4 research outputs found

    Digital Intervention for Students with Learning Disabilities

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    The Systematic Literatur Review aims to reveal kinds of assistive technology that applied to students with a learning disability (LD) in several articles selected through the screening process in 2015-2020. The review was conducted on three online databases, they are ScienceDirect, Sage Journal dan Proquest. There were 7 articles reviewed from a total of 32 obtained from screening inclusion and exclusion criteria. Based on the analysis of several studies revealed that using digital intervention such as Smartpen, PC, and Smartphone which has had appropriate application, have supported and increased the performance of students with learning disabilities in the area of learning skills. The development of specific digital intervention on students with learning disabilities needs to be applied in future research

    The Role of Grit In Indonesian Student

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    The current systematic review aims to investigate the role of grit in the Indonesian student setting. The search of the literature was conducted on two online databases, ScienceDirect and Google Scholar published between 2016 and 2020. There were seven studies identified using inclusive and exclusive selection criteria in this review. The primary findings demonstrated that grit has a positive influence on career decision-making and academic achievement. Perception of the father's involvement, the meaning of life, growth mindset, school wellbeing, self-control, and life satisfaction are known to have a significant positive correlation with grit. Finally, a positive variable such as self-efficacy can foster students' grit

    An Exploration of Student Satisfaction with Online Learning: A Systematic Review

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    Abstrak: Kepuasan belajar online merupakan konstruk yang dapat digunakan untuk mengevaluasi keefektifan layanan pembelajaran online. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengeksplorasi faktor-faktor kepuasan belajar online siswa. Sistematika literature review ini menganalisis 34 jurnal yang dikumpulkan dari dua situs, yaitu Google Scholar dan Semantic Scholar. Pada bagian pertama studi ini didiskusikan isu akademik pembelajaran online, kemudian model kepuasan belajar online yang digunakan para peneliti, dan terakhir menjelaskan prediktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kepuasan belajar online siswa. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa faktor eksternal yang paling signifikan adalah learner content dan interaksi guru dengan siswa. Oleh karena itu, untuk meningkatkan kepuasan belajar siswa, guru diharapkan dapat menyajikan materi digital yang menarik serta meningkatkan kualitas komunikasi yang positif dikelas virtual. Abstract: Online learning satisfaction can be used to assess how well online learning programs work. This research can help education professionals in their efforts to develop adaptive online learning in dealing with future educational disruptions and challenges through the analysis of various literatures. This systematic literature review explored 34 journals from two sites: Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar. The first part of this study discusses the academic issue of online learning, the second section describes the online learning satisfaction model used by the researchers, and the last part describes the predictors that can affect students' online learning satisfaction. Learner content interaction and teacher-student interactions are the most primary external determinants on online learning satisfaction, according to the analysis' findings. Therefore, teachers are expected to be able to deliver engaging digital contents and enhance positive communication in online setting to increase students’ learning satisfaction

    Hubungan humor styles dengan moral self mahasiswa Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim

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    INDONESIA: Humor Styles merupakan empat macam gaya humor yang memiliki manfaat tertentu. Affiliatife Humor merupakan gaya humor yang berfungsi memberi kenyamanan ketika berkomunikasi. Self Enhance Humor merupakan gaya humor yang berfungsi untuk memotivasi diri ketika mengalami kesedihan. Aggresive Humor merupakan gaya humor yang dapat menjatuhkan orang lain sedangkan Self Defeating Humor merupakan gaya humor dengan cara merendahkan diri menjadi bahan lelucon. Humor Styles merupakan emosi positif yang didalamnya terdapat aktifitas kognitif dan persepsi. Salah Satu bentuk aktifitas kognitif dan persepsi adalah Moral Self, yaitu konsep baik dan buruk yang berlaku dalam wilayah tertentu. Hal ini penting untuk diketahui sebab keagungan Akhlak merupakan prioritas dalam pendidikan. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kecenderungan tipologi Humor Styles yang dimiliki Mahasiswa UIN Malang dan untuk mengetahui hubungan Tipologi Humor Styles dengan Moral Self Mahasiswa Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan anatara Humor Styles dan Moral Self Mahasiswa UIN Malang, diukur menggunakan skala Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ) untuk mengukur Humor Styles dan Instrumen Moral Self Questionnaire (MSQ ) untuk mengukur Moral Self. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 317 Mahasiswa aktif mulai angkatan 2015-2017. Pendekatan yang digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis penelitian adalalah pendekatan Korelasi Bivariat dengan teknik analisis Person. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Mayoritas Mahasiswa UIN Malang menggunakan Tipologi Affiliative Humor 34.5%. Self Enhance Humor 27.7% , Aggresive humor 25.8% dan yang terendah adalah Self Defeating Humor hanya sebesar 10.9% dari Seluruh subjek penelitian. Affiliative Humor dan Moral Self memliki hubungan positif dengan skore korelasi sebesar 0,337 dengan sig = 0,000 < 5%. Moral Self Mahasiswa yang rendah memiliki hubungan dengan Self Defeating Humor dengan dengan skore korelasi 1.000 dan sig=0,000 < 5% .Moral Self Mahasiswa yang tinggi memiliki hubungan dengan Aggresive Humor dengan skore korelasi 203 dan sig=0,003 < 5% dan berhubungan juga dengan Self Enhance Humor dengan dengan skore korelasi 185 dan sig=0,008 < 5% ENGLISH: Humor Styles are four kinds of humor styles that have certain benefits. Affiliatife Humor is a style of humor that serves to provide comfort when communicating. Self Enhance Humor is a humor style that serves to motivate yourself when experiencing sadness. Aggressive humor is a style of humor that can bring down others while Self Defeating Humor is a style of humor by lowering oneself into jokes. Humor Styles are positive emotions in which there is cognitive activity and perception. One form of cognitive activity and perception is the Moral Self, namely the good and bad concepts that apply in certain areas. This is important to know because the greatness of morality is a priority in education. The purpose of this study was to determine the tendency of Humor Styles typology owned by UIN Malang students and to find out the relationship between Typology Humor Styles and Student Self Moral. This study uses a quantitative approach that aims to determine the relationship between Humor Styles and Self Moral of UIN Malang students, measured using the Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ) scale to measure Humor Styles and the Moral Self Questionnaire (MSQ) Instrument to measure Self Moral. Participants in this study amounted to 317 active students starting in 2015-2017. The approach used to test the research hypothesis is the Bivariate Correlation approach with Person analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that the majority of Malang UIN students use Affiliative Humor Typology 34.5%. Humor Self Enhance 27.7%, Aggressive humor 25.8% and the lowest is Self Defeating Humor only 10.9% of all research subjects. Affiliative Humor and Moral Self have a positive relationship with correlation scores of 0.337 with sig = 0,000 <5%. Low Student Self Morale has a relationship with Self Defeating Humor with score correlation of 1,000 and sig = 0,000 <5%. High Moral Self Students have correlation with Humor Aggressive with correlation score 203 and sig = 0.003 <5% and also related to Self Humor Enhance with a correlation score of 185 and sig = 0.008 <5