155 research outputs found

    Revisão cientométrica das pesquisas de enfermagem sobre gestão da dor

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    Objetivo: analizar artículos de investigación sobre dolor y temas de enfermería, utilizando metodologías bibliométricas y cienciométricas. Método: se analizaron los artículos en la base de datos Web of Science que contenían dolor y enfermero y dolor y enfermería, usando métodos cienciométricos, a través de técnicas de visualización de datos y análisis avanzado de textos. Resultado: entre los 107.559 artículos de investigación encontrados en el campo de la enfermería, 3.976 de ellos fueron escritos con base en las palabras clave dolor y enfermería, y fueron considerados en conformidad con el ámbito de aplicación de este estudio. Los análisis preliminares indicaron que las publicaciones han aumentado a través de los años, con pequeñas fluctuaciones. Los títulos, las palabras clave y los resúmenes se analizaron mediante análisis de texto para revelar agrupaciones de palabras clave y estructuras de temas. Los estudios sobre oncología y dolor en el campo de la enfermería tienen una frecuencia relativamente más alta. Conclusión: los resultados de los análisis revelaron las características de la literatura actual en una amplia gama de áreas, teniendo en cuenta dimensiones específicas. Por lo tanto, los resultados presentados en este estudio pueden respaldar investigaciones actuales y futuras en este campo, proporcionando información sobre redes, tendencias y contenidos de la literatura en cuestión.Objetivos: analisar artigos científicos sobre dor e enfermagem, utilizando metodologias bibliométricas e cienciométricas. Método: artigos do banco de dados Web of Science que continham dor e enfermeiro e dor e enfermagem foram analisados utilizando métodos cientométricos, através de técnicas de visualização de dados e análise avançada de textos. Resultado: dos 107.559 artigos científicos encontrados na área de enfermagem, 3.976 deles foram escritos com base nas palavras-chave dor e enfermagem, e foram considerados em consonância com o âmbito de aplicação deste estudo. As análises preliminares indicaram que as publicações têm aumentado ao longo dos anos, com pequenas flutuações. Títulos, palavras-chave e resumos foram analisados através de análise de texto para revelar agrupamentos de palavras-chave e estruturas de temas. Estudos sobre oncologia e dor no campo da enfermagem têm uma frequência relativamente maior. Conclusão: os resultados das análises revelaram as características da literatura atual em uma ampla gama de áreas, considerando-se dimensões específicas. Portanto, os resultados podem respaldar pesquisas atuais e futuras neste campo, proporcionando informações sobre redes, tendências e conteúdos da literatura em questão.Objective: to analyse research articles on pain and nursing issues using bibliometric and scientometric methodologies. Method: articles in the Web of Science database containing pain and nurse and pain and nursing were analyzed using scientometric methods through data visualization techniques and advanced text analytics. Result: among the 107,559 research articles found in the field of nursing, 3,976 of them were written based on the keywords pain and nursing, and were considered in conformity with the scope of this study. Preliminary analyses indicated that the publications have increased through the years with minor fluctuations. Titles, keywords, and abstracts were analyzed through text analytics to reveal keyword clusters and topic structures. Studies on oncology and pain in the field of nursing have a relatively higher frequency. Conclusion: the results of the analyses revealed the characteristics of the current literature in a broad range of areas by considering the particular dimensions. Therefore, the findings may support present and future research in this field by shedding light on the networks, trends, and contents in the related literature

    Software Quality and Standards on a Global Scale: Trends in the Literature from Scientific and Sectoral Perspective

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    The digital transformation requires software in many components of business and daily life. As the product variety and competition increase in this field, the quality and standards which are leading the sector are also on the agenda. In this context , the aim of this study is to present the current state of software quality and standards in terms of both sectoral and scientific publications. In the scope of the study, the related studies in this field are summarized, and then the findings are presented which are obtained through the scientometric analyses of the published research articles in the journals indexed by Web of Science Core Database. The Findings emphasize the trends in keywords over the years as well as the most active universities, authors, countries, institutional information, and the journals that are preferred by authors. Furthermore, the number and the quality of articles with respect to the country dimension are also discussed to determine the current situation in Turkey


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    Dijital Çağda Bilişim Sektörünün İhtiyacı Olan Yetkinlikler Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme&nbsp;ÖZETBilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerindeki baş döndürücü gelişmeler, sadece kendi sektörünü değil tüm sektörleri şekillendirmekte, her geçen gün yeni yeni yaklaşımların ve yeni sektörlerin doğmasına sebep olabilmektedir. Bundan on yıllar önce ismine değinmediğimiz konularda yeni yeni meslekler ortaya çıkarken, yeni teknolojiler yeni sektörlerin veya iş alanlarının doğmasına neden olmuştur. Bazı meslekler ise tarihin tozlu rafları arasına katılmıştır. Çalışma, bu hızlı dönüşümün farkına vararak bilgi teknolojileri sektörünün ihtiyacı olan yetkinlikler üzerine kapsamlı bir değerlendirmek sunmaktadır. Sektörün ihtiyaçları ve beklentileri, var olan meslek dallarının gelişimi, bilişim sektörü açısından eğitim kurumları, sektörün güçlü ülkeleri ve küresel oyuncuları ve sektörün oluşturma potansiyeli olduğu istihdam gerçeği ile konu detaylı olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bilişim sektörü, içinde bulunduğumuz dünya gerçekliğinde en önemli ve kritik sektör olmasına rağmen, sektördeki istihdam, sektörün beklentileri ve gelecek konjonktürü gibi konularda pek çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Sektörün kritik önemi ve Türkçe literatürdeki bu yöndeki eksiklik çalışma için ana motive edici unsur olmuştur. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, Türkiye’nin sektör ihtiyacını karşılamak için eğitim kurumları açma konusundaki girişimi, her ne kadar sayıca az olsa da, dünya ile paralellik göstermiştir. Fakat sektör sorunları, gelişimi, sektörün talepleri, meslek profesyonellerinin sıkıntıları konusunda Türkçe literatürde önemli bir boşluk mevcuttur ve uluslararası literatür geriden takip edilmektedir. Türkiye'de bilişim sektörünün daha fazla gelişebilmesi için Ortadoğu ve Balkan ülkeleri ile özel girişimlerde bulunulabilir. Ayrıca sivil toplum kuruluşlarının Türkiye’nin bilişim sektörünün gelişmesi için kıymetli bir noktada bulunmaktadır Dolayısı ile bu sivil toplum kuruluşları üzerine gelecek çalışmalar için daha kapsamlı çalışmalar yapılması önerilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: bilişim sektörü, bilişim teknolojisi, insan kaynağı, yetenekler, Türkiye ----------------------------------------------------------------- AN ASSESSMENT ON THE COMPETENCIES NEEDED BY THE INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SECTOR IN THE DIGITAL AGE ABSTRACT: The incredible advances in information and communication technology are reshaping not just their own sector, but all sectors, and may result in the introduction of new methods and new industries on a daily basis. While new professions have evolved in fields previously unmentioned, new technology has resulted in the formation of new sectors or economic domains. Certain occupations have been consigned to the dusty shelves of history. Recognizing this fast change, the research provides an in-depth examination of the competencies required by the information technology sector. The issue is thoroughly examined in terms of the sector’s demands and aspirations, the growth of current professions, educational institutions in the IT sector, the industry’s strong countries and global participants, and the job opportunities that the sector has the ability to produce. Although the information and communication technology sector is the most vital and significant in the world in which we live, there are few studies on topics such as employment in the industry, sector expectations, and the sector’s future trajectory. The crucial relevance of the industry and the dearth of information about it in the Turkish literature served as the primary impetus for the study. Turkey’s endeavor to establish educational institutions to satisfy the sector’s demands, albeit minor in number, shown parallelism with the rest of the globe. However, there is a significant gap in the Turkish literature on the problems of the sector, its development, the demands of the sector, and the problems of the professionals, and the international literature is followed behind. Special steps might be taken with Middle Eastern and Balkan nations to help Turkey’s IT sector grow. Additionally, non-governmental groups are critical to Turkey’s information industry growth. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out more comprehensive studies for future studies on these non-governmental organizations. Keywords: Information and communication sector, information technology, human resources, skills, Turkey INTRODUCTION The rapid growth in information and communication technology and the power of the internet have strongly affected the business and service delivery models of today's global environment[1]. Information and communication technologies are developing at a dizzying pace, entering every part of our lives and transforming sectors in different fields. Bowonder et al. [2], the extent of the change in information and communication technology towards the end of the nineties; micro-miniaturization of memories and functional circuits; enhanced intelligent functionality, interconnectivity of various systems, portability and wireless systems, distributed systems that can support parallel architecture or interoperability and system integration through open system interface, hardware or software. Today, the capacity of computers and server technologies have increased in an unimaginable way compared to the nineties, and autonomous systems and artificial intelligence technologies have begun to transform not only the informatics sector but also the production sector. Especially after the Covid 19 epidemic, the need for remote work has increased, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's metaverse output has enabled people to receive the message that the transition from the web 2.0 world to the web 3.0 world is accelerating, and that in this world, a virtual world and a virtual economy will have to be faced. has shown. All these developments, in the first place, affect both the informatics sector and the sectors that the informatics sector is heavily influenced and related to. These developments, on the other hand, make it difficult to compete in the sector and make it necessary to follow the developments and foresee the future in order to make the importance of human resources qualified. After two thousand years, with the enormous growth of the information sector, the shortage of qualified personnel became chronic in the sector and came to light. Recognizing the importance of the sector, many governments have made the provision of information technology services an important element in their economic development strategy. With the rapid government support, the need for qualified personnel in the sector has been tried to be filled with the contribution of universities[3]. Employer demands have led to the emergence of the needs and areas of expertise of different professionals with different names in the sector. The sectors' desire to benefit more from the developing computer technology in their business processes, and accordingly, in the sector where only mathematicians and computer science workers had a say, namings such as information systems, information worker, data analyst, business analyst, management information systems (MIS) specialist. Different professions were even born with it. By observing the growing knowledge economy, Huws and Flecker [4] noted that there is evidence that the internationalization of employment has become a key issue. Technological change and clear economic and geographical frameworks have provided opportunities for the globalization of not only the trade and production of tangible goods, but also intangible services. High-cost back-office operations and support services in the IT sector have become lower value-added activities such as remote data processing facilities and the relocation of back office work overseas. Being able to attract investment from international companies has been a competitive factor for many overseas countries, and national talents in the IT sector have been employed in companies established by large international companies in their countries. This situation has greatly increased the potential for international cooperation. Multinational companies moved some organizational functions to developing countries in the 2000s and benefited from the cheap labor force in these countries. For example, Asian countries such as Sri Lanka, Thailand, and India have become the back offices of multinational companies or the solution point for some outsourced works, with the opportunity to work remotely in business lines such as data processing, teleservice services, software engineering. This situation especially encouraged the developing countries to get a share from this cake, and made them make an effort to train the workforce that the information sector will need in order to keep up with the technological transformation and to benefit from the market in this global transformation. Today, this diversification and transformation has accelerated. For example; The first of the MIS programs opened in Turkey, especially for the employment of qualified information and communication technology specialists in the business sector, was established in 1995 at Boğaziçi University[5]. From 1995 to 2010, seventeen universities, twelve of which were foundation universities[6], increased from 49[7] in 2018 to 147 in 2021. It is seen that MIS departments are opened in a large part of 207 universities in Turkey. It is seen that 43 of them were opened in the 2021 preference year[8]. Another example is the Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering program, which was opened for the first time in 2020-2021 at Istanbul Technical University. It is a young university established in the context of the sector's needs with the mission of supporting the informatics sector in terms of employment through national and international artificial intelligence and data engineering studies[9]. According to the data obtained from the YÖK ATLAS [8] application, when the undergraduate programs of universities in Turkey are examined, information security technology, forensic information engineering, information and document management, computer sciences, computer engineering, computer technology and information systems, information systems engineering, management information systems. , computer and instructional technology teaching, statistics and computer science, mathematics and computer science, communication sciences, technology and information management, electrical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, electronics and communication engineering, electronic engineering, electronic commerce and management, electronics and communication engineering, The study is evaluated by taking into account the competencies required by the information sector in the world, its historical transformation and the stages it has gone through. In the study, the basic competencies needed by the informatics sector were centered, readings were made on national and international publications in this direction, and evaluations were presented in the center of the question of how we can improve the national informatics sector. The practices and policies carried out, which we can express as a good example for the sector, are explained within the scope of the study, a wide literature knowledge on the basic competencies required by the field for rule makers, universities, ministries, field researchers and experts, briefly all the stakeholders of the sector, that guides the IT sector in Turkey. evaluated with.</p

    The Essentials of Today's Marketing-2

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    E-MAIL MARKETING IN ALL ITS DIMENSIONS: LITERATURE, SERVER SELECTION, AUXILIARY TOOLS, SAMPLE CODING AND DESIGNIntroductionDevelopments in internet technology bring advantages that make our lives easier for us in many areas. Many businesses use the internet as a marketing tool in order to gain more market share and gain customers in their intensely competitive markets with this reality. Our e-mail, which is realized through the Internet and reaches the other party’s mailbox in line with predetermined marketing targets, becomes a very critical marketing tool for us. According to data from TurkHost (2022), the number of e-mail users worldwide is around 4.03 billion and approximately 306.4 billion e-mails are sent every day. Despite the growing popularity of messengers, chat apps, and social media, e-mail has managed to remain at the center of digital communication and continues to grow every year. By 2025, the number of global e-mail users is expected to reach a total of 4.6 billion (Statista, 2023b). Businesses are always looking for ways to communicate with their customers easier, cheaper and faster. The Internet embodies all three of these sought-after features (Gedik, 2020). The incredible change in information technologies and the rapid transformation of internet technologies have forced businesses to change. With the pressure of technology, competition in the market and consumers, businesses have restructured their processes. Meanwhile, the Internet has emerged as an important marketing tool. With its advantages for both consumers and businesses, it has been accepted by everyone and has started to spread rapidly (Özdipçiner, 2010). In recent years, due to changing market conditions and consumer needs, it has become a necessity to communicate with consumers faster and more quickly. With the Internet becoming one of the most useful communication tools, e-mail marketing, one of the direct marketing techniques, has become an important method of communicating with consumers (Uydacı, 2004). People now access information much faster. As a result, the purchasing behavior of users in the developing digital world is changing. In this change, the creation of content by users with web 2.0 technology has been one of the most important turning points in the history of digital marketing (Gökşin, 2018). In terms of digital marketing tools, e-mail marketing has many advantages. The main advantages can be expressed as promoting your products or services, creating interaction with your brand, driving traffic to&nbsp;your site, gaining more customers, turning one-time buyers into loyal followers (TRWIX, 2021). Other advantages are that it is very cost-effective, has a fast and high return rate interaction, the likelihood of the message being seen, that is, the rate of reaching your customer is high, and it can create marketing strategies and activities by creating profiles suitable for your target market. In addition, being able to evaluate the results of your activities and finding the opportunity for personalized interaction and promotion are other prominent advantages of e-mail marketing (EGBİLİSİM, 2021). In this section, the e-mail marketing approach, which has an important place among digital marketing strategies from past to present, will be discussed conceptually, the prominent studies on e-mail marketing in the literature will be analyzed with the bibliometric method, and examples of templates and codes used for sample e-mail marketing will be presented. In addition, important points to be considered while doing e-mail marketing will be evaluated. It is desired that the study will be a comprehensive evaluation article that continues to exist in the field of digital marketing without losing its importance with the introduction of the internet into every aspect of our lives.E-Mail Marketing as a Concept and Some StatisticsElectronic marketing can be defined as the delivery of products or services from seller to buyer via electronic mail. One of the sub-methods of electronic marketing tools that has never lost its importance and function over the years is e-mail marketing. Direct mails sent electronically instead of traditional postal service are called e-mail or electronic mail. E-mail marketing or e-mail marketing is the use of e-mail services to develop relationships with existing customers or potential customers and to promote products and services (Çetinkaya, 2021). Çetin &amp; Tiltay (2021) stated that e-mail marketing is an electronic marketing tool that emerged with the development of the internet. These messages, which can be supported by many visuals or textual interaction or sound, are more remarkable than those on paper and ensure that the message to be given to the customer is perceived correctly. In addition, this method of marketing eliminates many of the problems that can occur in the traditional distribution of advertising brochures. It also saves a significant amount of&nbsp;time. In addition, this system also provides the opportunity to reach people when they are not at their workplaces and to communicate interactively through an electronic communication network (Uydaci, 2004). Within the framework of marketing science, there are three types of email message content. Businesses should develop strategies by distinguishing these three groups from each other in e-mail marketing practices. The first one is messages for communication purposes. This feature constitutes the first purpose of electronic mail. Second, messages with information content. At the forefront are messages that inform, educate and raise awareness of the consumer. Hidden advertising is also used in these messages. The third is direct advertising e-mails. Such messages are used for purposes such as bringing the product to the forefront, notifying an important date such as the opening date of a business, informing about campaigns and mobilizing for purchase (Haşıloğlu &amp; Süer, 2010). E-mail marketing, which has become the center of attention with the reshaping of all communication tools in our digitalizing world and especially with Web 2.0, is a much more strategic, planned, measurable and highly interactive form of communication compared to the communication tools of the past (EGBILİSİM, 2021). In recent years, it is thought that marketing methods will change dimensions with the metaverse technology, which is the most current trend of the Internet, Web 3.0 and virtual reality perception (Damar, 2021). According to Gedik (2020), e-mail marketing is an online marketing technique that uses e-mail to send advertising or commercial information. Email marketing is an extremely attractive marketing tool for businesses with its low cost, high return on investment and the advantage of creating brand loyalty. Deniz (2002) defines e-mail marketing as the use of e-mail method by businesses in communication, promotion, sales and marketing activities by utilizing the Internet environment in order to realize marketing activities in a more effective, efficient, fast and comprehensive manner. O’Neill (2022) provides a comprehensive assessment of e-mail marketing. The findings from the researcher’s evaluation that will contribute to our study and will be of interest to researchers are compiled and shown in Figure 1.....Evaluation on the Studies in the Literature E-mail marketing is an important digital marketing tool that entered our lives especially, in the nineties. Under this title, an evaluation of the studies on e-mail marketing in the literature will be presented from a bibliometric perspective. For the analysis, the most important data source in terms of bibliometric databases such as Web of Science is taken as a reference. The words used for our search words are as follows: “e-mail marketing” or “mail marketing” or “e-mail marketing”. The related search was conducted on 20/03/2023. As a result of the search, 220 documents were accessed on the Web of Science Core Collection.The distribution of the related documents according to their types is as follows: article (f:154, 70.00%), proceeding paper (f:61; 27.72%), book chapters (f:7; 3.18%), early access (f:5; 2.27%), review article (f:4; 1.81%), editorial material (f:2; 0.90%), book review (f:1; 0.45%). Most of the studies were conducted in English (f:214, 97.27%). Other languages are as follows;&nbsp;Russian (f:3, 1.36%), Italian (f:1, 0.45%), Portuguese (f:1, 0.45%), Slovak (f:1, 0.45%). In the analysis of the funding status of the studies, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (f:11, 5.00%), National Institutes of Health USA (f:7, 3.18%) National Cancer Institute USA (f:6, 2.72%), National Science Foundation (f:5, 2.27%), United States Health Resources Service Administration (f:5, 2.27%), Fundacao Para A Ciencia EA Tecnologia (f:3, 1.36%) come to the fore. Health institutions have an important place among funding institutions. The number of publications produced over the years is shown in the figure below.&nbsp;Figure 2. Documents Produced on E-Mail Marketing Over the Years According to the results of our Web of Science search on e-mail marketing, the first study in the field of e-mail marketing was published by Garfield (1983) in Current Contents magazine in 1983 with the title “Junk Mail and Targeted Direct Mail Marketing-There Is A Difference”. The second study was presented in 1989 by Smart et al. (1989) at the Summer Educators Conference On Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing under the title Videolog Retailing - How Effective Is This New Form of Direct Mail Marketing. 190Published in 1992 by Fischer &amp; Byers (1992) in the Journal of Systems Management, published in 1995 by Walker in Cd-Rom Professional (Walker, 1995), published in 1999 by Dysart, J. in Die Casting Engineer (Dysart, 1999), it is seen that the studies accelerated in the 2000s and 15 studies were carried out in 2021, 20 studies in 2022 and 6 studies in 2023, although the current year is not over. Of course, it should not be overlooked that the rapid spread of the internet at the end of the nineties and the introduction of personal computers into every home and workplace had a great impact on this (Hudák et al., 2017; Gedik, 2020). Of course, it is important to know what the institutions, researchers, and countries that attach importance to this field are in the literature on e-mail marketing, which is rapidly increasing in importance with internet technology, and to reveal the prominent discussions in the studies conducted in this direction in the literature. This information is explained below in order..........................Things to Consider for E-Mail Marketing Gökşin (2018) emphasized the importance of determining the e-mail target and content, e-mail title, e-mail content, testing, market segmentation and delivery, personalization and measurement for the e-mail marketing process. He also emphasized the importance of the question of what the frequency of e-mail sending will be. Email length is also an important issue for online users. In 2016, Boomerang conducted a comprehensive study of more than 40 million emails to determine which factors lead to the highest response rates. It found that emails with 50-125 words had the highest response rate at 51%. Above 2500 words, response rates dropped below 35%. However, subject lines of only 3- 4 words had the highest response rate, while emails with no subject line had a 14% response rate (Moore, 2016). This shows that email length is as important as content in email marketing. The most important point in e-mail marketing is to get users to click on your e-mail and read the content. Therefore, brands need to increase their email click-through and read rates by using some strategies in order to deliver their e-mails to more people. In order to make a correct and effective e-mail marketing, the following are stated below (EGBİLİSİM, 2021); • It should create authorized user data, • The list to be sent should be analyzed in detail, 202• E-mail content should be tailored to the relevance of the target audience, • An effective title should be created in accordance with the content of the e-mail to be sent, • The frequency of mailing should be determined correctly and the results should be analyzed well, • E-mails should be compatible with mobile devices and content should be prepared accordingly, • Submissions should not involve intense selling pressure, • Spam content should not be sent, • Users who are on your list and who have voluntarily unsubscribed from your list should not be persistent by sending e-mails again, • Effective, striking and attention-grabbing headlines should be used, • Standard or similar templates should not be used for each e-mail, • The same product and service should not be sent more than once, • Social media accounts should be included in e-mails, • The e-mail sending time should be planned correctly and should not be sent in inappropriate time zones. When it comes to e-mail marketing, it is critical and very important to send e-mails as often as possible without disturbing your customers. The main reason why it is important is to reach the customer as often as possible and to gain a place in their memory in accordance with our marketing strategy. Setrow (2023) stated that new companies should send an e-mail once a week and the number of e-mails should be based on customer feedback. This will require some trial and error. It is important to start slowly and see customer feedback here. E-mails are also one of the main ways viruses spread. It is not recommended to open unknown file attachments (Okay, 2011). Many of the most important cyber-attacks in world history started with a simple mail. Therefore, companies that provide mail server services and users who are afraid of cyber-attacks avoid an attack by mail. For example; Melissa Virus, which was started with a simple e-mail, caused many companies to stop their activities with the traffic it created on the network. Even Microsoft was among the damaged companies, and it crashed the company’s systems and left 80 million dollars of damage (Webtekno, 2022). At this point, it is important that we continue our activities without entering the spam list.You can do many operations such as checking MX records, mail server IP blacklist control with MXToolbox. If you are going to receive a mail marketing service from a company, you can also compare server IP addresses here. We can even recommend you to do the same check on the website hosting service. Because being blacklisted is a big loss of reputation for a website or mail marketing tool. Figure 8. View of a Sample Domain in the MXToolBox Blacklist Sources: MXToolbox, 2023 Uydaci (2004) emphasized that for effective e-mail marketing; the importance of having voluntary registrations in the customer list, the importance of easy and safe unsubscribing from the relevant list, the need to tailor messages to customers, the importance of personalization practices, the need to create appropriate content, the importance of scalability of the system used and the possibility of expansion. He also stated that in e-mail marketing, the frequency of e-mails should be adjusted, content and message control, returned messages should be taken into consideration, and opportunities should be well utilized to leave a lasting impression. Erdoğan (2018), in their study evaluating the relationship between electronic mail and marketing, investigated which types of e-mails are of more&nbsp;interest. It was observed that the interest rate in e-mails related to information society-technologies, health, tourism-travel was high, while the interest in emails related to food-nutrition and art was at a medium level. As for the attitude towards e-mails with advertising content, they found that the ability to attract attention is high, and the ability to arouse interest, create desire and cause purchase is at a medium level. Therefore, it can be stated that this data is a finding that supports that an e-mail content that is easy to interact and effective for us and whose content is supported by visuals is very valuable for e-mail marketing. In addition, especially for small and medium-sized companies, the email marketing process is carried out with more personal efforts and without large budgets. For this reason, it is important to share free e-mail marketing tools that are accepted in the market. Best free e-mail marketing tools can be listed as follows; Mailchimp, AWeber, SendinBlue, Constant Contact, ManyContacts, Sender, Emma. In addition to free ones, professional services are as follows; Hubspot, Zoho Campaigns, Mailchimp, Constant Contact (free), SendinBlue (free), Campaign Monitor, GetResponse, Omnisend, MailerLite, Sender (free), Campaigner, SendPulse, AWeber, ConvertKit, ActiveCampaign, Drip, Mailjet, iContact, Emma (free) (Haileyesus, 2021).Conclusion and Suggestions In this chapter, e-mail marketing, which is one of the most established and oldest digital marketing activities, is evaluated in many different aspects. What kind of discussions the reader has made about e-mail marketing in the literature has been evaluated with the characteristics of countries, institutions and researchers. The prominent researches, prominent journals and articles on e-mail marketing over the years are explained in the study. Information has also been provided on the trending topics in e-mail marketing over the years. In the study, not only an article or review type document, but also an evaluation of all publications obtained in the Web of Science search was presented. When the titles of the congresses for the papers were evaluated in the evaluation, it was seen that there were no congresses concentrated in a specific field. It has been seen here that discussions on e-mail marketing that concern many research areas have been carried out in the literature. It has been observed that e-mail marketing has less place in the literature compared to digital marketing tools. Although there is no&nbsp;accumulation on a specific institution or researcher, the USA is by far the leading country in terms of publications produced. In the 2000s, internet marketing, viral marketing, outsourcing, internet, cluster analysis, system dynamics, spam and data mining came to the fore. In recent years (e-mail marketing campaigns, academic libraries, open rate, customer engagement, newsletters, interactivity, search engine optimization, digital marketing, personalization, machine learning, social media have been studied intensively. In the literature study, it was seen that issues such as mail sending frequency, mail content, and mail title were very prominent. However, there is no study that informs about the server preference or whether the IP address of the server is on the blacklist, whether a malicious mail has been sent from a website hosted on this server or in some way. However, this situation is at the beginning of the work and may have an impact that has the potential to affect the entire digital marketing strategy of the people who do e-mail marketing and may cause irreversible damage and damage the corporate image. Mail marketing is evaluated in detail in the section, from a sample code block and content preparation and bulk mailing services to the service on bulk mailing services. Efforts have been made to be a comprehensive study on email marketing.</p

    Dijital Dünyanın Dünü, Bugünü Ve Yarını: Bilişim Sektörünün Gelişimi Üzerine Değerlendirme

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    DİJİTAL DÜNYANIN DÜNÜ, BUGÜNÜ VE YARINI: BİLİŞİM SEKTÖRÜNÜN GELİŞİMİ ÜZERİNE DEĞERLENDİRMEBilişim sektörü özellikle iki binli yıllar sonrasında büyük bir dönüşüm geçirmiştir. Bu dönüşüm tüm sektörleri bir şekilde etkilemiştir. Çalışma bu değişim ve dönüşümü yıllar içinde değerlendirmekte ve bu etkiyi, değişimi paydaşlar üzerine etkisini tartışmaktadır. Türkiye ve dünyada bilişim sektörünün bu değişimden nasıl etkilendiğini ortaya koymakta, bilişim sektöründe ilgili dönemlerde ön plana çıkan ülkelerin bu yöndeki başarılı olduğu noktaları değerlendirmektedir. Bilişim sektöründeki zaman içindeki değişiminin, akademik disiplinler üzerinde ne tür değişimler oluşturduğunu, yönetim bilişim sistemleri disiplinini merkeze alarak değerlendirmektedir. Çalışmamıza kaynak oluşturan dokümanlar belirli bir sistematik ile ve düzende taranmış, belirlenen araştırma sorulanını cevaplanması için kapsamlı literatür taraması ile konu değerlendirilmiştir. Önceleri bilişim sektörü, ABD, Almanya, Japonya gibi sektörde köklü bir geçmişi olan ülkeler üzerinden dönüşmektedir. Sonraları, yıllar içinde yürüttükleri başarılı politikalar ile Hindistan, İsrail, İrlanda gibi ülkeler, sektörde söz sahibi olmuşlar ve önemli bir yer elde etmişlerdir. Günümüzde ise doksanlı yıllarda sektörde ismini çok duymadığımız Çin, bilişim sektöründe yürüttüğü kararlı politikalar ile ön plana çıktığı görülmektedir. Hızla dijitalleşen dünyada önceleri sektörde ismi duyulmayan pek çok ülke bu sektörde varlık göstermeye başlamaktadır. Türkiye iki binli yıllarda sahip olduğu yoğun genç nüfusa günümüzde sahip değildir. Türkiye’nin bilişim sektöründe farklılaştırılmış ve ülke dinamiklerinin farkında stratejiler gütmesi gerektiği ifade edilebilir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Bilişim Sektörü, yönetim bilişim sistemleri, tarihsel gelişim, lider ülkeler, Türkiye---------------&nbsp;---------------&nbsp;---------------&nbsp;---------------&nbsp;---------------&nbsp;---------------YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW OF THE DIGITAL WORLD: AN ASSESSMENT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE IT SECTOR&nbsp;Especially since the turn of the millennium, the IT industry has seen profound change. In one way or another, this shift has influenced all industries. This modification and evolution through time is evaluated by the research. This study examines both this impact and the change’s effect on stakeholders. It illustrates how the information sector in Turkey and the rest of the globe has been affected by this transformation and assesses the successful aspects of the countries that came to the forefront during the relevant periods in the information sector. It studies the effects of the evolution of the information sector on academic disciplines, with a focus on the management information systems discipline. The materials that constitute the source of our study were systematically and sequentially scanned, and a full literature analysis was conducted in order to answer the predetermined research questions. Historically, the IT industry has transformed through countries with a long history in the field, such as the United States of America, Germany, and Japan. After that, countries such as India, Israel, and Ireland achieved prominence in the industry as a result of their successful strategies throughout the years. Today, China, whose name was hardly mentioned in the industry during the 1990s, appears to be rising to prominence as a result of its determined policies in the information technology industry. In the constantly digitalizing world, numerous countries whose names were previously unknown in this field are beginning to emerge. Today, Turkey does not have the same proportion of young people as it did in the early 2000s. Turkey should adopt differentiated strategies in the information technology sector that are cognizant of the country’s dynamics.Keywords: information technology sector, management information systems, historical development, leading countries, TurkeyDİJİTAL DÜNYANIN DÜNÜ, BUGÜNÜ VE YARINI: BİLİŞİM SEKTÖRÜNÜN GELİŞİMİ ÜZERİNE DEĞERLENDİRMEBilişim sektörü özellikle iki binli yıllar sonrasında büyük bir dönüşüm geçirmiştir. Bu dönüşüm tüm sektörleri bir şekilde etkilemiştir. Çalışma bu değişim ve dönüşümü yıllar içinde değerlendirmekte ve bu etkiyi, değişimi paydaşlar üzerine etkisini tartışmaktadır. Türkiye ve dünyada bilişim sektörünün bu değişimden nasıl etkilendiğini ortaya koymakta, bilişim sektöründe ilgili dönemlerde ön plana çıkan ülkelerin bu yöndeki başarılı olduğu noktaları değerlendirmektedir. Bilişim sektöründeki zaman içindeki değişiminin, akademik disiplinler üzerinde ne tür değişimler oluşturduğunu, yönetim bilişim sistemleri disiplinini merkeze alarak değerlendirmektedir. Çalışmamıza kaynak oluşturan dokümanlar belirli bir sistematik ile ve düzende taranmış, belirlenen araştırma sorulanını cevaplanması için kapsamlı literatür taraması ile konu değerlendirilmiştir. Önceleri bilişim sektörü, ABD, Almanya, Japonya gibi sektörde köklü bir geçmişi olan ülkeler üzerinden dönüşmektedir. Sonraları, yıllar içinde yürüttükleri başarılı politikalar ile Hindistan, İsrail, İrlanda gibi ülkeler, sektörde söz sahibi olmuşlar ve önemli bir yer elde etmişlerdir. Günümüzde ise doksanlı yıllarda sektörde ismini çok duymadığımız Çin, bilişim sektöründe yürüttüğü kararlı politikalar ile ön plana çıktığı görülmektedir. Hızla dijitalleşen dünyada önceleri sektörde ismi duyulmayan pek çok ülke bu sektörde varlık göstermeye başlamaktadır. Türkiye iki binli yıllarda sahip olduğu yoğun genç nüfusa günümüzde sahip değildir. Türkiye’nin bilişim sektöründe farklılaştırılmış ve ülke dinamiklerinin farkında stratejiler gütmesi gerektiği ifade edilebilir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Bilişim Sektörü, yönetim bilişim sistemleri, tarihsel gelişim, lider ülkeler, Türkiye---------------&nbsp;---------------&nbsp;---------------&nbsp;---------------&nbsp;---------------&nbsp;---------------YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW OF THE DIGITAL WORLD: AN ASSESSMENT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE IT SECTOR&nbsp;Especially since the turn of the millennium, the IT industry has seen profound change. In one way or another, this shift has influenced all industries. This modification and evolution through time is evaluated by the research. This study examines both this impact and the change’s effect on stakeholders. It illustrates how the information sector in Turkey and the rest of the globe has been affected by this transformation and assesses the successful aspects of the countries that came to the forefront during the relevant periods in the information sector. It studies the effects of the evolution of the information sector on academic disciplines, with a focus on the management information systems discipline. The materials that constitute the source of our study were systematically and sequentially scanned, and a full literature analysis was conducted in order to answer the predetermined research questions. Historically, the IT industry has transformed through countries with a long history in the field, such as the United States of America, Germany, and Japan. After that, countries such as India, Israel, and Ireland achieved prominence in the industry as a result of their successful strategies throughout the years. Today, China, whose name was hardly mentioned in the industry during the 1990s, appears to be rising to prominence as a result of its determined policies in the information technology industry. In the constantly digitalizing world, numerous countries whose names were previously unknown in this field are beginning to emerge. Today, Turkey does not have the same proportion of young people as it did in the early 2000s. Turkey should adopt differentiated strategies in the information technology sector that are cognizant of the country’s dynamics.Keywords: information technology sector, management information systems, historical development, leading countries, Turkey</div

    Yazılım Sektörünün İki Lider Ülkesi Hindistan ve İrlanda, Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler İçin Öneriler (Two Software Sector Leaders, India and Ireland, and Suggestions for Developing Countries)

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    Yazılım Sektörünün İki Lider Ülkesi Hindistan ve İrlanda, Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler İçin ÖnerilerÖzet Yazılım sektörü ve bilgi iletişim teknolojileri, bir şekilde tüm sektörleri etkileyen, firmalara rekabet avantajı sağlayan, sektörde başarı göstermiş toplumlar için toplumsal kalkınma imkanı sağlayan, kritik önemde ve değerde bir sektördür. Özelikle gelişmekte olan ülkelerin ilgisini çekmektedir. Devletler tarafından sektörün büyümesi ve genç nüfus dinamiklerinden daha fazla faydalanabilmesi adına pek çok adım atılmaktadır. Türkiye gibi gelişmekte olan ve genç nüfusa sahip ülkeler için yazılım sektörü pek çok fırsatı içinde barındırmaktadır. Çalışmanın bu yönüyle, sektörde var olmak isteyen firmalar ve sektörün politika yapıcılar için önemli ve referans bilgileri barındırdığı, sektörün ihtiyacı olan farklı bir bakış açısını ortaya koyacağı düşünülmektedir. Yazılım sektöründeki ilerleme, gelişmelerin içinde yer alan ülkeler için yeni imkanlar ve fırsatlar sağlarken, gelişmelerin dışında olan ülkeler için bir tehdit oluşturduğu söylenebilir. Genel olarak bilişim sektöründe, zamanında harekete geçip gerekli önlemleri alan ülkelerin ortaya koyduğu başarılı örnekler, diğer ülkeler için de cezbedici olabilmektedir. Çalışma yöntemsel olarak; dünyadaki yazılım sektörü üzerinde bir değerlendirme yapılmaktadır. Önemli yazılım ihracatçısı olan iki ülkeyi (Hindistan ve İrlanda) merkeze alarak, İsrail, Rusya, Çin gibi ülkelerin sektörde nasıl başarılı olduklarını değerlendirmektedir. Sektörün içinde bulunduğu kapsamlı literatür çalışması ile ortaya konulacak ve gelişmekte olan ülkeler için sektördeki başarılı olabilmenin faktörleri ve dikkat edilecek hususlar ortaya konulmaktadır. Dünyada yazılım sektöründe pazar büyüklüğü açısından ön plana çıkan firmaların değerlendirilmesi, Hindistan ve İrlanda’nın tarihten günümüze başarı öyküsü, Hindistan ve İrlanda’da sektörün en önemli firmaları, pazar büyüklükleri ve istihdam ettiği insan kaynağı üzerinde bir değerlendirme ortaya koymaktadır. Elde edilen bulular ışığında, Çin ve ABD günümüzde yazılım sektörünün geleceği için iki kritik ülkedir. Çin özellikle teknoloji alt yapısı olarak (5G teknolojisi) gelecek teknoloji senaryolarına en hazır ülkedir ve gelecek teknolojik yeniliklere yoğun yatırım yapmaktadır. Hindistan, İrlanda ve İsrail gibi ülkelerin yazılım sektöründeki varlığının derin bir tarihi vardır. Altmışlı yıllara kadar dayanmaktadır ve İrlanda'nın Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırım Ajansı ve Hindistan Ulusal Yazılım ve Hizmet Şirketleri Birliği (NASSCOM) gibi kurumlar kritik önemdedir. ABD, Norveç, Avustralya gibi pek çok ülke Hindistan ile eğitim anlaşmaları yapmakta, kurumsal işbirlikleri için projeler geliştirmektedir. Sonuç olarak; sektörde ön plana çıkan ülkelerin uzun yıllara dayanan, hükümet politikaları ile desteklenen faaliyetleri mevcuttur. Hindistan ve İrlanda’da sektörün gelişmesinde yurtdışında yaşayan diasporaların önemli bir etkisi olmuştur. Sektörel planlamaların denetimi ve kontrolü, başarı için kritik değerdedir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Yazılım Sektörü, Hint Yazılım Sektörü, İrlanda Yazılım Sektörü, Başarı Faktörleri, Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Two Software Sector Leaders, India and Ireland, and Suggestions for Developing CountriesABSTRACTThe software and information communication technologies are critical and valuable sectors that affect all others, provide a competitive edge to businesses, opportunities for social development for societies that have been successful in the sector. It particularly attracts the interest of developing nations. States take numerous actions in order for the sector to expand and benefit more from the youthful population's dynamism. Additionally, the software sector offers numerous opportunities for developing countries with a young population, such as Turkey. This aspect of the study is believed to contain critical and reference information for companies seeking to operate in the sector and for sector policymakers, as well as reveal a different perspective that the sector requires. While advancements in the software sector create new opportunities and opportunities for countries participating in the developments, they also pose a threat to countries not participating in the developments. In general, successful examples of countries that act promptly and take necessary precautions in the information technology sector can be enticing to other countries. The study methodically; An evaluation is made on the software industry in the world. It focuses on two major software exporters (India and Ireland) and evaluates how countries such as Israel, Russia and China are successful in the sector. The factors for success in the sector, as well as the points to consider for developing countries, are revealed by a comprehensive literature review. The assessment of the companies that stand out in the global software sector in terms of market size, the success story of India and Ireland from their inception to the present, the most significant companies in the Indian and Irish software sector, their market sizes, and the human resources they employ. The results show that China and the USA are two crucial nations for the development of the software sector in the present. China is the most prepared country for future technological scenarios, particularly in terms of technology infrastructure (5G technology), and invests extensively in future technological developments. India, Ireland, and Israel have a long history in the software business dating all the way back to the 1960s, with institutions such as Ireland's Foreign Direct Investment Agency (IDA) and The National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM) playing a vital role. Numerous countries, including the United States of America, Norway, and Australia, have signed training agreements with India and are developed programs for corporate cooperation. As a result, countries that rise to the top of the sector have long-standing activities that are backed up by government policies. Diasporas have had a significant impact on the growth of the sector in India and Ireland. Supervision and control of sectoral planning is critical to success. Keywords: Software Sector, Indian Software Sector, Irish Software Sector, Success Factors, Developing Countries</p

    How do Iranian and Turkish Researchers Collaborate? Business Intelligence based Decision Support Tool for Monitoring the Scientific Collaborations

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    A Decision Support System with Business Intelligence: Iranian and Turkish Researcher collaborate enough?Muhammet DAMARhttps://doi.org/10.26745/ahbvuibfd.1102805AbstractThe advancement of information and communication technologies demands the employment of cutting-edge technological tools in many sectors, including higher education. These tools assist managers in performing their management tasks more effectively and in continuing their operations by enabling them to make informed judgments. Among these tools, business intelligence technology has risen to prominence in recent years as a critical strategic management tool. Feeding from many different systems, BI is a digital tool that can be used at different decision levels at the operational, tactical, and strategic levels. It may be used to organize and monitor scientific research, as well as to track its efficacy over time. Bibliometric data can be an important source for this important technology at this point. The study examines the province's, Iran's, and Turkey's scientific productivity between 2010 and 2020 using bibliometric data from Web of Science. A decision support system is modeled in order to make this query more effective and parametric for decision-makers. The scientific productivity of the two countries is analyzed at the macro level through the relevant bibliometric data source, and at the micro level, the publications jointly produced by the researchers in the two countries are detailed in the research areas, researchers, institutions, works produced and citations received, journals published together, funds. Scientific production is measured in terms of institutions, regional location, and collaboration with other nations. The two nations collaborated on 6.723 publications over the relevant time (5.915 articles). Although both countries are neighbors to each other, they are in eighth place in the list of collaborating countries in terms of research intensity. Among the countries with the most intense cooperation for both countries are the USA and England. The top three institutions working together most intensively in both countries are Islamic Azad University, Middle East Technical University, and Istanbul Technical University. Physics, engineering, chemistry, mathematics, and material science are the most intensely collaborative research areas. The developed model is seen as a valuable tool for university library services or scientific productivity monitoring, which is different from packaged software, and provides the opportunity to go into detail, for the evaluation of scientific productivity at the level of countries.KeywordsIran, Turkey, collaboration, scientific productivity, business intelligence, bibliometric data managementReferencesAbramo, G., &amp; D’Angelo, C. A. (2020). A novel methodology to assess the scientific standing of nations at field level. 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