1,232 research outputs found

    Industrial energy efficiency optimisation through cogeneration using biomass

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    Synchronization of N-Non-Linear Slave Systems with Master System Using Non-Adaptive and Adaptive Coupled Observers

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    Synchronization of N-slave chaotic systems with a master system is a challenging task, particularly in recent times. In this paper, a novel methodology is proposed for synchronizing the N number of slave systems with a master system. The proposed methodology is based on coupled adaptive synchronous observers. The difference between the corresponding states of master and slave systems is converged to the origin by means of a novel feedback control scheme to achieve synchronization between the master and slave systems. The efficacy of the proposed methodology is verified through a simulation of FitzHugh–Nagumo non-linear systems in MATLAB. The simulation results validate and prove claims, and these systems are successfully synchronized by CCS and CCAS observer-based control

    Impact of Globalization on Commerce Development Under the Era of Modernization: A Review Paper

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    Economic Growth is a vital condition for human Development, yet not adequate in itself to promise it; in this way, different measurements and determinants of human improvement must be explored by analysts. This examination investigates the effect of outside direct speculation (FDI), human advancement record (HDI) and remote settlement on monetary development in south asian nations for the time of 1986-2016. Board ARDL test comes about uncover a long-haul connection between FDI, human advancement files and foreign remittance on economy development. In this way, to get ideal outcomes approach producers ought to know about and consider the upsides and downsides of on a few parts of FDI, Human Development list and Economic growth

    Deformable Object Tracking Using Clustering and Particle Filter

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    Visual tracking of a deformable object is a challenging problem, as the target object frequently changes its attributes like shape, posture, color and so on. In this work, we propose a model-free tracker using clustering to track a target object which poses deformations and rotations. Clustering is applied to segment the tracked object into several independent components and the discriminative parts are tracked to locate the object. The proposed technique segments the target object into independent components using data clustering techniques and then tracks by finding corresponding clusters. Particle filters method is incorporated to improve the accuracy of the proposed technique. Experiments are carried out with several standard data sets, and results demonstrate comparable performance to the state-of-the-art visual tracking methods

    Analysis of Heavy Metals Found in Vegetables From Some Irrigated Gardens in Katsina, Daura and Funtua Metropolis, Katsina State, Nigeria.

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    This study was conducted to determine the concentration of heavy metals cadmium (Cd)) chromium (Cr) (copper (Cu), iron (Fe) manganese (Mn) zinc (Zn), lead (Pb) and in five vegetables viz;  (Bitter-leaf),  Cabbage, Cucumber, Lettuce and Spinach and soil collected from selected farm and market sites in industrial, residential and commercial areas of Lagos state. The heavy metals present in the vegetables were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The results reveal that all the heavy metals were detected in all the vegetables from the various sites. Most of the concentrations are below the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) safe limit of 0.1 mg/kg, 0.1 mg/kg, 40 mg/kg, 1.3 mg/kg, 1.5 mg/kg, 6.61 mg/kg, 3 mg/kg, 60 mg/kg for cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co)   (Cu), chromium (Cr), iron (Fe), lead (Pb) and  zinc (Zn), and respectively in the vegetables. However the concentration of cobalt in spinach and lead in cabbage from Katsina are above the WHO and FAO safe limits. There is a significant differences in the concentration of Cd in the vegetables from the sampling sites (P<0.05), while there is no significant difference in the concentration of Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn  in the vegetables from the sampling sites (P>0.05). If the practice of treating the soils in the irrigation gardens with contaminated waters is not controlled, it may lead to health hazard on the part of consumers of the vegetables on the long term. Therefore, there is the need to continually monitor, control and take necessary policy decisions so as to limit and ultimately prevent these avoidable problems. Keywords: Irrigation, Vegetables, Heavy metals, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS), Garden

    Brand personality from an Islamic perspective: a conceptual analysis of Aaker’s model

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    Current challenges reflect intense competition in the market and low switching cost of customers. For any brand to be appealing and ultimately profitable, it necessitates differentiation in comparison with other brands. Marketers engage in various differentiation techniques such as Aaker’s brand personality model. Aaker’s model contains five dimensions (sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, and ruggedness) along with 42 underlying aspects. Brand personality helps in developing customer-brand relationship, brand image, and brand commitment. Extensive research has been done based on the above model yet several scholars have criticised it based on issues such as generalizability across countries and cultures. Religion being an important part of culture has also been ignored in the brand personality domain. This research proposes an Islamic brand personality model, which not only looks into the dimensions, but also examines the underlying aspects based on the Qur’an, hadith and the scholarly work of both traditional and modern Muslim scholars. This paper found that the Islamic brand personality model contains two new dimensions, namely trustworthiness and justice in addition to the existing dimensions. This model can benefit any Islamic brand (Islamic bank, Islamic Insurance company etc.) to differentiate itself from others, especially from conventional brands in order to develop a potentially larger Muslim consumer market

    Employee Turnover Intention in Call Center (Punjab) Pakistan

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    Purpose The purpose of this research was to find out the reasons of employee turnover in call centers of Punjab Pakistan so that the companies could retain their trained work force. Also find out the reasons which are affecting on employee’s turnover intention. The intention of this research is to find out those elements behind the employees turnover intention of job. Design/methodology the target population of this research is Multan and Lahore (Punjab). For getting the response 100 quantities of questionnaire were distributed and with use of application SPSS-18, revile the result on correlation analysis. Research findings the findings of this research identified that that there is negative relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The finding and the recommendation of this research will help the manager to develop a deeper insight of research factor for reducing the employee’s turnover intention Originality/value for determining the employees turnover intention in call center that is original study for newly and existing reader knowledge and there is no any portion of research are copy form anywhere. Implications all the company top level manager/HR manager and marketers of the industry who want to decline the turnover intention can use this research results. Keywords: employee’s turnover, job satisfaction, salary, working conditio

    Acute toxicity study of a polysaccharide based hydrogel from linseed for potential use in drug delivery system

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    Linseed hydrogel (LSH) was evaluated by acute toxicity for its potential application in oral drug delivery design. White albino mice and rabbits were divided in four groups (I–IV) and different doses of LSH (1, 2 and 5 g/kg body weight) were given except to the control group (I) that was left untreated. Rabbits were monitored for eye irritation, acute dermal toxicity and primary dermal irritation, whereas, body weight, food and water consumption, hematology and clinical biochemistry, gross necropsy and histopathology of vital organs were scrutinized in mice. LSH was considered safe after eye irritation test as no adverse signs or symptoms were seen in the eye. In dermal toxicity and irritation study, skin of treated rabbits was found normal in color without any edema or erythema. After oral administration, there was no sign of any abnormalities in treated group animals (II–IV). The hematology and clinical biochemistry of treated group animals was comparable with the control group. Histopathology of vital organs has not shown any lesion or abnormalities. In the light of these outcomes, it can be concluded that LSH is not a hazardous biomaterial and could be incorporated as an excipient in oral and dermal preparations

    Bioavailability and Metabolic Pathway of Phenolic Compounds

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    As potential agents for preventing different oxidative stress-related diseases, phenolic compounds have attracted increasing attention with the passage of time. Intake of fruits, vegetables and cereals in higher quantities is linked with decreased chances of chronic diseases. In plant-based foods, phenolic compounds are very abundant. However, bio-accessibility and biotransformation of phenolic compound are not reviewed in these studies; therefore, a detailed action mechanism of phenolic compounds is not recognized. In this article, inclusive concept of different factors affecting the bioavailability of phenolic compounds and their metabolic processes is presented through which phenolic compounds go after ingestion

    Wolbachia pipientis: A potential candidate for combating and eradicating dengue epidemics in Pakistan

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    AbstractDengue virus syndrome is an emerging global health challenge which is endemic in tropical countries like Pakistan. In recent years dengue incidences have increased considerably in different areas of Pakistan with more sever impacts on urban and peri-urban populations. This review is an effort to highlight the changing epidemiology of dengue fever, role of Government of Pakistan in disease management and control using preventive and community based approaches in the region. Moreover, there is an emphasis on application of Wolbachia as novel, inexpensive and environmentally benign candidate for control and eradication of dengue transmitting vectors