222 research outputs found

    Value chain relocations as a source of competitive advantages among migrant-owned firms : A study of migrant ventures in Pakistan’s IT industry

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    The principal aim of the present dissertation is to examine the value chain relocations of migrant-owned firms as a source of competitive advantages. The dissertation is founded on two fundamental assumptions. First, that migrant-owned firms create valuable products or services in cooperation with multiple internal and external value chain stakeholders. Second, that individual determinants, including the social, cognitive and human capital of migrant entrepreneurs, should be re-examined in the context of value chains. Given these two assumptions, the dissertation is intended to achieve three key objectives, which are addressed in three separate essays. Essay I builds on the concept of a value chain analysis to develop a comprehensive typology of migrant-owned firms. In so doing, the essay considers the degree of value chain ethnicity, the degree of market ethnicity and the degree of internationalisation as the three dimensions underlying the typology. As a result, migrant-owned firms are classified into eight ideal types, namely ethnic ventures, ethnic break-outs, ethnic break-ins, break-outs, ethnic internationals, ethnic international break-outs, ethnic international break-ins and international break-outs. Essay I further discusses how the different types of migrant-owned firms reflect the varied nature of ethnic, non-ethnic and hybrid competitive advantages within domestic and international markets. Additionally, in the essay, the eight ideal types are empirically illustrated using different migrant-owned firms for each category. From the eight ideal types, ethnic international break-out ventures (which are referred to as migrant international ventures in essays II and III) have been selected for additional empirical investigation. Essay II uses the fine slicing of the value chain to theoretically underpin the empirical examination of the disintegration, dispersion and reintegration of value chains among migrant international ventures. The data are collected through semi-structured interviews conducted with the migrant founders of migrant international ventures within Pakistan’s information technology (IT) industry. The migrant founders are currently based in six countries, namely Finland, Sweden, Norway, New Zealand, Australia and the United States. The findings reveal how the unique approach to value chain relocations among migrant international ventures enables them to achieve competitive advantages within the international markets. In particular, the relocated value chains comprise four types of activities: non-core activities, country of origin-based support activities, country of residence-based support activities and core activities. Finally, essay III extends the insights derived in essay II in order to introduce an alternative typology concerning the sensing, seizing and transforming capabilities of international value chain relocations. In addition, the prior experiences and individual capabilities of the migrant entrepreneurs are examined as the micro foundations of firm-level capabilities. The findings highlight how the unique acculturation, enculturation and prior professional experience of the founders of migrant international ventures enable them to develop idiosyncratic sensing, seizing and transforming capabilities. These entrepreneurial capabilities serve as the antecedents of the firm-level capabilities of international value chain relocations and, consequently, facilitate the attainment of competitive advantages. Overall, the present dissertation provides an entirely new lens through which to examine value creation among migrant-owned firms. Toward the end of the dissertation, the theoretical and policy implications of an enhanced understanding of the dynamics of value chain relocations, entrepreneurial antecedents and competitive advantages are also discussed.Tämän väitöskirjan tarkoitus on tarkastella arvoketjujen muutoksia kilpailukyvyn lisäämisen muotona maahanmuuttajien omistamissa yrityksissä. Tutkimus pohjaa kahteen taustaoletukseen. Ensimmäiseksi, että maahanmuuttajien omistamat yritykset luovat arvokkaita tuotteita tai palveluita useiden sisäisten ja ulkoisten arvoketjuun kytkeytyneiden sidosryhmien näkökulmat huomioon ottaen. Toiseksi, että yksittäiset tekijät, kuten maahanmuuttajayrittäjän sosiaaliset, kognitiiviset ja henkilökohtaiset resurssit, vaativat tarkempaa tutkimusta arvoketjun kontekstissa. Näiden taustaoletusten pohjalta tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus on jaettu kolmeen osatekijään, joista kutakin tarkastellaan yhdessä esseessä. Ensimmäinen essee rakentaa typologian maahanmuuttajien omistamista yrityksistä arvoketjuanalyysiin perustuen. Esseen rakentaman typologian kulmakivinä ovat arvoketjun etnisyys, markkinoiden etnisyys ja yrityksen arvoketjun kansainvälistymisen aste. Typologian pohjalta kaikki maahanmuuttajien omistamat yritykset voidaan jakaa kahdeksaan perustyyppiin. Essee keskustelee myös siitä, miten eri tyyppiset maahanmuuttajien omistamat yritykset heijastavat erilaisia etnisiä, etnisyyteen perustumattomia tai näitä ääripäitä sekoittavia kilpailuedun muotoja kotimaisilla ja kansainvälisillä markkinoilla. Kahdeksaa typologian perustyyppiä kuvataan empiirisesti esittämällä jokaisesta esimerkki maahanmuuttajan omistamasta yrityksestä. Näistä kahdeksasta perustyypistä esseiden kaksi ja kolme empiirisen tarkastelun keskiöön valikoituivat etniset kansainväliset yritykset, joita jatkoesseissä kutsutaan maahanmuuttajien omistamiksi kansainvälisiksi yrityksiksi. Toinen essee tarkastelee maahanmuuttajien omistamien kansainvälisten yritysten arvoketjujen jakautumista, hajaantumista ja uudelleen yhdistymistä pohjaten arvoketjujen siivuttamisen teoriaan. Aineisto on kerätty puolistrukturoiduin haastatteluin Pakistanista kotoisin olevilta informaatioteknologian alalla toimivien maahanmuuttajien omistamien yritysten perustajilta. Perustajat asuvat nykyään Suomessa, Ruotsissa, Norjassa, Uudessa-Seelannissa, Australiassa ja USA:ssa. Löydökset osoittavat, että arvoketjujen siirtäminen uuteen sijaintiin auttaa maahanmuuttajien omistamia yrityksiä kehittämään kilpailuetuaan kansainvälisillä markkinoilla. Uudelleen-sijoitetun arvoketjun toiminta pohjaa toissijaisiin toimintoihin, alkuperämaan tukitoimintoihin, sijaintimaan tukitoimintoihin ja yrityksen keskeisiin toimintoihin. Kolmas essee laajentaa näitä löydöksiä ja esittelee vaihtoehtoisen typologian kansainvälisten arvoketjujen siirtämisen kyvykkyydestä perustuen tunnistamiseen, tarttumiseen ja muuntamiseen. Yritysten kyvykkyyksien pohjalla tarkastellaan myös maahanmuuttajayrittäjien aiempia kokemuksia ja henkilökohtaisia kyvykkyyksiä. Löydökset korostavat, että maahanmuuttajien omistamien kansainvälisten yritysten perustajien yksilölliset kulttuuriin sopeutumisen ja kulttuurin omaksumisen kokemukset sekä aiempi ammatillinen kokemus auttavat yrityksiä muovaamaan niille ominaiset tunnistamisen, tarttumisen ja muuntamisen kyvykkyydet. Nämä yrittäjyyteen liittyvät kyvykkyydet ennakoivat yritystason kansainvälisten arvoketjujen siirtoon liittyvien kyvykkyyksien kehittymistä ja siten palvelevat kilpailuedun kehittymistä. Kaiken kaikkiaan tämä tutkimus tarjoaa uuden linssin arvonluonnin tarkasteluun maahanmuuttajien omistamissa yrityksissä. Väitöskirjan lopuksi pohditaan, millaisia teoreettisia, strategisia ja poliittisia seurauksia löydökset arvoketjujen siirron dynaamisuudesta, yrittäjyyteen liittyvistä taustatekijöistä sekä kilpailuedusta aiheuttavat

    Teaching Four Language Skills Using Project-Based Learning (PBL)

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    The article argues that project-based learning (PBL) has important implications to EFL/ESL instruction. Learning the English language needs not only focus on syntax accuracy and competence in communicative performance. More so, higher cognitive processing is equally important as reflected in problem-solving skills, creativity, and selfmanagement. Developing the aforementioned skills can be undertaken through the integration of project-based learning with EFL/ESL instruction. Hence, corresponding teaching and learning strategies need to be institutionalized in determining the extent to which students are able to exhibit the said skills that are not commonly associated to traditional English pedagogy. Drawing from experiences in ESL instruction, the article argues that educational institutions that provide EFL/ESL instruction can benefit by redirecting the curriculum from the traditional emphasis on standardized language  to approaches that attempt to teach fur language skills such as creativity, problem-solving, self-management, and teamwork. Project-based learning is centered on the learner and affords learners the opportunity for in-depth investigations of worthy topics. The learners are more autonomous as they construct personally-meaningful artifacts that are representations of their learning. This article examines the theoretical foundations of project-based learning, particularly constructivism and constructionism. Practical advice and recommendations for project-based learning are discussed, including beginning slowly with the implementation, teaching students to negotiate cooperative/collaborative groups and establishing multiple forms of performance assessments


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    The purpose of this research is to see the implementation, evaluation, and advantages and disadvantages of the Tami Otaka Method. The Tami Otaka Method is a method of memorizing by using the ability of the right brain by means of the students memorizing the Qur’an while moving their hands from the verse they are reading. The type of research taken is field research using a qualitative approach. The object of this research is TK PINTAR Bandung, which includes the principal, tahfidz teacher, curriculum, and students. To obtain research data, researcher used observation, interview, and documentation techniques. This research uses descriptive qualitative analysis, so that the results of this study are manifested in the form of words both orally and verbally. The results obtained are as follows: first, to achieve purpose of the learning, TK PINTAR Bandung uses the Tami Otaka method with the help of audio, visual, audio-visual and body movements of a teacher. Second, the curriculum used is a synthesis of the National Curriculum and the Typical Curriculum of TK PINTAR Bandung. Third, learning is carried out in groups. Fourth, the evaluation is given continuously everyday and there is also an evaluation every semester.   Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan, penerapan, evaluasi serta kelebihan dan kekurangan dari Metode Tami Otaka. Metode Tami Otaka adalah Metode menghafal menggunakan kemampuan otak kanan dengan cara siswa menghafal Al-Qur’an sambil menggerakkan tangan dari arti ayat yang dibaca. Jenis penelitian yang diambil adalah penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Objek penelitian ini adalah lembaga TK PINTAR Bandung yang di dalamnya ada kepala sekolah, guru tahfidz, kurikulum, dan siswa. Untuk memperoleh data penelitian, peneliti menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis kualitatif deskriptif, sehingga hasil dari penelitian ini diwujudkan dalam bentuk kata-kata baik tulisan maupun lisan. Hasil penelitian diperoleh sebagai berikut: pertama, untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran, TK PINTAR Bandung menggunakan metode Tami Otaka dengan dibantu media auido, visual, audio-visual dan gerakan tubuh dari seorang guru. Kedua, kurikulum yang digunakan sintesis dari kurikulum Nasional dan kurikulum khas TK PINTAR Bandung. Ketiga, pembelajaran dilakukan secara berkelompok. Keempat, evaluasi diberikan terus menerus setiap harinya dan ada juga evaluasi tiap semester. &nbsp

    A Comparative Study On Time-Frequency Distribution Techniques For Battery Parameters Estimation System

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    Due to the degradation in battery lifetime directly impacts by load performance, reliability and safety operation of the battery cannot be guaranteed. In turn, safety precautions can be taken by monitoring battery performance from charging/discharging signals behaviour. Analyse the battery charging/discharging signals become challenging as the signal characteristic appears at very low frequency. Therefore, fast and accurate analysis in estimating battery parameters for real-time monitoring system should be proposed and developed. This research presents analysis of the battery charging/discharging signals using a spectral analysis technique, namely periodogram and time-frequency distributions (TFDs) which are spectrogram and S-transform techniques. The analysed batteries are lead acid (LA), nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) and lithium-ion (Li-ion). From the equivalent circuit model (ECM) simulated using MATLAB, constant charging/discharging signals are presented, jointly, in time-frequency representation (TFR). From the TFR, battery signal characteristics are determined from the estimated parameters of instantaneous of total voltage (VTOT (t)), instantaneous of average voltage (VAVG (t)) and instantaneous of ripple factor voltage (VRF (t)). Hence, an equation for battery remaining capacity as a function of estimated parameter of VRF (t) using curve fitting tool is presented. In developing a real time automated battery parameters estimation system, best TFD is chosen in terms of accuracy of battery parameters, computational complexity in signal processing and memory size. Advantages in high accuracy for battery parameters estimation and low in memory size requirement makes S-transform technique is selected to be the best TFD. The accuracy of the system is verified with parameters estimation using ECM for each type of battery at a different capacity. The field testing results show that average mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) is around four percent. Thus, implementation of S-transform technique for real-time automated battery parameters estimation system is very appropriate for battery signal analysis


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    Seorang anggota keluarga yang menjadi family caregiver bagi anggota keluargan yang terdampak covid-19 memiliki tantangan ekonomi, waktu, hingga psikologis dapat merubah pola komunikasi keluarga mereka. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi Alfred Schuz dan mengintegrasikan konsep dan teori komunikasi keluarga. Data penelitian penelitian ini akan didapatkan melalui teknik observasi, wawancara mendalam, studi pustaka, dan tringulasi data sebagai usaha menvalidasi data yang diperolah. Informan pada penelitian ini ditentukan menggunakan teknik purposive dengan menentukan 5 kritera yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pengalaman komunikasi keluarga family caregiver dengan anggota keluarga lainnya berbeda dengan semustinya, hal tersebut terjadi karena bergesernya peran seorang anggota keluarga. Pengalaman yang di alami oleh family caregiver banyak terlihat merasa kerepotan, khawatir yang bukan berasal dari pasien covid-1

    Analisis Limpasan Langsung Metode SCS Menggunakan Data Hujan TRMM Studi Kasus Subdas Code Hulu

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    Ketersediaan data menjadi hal yang krusial dalam analisis hidrologi. Banyak permasalahan menyangkut ketersediaan data yang seringkali ditemui di lapangan, seperti minimnya data, data yang tidak kontinyu, atau sebaran stasiun yang tidak merata. Seiring berkembangnya teknologi, permasalahan tersebut dapat diselesaikan dengan memanfaatkan data pengamatan satelit yang memiliki resolusi spasial dan temporal tinggi, cakupan luas, akses cepat, dan ekonomis. Akan tetapi, data satelit perlu divalidasi dengan data pengamatan nyata di lapangan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk validasi data satelit TRMM terhadap data observasi berbasis darat dengan membandingkan debit limpasan dari data hujan terukur di darat atau ARR (Automatic Rainfall Recorder) dengan data hujan TRMM,  lalu dikoreksi dengan debit limpasan terukur di stasiun AWLR (Automatic Water Level Recorder) Gemawang. Debit limpasan dari hujan dihitung dengan menggunakan Metode SCS. Hasil penelitian menunjukan jeda waktu rata-rata pengukuran hujan TRMM dan ARR sekitar 8,5 jam. Ditemukan perbedaan bentuk hidrograf limpasanTRMM. Pada data 18 Januari 2018, terdapat kesalahan bentuk gelombang hidrograf (Ew) sebesar 11.843. Dari analisis indeks kesesuaian dan efisiensi, data satelit TRMM mendapat hasil koefisien korelasi rata-rata debit ARR-AWLR dan TRMM-AWLR tergolong rendah yaitu masing-masing sebesar 0,2416 dan 0,1041, sedangkan koefisien efisiensinya 1,67 yang dikategorikan sebagai data yang efisien. Availability of sufficient data as input data is important. Data availability tends to have several data problems, such as the lack of data availability, incomplete data, or the number of stations that are less scattered. As the development of the technology problems, those probelms can be solved by replacing ground-based observation data with satellite observations that have high spatial and temporal resolution, wide area coverage, fast access, and economics. This research was conducted to validate and correct TRMM satellite data on observation data at the AWLR Gemawang station with the SCS Method. The results of this study showed a delay in the average measurements of satellite rainfall and surface approximately 8.5 hours based on the data analysis used in this study. The results of the model error analysis can be concluded that TRMM rainfall data can be used in these needs. However, there is still an error in the TRMM data, which is on the data of January 18, 2018 which results in a hydrograph (Ew) waveform error of 11.843. From the conformity index and efficiency analysis, TRMM satellite data gets the correlation coefficient average ARR-AWLR debit of 0,2416 which is categorized as low efficiency data and TRMM-AWLR of 0,1041 which is categorized as quite low coefficient data, while the efficiency coefficient gets an average value 1,67 which is categorized as highly efficient optimization data.Availability of sufficient data as input data is important. Data availability tends to have several data problems, such as the lack of data availability, incomplete data, or the number of stations that are less scattered. As the development of the technology problems, those probelms can be solved by replacing ground-based observation data with satellite observations that have high spatial and temporal resolution, wide area coverage, fast access, and economics. This research was conducted to validate and correct TRMM satellite data on observation data at the AWLR Gemawang station with the SCS Method. The results of this study showed a delay in the average measurements of satellite rainfall and surface approximately 8.5 hours based on the data analysis used in this study. The results of the model error analysis can be concluded that TRMM rainfall data can be used in these needs. However, there is still an error in the TRMM data, which is on the data of January 18, 2018 which results in a hydrograph (Ew) waveform error of 11.843. From the conformity index and efficiency analysis, TRMM satellite data gets the correlation coefficient average ARR-AWLR debit of 0,2416 which is categorized as low efficiency data and TRMM-AWLR of 0,1041 which is categorized as quite low coefficient data, while the efficiency coefficient gets an average value 1,67 which is categorized as highly efficient optimization data.

    Strategi Guru Aqidah Akhlak Dalam Mananamkan Karakter Peserta Didik Di Mi Wahid Hasyim

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    Character is a basic value that builds one's person's person, formed both because of the influence of heredity and environmental influence, that distinguishes it from others, and is manifested by his attitudes and behaviors in daily life. In this case madrassas, especially the study of moral aqidah realized in islamic religious values to students. This research uses qualitative methods. Data collection is done with observations, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is done by analyzing all the data from the results of the study, so that it can be used as a unit and then verified. The results showed that: (1) the learning planning of teacher Aqidah Akhlak as an effort to cultivate character is to design learning planning by involving media, (2) the application of teacher learning Aqidah Akhlak in an effort to plant the character of students that has been carried out in reference to the discipline and rules that have been planned and established in every learning activity or process in the basic educational institution.Keywords: Teacher Strategy, Character, Aqidah Akhlak Learning.

    Comparison between the modern and Islamic concept of team building

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    This paper tries to describe the different concepts of team building. It shows the Comparison between the modern and Islamic concepts of team building, function, norms and values and relationships among the team members and some differences. This paper also discusses the main issues and conflicts among the members of the group and organization. In the last section this paper describes the dissimilarities between the modern and Islamic function of the groups. Design/Methodology In this study I have analyzed and interpret the literature to discuss the Islamic and modern point of view about human team building. Findings This paper tries to conclude some comparisons between the Islamic and modern concept of team building Key words Team building, teams, work groups, organizations

    Strategi Kepala Madrasah Dalam Menentukan Kebijakan Pembelajaran Era Covid 19 Studi Kasus Kepala Madrasah Ibtidaiyah NW Pondok Gedang

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    Government policies that make lockdown systems in every school and university. Learning System Policy to antispaced the transmission of Covid-19. The type of research used is qualitative, i.e. field research, object research as data source is head of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah NW Ponodok Gedang. The head of the Madrasah policy is quick to pay attention to the policy presented by the Ministry of Central Education, 4 students have the education in this regard as principal policy reference: first learning (online), interactively, both learning to students about proficiency in the value of life, which is learning to suit the environment conditions of each home, especially the understanding of the virus Mers Garry 19, all three online learning implementation in the concept House should be adjusted to the situation and condition of each student. It is not targeted to all students, who should be aware of the environmental conditions of each student, including access to the Internet network in each of the fourth child areas for teachers. The task given to students is not assessed as the judgment is usually in the School. The condition of students lacking knowledge of online learning UGA as a reason to establish the policy of the implementation of the learning process so that the policy taken by the head of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah is to look at the teacher's captain in the online media to master the Learning era pandemic Garry 19 continue to be performed at home with the BDR system (learning from home


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    The learning of the Qur'an Hadith was carried out by the subject teacher dimadrasah Ibtidaiyah NW pondok gedang designed with a concept that emphasizes more on the moral planting of children through the habituation of simple activities in school. This research uses descriptive qualitative research with the aim of describing the concept of student moral planting through the study of the Qur'an Hadith. From the results of this research shows that the teachers of the subjects of the Qur'an Hadith in madrasah ibtidaiyah menananmkan good habituation to students diantarranya is: 1). Habituation to say greetings. 2). Read basmallah to start the lesson. 3). Get along well with relatives in class. 4). throw the trash in the trash box. 5). When going into the classroom the teacher is used and emphasizes the habit of students to say hello. 6). when leaving the classroom is also used to say hello. 7). and teach adab in speech, learning ethics, eating ethics, drinking ethics, and so on. From this habituation, students' morals can be expected to be embedded both from elementary school age to college so as to provide positive implications to Religion, Nation and State
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