111 research outputs found

    Penyuluhan Model Pendampingan dan Perubahan Status Gizi Anak Usia 6 – 24 Bulan

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    The outreach counseling model and nutritional status change in 6–24 months old childrenBackground: Insufficient knowledge on food and health of mothers will lead to inadequate food intake and high infection risk, especially diarrhea and acute respiratory tract infection (ARTI). Improvement of knowledge can be achieved by counseling. There are several model of counseling, one of them is the outreach model. This study aimed was to analyze the influence of outreach counseling model toward the change of nutritional status of 6–24 months old children. Methods: Research design was a quasi experiment with non randomized pre post test control group. Intervention group recieved outreach counseling model by outreach nutritionists (Tenaga Gizi Pendamping) and control group recieved conventional counseling from nutritionists of primary health care center (Tenaga Gizi Puskesmas). The study was done in Makassar City, South Sulawesi Province with the working area of Sudiang Raya\u27s Primary Health Care chosen as intervention area and Bira\u27s Primary Health Care as control site. Subjects were children aged 6–24 months with WAZ between -3 until 0 SD. The number of subjects in intervention group were 32 and control were 37 children. The observation variables were changes of mother\u27s knowledge, energy adequacy level, protein adequacy level, diarrhea and ARTI duration and nutritional status (WAZ, HAZ and WHZ) of the children. Data were analyzed using t-test and multivariate analysis by linear regression.Results: After 3 months of intervention, there were increase in mother\u27s knowledge, energy adequacy level, and the decrease of duration diarrhea was higher in the outreach counseling group than the control group. The WAZ and HAZ in outreach counseling group were better than control group, and there was an increase in WHZ in outreach counseling group with a decrease in the control group.Conclusions: Outreach counseling model is more effective than conventional counseling in lowering the decrease of nutritional status on 6–24 months old children

    Penyuluhan Model Pendampingan dan Perubahan Status Gizi Anak Usia 6 – 24 Bulan

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    The outreach counseling model and nutritional status change in 6–24 months old childrenBackground: Insufficient knowledge on food and health of mothers will lead to inadequate food intake and high infection risk, especially diarrhea and acute respiratory tract infection (ARTI). Improvement of knowledge can be achieved by counseling. There are several model of counseling, one of them is the outreach model. This study aimed was to analyze the influence of outreach counseling model toward the change of nutritional status of 6–24 months old children. Methods: Research design was a quasi experiment with non randomized pre post test control group. Intervention group recieved outreach counseling model by outreach nutritionists (Tenaga Gizi Pendamping) and control group recieved conventional counseling from nutritionists of primary health care center (Tenaga Gizi Puskesmas). The study was done in Makassar City, South Sulawesi Province with the working area of Sudiang Raya's Primary Health Care chosen as intervention area and Bira's Primary Health Care as control site. Subjects were children aged 6–24 months with WAZ between -3 until 0 SD. The number of subjects in intervention group were 32 and control were 37 children. The observation variables were changes of mother's knowledge, energy adequacy level, protein adequacy level, diarrhea and ARTI duration and nutritional status (WAZ, HAZ and WHZ) of the children. Data were analyzed using t-test and multivariate analysis by linear regression.Results: After 3 months of intervention, there were increase in mother's knowledge, energy adequacy level, and the decrease of duration diarrhea was higher in the outreach counseling group than the control group. The WAZ and HAZ in outreach counseling group were better than control group, and there was an increase in WHZ in outreach counseling group with a decrease in the control group.Conclusions: Outreach counseling model is more effective than conventional counseling in lowering the decrease of nutritional status on 6–24 months old children

    Sumbangan All-Trans Asam Retinoat (ATRA) Bagi Penyembuhan Periodontitis

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    All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) contribution to periodontitis healingBackground: In inflammation and infection of periodontal ligament i.e periodontitis, collagen fiber is damaged. All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), metabolite of vitamin A, has potency to depress damage in inflammation. Indonesia with high vitamin A deficiency, facing to delayed recovery of periodontitis. The disease is vastly suffered by common people in this country. The study aimed to know the collagen status of periodontal ligament suffering periodontitis treated with tetracycline and ATRA supplementation.Method: The experimental study using post test only design in 12 adult male Wistar rat was done in 7 days. The animal study were induced periodontitis through Porphyromonas gingivalis inoculation. Tetracycline 90 mg/kg was given, beside ATRA supplementation of 10 mg/kg and 5 mg/kg. Four experimental groups were chosen randomly. Group of periodontitis + tetracycline was the control of the study. The independent variables were ATRA supplementation of those high and low dose. The dependent variable was collagen status. Collagen status consist of degradation and synthesis of collagen, indicated by mRNA MMP-2 and mRNA P1CP respectively. They were measured by reversed transcriptase polymerizing chain reaction and thin layer chromatography. All-trans retinoic acid concentration was measured using high performance liquid chromatography. The dataanalyzed using t-test, Oneway ANOVA, post hoc duncan and least significant differences.Result: In group receiving 10 mg ATRA/kgBB, the ATRA level was highest but the collagen degradation was lower although not significant compared to the low dose ATRA group. In both groups the degradation was significantly lower than the control group (p=0.007). The synthesis of collagen in the low dose ATRA group was higher than the high dose ATRA group and the control group.Conclusion: High dose of ATRA supplementation contribution to less degradation of collagen, but in term of collagen synthesis, low dose ATRA supplementation gives better result

    Analisis Kelayakan Finansial USAhatani Jagung di Sumari Kecematan Sindue Kabupaten Donggala

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    Maize plays a part important after rice with a value of nutrition high carbohydrate. This research aims to know to eligibility of maize farming financial. This Research is executed in Sumari Village District Of Sindue Sub-Province of Donggala from April up to June 2015 with reason of that Countryside of Sumari represent one of the areas which producer of Maize. Amount of farmer of responder counted 30 farmers from totalizing population counted 103 KK pursuant to the formula of Slovin. Used Analysis Data know the target of which wish to be reached that is a Criterion Investment by using the method of Net Value present (NPV), Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net B/C) and is Internal Rate Of Return (IRR). Result of calculation obtained NPV equal to Rp. 8,348,157.50, - indicating that investment at maize farming in Sumaria Village gives advantage equal to Rp. 8,348,157.50, - during six years according to present value by financial beneficial or competent to be labored, yielded IRR equal to 23,85% bigger than bank interest rate going into effect equal to 18%. This matter indication that maize farming in Sumaria Village District Of Sindue Sub-Province of Donggala competent to be labored because IRR bigger than bank interest rate going into effect and Net B/C obtained equal in this 2,28 matters indicate that to each, every present value of expenditure equal to Rp.1 will give benefit equal to Rp. 2,28

    Konseling Laktasi Intensif dan Pemberian Air Susu Ibu (ASI) Eksklusif Sampai 3 Bulan

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    Intensive lactation counseling and exclusive breastfeeding up to 3 monthsBackground: In 2010 within the area of Semarang Municipality, exclusive breastfeeding by mothers to their babies reaches up to only 20,06%. One of the problems is the lack of lactation counseling especially by the health service institutions.Objectives: To reveal the effect of intensive lactation counseling on exclusive breastfeeding up to 3 months.Method: This research study is designed as a quasi-experiment of non-equivalent control group. The population of this study is a group of mothers who were in the 7th to 8th months of pregnancy bearing the second child or more. The number of the subjects is 25 mothers who were grouped into 2, that is the experimental groups of 12(n=12) and control group of 13 (n=13). The group underwent a treatment of intensive lactation counseling of 9 times on 2 stages, the first was four-time treatments during the medical examination on their pregnancy of 7th-8th months. The second stage of treatments was done by home visit for 5 times during week 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12 after giving birth by sertified lactation counselors for 40 workhours. These counselors had the experience of at least 5 clients counseling. The control group got the usual counseling that they normally received from the midwives at the Health Primary Center and private midwives nearby.Results: The group without intensive lactation counseling shows no gain of knowledge, attitude towards early initiation of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, breastmilk and no increase of the number of exclusive breastfeeding on their babies prior to and during the study. The group with intensive lactation breastfeeding shows a significant gain in every aspects being studied and significant increase (five fold) of the number of exclusive breastfeeding on their babies that born prior to and during the study from2(16.7%) to 10(83.3%).Conclusion: Intensive lactation counseling increases the practice of exclusive breastfeeding up to 3 months and should be performed by health care delivery system

    Praktik Inisiasi Menyusu Dini dan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif Studi Kualitatif pada Dua Puskesmas, Kota Semarang

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    Early initiation of breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding practice: qualitative study at public health centers, Semarang cityBackground: Early initiation of breastfeeding (EIB) and exclusive breastfeeding (EB) up to six months are two important breastfeeding practices for child's survival. EIB plays an important role in reducing infant mortality and improve the success of exclusive breastfeeding. Determinants in EIB and EB practices are predisposing, enabling, reinforcing, and environment. This study aimed to investigate determinants in EIB and EB practice until 4 months.Method: This study used a qualitative approach. Data were collected through intensive observations, non-intervention and in-depth interviews to 12 mothers. Data were analyzed using content analysis including data collection, reduction, presentation, and conclusions.Result: All the mothers were successful in the EIB with the help of professional midwife. Exclusive breastfeeding were successful in 3 mothers, partial breastfeeding were practiced by 6 mothers and not breastfeeding or formula feeding were practiced by 3 mothers. Predisposing and reinforcing were two strongly factors that cause the unsucessfull EB practices. The former were lack of knowledge of EB and breastfeeding techniques. The latter were lack of commitment of health providers, family support, and the status ofworking mothers.Conclusion: EIB practice does not ensure the success of EB
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