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    Livestock Production/Industries,

    Towards In-Transit Analytics for Industry 4.0

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    Industry 4.0, or Digital Manufacturing, is a vision of inter-connected services to facilitate innovation in the manufacturing sector. A fundamental requirement of innovation is the ability to be able to visualise manufacturing data, in order to discover new insight for increased competitive advantage. This article describes the enabling technologies that facilitate In-Transit Analytics, which is a necessary precursor for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) visualisation.Comment: 8 pages, 10th IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings-2017), Exeter, UK, 201

    Analisis Penerimaan Pengguna Sistem Informasi dengan Model Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) (Studi Kasus: Digital Library Fakultas Teknik Telkom University)

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    Digital Library (Digilib) adalah sebuah sistem informasi berbasis web yang dikembangkan oleh Fakultas Teknik Universitas Telkom sebagai salah satu sarana pendukung kegiatan perpustakaan kampus. Digilib membuat banyak orang bisa melihat koleksi jurnal dan karya ilmiah yang ada di dalam arsip perpustakaan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Telkom . Tapi sampai saat ini, penggunaan Digilib sebagai aplikasi berbasis web pendukung perpustakaan belum lah maksimal dikarenakan berbagai faktor. Oleh karena itu, penulis akan mencoba menelitinya.Untuk melihat sejauh apa penerimaan pengguna (user acceptance) terhadap Digilib, penulis akan menggunakan model Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) untuk melihat tingkat penerimaan digilib sejauh ini. Untuk proses evaluasi, akan digunakan evaluasi cognitive walkthrough. Dengan metode kuesioner, model UTAUT dan metode evaluasi ini akan coba diterapkan. Dengan didapatnya suatu fungsi regresi dari hasil kuisioneryang telah disimpulkan dengan tools SPSS Statistic 17, diharapkan akan didapatkan rekomendasi untuk pengembangan Digilib agar bisa digunakan oleh para penggunanya secara lebih maksimal. Digilib, Sistem Informasi, UTAUT, cognitive walkthrough, SPS

    On the optimization of distributed compression in multirelay cooperative networks

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    In this paper, we consider multirelay cooperative networks for the Rayleigh fading channel, where each relay, upon receiving its own channel observation, independently compresses it and forwards the compressed information to the destination. Although the compression at each relay is distributed using Wyner-Ziv coding, there exists an opportunity for jointly optimizing compression at multiple relays to maximize the achievable rate. Considering Gaussian signaling, a primal optimization problem is formulated accordingly. We prove that the primal problem can be solved by resorting to its Lagrangian dual problem, and an iterative optimization algorithm is proposed. The analysis is further extended to a hybrid scheme, where the employed forwarding scheme depends on the decoding status of each relay. The relays that are capable of successful decoding perform a decode-and-forward (DF) scheme, and the rest conduct distributed compression. The hybrid scheme allows the cooperative network to adapt to the changes of the channel conditions and benefit from an enhanced level of flexibility. Numerical results from both spectrum and energy efficiency perspectives show that the joint optimization improves efficiency of compression and identify the scenarios where the proposed schemes outperform the conventional forwarding schemes. The findings provide important insights into the optimal deployment of relays in a realistic cellular network

    Mitochondrial DNA Variation Among Populations of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) From Pakistan.

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    The Red Palm Weevil (RPW) Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) is a voracious pest of palm species. In recent decades its range has expanded greatly, particularly impacting the date palm industry in the Middle East. This has led to conjecture regarding the origins of invasive RPW populations. For example, in parts of the Middle East, RPW is commonly referred to as the "Pakistani weevil" in the belief that it originated there. We sought evidence to support or refute this belief. First reports of RPW in Pakistan were from the Punjab region in 1918, but it is unknown whether it is native or invasive there. We estimated genetic variation across five populations of RPW from two provinces of Pakistan, using sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene. Four haplotypes were detected; two (H1 and H5) were abundant, accounting for 88% of specimens across the sampled populations, and were previously known from the Middle East. The remaining haplotypes (H51 and H52) were newly detected (in global terms) and there was no geographic overlap in their distribution within Pakistan. Levels of haplotype diversity were much lower than those previously recorded in accepted parts of the native range of RPW, suggesting that the weevil may be invasive in Pakistan. The affinity of Pakistani haplotypes to those reported from India (and the geographical proximity of the two countries), make the latter a likely "native" source. With regards the validity of the name "Pakistani weevil", we found little genetic evidence to justify it
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