paper shows what opportunities are open for the course developer using a checklist

    Long-term neurological and behavioral results of biodegradable scaffold implantation in mice brain

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    The aim of the study was to assess the integral outcomes of implantation biocompatible scaffold as the carrier of neural stem cells in the reconstructive surgery of open traumatic brain injury (TBI) by parameters of neurological and cognitive status of the animals in the experiment. Materials and Methods. Adult male C57BL/6 mice were injured with open-skull weight-drop method. 3D hydrogel scaffold based on modified chitosan in complex with hyaluronic acid was transplanted into the lesion cavity 1 week after TBI. Using a variety of behavioral and cognitive tests (modified neurological severity scores (mNSS), open field test as well as novel object recognition and passive avoidance tests) the short-and long-term neurological and memory functions sequelae induced by TBI were assessed. Magnetic resonance imaging was used to visualize the injury site. Results. Significant functional recovery was observed on both the mNSS and open field tests in the scaffold transplantation group compared to the control TBI group. In addition, enhanced improvement of short and long-term memory functions was found 5 months post injury. Magnetic resonance imaging data revealed that the scaffold transplantation result in decreasing of the volume of injury area compared to control TBI group and preventing the disruption of the neural networks of the brain. Conclusion. Taken together, our findings indicated that transplantation of 3D biodegradable scaffold into injury cavity contributed to the preservation of volume in the damaged region in the first months after TBI which in turn led to a better functional recovery in the remote period

    Long-term neurological and behavioral results of biodegradable scaffold implantation in mice brain

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    The aim of the study was to assess the integral outcomes of implantation biocompatible scaffold as the carrier of neural stem cells in the reconstructive surgery of open traumatic brain injury (TBI) by parameters of neurological and cognitive status of the animals in the experiment. Materials and Methods. Adult male C57BL/6 mice were injured with open-skull weight-drop method. 3D hydrogel scaffold based on modified chitosan in complex with hyaluronic acid was transplanted into the lesion cavity 1 week after TBI. Using a variety of behavioral and cognitive tests (modified neurological severity scores (mNSS), open field test as well as novel object recognition and passive avoidance tests) the short-and long-term neurological and memory functions sequelae induced by TBI were assessed. Magnetic resonance imaging was used to visualize the injury site. Results. Significant functional recovery was observed on both the mNSS and open field tests in the scaffold transplantation group compared to the control TBI group. In addition, enhanced improvement of short and long-term memory functions was found 5 months post injury. Magnetic resonance imaging data revealed that the scaffold transplantation result in decreasing of the volume of injury area compared to control TBI group and preventing the disruption of the neural networks of the brain. Conclusion. Taken together, our findings indicated that transplantation of 3D biodegradable scaffold into injury cavity contributed to the preservation of volume in the damaged region in the first months after TBI which in turn led to a better functional recovery in the remote period

    Systematic bias in estimates of reproductive potential of an Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) stock: implications for stock–recruit theory and management

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    Stock–recruit relationships that use spawning stock biomass (SSB) to represent reproductive potential assume that the proportion of SSB composed of females and the relative fecundity (number of eggs produced per unit mass) are both constant over time. To test these two assumptions, female-only spawner biomass (FSB) and total egg production (TEP) were estimated for the Northeast Arctic stock of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) over a 56-year time period. The proportion of females (FSB/SSB) varied between 24% and 68%, and the variation was systematic with length such that SSB became more female-biased as the mean length of spawners increased. Relative fecundity of the stock (TEP/SSB) varied between 115 and 355 eggs·g–1 and was significantly, positively correlated with mean length of spawners. Both FSB and TEP gave a different interpretation of the recruitment response to reductions in stock size (overcompensatory) compared with that obtained using SSB (either compensatory or depensatory). There was no difference between SSB and FSB in the assessment of stock status; however, in recent years (1980–2001) TEP fell below the threshold level at which recruitment becomes impaired more frequently than did SSB. This suggests that using SSB as a measure of stock reproductive potential could lead to overly optimistic assessments of stock status

    Wave Propagation in a Range Dependent Waveguide

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