8 research outputs found

    Digital Authentic Resource and Activity Needs of English Major Students for Autonomous Learning through Self-Access Center (SAC)

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    To boost English major students’ autonomous learning beyond classroom learning through the Self-Access Center (SAC), the provision of learning resources and activities in SAC should meet their needs. The issue that arises is that little is known about the specific needs of autonomous learning in SAC for English major students. This research focuses on autonomous learning based on the needs of digital authentic resources and activities through SAC as accelerated learning outside the classroom for students majoring in English. A mixed method was applied based on the need analysis model by Hutchinson and Waters (1987). Around 51 English major students of UMM as users of “American Corner” (Amcor) UMM were required to fill out the questionnaires consisting of 6 questions adapted from Ortiz (2006) and 16 of them were selected as interview participants. Observation was also held to support both data. The findings revealed the digital authentic resource needed, lacking, and wanted the most by English major students. Additionally, the types of activities needed the most to support autonomous learning in SAC were also described. The implication of the research is for SAC managers to consider future development and recommendations of resource provision as well as ideas for forthcoming programs of SAC based on the identified needs particularly for the English major students

    Students' Needs for Autonomous Learning through Self-Access Center Resources and Activities: A Survey on the Target and Learning Needs of SAC Users

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    The Self-Access Center (SAC) is one of the infrastructures for realizing the self-access approach as one of the modes of learning beyond the classroom (LBC) that is essent ial to the manifestation of the student -centered approach in language education. This study looked at the target needs of English department students for independent learning using SAC resources and their learning needs for independent learning using SAC activit ies. There were 51 universit y students participated in the study using a mix of questionnaire and interview data collect ion techniques. The study revealed that the student's primary necessit y for autonomous learning resources of SAC was materials for specific English skills out of the classroom supported with the use of sufficient internet resources and a nat ive speaker as a resource. It is to fulfill their short and long terms goals to attend in SAC. It was also discovered that the students preferred individual reading, free writ ing, nat ive American speaker advisors, and listening act ivit ies. Vocabulary, pronunciat ion, and grammar need to be progressively integrated into t hese programs since many of them wish to be overseen by Nat ive American speakers, notably for the American English pronunciat ion model, and non-nat ive speakers for English grammar

    Students' Needs for Autonomous Learning through Self-Access Center Resources and Activities: A Survey on the Target and Learning Needs of SAC Users

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    The Self-Access Center (SAC) is one of the infrastructures for realizing the self-access approach as one of the modes of learning beyond the classroom (LBC) that is essential to the manifestation of the student-centered approach in language education. This study looked at the target needs of English department students for independent learning using SAC resources and their learning needs for independent learning using SAC activities. There were 51 university students participated in the study using a mix of questionnaire and interview data collection techniques. The study revealed that the student's primary necessity for autonomous learning resources of SAC was materials for specific English skills out of the classroom supported with the use of sufficient internet resources and a native speaker as a resource. It is to fulfill their short and long terms goals to attend in SAC. It was also discovered that the students preferred individual reading, free writing, native American speaker advisors, and listening activities. Vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar need to be progressively integrated into these programs since many of them wish to be overseen by Native American speakers, notably for the American English pronunciation model, and non-native speakers for English grammar

    Waterpass Digital Berbasis Arduino Nano

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    The process of measuring the slope of the right and left plane is done by hardening the digital arduino-based water formwork and the waterpass for the slope. The weakness of this method is that it takes a relatively long time for the measurement process and the slope results are not represented in units of 0 degrees. Digital measurements and water passes are easier to do because the time required for measurements is relatively short and the tilt angle is presented in units of degrees. This paper describes the design of digital waterpass measuring devices using the MMA 7361L Accelerometer Sensor which is based on a microcontroller and ATmega8. Accelerometer MMA 7361L sensor is used to read the tilt of the x, y, z axis with an output in the form of an analog voltage that is converted into digital form with the ADC on the microcontroller. The results of testing the instrument on the right side of the floor slope measurement obtained the accuracy of sensor readings with an average accuracy of 99.95% and the average accuracy of sensor readings on the left position is 96.95%

    Monetary Policy and Asset Price Channel: Recommendations for the Policy Makers of Developing Countries

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    Given the lack of strong institutional framework and relatively unstable political situation in developing countries, it is very essential to come up with a different and suitable monetary policy for those countries. A longstanding macroeconomic issue is how monetary policy affects the real economy. Asset price channel is one of the most important channels of monetary transmission mechanism. In this study, we explored the asset price channel of monetary transmission mechanism in a developing country’s setup. We carried out our analysis in the framework of Vector Auto Regression while taking account of all the limitations of time series data. Our benchmark model accounts for simultaneity and interdependence among variables. We tested for both short and long term relationships. Our data set contains quarterly data for twenty years. We applied Johansen Co integration test, Vector Error Correction Model and Granger causality. We came across some puzzling and alarming results.  Our analysis reveals that stock prices have a negative long run relationship with investment and output while it is generally expected that a tight monetary policy is linked with decrease in prices.  This kind of puzzling results should be taken into consideration by the central bank. Further, the analysis of the long term relationship between investment and other variables reveal that there is negative long run relationship between investment and interest rate; therefore, the central bank should be cautious while taking monetary policy actions. Interest rate is not causing any of the variables included in the asset price channel which means that interest rate is a weak policy tool as for as its effect in the asset price channel is concerned. Keywords: Asset price channel, monetary transmission mechanism, money supply, stock prices, economic policies

    Arms Race, Economic Growth, and Government (Military and Non Military) Expenditure: Empirical Investigation for India and Pakistan

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    This study examines the relationship of economic growth with civilian and military portions of government expenditure for two neighboring countries and nuclear powers; India and Pakistan. Considering the rough bilateral relationship between the two countries, the paper also seeks to determine the existence of arms race between them. For this purpose, Johansen cointegration and Granger causality tests are applied while taking account of the limitations of time series data.  Our cointegration results indicate a positive impact of military spending on economic growth for India and a negative impact for Pakistan. In case of government civilian expenditure and economic growth, the relationship is statistically insignificant for Pakistan while it is negative and significant for India. The Granger causality results show lack of any causal relationship of economic growth with government and military spending for Pakistan. In case of India, economic growth is Granger caused by government as well as military expenditure. Bidirectional causality is found between defense spending of India and defense spending of Pakistan. Keywords: Government expenditure, Military expenditure, Economic Growth, Arms race, Cointegration, Granger causalit


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    Trade plays an important role in enhancing societal welfare, but there are several factors that affect the trade of the country.  In this study, three sectors of Pakistan including agriculture, manufacturing, and energy sector have been analyzed. The objective was to compare the responses of three different sectors to the exchange rate volatility as well as the selected determinant of the international trade of Pakistan. For this purpose, an empirical analysis is carried out analyzing annual data covering the period 1982 to 2014. GARCH technique has been used to measure volatility in the real effective exchange rate of Pakistan. Moreover, the unit root test (ADF) has been applied to determine the order of integration of the variables. All the variables were found non-stationary at level but stationary at first difference determining integration of order 1. To compare the response of exports and imports to the exchange rate volatility and other selected determinants, simultaneous equation modeling has been used in all three sectors. Hausman’s test result shows the presence of endogeneity. To come over the problem of endogeneity in estimation, the 2SLS method was used for empirical results. This study has contributed to the existing literature through its sectorial analysis i.e., agriculture, manufacture, and energy sector. As in previous literature sector-wise study has not been done. &nbsp

    Lead-borate glass system doped with Sm3+ ions for the X-ray shielding applications

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    The impact of varying Sm2O3 content on radiation shielding properties of 15PbF2: (65-x) B2O3: 20K2O:xSm2O3 (where 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.5 mol %) glass samples, was investigated by studying their physical, radio-luminescence and X-ray-shielding characteristics. The density of glasses increased with an increase in Sm2O3 contents. Evaluating the X-ray shielding parameters like mass and linear attenuation coefficients, half- and tenth- value layer, lead equivalent thickness and mean free path, it was found that the linear and mass attenuation coefficients decrease with a rise in Sm3+ concentration in the 70–120-kVp-energy range. The half- and tenth-value layers of the developed glasses increase with increasing energy and vary randomly with changing Sm2O3 contents. Comparing the determined HVL data with that of the concrete, red brick, commercial window, and X-ray window at 120 keV, it is found that the developed glass performs better shielding. The obtained results revealed that this glass has excellent potential and could be used as a radiation-shielding material in various applications