7 research outputs found

    Application of A Communicative Approach in Learning Speaking Skills in Class XI Students of SMA Jaya Negara Makassar

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    This research aims to determine speaking skills by applying a communicative approach to class XI students at SMA Jaya Negara Makassar. This research is experimental research that uses a comparison between two groups, namely the experimental group and the control groupThe results of this research indicate that the learning outcomes in learning speaking skills for class Among the 21 experimental class students, there were 19 students who scored>75. In contrast to the learning outcomes in control class learning, it is categorized as inadequate because the scores obtained by students have not reached the set criteria, namely 85% of the total number of students who obtained scores <75. Meanwhile, the students' score only reached 4.8% or 1 person. Thus, it can be said that the learning outcomes in teaching speaking skills for class XI students at SMA Jaya Negara Makassar by applying a communicative approach are very effective


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    Penerapan Metode CIRC (Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition) untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar Bahasa Indonesia pada siswa kelas III SDN 017 Samarinda Utara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar Bahasa Indonesia dengan menerapkan metode Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition pada siswa kelas III SDN 017 Samarinda Utara. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan sebanyak tiga siklus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi untuk siswa, lembar wawancara guru, lembar wawancara siswa, tes hasil belajar, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa metode pembelajaran Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar Bahasa Indonesia, hal tersebut dapat dilihat pada siklus I berada pada kategori ketuntasan 49% dan belum tuntas 51% karena proses pembelajaran belum dilaksanakan secara maksimal. Pada siklus II mengalami peningkatan dengan kategori ketuntasan 85% dan yang belum tuntas 15%, dan pada siklus III hasil belajar siswa mencapai ketuntasan 100% dengan kategori sangat baik dan telah mencapai nilai ketuntasan minimal (KKM)

    Pengaruh Pendekatan Konseling Eksistensial Terhadap Konsep Diri Akademis Siswa di SMA Negeri1 Liliriaja Kabupaten Soppeng

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini menganalisis tentang pengaruh pendekatan konseling eksistensial terhadap konsep diri akademis siswa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Untuk mengetahui gambaran pendekatan konseling eksistensial dengan teknik logoterapi terhadap konsep diri akademis siswa, (2) Untuk mengetahui konsep diri akademis siswa sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan pendekatan konseling eksitensial dengan logoterapi, (3) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendekatan konseling eksitensial terhadap konsep diri akademis siswa. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan Quasi Eksperimental Design dengan bentuk Pretest- Posttest Control Group Design dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket, observasi, dan wawancara dengan populasi dan sampel 87 dan 60 siswa mengunakan analisis data dengan analisis statistik deskriptif dan imperensial. Hasil penelitian mengemukakan bahwa (1) Gambaran pelaksanaan pendekatan ekistensial dengan logoterapi melalui lima sesi konseling yakni pemahaman diri, bertindak positif, pengakraban hubungan, pendalaman catur nilai dan ibadah (2) Konsep diri akademis siswa sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan konseling mengalami peningkatan yang positif pada kelompok eksperimen penelitian (3) Ada pengaruh yang pengaruh yang positif pada konsep diri akademis siswa setelah diberikan konseling pendekatan eksistensial dapat dilihat dari perbedaan antara kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol, dimana pada kelompok eksperimen mengalami peningkatan positif, sedangkan pada kelompok kontroltidak mengalami perubahan yang berarti


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    The purpose of this study was to describe the application of a scientific approach to learning akidah akhlak for class VII MTs DDI Lapeo, then to describe the formation of students' critical thinking ability in learning akidah akhlak for class VIII MTs DDI Lapeo, as well as to analyze the critical thinking abilities of students in learning akidah akhlak. class VIII MTs DDI Lapeo. The research method used in this research is qualitative. The results of this study indicate that the application of the scientific approach to the learning akidah akhlak for class VIII MTs DDI Lapeo has been implemented properly in accordance with the five stages of the scientific approach. As for the formation of students' critical thinking abilities in these five stages, The activity of observing students is directed to analyze and formulate problems. In the activity of asking questions, students are facilitated to make questions. Exploring activities, students are directed to collect information related to the material. In reasoning activities, students are facilitated to process the information received. In networking activities, students are directed to convey opinions and solutions in response to the formulation of problems that are made. Meanwhile, the critical thinking ability of class VIII students of MTs DDI Lapeo after applying the scientific approach is the ability to analyze and formulate a problem, provide ideas, assess the truth of information received, accept or be open to other people's opinions, solve problems on a problem, know the essence of learning akidah akhlak, analyzing the information received, and making questions and answering questions about akidah akhlak lessons. The implication of this research is that the scientific approach is a scientific approach that is very supportive in shaping the critical thinking abilities of students, because it focuses on the activeness of students, so that learning does not occur in one direction.The purpose of this study was to describe the application of a scientific approach to learning akidah akhlak for class VII MTs DDI Lapeo, then to describe the formation of students' critical thinking ability in learning akidah akhlak for class VIII MTs DDI Lapeo, as well as to analyze the critical thinking abilities of students in learning akidah akhlak. class VIII MTs DDI Lapeo. The research method used in this research is qualitative. The results of this study indicate that the application of the scientific approach to the learning akidah akhlak for class VIII MTs DDI Lapeo has been implemented properly in accordance with the five stages of the scientific approach. As for the formation of students' critical thinking abilities in these five stages, The activity of observing students is directed to analyze and formulate problems. In the activity of asking questions, students are facilitated to make questions. Exploring activities, students are directed to collect information related to the material. In reasoning activities, students are facilitated to process the information received. In networking activities, students are directed to convey opinions and solutions in response to the formulation of problems that are made. Meanwhile, the critical thinking ability of class VIII students of MTs DDI Lapeo after applying the scientific approach is the ability to analyze and formulate a problem, provide ideas, assess the truth of information received, accept or be open to other people's opinions, solve problems on a problem, know the essence of learning akidah akhlak, analyzing the information received, and making questions and answering questions about akidah akhlak lessons. The implication of this research is that the scientific approach is a scientific approach that is very supportive in shaping the critical thinking abilities of students, because it focuses on the activeness of students, so that learning does not occur in one direction


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian Uji Aktivitas Anti Mikobakterium Tuberkulosis Ekstrak Etanol Daun Ciplukan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan daya hambat dan menentukan konsentrasi ekstrak etanol Daun Ciplukan 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% b/v dan daya hambat rifampisin sebagai kelompok control terhadap Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat konsentrasi ekstrak Daun Ciplukan yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan M. tuberculosis adalah konsentrasi 15%, 20% dan 25%, dimana masa inkubasi empat minggu memperlihatkan hasil akhir sensitive (S). Hal ini, dikarenakan kandungan kimia physalin, yang banyak ditemukan pada Daun Ciplukan. Tidak terdapat perbedaan konsentrasi daya hambat antara ekstrak Daun Ciplukan dengan konsentrasi 15% , 20% , 25% b/v dibanding dengan konsentrasi daya hambat obat Rifampisin terhadap pertumbuhan M. tuberculosis. Dimana memperlihatkan hasil yang sama. Ini menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan daya hambat antara kelompok perlakuan mulai dari konsentrasi ekstrak Daun Ciplukan 15% - 20% dibanding dengan kelompok kontrol rifampisi

    Analisis Pengaruh Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) Terhadap Kemiskinan di Kabupaten Bone Bolango

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    Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) is a factor that shows the economic condition of a region in a certain period, either on the basis of current prices or on the basis of constant prices. Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP) at current prices shows the added value of goods and services calculated using prices per current year, while Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) at constant prices shows the added value of goods and services calculated using prices valid for one year as the base year. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) on poverty levels in Bone Bolango Regency. This research is a quantitative research. The type of data used is secondary data originating from the publication of the Central Statistics Agency with time series data for the last 10 years, namely from 2010 - 2019. The data analysis used is simple linear regression analysis. The data is processed using SPSS. The results of the study note that the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) has no effect on the poverty level in Bone Bolango RegencyProduk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) merupakan salah satu faktor penting untuk mengetahui kondisi ekonomi di suatu daerah dalam suatu periode tertentu, baik atas dasar harga berlaku maupun atas dasar harga konstan. Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) atas harga berlaku menggambarkan nilai tambah barang dan jasa yang dihitung menggunakan harga per tahun berjalan, sedangkan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) atas dasar harga konstan menunjukkan nilai tambah barang dan jasa dihitung menggunakan harga yang berlaku pada satu tahun sebagai tahun dasar. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) terhadap tingkat kemiskinan Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa data sekunder yang diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik dengan data time series selama 10 tahun terakhir yakni dari tahun 2010 - 2019. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis regresi linier sederhana. Data diolah dengan menggunakan SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) tidak berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kemiskinan di Kabupaten Bone Bolang