11 research outputs found

    Helicobacter Pylori Infection of Lingual Dorsum: Risk of Gastric Infection Helicobacter Pylori

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    The role of Helicobacter pylori in the oral cavity has been researched/studied by our study group for the last 28 years. At that time, there wasn’t a clinical entity that included Burning, Lingual Papillary Hypertrophy and Halitosis (BHH) together. However, the patients who presented this condition did not find an effective response to their demand. In some cases, a therapeutic diagnosis of Chronic Candidiasis was made in relation to Lingual Papillary Hypertrophy and they were referred to Periodontics Services for their Chronic Halitosis for evaluation and treatment. Many of these patients did not resolve their clinical symptoms, in their subsequent check-ups. The burning of the mouth was usually diagnosed as Burning Mouth Syndrome. A considerable percentage (60%) of these patients reported suffering from chronic gastric discomfort without receiving treatment, because when they consulted with the physician or with the gastroenterologist, their symptoms were associated with stress.Fil: Muiños, Antonio Luis. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología; ArgentinaFil: Harada, L.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología; ArgentinaFil: Diaz, M. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología; ArgentinaFil: Labbrozzi, M.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología; ArgentinaFil: Turon, Pablo Javier. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología; ArgentinaFil: Lence, Adriana Nora. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología; ArgentinaFil: Aguas, Silvia Cristina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología; ArgentinaFil: Denninghoff, Valeria Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología; ArgentinaFil: Adler, Lidia Isabel. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología; Argentin

    Are Textual Recommendations Enough? Guiding Physicians Toward the Design of Machine Learning Pipelines Through a Visual Platform

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    The prevalence of artificial intelligence (AI) in our daily lives is often exaggerated by the media, leading to a positive public perception while overlooking potential problems. In the field of medicine, it is crucial to educate future healthcare professionals on the advantages and disadvantages of AI and to emphasize the importance of creating fair, ethical, and reproducible models. The KoopaML platform was developed to provide an educational and user-friendly interface for inexperienced users to create AI pipelines. This study analyzes the quantitative and interaction data gathered from a usability test involving physicians from the University Hospital of Salamanca, with the aim of identifying new interaction paradigms to improve the platform’s usability. The results shown that the platform is difficult to learn for inexperienced users due to its contents related to AI. Following these results, a set of improvements are proposed for the next version of KoopaML, focusing on reducing the interactions needed to create the pipelines

    Flexible Heuristics for Supporting Recommendations Within an AI Platform Aimed at Non-expert Users

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    The use of Machine Learning (ML) to resolve complex tasks has become popular in several contexts. While these approaches are very effective and have many related benefits, they are still very tricky for the general audience. In this sense, expert knowledge is crucial to apply ML algorithms properly and to avoid potential issues. However, in some situations, it is not possible to rely on experts to guide the development of ML pipelines. To tackle this issue, we present an approach to provide customized heuristics and recommendations through a graphical platform to build ML pipelines, namely KoopaML, focused on the medical domain.With this approach, we aim not only at providing an easy way to apply ML for non-expert users, but also at providing a learning experience for them to understand how these methods work

    XVI Congreso Galego de Estatística e Investigación de Operacións ; I Xornadas Innovación Docente na Estatística e Investigación de Operacións : libro de actas

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    O presente libro de actas recolle o resumo das catro conferencias plenarias e os 56 traballos presentados: 41 comunicacións orais, das que 9 son traballos que optan ao premio a investigadores novos e 3 son traballos presentados na sesión de biometría que organizan conxuntamente a SGAPEIO e a Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística (SPE); 11 pósteres e 4 comunicacións orais nas xornadas de innovación docente

    Creación de una bolsa de trabajo, un punto de información y una asociación de alumnos titulados

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    El proyecto quiere ayudar a la integración sociolaboral de los alumnos de los Ciclos Formativos y crear un lugar común para alumnos y empresas. Los objetivos son crear una Bolsa de Trabajo para intermediar entre alumnos y empresas de la zona; mantener un Punto de Información actualizado; garantizar y avalar una información objetiva para favorecer el mercado laboral; y crear una Asociación de Alumnos Titulados que gestione la Bolsa de Trabajo. En la primera fase se contacta antiguos alumnos y con la Cámara de Comercio para obtener empresas de la localidad a las que enviar información sobre el servicio, y se elabora la base de datos con los curricula y el listado de empresas. Posteriormente se envían los curricula junta a informes del alumno a las empresas que lo soliciten, se introducen en Internet y se recoge información sobre ofertas formativas y de empleo así como ayudas o proyectos de intercambio para alumnos. Por último se crearía la Asociación de Alumnos Titulados para que se ocupara de estos servicios pero finalmente no se pudo hacer y se mantuvo en el profesorado del Departamento. Aunque se considera que el proyecto necesita tres o cuatro años para su evaluación, se ha realizado al finalizar cada trimestre; esta se basa en el número de curricula de alumnos titulados, número de empresas que demandan los servicios y el número de alumnos que solicitan información. Se propone continuar con el proyecto. Se incluye documentos y cuestionarios enviados a las empresas.Madrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Consejería de EducaciónMadridMadrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Subdirección General de Formación del Profesorado. CRIF Las Acacias; General Ricardos 179 - 28025 Madrid; Tel. + 34915250893ES

    Predictive Power for Thrombus Detection after Atrial Appendage Closure: Machine Learning vs. Classical Methods

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    Device-related thrombus (DRT) after left atrial appendage (LAA) closure is infrequent but correlates with an increased risk of thromboembolism. Therefore, the search for DRT predictors is a topic of interest. In the literature, multivariable methods have been used achieving non-consistent results, and to the best of our knowledge, machine learning techniques have not been used yet for thrombus detection after LAA occlusion. Our aim is to compare both methodologies with respect to predictive power and the search for predictors of DRT. To this end, a multicenter study including 1150 patients who underwent LAA closure was analyzed. Two lines of experiments were performed: with and without resampling. Multivariate and machine learning methodologies were applied to both lines. Predictive power and the extracted predictors for all experiments were gathered. ROC curves of 0.5446 and 0.7974 were obtained for multivariate analysis and machine learning without resampling, respectively. However, the resampling experiment showed no significant difference between them (0.52 vs. 0.53 ROC AUC). A difference between the predictors selected was observed, with the multivariable methodology being more stable. These results question the validity of predictors reported in previous studies and demonstrate their disparity. Furthermore, none of the techniques analyzed is superior to the other for these data

    An engineered periosteum for efficient delivery of rhBMP-2 and mesenchymal progenitor cells during bone regeneration

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    Abstract During bone regeneration, the periosteum acts as a carrier for key regenerative cues, delivering osteochondroprogenitor cells and crucial growth factors to the injured bone. We developed a biocompatible, 3D polycaprolactone (PCL) melt electro-written membrane to act as a mimetic periosteum. Poly (ethyl acrylate) coating of the PCL membrane allowed functionalization, mediated by fibronectin and low dose recombinant human BMP-2 (rhBMP-2) (10-25 μg/ml), resulting in efficient, sustained osteoinduction in vitro. In vivo, rhBMP-2 functionalized mimetic periosteum demonstrated regenerative potential in the treatment of rat critical-size femoral defects with highly efficient healing and functional recovery (80%-93%). Mimetic periosteum has also proven to be efficient for cell delivery, as observed through the migration of transplanted periosteum-derived mesenchymal cells to the bone defect and their survival. Ultimately, mimetic periosteum demonstrated its ability to deliver key stem cells and morphogens to an injured site, exposing a therapeutic and translational potential in vivo when combined with unprecedentedly low rhBMP-2 doses

    An engineered periosteum for efficient delivery of rhBMP-2 and mesenchymal progenitor cells during bone regeneration

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    During bone regeneration, the periosteum acts as a carrier for key regenerative cues, delivering osteochondroprogenitor cells and crucial growth factors to the injured bone. We developed a biocompatible, 3D polycaprolactone (PCL) melt electro-written membrane to act as a mimetic periosteum. Poly (ethyl acrylate) coating of the PCL membrane allowed functionalization, mediated by fibronectin and low dose recombinant human BMP-2 (rhBMP-2) (10-25 mu g/ml), resulting in efficient, sustained osteoinduction in vitro. In vivo, rhBMP-2 functionalized mimetic periosteum demonstrated regenerative potential in the treatment of rat critical-size femoral defects with highly efficient healing and functional recovery (80%-93%). Mimetic periosteum has also proven to be efficient for cell delivery, as observed through the migration of transplanted periosteum-derived mesenchymal cells to the bone defect and their survival. Ultimately, mimetic periosteum demonstrated its ability to deliver key stem cells and morphogens to an injured site, exposing a therapeutic and translational potential in vivo when combined with unprecedentedly low rhBMP-2 doses