Extension of Tinny Application for Cloud Based Custom Software with Encryption Queue: A Strategy to Protect Data on Cloud


Data protection is in your hands, even your data lands in the lap of service providers. Cloud computing is a new and emerging concept in the field of IT. It means do everything over the internet and put burden on the shoulders of cloud's service providers. Individuals or business organizations are hesitant to do their tasks over public networks like internet. They can't leave their sensitive data in the hands of service providers. It is due to lack of confidence and trust on service providers. Protecting customer's sensitive data on cloud is the major issue. Here authors purposed a strategy to protect customer's sensitive data before sending it towards service providers. The strategy consists of a barrier (Encryption Queue) to protect customer's data. With the use of this strategy, encryption procedure will be in the hands of customers themselves. This concept will help to built up customer's trust and will prepare them to shift desktop based applications over the cloud

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