7 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Muhammad Syarfi, (2023): Implementasi Jual Beli Borongan Seumpun Desa Teluk Binjai Pelalawan menurut Perspektif Ekonomi Syariah Penelitian ini di latarbelakangi Pelaksanaan jual beli borongan seumpun desa teluk binjai kabupaten pelalawan dilakukan sistem borongan antara pemilik kebun buah dengan pemborong. Cara ini menimbulkan spekulasi dari kedua belah pihak. Rumusan masalah penelitian bagaimana pelaksanaan jual beli borongan seumpun desa teluk binjai, hambatan pelaksanaan jual beli borongan seumpun, bagaimana perspektif Ekonomi Syariah terhadap jual beli borongan seumpun desa teluk binjai kabupaten pelalawan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan jual beli borongan seumpun didesa Teluk Binjai, untuk mengetahui hambatan dalam pelaksanaan jual beli borongan seumpun untuk mengetahui perspektif Ekonomi Syariah terhadap pelaksanaan jual beli borongan seumpun desa teluk binjai kabupaten pelalawan. Jenis penelitian kualitatif, metode pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, informan penelitian ini berjumlah 10 Responden 2 pemilik kebun 8 pemborong buah. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian jual beli borongan seumpun desa Teluk Binjai Kabupaten Pelalawan ketika buah memasuki masa panen pemborong datang ke kebun buah melakukan penawaran harga seumpun kepada pemilik kebun, harga di tentukan berdasarkan taksiran pemborong. hambatan pelaksanaan jual beli borongan seumpun terjadi salah taksir yang mengakibatkan kerugian oleh pemborong, kualitas buah tidak sama saat buah masih di pohon dengan saat di panen, dan kuantitas buah berkurang saat dipanen, perspektif Ekonomi syariah pemborong dan pemilik kebun dapat meraup keuntungan dari hasil borongan seumpun ini dan mendorong perekonomian masyarakat yang melakukan kegiatan jual beli borongan seumpun. Kata Kunci : jual beli, boronga

    Pengaruh Suhu dan Persen Katalis Zeolit terhadap Yield Pirolisis Limbah Plastik Polypropylene (PP)

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    Increasing population growth leads to increased plastic waste resulting in adverse environmental impacts, If not further processed. This research was conducted to convert plastic waste into fuel oil using synthetic zeolite catalyst. The purpose of this research is to see the influence of temperature variation and percent catalyst / plastic. A total of 100 grams of polypropylene plastic type were crushed in a batch reactor at a temperature of 300 ° C, 350 ° C, and 400 ° C for 60 minutes with percent catalyst / plastic variations 5; 6; 7 (% weight). The highest yield was obtained at 400 ° C with 7% catalyst / plastic percent of 75.69%. While the highest yield without catalyst was obtained at 400 ° C at 65.57%. The product result obtained is density 0,87 gr / ml, kinematic viscosity value 2,140 cSt, flash point value 52 ° C, calorific value 44.673 kJ / kg. The analysis results show that (%) yield of the product meets the diesel (solar) standard

    Pengaruh Tekanan Transmembran dan Konsentrasi Chemical Cleaning Agent (NaOH) Membran Ultrafiltrasi Aliran Cross Flow pada Pengolahan Limbah Cair Laundry

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    The rapid economic development and community activities increasingly crowded cause appearance laundry business that effect on the environment. Ultrafiltration membrane is one of wastewater treatment technologies, but membranes have limitations such as the occurrence of the phenomenon of concentration polarization and fouling. The research objective of this study the effect of variations in transmembrane pressure against the rejection percentage COD, TSS , and the effect of variations in transmembrane pressure, concentration of washing of the efficiency and effectiveness of washing the membrane. the concentration of the washing of the efficiency and effectiveness of washing the membrane. The process of ultrafiltration membranes and membrane chemical washing wastewater laundry do with variations in pressure of 1 bar , 2 bar , and 3 bar. Variation of chemical cleaning agent concentration of 1%, 1.5% and 2%, rinsing with distilled water for 30 minutes, filtering wastewater laundry for 120 minutes, and washing using chemical cleaning agent (NaOH) for 30 minutes. Results highest percentage of rejection for COD parameter 86.6% and 85.7% TSS parameters in transmembrane pressure of 3 bar. The highest washing efficiency of the value of Flux Recovery (FR) gained 81.9%, and the value of resistance of Removal (RR) gained 82.59% with a concentration of 2% in the transmembrane pressure of 3 bar. The highest leaching effectiveness obtained at 50.21% with a concentration of 2% and a transmembrane pressure of 3 bar

    Pengaruh Tekanan Transmembran dan Konsentrasi Chemical Cleaning Agent (NaOH) pada Penyisihan Fosfat dari Limbah Laundry dengan Membran Ultrafiltrasi Aliran Cross Flow

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    The rapid economic development and community activities increasingly crowded cause appearance laundry business that effect on the environment. Ultrafiltration membrane is one of wastewater treatment technologies, but membranes have limitations such as the occurrence of the phenomenon of concentration polarization and fouling. The research objective of this study the effect of variations in transmembrane pressure against the rejection percentage Phosphate and the effect of variations in transmembrane pressure, concentration of washing of the efficiency and effectiveness of washing the membrane. the concentration of the washing of the efficiency and effectiveness of washing the membrane. The process of ultrafiltration membranes and membrane chemical washing wastewater laundry do with variations in pressure of 1 bar , 2 bar , and 3 bar. Variation of chemical cleaning agent concentration of 1%, 1.5% and 2%, rinsing with distilled water for 30 minutes, filtering wastewater laundry for 120 minutes, and washing using chemical cleaning agent (NaOH) for 30 minutes. Results highest percentage of rejection was 82.9% for Phosphate parameters in transmembrane pressure of 3 bar. The highest washing efficiency of the value of Flux Recovery (FR) gained 81.9%, and the value of resistance of Removal (RR) gained 82.59% with a concentration of 2% in the transmembrane pressure of 3 bar. The highest leaching effectiveness obtained at 50.21% with a concentration of 2% and a transmembrane pressure of 3 bar


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    This paper discusses the correlation between two variables, namely vocabulary mastery and writing descriptive text ability of the first-year students, at SMPN 1 Tebing Tinggi. The researcher used a quantitative research method as the data approach. The population was the first-year students with a total of 124 students. The researcher used a simple random sampling technique and selected 32 students from all classes. The instruments used with two types of tests were multiple choice and written tests. To analyze the data, the researcher used SPSS Statistics 25. The research result indicates that the first-year students of SMPN 1 Tebing Tinggi achieved a good level of vocabulary mastery and a mediocre level of writing descriptive text ability. The result indicates that there is a correlation between vocabulary mastery and writing descriptive text ability. The Rxy distribution of the coefficient correlation was 0.408. It means there was a correlation between vocabulary mastery and writing descriptive text ability of the first-year students at SMPN 1 Tebing Tinggi that was at the fair level. Thus, the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Hα) was accepted

    The Correlation between Grammar Usage and Indonesian – English Translation Ability of English Study Program Students

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    Grammar is an important component of a language that contains rules on the sentence structure construction and meaning system of the language. The grammar usage has a contribution in the language learning process, one of which is in translation. This research aimed to discover the correlation between grammar usage and Indonesian – English translation ability of the fourth-semester English Study Program students. The instruments of the research were sentence completion and error recognition questions for English grammar test and Indonesia – English translation essay for translation test. The statistical analysis using Pearson product-moment formula was applied to analyze the correlation between grammar usage and Indonesian – English translation ability of the fourth-semester students. The result of data analysis revealed that the Pearson correlation value r-counted of 0.837 was higher than r-table of 0.320 at the level of confidence 0.05 which meant that alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and of null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. The research findings revealed that there existed a significant correlation between English grammar usage and Indonesian – English translation ability the fourth-semester English Study Program students of Universitas Riau. It is implied that the proficient English grammar students displayed commensurate in Indonesian – English translation ability while those who lack of grammar usage ability found difficulty in translation tasks. This research highlighted the critical role of grammar in shaping translation of the fourth-semester students of Universitas Riau English Study Program