170 research outputs found

    Fixed Cluster Based Cluster Head Selection Algorithm in Vehicular Adhoc Network

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    The emergence of Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANETs) is expected support variety of applications for driver assistance, traffic efficiency and road safety. For proper transmission of messages in VANET, one of the proposed solutions is dividing the network into clusters and then selecting a cluster head (CH) in each cluster. This can decrease the communication overhead between road side units (RSUs) and other components of VANETs, because instead of every node communicating with RSU, only CH communicates with RSU and relays relevant messages. In clustering, an important step is the selection of CH. In this thesis, we implemented vehicle to vehicle (V2V), cluster head to road side unit and road side unit to trusted authority authentication for the clustered network. We also presented a heuristic algorithm for selecting a suitable vehicle as the cluster head in a cluster. For the selection of head vehicle, we used weighted fitness values based on three parameters; trust value, position from the cluster boundary and absolute relative average speed. Simulation results indicate that the proposed approach can lead to improvements in terms of QoS metrics like delay, throughput and packet delivery ratio

    Dengue Virus and Neurological Complications

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    Neurosurgery with Artificial Intelligence

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    The safety and efficacy of surgery are the surgeon’s priority. With the help of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, with learning algorithms based on millions of patients’ records, the outcomes can be predicted following different types of surgeries. 1 According to the Journal of the American Medical Association by the Neurosurgical Simulation and Artificial Intelligence Learning Centre at The Neuro, McGill University, AI can enhance technical performance and learning outcomes during simulated brain tumor removal. 2 According to a study published in Nature partner journal Digital Medicine, an open-source smartphone app for meningioma has allowed surgeons and physicians to interactively with patients. The app helps doctors and brain tumor patients predict survival and help make better treatment decisions. Researchers have also created a machine-learning system to categorize tissue using a deep convolutional neural network (CNN).3 New research also showed that machine learning can diagnose brain tumors at a fraction of the time it takes human pathologists. The new method streamlined the practice of analyzing tissue samples while the patient is still on the operating table. As per new findings in Nature Medicine, the new AI system can accurately diagnose a brain tumor in two minutes4. We should place a high value on research based on anticipating neuropathologies, surgical outcomes, and choosing neurosurgical techniques in advance

    COVID-19 Vaccination in Neurosurgeons

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    In a letter to President-Elect Josephs R. Biden on January 19, 2021, the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) emphasized the significance of COVID-19 immunization for neurosurgeons in order to reach the worldwide objective of vaccination. In a report, only one death is reported from 264,00,000 vaccinated people. In negative-vaccinated individuals, the death rate is 2-3% in younger adults, whereas 7-10% is reported in older people. COVID-19 was reported in less severity in those who were positive-vaccinated. According to a latest survey, 60% of Pakistani neurosurgeons were COVID-19 positive, mostly from the hospital environment. High level of acceptance and motivation is found in our neurosurgeons. 91% of our neurosurgeons have been vaccinated. Mostly received the SinoPharm and Oxford AstraZeneca

    Management of Calcium, Vitamin D, and Uric-Acid Levels for Spinal Pain

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    Low back pain is incredibly painful and demoralizing due to the physical restrictions it causes as well as the psychological ramifications it brings. The calcium and alkaline phosphatase were favorably connected with vitamin D. The issue of low back discomfort presents a difficulty to healthcare practitioners. In developing nations, the problem is exacerbated by a failure to report for early treatment, vocational compulsions in rural regions, and sedentary lifestyles among urban youngsters 1. In Pakistan, there was a significant incidence of vitamin D insufficiency, with 53.5 percent of residents studied being vitamin D deficient, 31.2 percent being inadequate vitamin D, and just 15.3 percent having normal vitamin D (25-hydroxyvitamin D) levels. High levels of Vitamin D insufficiency were also seen, regardless of the various quantities of sunlight in the five city sites 2. In observational studies, consumption of carbonated beverages has been linked to an increased risk of fracture. The most common reason is that one or more of the beverage ingredients raise urine calcium. 3 There is a role of optimized levels of calcium, vitamin D & uric Acid in order to treat patients with low backaches. 1,4 The over intake of carbonated caffeine drinks and artificial fruit juices adversely impacts the proper absorption of vitamin D and calcium. Hence, good doses of supplements of Vitamin D and Calcium should be optimized for patients reporting muscles and joint pains.  Severe back pain and lower extremities weaknesses have been reported in altered levels of vitamin D and uric acid. 5 We strongly recommend early and regular screening for vitamin D, Calcium, and uric acid as part of a comprehensive health assessment for low back pain

    Types of Non-Acute Headache and Neuroimaging in the Evaluation of Patients with this Type of Headache

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    The aim of this study was to find the type of non-acute headache and to estimate the frequency of significant intracranial lesions in this type of headache. Non-acute headache was defined as any type of headache that had begun at least four weeks before. All the patients aged > 15 years attending the neurology and neurosurgery clinics of Post Graduate Medical Institute (PGMI), Lady Reading Hospital (LRH) Peshawar with non-acute headache were included in the study. The pregnant women and patients with facial pain alone were excluded from the study. They were followed prospectively for over a year. Detailed history and through neurlogic exami-nation was performed. The headache was classified according to the International Classification of Headache Disorder (ICHD) second edition of the International Headache Society (IHS). Every patient was investigated by neuroimaging studies. The computed tomography (CT) was done in all patients. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was done in 86 patients to improve their diagnosis. Neuroimaging results were classified as “significant abnormalities”, “non-significant abnormalities” or “normal”. Significant abnormalities included neoplastic disease, hydrocephalus, vascular malformations, chiari malformation, large aracnoid cysts, intracranial hemorrhage and acute cerebral infarcts. The total number of patients was 1200; 795 women and 405 men. Their mean age was 38 years (15-75 years). Neuroimaging studies detected significant lesions in 18 patients (1.5%). The proportion of patients with headache and intracranial lesions is relatively small but neither neurological examination nor the features in the clinical history permit us to rule out such abnormalities

    The Clinical Presentation and Management of Brain Abscess

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    Introduction: It has been reported to account for 1 – 2% and up to 8% of all intracranial space-occupying lesions in patients in developed and developing countries respectively. Bacteria can invade the brain by direct spread or through hematogenous seedling. Delayed surgical drainage has high morbidity and mortality. The diagnosis of a brain abscess is made with clinical features and investigations.Objective: To determine the frequency of clinical presentations, causative pathogens and their antibiotic sensitivity in patients with brain abscess. Results: The mean SD for age was 22.90 ± 14.0 years, the age range from 3 – 45 years. Male to female ratio was 3:1. The most common signs and symptoms of brain abscess were headache 32 (80%). The common predisposing factor for the formation of brain abscess was ear discharge which is 8 (20%) patients. Conclusion: It is concluded that the awareness of predisposing factors, early recognition of clinical features and understanding of the prevalent microbial profile is imperative for better management of children and adults with brain abscess

    Frugal innovation as a source of sustainable entrepreneurship to tackle social and environmental challenges

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    Sustainable entrepreneurs have increasingly faced challenges in achieving triple-bottom-line objectives. The study portrays frugal innovation as a source to foster sustainable entrepreneurship to move the debate beyond discussing the challenges of sustainable entrepreneurship. As such, we investigate how sustainable entrepreneurship with frugal innovation can tackle social and environmental challenges in the context of a developing country. An inductive approach with multiple case-method is used in this study. The results show that entrepreneurship based on frugal innovation leads to several social outcomes, such as female empowerment, improved quality of life, and access to affordable healthcare for low-income customers as well as environmental outcomes, such as sustainable products and production techniques. Furthermore, sustainable entrepreneurship creates new markets in developing countries and promotes inclusive growth. Our research reveals that sustainable entrepreneurship if based on frugal innovation, serves dual purposes. It enables businesses to make a profit and contribute to solving societal problems simultaneously. Juxtaposing with frugal innovation, we expand the field of sustainable entrepreneurship by shifting the debate from barriers to potential sources and enablers. Based on the findings, we provide implications and future research directions. 2023 The AuthorsOpen Access funding provided by the Qatar National Library.Scopu

    Actividad antioxidante de extractos de metanol al 80% y al 100% de semillas de cebada (Hordeum vulgare L.): estabilización del aceite de girasol.

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    The antioxidant potential of 100% and 80% methanol extracts from the seeds of three barley varieties (Jou 83, Jou 87 and Haider 93) was assessed. The extract yields from barley seeds ranged from 3.23% (Haider 93,100% methanol) to 5.31% (Jou 83, 80% methanol). The total phenolic contents, DPPH radical scavenging activity (IC50 values) and inhibition of linoleic acid oxidation of barley seed extracts (BSE) were determined to be 88.1-145.7 mg/100g, 90.8-168.6 μg/mL and 62.6-74.6%, respectively. The antioxidant effectiveness of BSE was also assessed by stabilizing sunflower oil (SFO) with BSE at a concentration of 600 ppm (oil weight basis). The stabilized (treated with extract) and the control (without extract addition) SFO samples were subjected to accelerated (oven heating at 60ºC for 30 days, 8 h heating cycle/day) storage. These were analyzed at regular intervals for the extent of oxidative changes according to the measurements of their contents of peroxide value, para-anisidine value, conjugated dienes and conjugated trienes. Generally, the 80% methanol extract of barely seeds demonstrated better antioxidant action than the 100% methanol extract. The antioxidant activity of BSE was also found to be considerably varied among the varieties tested. The present results suggest that antioxidant extracts from barely seeds might be used to protect vegetable oils from oxidation.El potencial antioxidante de extractos de metanol al 100% y el 80% de semillas de tres variedades de cebada (Jou 83, Jou 87 y Haider 93) fue evaluada. El rendimiento de los extractos de las semillas de cebada vario desde un 3.23% (Haider, 100% methanol) a un 5.31% (Jou 83, 80% metanol). El contenido total de fenoles, la actividad atrapadora del radical DPPH (valores IC50) y la inhibición de la oxidación del ácido linoleico de los extractos de semilla de cebada (BSE) fueron 88.1-145.7 mg/100g, 90.8-168.6 μg/mL y 62.6- 74.6%, respectivamente. La efectividad antioxidante de BSE fue también evaluada mediante su capacidad para estabilizar aceite de girasol con concentraciones de BSE de 600 ppm (respecto al peso del aceite). La muestras estabilizadas (tratadas con extractos) y el control (sin adición de extractos) SFO fueron tratadas bajo condiciones de almacenamiento acelerado (calentamiento en un horno a 60ºC durante 30 días y ciclos de calentamiento de 8 h/día). Estas fueron analizadas a intervalos regulares para evaluar la extensión de los cambios oxidativos mediante la medida del valor de peróxidos, valor de para-anisidina y los contenidos de dienos conjugados y trienos congujados. Generalmente, los extractos de semilla de cebada al 80% demostraron una mejor acción antioxidante que los extracto al 100% de metanol. La actividad antioxidante de BSE varió también considerablemente entre las distintas variedades ensayadas. Los presentes resultados sugieren que los extractos antioxidantes de semillas de cebada podrían ser usadas para proteger aceites vegetales de la oxidación