125 research outputs found

    Accumulation and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan Economy

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    The study analyzes the contribution of external debt to Pakistan's economic growth. To investigate whether the external debt has contributed to the economic growth in the long run, extended Solow growth model is used. To test model Johnson co integration technique is applied on time series data for the period of 1972-2013. ADF test also being used to check stationarity of series. Results disclosed, negative relationship between external and economic growth of Pakistan. Keywords: External debt, economic growth, developing countries

    Comparative Analysis Of Cloud Computing Security Issues

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    Almost all the organizations are seriously thinking to adopt the cloud computingservices, seeing its benefits in terms of cost, accessibility, availability, flexibility andhighly automated process of updation. Cloud Computing enhance the current capabilitiesdynamically without further investment. Cloud Computing is a band of resources, applicationsand services. In cloud computing customer’s access IT related services in terms of infrastructure platform and software without getting knowledge of underlying technologies. With the executionof cloud computing, organizations have strong concerns about the security of their data.Organizations are hesitating to take initiatives in the deployment of their businesses due to data security problem. This paper gives an overview of cloud computing and analysis of security issues in cloud computing

    School Excellence: Principals’ Perceptions

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    It was generally believed that the education system of Pakistan, in general, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, in particular, was in shambles. Barring a few exceptions, the schools in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa direly needed improvement. Turning schools into Centres of Excellence required identification of factors that promoted effectiveness and excellence. The study was carried out to identify factors promoting excellence in schools in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The population of the study included all the boys’ high Schools of Peshawar city. The sample comprised 30 principals/headmasters of boys’ high schools (26 from private sector and 4 from public sector). The tool of the study was an opinionnaire, which was fielded to principals/headmasters of both sectors. The opinionnaire contained items and statements of multi-dimensional nature. The data analysis was given both quantitative and qualitative treatment. In order to be logical and scientific in approach the analysis was further made meaningful with the application of statistical measures. The outcome of the study revealed a number of factors that could help convert a school into a centre of excellence. Keywords: Excellence, Effective, Public and private schools, Opinionnaire, Factor

    Exports-Led Growth Hypothesis: The Econometric Evidence From Pakistan

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    The study aims at investigating the Export-led growth hypothesis in Pakistan by applying Unit root test, Co-integration, Vector error model and Granger causality tests. Time series data of the selected variables (Real GDP, capital, employed labor force, exports, consumer price index and terms of trade) for the period of 1972-2012 is used for analysis. The export-led growth hypothesis claims that exports positively contribute to economic growth. The results revealed that there is a strong positive long run as well as short run relationship between exports and economic growth in Pakistan. It is recommended on the basis of findings that the government should announce export bonus, export financing and export credit guarantee schemes to encourage the exports. Export processing zones should be established. These zones will not only catch the attention of foreign investors but also provide access to international markets to Pakistani exporters

    Generation of Julia and Mandelbrot Sets via Fixed Points

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    The aim of this paper is to present an application of a fixed point iterative process in generation of fractals namely Julia and Mandelbrot sets for the complex polynomials of the form T(x)=xn+mx+r where m,r is an element of C and n >= 2. Fractals represent the phenomena of expanding or unfolding symmetries which exhibit similar patterns displayed at every scale. We prove some escape time results for the generation of Julia and Madelbrot sets using a Picard Ishikawa type iterative process. A visualization of the Julia and Mandelbrot sets for certain complex polynomials is presented and their graphical behaviour is examined. We also discuss the effects of parameters on the color variation and shape of fractals.This research was funded by Basque Government through grant number IT 1207-19

    Biofortification: High zinc wheat programme – The potential agricultural options for alleviating malnutrition in Pakistan

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    The deficiency of micronutrients (zinc, iron, iodine and vitamin A) is persistently afflicting millions of people living across Africa, Southern Americas, Asia and Pakistan. Among these, the zinc deficiency syndrome is occurring by 47.6, 41.3, and 39.2% in pregnant, non-pregnant and children under 5 years, respectively in Pakistan. The reason being that majority of the people subsists on cereal-based diets, i.e., wheat. The commercially grown wheat varieties contain zinc about 25 mg/g, whereas about 40 mg/g zinc is required in daily diet.The potential risk of zinc deficiency could be mitigated through certain interventions i.e., mineral drugs, food supplements, diversity in diets, production of fortified foods, and genetic biofortification of staple food crops. Among these, quantum increase in zinc content in wheat grains through genetic manipulation would be basics to alleviate zinc deficiency in the malnourished communities. The objective of the programme is to enhance the concentration of zinc nutrient from 25 to 40 mg/g in wheat grains through conventional plant breeding techniques.Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad in collaboration with Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and International Maize & Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and HarvestPlus, Pakistan started R&D works to develop biofortified high zinc wheat varieties containing around 40 mg/g in the year 2009. The biofortified wheat crop is developed through conventional plant breeding techniques. The germplasm inherited with high zinc nutrient are crossed with high yielding and adopted to ecological conditions. The varieties are high yielding, and inheriting zinc around 40 mg/g in the grains under both irrigated and rainfed production environments. The Government of Punjab has also given high priority to develop and consume biofortified high zinc wheat in its multi-sectoral Nutrition Strategy Plan 2015, as potential agricultural option to address malnutrition in the Punjab province

    Biofortification: High zinc wheat programme – The potential agricultural options for alleviating malnutrition in Pakistan

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    <p>The deficiency of micronutrients (zinc, iron, iodine and vitamin A) is persistently afflicting millions of people living across Africa, Southern Americas, Asia and Pakistan. Among these, the zinc deficiency syndrome is occurring by 47.6, 41.3, and 39.2% in pregnant, non-pregnant and children under 5 years, respectively in Pakistan. The reason being that majority of the people subsists on cereal-based diets, i.e., wheat. The commercially grown wheat varieties contain zinc about 25 mg/g, whereas about 40 mg/g zinc is required in daily diet.</p><p>The potential risk of zinc deficiency could be mitigated through certain interventions i.e., mineral drugs, food supplements, diversity in diets, production of fortified foods, and genetic biofortification of staple food crops. Among these, quantum increase in zinc content in wheat grains through genetic manipulation would be basics to alleviate zinc deficiency in the malnourished communities. The objective of the programme is to enhance the concentration of zinc nutrient from 25 to 40 mg/g in wheat grains through conventional plant breeding techniques.</p>Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad in collaboration with Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and International Maize &amp; Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and HarvestPlus, Pakistan started R&amp;D works to develop biofortified high zinc wheat varieties containing around 40 mg/g in the year 2009. The biofortified wheat crop is developed through conventional plant breeding techniques. The germplasm inherited with high zinc nutrient are crossed with high yielding and adopted to ecological conditions. The varieties are high yielding, and inheriting zinc around 40 mg/g in the grains under both irrigated and rainfed production environments. The Government of Punjab has also given high priority to develop and consume biofortified high zinc wheat in its multi-sectoral Nutrition Strategy Plan 2015, as potential agricultural option to address malnutrition in the Punjab province


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    The present study was conducted with major focus on assessing psychological problems of women policing and its effects on their performance. The main objectives of the study to investigates problems of, psychological and harassment problems at work place, and women police personnel performance. This study universe was district Peshawar. The total sample size was70 which was randomly selected on the analogy of Sekaran (2003). The study major findings are that various problems confronted by female police personnel such as women police personnel are confronted with problems in managing theirchildren feel stressed due to household responsibilities as well as job responsibilities, and expectations being wife, mother or sister are unmet due to job responsibilities revealed by study. Furthermore, psychological and sexual harassment are evident with regard to women police personnel which affect their performance significantly. It includes exertion of pressure from higher authorities and instigating female police personnel for sexual relationships are key problems affecting female police performance. The government should provide separate staying facilities at police stations which include all modern facilities andfinancial help to decrease their problems. The department should strictly implement moral code and exemplary punishment should  be given to those who are involved in the sexual harassment in the  organization. Equal opportunities should be given in the promotion and assigning duties to female police personnel are some of suggestions on the basis of study findings


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    The present study was conducted with major focus on assessing psychological problems of women policing and its effects on their performance. The main objectives of the study to investigates problems of, psychological and harassment problems at work place, and women police personnel performance. This study universe was district Peshawar. The total sample size was70 which was randomly selected on the analogy of Sekaran (2003). The study major findings are that various problems confronted by female police personnel such as women police personnel are confronted with problems in managing theirchildren feel stressed due to household responsibilities as well as job responsibilities, and expectations being wife, mother or sister are unmet due to job responsibilities revealed by study. Furthermore, psychological and sexual harassment are evident with regard to women police personnel which affect their performance significantly. It includes exertion of pressure from higher authorities and instigating female police personnel for sexual relationships are key problems affecting female police performance. The government should provide separate staying facilities at police stations which include all modern facilities andfinancial help to decrease their problems. The department should strictly implement moral code and exemplary punishment should  be given to those who are involved in the sexual harassment in the  organization. Equal opportunities should be given in the promotion and assigning duties to female police personnel are some of suggestions on the basis of study findings

    Accelerated Modified Tseng’s Extragradient Method for Solving Variational Inequality Problems in Hilbert Spaces

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    The aim of this paper is to propose a new iterative algorithm to approximate the solution for a variational inequality problem in real Hilbert spaces. A strong convergence result for the above problem is established under certain mild conditions. Our proposed method requires the computation of only one projection onto the feasible set in each iteration. Some numerical examples are presented to support that our proposed method performs better than some known comparable methods for solving variational inequality problems.This research was funded by Basque Government: IT1207-19
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