
Dijital Çağda Bilişim Sektörünün İhtiyacı Olan Yetkinlikler Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme&nbsp;ÖZETBilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerindeki baş döndürücü gelişmeler, sadece kendi sektörünü değil tüm sektörleri şekillendirmekte, her geçen gün yeni yeni yaklaşımların ve yeni sektörlerin doğmasına sebep olabilmektedir. Bundan on yıllar önce ismine değinmediğimiz konularda yeni yeni meslekler ortaya çıkarken, yeni teknolojiler yeni sektörlerin veya iş alanlarının doğmasına neden olmuştur. Bazı meslekler ise tarihin tozlu rafları arasına katılmıştır. Çalışma, bu hızlı dönüşümün farkına vararak bilgi teknolojileri sektörünün ihtiyacı olan yetkinlikler üzerine kapsamlı bir değerlendirmek sunmaktadır. Sektörün ihtiyaçları ve beklentileri, var olan meslek dallarının gelişimi, bilişim sektörü açısından eğitim kurumları, sektörün güçlü ülkeleri ve küresel oyuncuları ve sektörün oluşturma potansiyeli olduğu istihdam gerçeği ile konu detaylı olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bilişim sektörü, içinde bulunduğumuz dünya gerçekliğinde en önemli ve kritik sektör olmasına rağmen, sektördeki istihdam, sektörün beklentileri ve gelecek konjonktürü gibi konularda pek çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Sektörün kritik önemi ve Türkçe literatürdeki bu yöndeki eksiklik çalışma için ana motive edici unsur olmuştur. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, Türkiye’nin sektör ihtiyacını karşılamak için eğitim kurumları açma konusundaki girişimi, her ne kadar sayıca az olsa da, dünya ile paralellik göstermiştir. Fakat sektör sorunları, gelişimi, sektörün talepleri, meslek profesyonellerinin sıkıntıları konusunda Türkçe literatürde önemli bir boşluk mevcuttur ve uluslararası literatür geriden takip edilmektedir. Türkiye'de bilişim sektörünün daha fazla gelişebilmesi için Ortadoğu ve Balkan ülkeleri ile özel girişimlerde bulunulabilir. Ayrıca sivil toplum kuruluşlarının Türkiye’nin bilişim sektörünün gelişmesi için kıymetli bir noktada bulunmaktadır Dolayısı ile bu sivil toplum kuruluşları üzerine gelecek çalışmalar için daha kapsamlı çalışmalar yapılması önerilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: bilişim sektörü, bilişim teknolojisi, insan kaynağı, yetenekler, Türkiye ----------------------------------------------------------------- AN ASSESSMENT ON THE COMPETENCIES NEEDED BY THE INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SECTOR IN THE DIGITAL AGE ABSTRACT: The incredible advances in information and communication technology are reshaping not just their own sector, but all sectors, and may result in the introduction of new methods and new industries on a daily basis. While new professions have evolved in fields previously unmentioned, new technology has resulted in the formation of new sectors or economic domains. Certain occupations have been consigned to the dusty shelves of history. Recognizing this fast change, the research provides an in-depth examination of the competencies required by the information technology sector. The issue is thoroughly examined in terms of the sector’s demands and aspirations, the growth of current professions, educational institutions in the IT sector, the industry’s strong countries and global participants, and the job opportunities that the sector has the ability to produce. Although the information and communication technology sector is the most vital and significant in the world in which we live, there are few studies on topics such as employment in the industry, sector expectations, and the sector’s future trajectory. The crucial relevance of the industry and the dearth of information about it in the Turkish literature served as the primary impetus for the study. Turkey’s endeavor to establish educational institutions to satisfy the sector’s demands, albeit minor in number, shown parallelism with the rest of the globe. However, there is a significant gap in the Turkish literature on the problems of the sector, its development, the demands of the sector, and the problems of the professionals, and the international literature is followed behind. Special steps might be taken with Middle Eastern and Balkan nations to help Turkey’s IT sector grow. Additionally, non-governmental groups are critical to Turkey’s information industry growth. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out more comprehensive studies for future studies on these non-governmental organizations. Keywords: Information and communication sector, information technology, human resources, skills, Turkey INTRODUCTION The rapid growth in information and communication technology and the power of the internet have strongly affected the business and service delivery models of today's global environment[1]. Information and communication technologies are developing at a dizzying pace, entering every part of our lives and transforming sectors in different fields. Bowonder et al. [2], the extent of the change in information and communication technology towards the end of the nineties; micro-miniaturization of memories and functional circuits; enhanced intelligent functionality, interconnectivity of various systems, portability and wireless systems, distributed systems that can support parallel architecture or interoperability and system integration through open system interface, hardware or software. Today, the capacity of computers and server technologies have increased in an unimaginable way compared to the nineties, and autonomous systems and artificial intelligence technologies have begun to transform not only the informatics sector but also the production sector. Especially after the Covid 19 epidemic, the need for remote work has increased, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's metaverse output has enabled people to receive the message that the transition from the web 2.0 world to the web 3.0 world is accelerating, and that in this world, a virtual world and a virtual economy will have to be faced. has shown. All these developments, in the first place, affect both the informatics sector and the sectors that the informatics sector is heavily influenced and related to. These developments, on the other hand, make it difficult to compete in the sector and make it necessary to follow the developments and foresee the future in order to make the importance of human resources qualified. After two thousand years, with the enormous growth of the information sector, the shortage of qualified personnel became chronic in the sector and came to light. Recognizing the importance of the sector, many governments have made the provision of information technology services an important element in their economic development strategy. With the rapid government support, the need for qualified personnel in the sector has been tried to be filled with the contribution of universities[3]. Employer demands have led to the emergence of the needs and areas of expertise of different professionals with different names in the sector. The sectors' desire to benefit more from the developing computer technology in their business processes, and accordingly, in the sector where only mathematicians and computer science workers had a say, namings such as information systems, information worker, data analyst, business analyst, management information systems (MIS) specialist. Different professions were even born with it. By observing the growing knowledge economy, Huws and Flecker [4] noted that there is evidence that the internationalization of employment has become a key issue. Technological change and clear economic and geographical frameworks have provided opportunities for the globalization of not only the trade and production of tangible goods, but also intangible services. High-cost back-office operations and support services in the IT sector have become lower value-added activities such as remote data processing facilities and the relocation of back office work overseas. Being able to attract investment from international companies has been a competitive factor for many overseas countries, and national talents in the IT sector have been employed in companies established by large international companies in their countries. This situation has greatly increased the potential for international cooperation. Multinational companies moved some organizational functions to developing countries in the 2000s and benefited from the cheap labor force in these countries. For example, Asian countries such as Sri Lanka, Thailand, and India have become the back offices of multinational companies or the solution point for some outsourced works, with the opportunity to work remotely in business lines such as data processing, teleservice services, software engineering. This situation especially encouraged the developing countries to get a share from this cake, and made them make an effort to train the workforce that the information sector will need in order to keep up with the technological transformation and to benefit from the market in this global transformation. Today, this diversification and transformation has accelerated. For example; The first of the MIS programs opened in Turkey, especially for the employment of qualified information and communication technology specialists in the business sector, was established in 1995 at Boğaziçi University[5]. From 1995 to 2010, seventeen universities, twelve of which were foundation universities[6], increased from 49[7] in 2018 to 147 in 2021. It is seen that MIS departments are opened in a large part of 207 universities in Turkey. It is seen that 43 of them were opened in the 2021 preference year[8]. Another example is the Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering program, which was opened for the first time in 2020-2021 at Istanbul Technical University. It is a young university established in the context of the sector's needs with the mission of supporting the informatics sector in terms of employment through national and international artificial intelligence and data engineering studies[9]. According to the data obtained from the YÖK ATLAS [8] application, when the undergraduate programs of universities in Turkey are examined, information security technology, forensic information engineering, information and document management, computer sciences, computer engineering, computer technology and information systems, information systems engineering, management information systems. , computer and instructional technology teaching, statistics and computer science, mathematics and computer science, communication sciences, technology and information management, electrical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, electronics and communication engineering, electronic engineering, electronic commerce and management, electronics and communication engineering, The study is evaluated by taking into account the competencies required by the information sector in the world, its historical transformation and the stages it has gone through. In the study, the basic competencies needed by the informatics sector were centered, readings were made on national and international publications in this direction, and evaluations were presented in the center of the question of how we can improve the national informatics sector. The practices and policies carried out, which we can express as a good example for the sector, are explained within the scope of the study, a wide literature knowledge on the basic competencies required by the field for rule makers, universities, ministries, field researchers and experts, briefly all the stakeholders of the sector, that guides the IT sector in Turkey. evaluated with.</p

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