606 research outputs found

    Extension of Tinny Application for Cloud Based Custom Software with Encryption Queue: A Strategy to Protect Data on Cloud

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    Data protection is in your hands, even your data lands in the lap of service providers. Cloud computing is a new and emerging concept in the field of IT. It means do everything over the internet and put burden on the shoulders of cloud's service providers. Individuals or business organizations are hesitant to do their tasks over public networks like internet. They can't leave their sensitive data in the hands of service providers. It is due to lack of confidence and trust on service providers. Protecting customer's sensitive data on cloud is the major issue. Here authors purposed a strategy to protect customer's sensitive data before sending it towards service providers. The strategy consists of a barrier (Encryption Queue) to protect customer's data. With the use of this strategy, encryption procedure will be in the hands of customers themselves. This concept will help to built up customer's trust and will prepare them to shift desktop based applications over the cloud

    Online Information Searching Techniques: An Investigation from Library Science Professionals

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    The purpose of this study is to identify the effective information retrieval techniques used by the library and information science professionals/librarians to successfully retrieve the required information from various online information sources. This study also investigates the opinion of information professionals about various useful online information resources which are helpful during research work. It highlights various advanced searching techniques used for retrieving precise results from various online information sources i.e. search engines, databases, repositories, digital libraries, online journals, websites, etc. In this study, a quantitative research method has been used by adopting a survey research design. The population of the study was 370 information professionals working as a librarian in various public and private sector universities of Punjab. Data was successfully obtained from 278 respondents by using a questionnaire and analyzed through SPSS software. The respondents identified various sources of information that are useful to find scholarly information. These sources include e-journals, HEC databases, digital libraries, Google Scholar, digital archives, etc. They identified various useful techniques to effectively formulate a search query and apply advanced searching techniques to retrieve the desired information. This study is highly useful for libraries to increase online information resources which are useful for research students and faculty. The results of this research are also useful for early-career librarians, faculty members, and researchers to understand online search techniques and successfully retrieve the required information for research and educational tasks

    Partial Pair Programming: Link between Solo and Pair Programming

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    Leaving of key team members can make an unrecoverable loss to an organization. It means knowledge of a task should be in mind of two or more than two programmers. Working of two people on same task on different machine is an awkward practice. So alternatively pair programming practice is the best solution for above problem. Besides many advantages of pair programming, it has certain drawbacks such as personality clashes, and these issues may dominant pair programming over solo programming. Here authors suggested a practice Partial Pair Programming, which will work as bridge between solo and pair programming practices. In partial pair programming, three drivers can make a pair with a navigator of their own group and navigator can make a pair with navigator of other group. This practice will get all advantages of pair programming as well as its own benefits. And also partial pair programming will remove almost all demerits of pair programming

    Refactoring for Multi-Dimensional Reusability

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    Source code should be simpler, easy to read and easy to understand. This slogan is not only relates to change the existing code for current service, but also has an association with reusability. Refactoring is a best idea for above issues i.e. keeping the code simple and support the emergent design practice. Many refactoring techniques have been produced related to code simplicity and understandability for maintainability & extensibility. Here author enforced to make the method with the division of three sections and each section should have an argument as a signal. Such technique will be the pillar of reusability from many directions

    Comparison of Hygienic Behavior of Exotic Honey Bee Apis mellifera L. and Indigenous Honey Bee Apis cerana of Pakistan

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    Indigenous and exotic honey bee species were evaluated for their hygienic behavior in the climatic condition of Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Colonies of equal strength from indigenous (Apis cerana) and exotic (Apis mellifera) species were selected for the study. The same colonies were tested in two seasons. Sealed brood were killed with different methods i.e pin killed and freeze killed. The uncapping of cells and brood removal was recorded at different intervals. Significant differences were recorded between hygienic behavior of both species of honey bees. Apis cerana showed significantly superior hygienic behavior than Apis mellifera in both seasons. At different intervals in both species significant differences were recorded. A significant difference was recorded after 12 and 24 hours between the species in both seasons. No significant differences were recorded after 48hours in both species. From the study it is concluded that indigenous honey bee species has superior hygienic behavior than exotic species

    Does Financial Development Induce Inflation? ARDL Based Evidence from Pakistan

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    The study explores the dynamic association of financial expansion in curbing inflation and thereby assessing the general economic welfare strategies employing data over 1974-2016 for Pakistan. Econometric sophistication rests in the employment of autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) bound test of co-integration with short run disequilibrium models. The outcome corroborates that inflation and financial development with other controlled variables are co-integrated. The findings also corroborate that broad money, domestic credit to private sector, government expenses, and personal remittances are crucial indicators of financial development and diversely linked with inflation over the period of analysis. Specifically, broad money and government expenses corroborate a long run impact on inflation conforming to the idea of quantity theory of money neutrality. Likewise, domestic credit has shown noteworthy but low positive drive to inflation in long time of span, albeit domestic credit has insignificantly linked to inflation for the short span of time. These findings inter alia imply for the promotion of sound domestic banking/financial sector for credit market and new strategies for controlling the broad money/government expenses to curb the unintended rampant level of inflation in Pakistan
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