31 research outputs found

    Variation of Laplace spectra of compact "nearly" hyperbolic surfaces

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    We use the time real analyticity of Ricci flow proved by Kotschwar to extend a result in ~\cite{B}, namely, we prove that the Laplace spectra of negatively curved compact surfaces having same genus γ2\gamma \geq 2, same area and same curvature bounds vary in a "controlled way", of which we give a quantitative estimate (Theorem 1.1 below). We also observe how said real analyticity can lead to unexpected conclusions about spectral properties of generic metrics on a compact surface of genus γ2\gamma \geq 2 (Proposition 1.5 below).Comment: 7 pages, comments welcome

    Boundedness of spectral multipliers of generalized Laplacians on compact manifolds with boundary

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    Consider a second order, strongly elliptic negative semidefinite differential operator LL (maybe a system) on a compact Riemannian manifold M\overline{M} with smooth boundary, where the domain of LL is defined by a coercive boundary condition. Classically known results, and also recent work in \cite{DOS} and \cite{DM} establish sufficient conditions for LBMOLL^\infty-\text{BMO}_L continuity of φ(A)\varphi(\sqrt{A}), where φS10(R)\varphi \in S^0_1(\mathbb{R}), and AA is a suitable elliptic operator. Using a variant of the Cheeger-Gromov-Taylor functional calculus due to \cite{MMV}, and short time bounds on the integral kernel of etLe^{tL} due to \cite{G}, we prove that a variant of such sufficient conditions holds for our operator LL.Comment: 20 pages, updated version, comments most welcome

    On maximizing the fundamental frequency of the complement of an obstacle

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    Let ΩRn\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n be a bounded domain satisfying a Hayman-type asymmetry condition, and let D D be an arbitrary bounded domain referred to as "obstacle". We are interested in the behaviour of the first Dirichlet eigenvalue λ1(Ω(x+D)) \lambda_1(\Omega \setminus (x+D)) . First, we prove an upper bound on λ1(Ω(x+D)) \lambda_1(\Omega \setminus (x+D)) in terms of the distance of the set x+D x+D to the set of maximum points x0 x_0 of the first Dirichlet ground state ϕλ1>0 \phi_{\lambda_1} > 0 of Ω \Omega . In short, a direct corollary is that if \begin{equation} \mu_\Omega := \max_{x}\lambda_1(\Omega \setminus (x+D)) \end{equation} is large enough in terms of λ1(Ω) \lambda_1(\Omega) , then all maximizer sets x+D x+D of μΩ \mu_\Omega are close to each maximum point x0 x_0 of ϕλ1 \phi_{\lambda_1} . Second, we discuss the distribution of ϕλ1(Ω) \phi_{\lambda_1(\Omega)} and the possibility to inscribe wavelength balls at a given point in Ω \Omega . Finally, we specify our observations to convex obstacles D D and show that if μΩ \mu_\Omega is sufficiently large with respect to λ1(Ω) \lambda_1(\Omega) , then all maximizers x+D x+D of μΩ \mu_\Omega contain all maximum points x0 x_0 of ϕλ1(Ω) \phi_{\lambda_1(\Omega)} .Comment: 6 pages, comments most welcome

    Polyhedral billiards, eigenfunction concentration and almost periodic control

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    We study dynamical properties of the billiard flow on convex polyhedra away from a neighbourhood of the non-smooth part of the boundary, called ``pockets''. We prove there are only finitely many immersed periodic tubes missing the pockets and moreover establish a new quantitative estimate for the lengths of such tubes. This extends well-known results in dimension 22. We then apply these dynamical results to prove a quantitative Laplace eigenfunction mass concentration near the pockets of convex polyhedral billiards. As a technical tool for proving our concentration results on irrational polyhedra, we establish a control-theoretic estimate on a product space with an almost-periodic boundary condition. This extends previously known control estimates for periodic boundary conditions, and seems to be of independent interest.Comment: 32 pages, a few sections reorganised and a few results adde

    A Spectral Gap Estimate and Applications

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    We consider the Schr\"odinger operator -\frac{d^2}{d x^2} + V \qquad \mbox{on an interval}~~[a,b]~\mbox{with Dirichlet boundary conditions}, where VV is bounded from below and prove a lower bound on the first eigenvalue λ1\lambda_1 in terms of sublevel estimates: if wV(y)=Iy, where Iy:={x[a,b]:V(x)y}, w_V(y) = |I_y|,\text{ where } I_y := \left\{ x \in [a,b]: V(x) \leq y \right\}, then λ11250miny>minV(1wV(y)2+y). \lambda_1 \geq \frac{1}{250} \min_{y > \min V}{\left(\frac{1}{w_V(y)^2} + y\right)}. The result is sharp up to a universal constant if {x[a,b]:V(x)y}\left\{ x \in [a,b]: V(x) \leq y \right\} is an interval for the value of yy solving the minimization problem. An immediate application is as follows: let ΩR2\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^2 be a convex domain with inradius ρ\rho and diameter DD and let u:ΩRu:\Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R} be the first eigenfunction of the Laplacian Δ-\Delta on Ω\Omega with Dirichlet boundary conditions on Ω\partial \Omega. We prove uL1ρ(ρD)1/6uL2, \| u \|_{L^{\infty}} \lesssim \frac{1}{\rho^{}} \left( \frac{\rho}{D} \right)^{1/6} \|u\|_{L^2}, which answers a question of van den Berg in the special case of two dimensions