6 research outputs found

    Abstracts from the 8th International Conference on cGMP Generators, Effectors and Therapeutic Implications

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    This work was supported by a restricted research grant of Bayer AG

    The inner mechanics of rhodopsin guanylyl cyclase during cGMP-formation revealed by real-time FTIR spectroscopy

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    Enzymerhodopsins represent a recently discovered class of rhodopsins which includes histidine kinase rhodopsin, rhodopsin phosphodiesterases, and rhodopsin guanylyl cyclases (RGCs). The regulatory influence of the rhodopsin domain on the enzyme activity is only partially understood and holds the key for a deeper understanding of intra-molecular signaling pathways. Here, we present a UV-Vis and FTIR study about the light-induced dynamics of a RGC from the fungus Catenaria anguillulae, which provides insights into the catalytic process. After the spectroscopic characterization of the late rhodopsin photoproducts, we analyzed truncated variants and revealed the involvement of the cytosolic N-terminus in the structural rearrangements upon photo-activation of the protein. We tracked the catalytic reaction of RGC and the free GC domain independently by UV-light induced release of GTP from the photolabile NPE-GTP substrate. Our results show substrate binding to the dark-adapted RGC and GC alike and reveal differences between the constructs attributable to the regulatory influence of the rhodopsin on the conformation of the binding pocket. By monitoring the phosphate rearrangement during cGMP and pyrophosphate formation in light-activated RGC, we were able to confirm the M state as the active state of the protein. The described setup and experimental design enable real-time monitoring of substrate turnover in light-activated enzymes on a molecular scale, thus opening the pathway to a deeper understanding of enzyme activity and protein-protein interactions

    Rhodopsin-cyclases for photocontrol of cGMP/cAMP and 2.3 Å structure of the adenylyl cyclase domain

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    The cyclic nucleotides cAMP and cGMP are important second messengers that orchestrate fundamental cellular responses. Here, we present the characterization of the rhodopsinguanylyl cyclase from Catenaria anguillulae (CaRhGC), which produces cGMP in response to green light with a light to dark activity ratio > 1000. After light excitation the putative signaling state forms with tau = 31 ms and decays with tau = 570 ms. Mutations (up to 6) within the nucleotide binding site generate rhodopsin-adenylyl cyclases (CaRhACs) of which the double mutated YFP-CaRhAC (E497K/C566D) is the most suitable for rapid cAMP production in neurons. Furthermore, the crystal structure of the ligand-bound AC domain (2.25 angstrom) reveals detailed information about the nucleotide binding mode within this recently discovered class of enzyme rhodopsin. Both YFP-CaRhGC and YFP-CaRhAC are favorable optogenetic tools for non-invasive, cell-selective, and spatio-temporally precise modulation of cAMP/cGMP with light

    Simultaneous recording of multiple cellular signaling events by frequency- and spectrally-tuned multiplexing of fluorescent probes

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    Fluorescent probes that change their spectral properties upon binding to small biomolecules, ions, or changes in the membrane potential (V(m)) are invaluable tools to study cellular signaling pathways. Here, we introduce a novel technique for simultaneous recording of multiple probes at millisecond time resolution: frequency- and spectrally-tuned multiplexing (FAST(M)). Different from present multiplexing approaches, FAST(M) uses phase-sensitive signal detection, which renders various combinations of common probes for V(m) and ions accessible for multiplexing. Using kinetic stopped-flow fluorimetry, we show that FAST(M) allows simultaneous recording of rapid changes in Ca(2+), pH, Na(+), and V(m) with high sensitivity and minimal crosstalk. FAST(M) is also suited for multiplexing using single-cell microscopy and genetically encoded FRET biosensors. Moreover, FAST(M) is compatible with optochemical tools to study signaling using light. Finally, we show that the exceptional time resolution of FAST(M) also allows resolving rapid chemical reactions. Altogether, FAST(M) opens new opportunities for interrogating cellular signaling