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    El clima organizacional se ha constituido en una herramienta por excelencia, para alcanzar las metas de la organizaci\uf3n, tiene repercusiones en el rendimiento, productividad, satisfacci\uf3n y el comportamiento laboral del trabajador. En este estudio se analiz\uf3 el clima organizacional dominante en los servicios p\ufablicos de odontolog\ueda adscritos al Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud de Barquisimeto (MPPS), estado Lara. Ochenta profesionales de odontolog\ueda conformaron la poblaci\uf3n objetivo. Se utiliz\uf3 un cuestionario estructurado, los puntajes obtenidos en la escala general y subescalas se establecieron de acuerdo al n\ufamero de reactivos. El clima organizacional dominante se determin\uf3 centrado en las actividades y en los resultados de la organizaci\uf3n. Se encontr\uf3 72,5% y 27,5%, de los odont\uf3logos est\ue1n medianamente satisfechos y satisfechos, percibieron un clima organizacional favorable y muy favorable; asimismo, 10% y 82,5%, apreci\uf3 que las relaciones sociales son medianamente satisfactorias y satisfactorias, con un clima predominantemente favorable. Casi la totalidad 90,9% de los odont\uf3logos valor\uf3 la integraci\uf3n organizacional como alta, sin embargo, percibieron un clima organizacional favorable y muy favorable. El clima dominante fue un "clima ambiguo" y "clima de desaf\uedo", concluyente por la alta orientaci\uf3n a la tarea y alta orientaci\uf3n a las relaciones en un ambiente de trabajo propicio. Los resultados servir\ue1n a los directivos de los servicios de odontolog\ueda y gerentes de los establecimientos de salud, para que se implanten estrategias gerenciales pertinentes en el ambiente de trabajo. Esta investigaci\uf3n es patrocinada por el CDCHT/UCLA bajo el c\uf3digo 017-RCS-2011. PALABRAS CLAVES DEL AUTOR: Clima organizacional. Servicios odontol\uf3gicos. ABSTRACT PREDOMINANT ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATE IN THE DENTAL PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES IN THE IRIBARREN COUNTY, STATE OF LARA The organizational climate is considered an excellent tool to reach organization goals, it influences the performance, production, satisfaction, and work behavior of the workers. In this study predominant organizational climate in dental public health services ascribed to the "Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud" (MPPS), Barquisimeto, Lara State, was analyzed. Eighty dental professionals comprised the objective population. A structured questionnaire was used, the scores obtained in the general scale and sub-scales were based on the number of items. The predominant organizational climate was determined by measuring the activities and in the organization results. It was found that 72.5% and 27.5% of the dentists are moderately satisfied and satisfied, and perceived a favorable and very favorable organizational climate; moreover, 10% and 82.5% considered that social relations are moderately satisfactory and satisfactory with climate mainly favorable. Almost all 90,7 of the dentist reported high organizational integration, however, perceived a favorable organizational climate. The predominant climate was an "ambiguous and challenging climate", this due to the high orientation towards the task and high orientation for relations in an appropriate workplace. The results will contribute to the directors of the dental services and managers of health departments, towards the implementation of pertinent managerial strategies in the workplace. This investigation was sponsored by CDCHT/UCLA under the code number 017-RCS-2011. KEY WORDS: Organizational climate. Dental health dentist. (DeCS: Bireme, Lilacs).<br


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    Se realiz\uf3 una investigaci\uf3n descriptiva, transversal, para establecer el perfil cl\uednico-epidemiol\uf3gico del S\uedndrome de Lipodistrofia (SLD) en pacientes con VIH/SIDA. La poblaci\uf3n estuvo constituida por 80 pacientes seropositivos, que asistieron a la consulta de SIDA/ITS del Hospital Universitario "Dr. Miguel Ora\ue1" de Guanare, de estos, conformaron la muestra 58, diagnosticados previamente con SDL y cumplieron con los criterios de inclusi\uf3n y exclusi\uf3n del estudio. Los datos fueron obtenidos de fuente primaria, directamente de los pacientes y fuente secundaria de las historias cl\uednicas. Se encontr\uf3 que la edad present\uf3 una variaci\uf3n 38,4 +- 12,5 a\uf1os, Los h\ue1bitos alcoh\uf3licos (44,8%) y h\ue1bitos tab\ue1quicos e hipertensi\uf3n arterial (41,4%) son los antecedentes familiares m\ue1s relevantes. El tiempo de diagn\uf3stico de VIH/SIDA y tratamiento antirretroviral combinado fue =3D 4 a\uf1os en 56,6% de los pacientes; m\ue1s de la mitad (52,2%) tienen un tiempo de uso menor o igual a 3 a\uf1os; s\uf3lo 10,9% ha utilizado antirretrovirales entre 10 y 15 a\uf1os. Del total de pacientes con \uedndice de masa corporal normal, 61,3% present\uf3 s\uedndrome ginecoide. Las alteraciones en cara-mejilla, tr\uedceps y b\uedceps se diagnosticaron en mayor porcentaje en hombres que en mujeres, no obstante, en estas \ufaltimas, fue predominante el aumento del per\uedmetro abdominal. El perfil lip\ueddico mostr\uf3, niveles de colesterol LDL, entre alto-limite y alto; asimismo, niveles de triglic\ue9ridos entre elevado-limite y elevado. Los resultados develan que los hallazgos encontrados no son concluyentes, sin embargo, orientan al m\ue9dico para la revisi\uf3n de pautas en el tratamiento, actividades de prevenci\uf3n y control del paciente. PALABRAS CLAVE: Lipodistrofia. VIH/SIDA. Terapia Antirretroviral. CLINICAL AND EPIDEMIOLOGICAL PROFILE LIPODYSTROPHY SYNDROME IN HIV/AIDS KEY WORDS: Lipodistrofia. HIV/AIDS. Anti-retroviral Therapy. ABSTRAC There was realized a descriptive, transverse investigation, to establish the clinical - epidemiological profile of Lipodistrofia's Syndrome (SLD) in patients with HIV/AIDS. The population was constituted by 80 seropositive patients, who were present at SIDA/ITS's consultation of the University Hospital Guanare's "Dr. Michael Ora\ue1", of these, 58 shaped the sample, diagnosed before with SDL and expired with the criteria of incorporation and exclusion of the study The information was obtained of primary source, directly of the patients and secondary source of the clinical histories. One thought that the age presented a variation 38,4 +- 12,5 years, The alcoholic habits (44,8%) and habits tab\ue1quicos and arterial hypertension (41,4%) they are the most relevant familiar precedents. The time of diagnosis of HIV/AIDS and anti-retroviral combined treatment was =3D 4 years in 56,6% of the patients; more than the half (52,2%) they have a time of minor or equal use to 3 years; only 10,9% has used anti-retroviral drugs between 10 and 15 years. Of the total of patients with index of corporal normal mass, 61,3% presented syndrome ginecoide. The alterations in face - cheek, triceps and biceps were diagnosed in major percentage in men that in women, nevertheless, in the above mentioned, there was predominant the increase of the abdominal perimeter. The profile lip\ueddico showed, levels of cholesterol LDL, between high place - limit and high place; likewise, level of triglic\ue9ridos between high limit and raised. The results develan that the opposing findings are not conclusive, nevertheless, orientate the doctor for the review of guidelines in the treatment, activities of prevention and control of the patient