11 research outputs found

    Petrographic characterization to build an accurate rock model using micro-CT: Case study on low-permeable to tight turbidite sandstone from Eocene Shahejie Formation

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    Pore scale flow simulations heavily depend on petrographic characterizing and modeling of reservoir rocks. Mineral phase segmentation and pore network modeling are crucial stages in micro-CT based rock modeling. The success of the pore network model (PNM) to predict petrophysical properties relies on image segmentation, image resolution and most importantly nature of rock (homogenous, complex or microporous). The pore network modeling has experienced extensive research and development during last decade, however the application of these models to a variety of naturally heterogenous reservoir rock is still a challenge. In this paper, four samples from a low permeable to tight sandstone reservoir were used to characterize their petrographic and petrophysical properties using high-resolution micro-CT imaging. The phase segmentation analysis from micro-CT images shows that 5-6% microporous regions are present in kaolinite rich sandstone (E3 and E4), while 1.7-1.8% are present in illite rich sandstone (El and E2). The pore system percolates without micropores in El and E2 while it does not percolate without micropores in E3 and E4. In El and E2, total MICP porosity is equal to the volume percent of macrospores determined from micro-CT images, which indicate that the macropores are well connected and microspores do not play any role in non-wetting fluid (mercury) displacement process. Whereas in E3 and E4 sandstones, the volume percent of micropores is far less (almost 50%) than the total MICP porosity which means that almost half of the pore space was not detected by the micro-CT scan. PNM behaved well in El and E2 where better agreement exists in PNM and MICP measurements. While E3 and E4 exhibit multiscale pore space which cannot be addressed with single scale PNM method, a multiscale approach is needed to characterize such complex rocks. This study provides helpful insights towards the application of existing micro-CT based petrographic characterization methodology to naturally complex petroleum reservoir rocks

    Burnout among surgeons before and during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: an international survey

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    Background: SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has had many significant impacts within the surgical realm, and surgeons have been obligated to reconsider almost every aspect of daily clinical practice. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study reported in compliance with the CHERRIES guidelines and conducted through an online platform from June 14th to July 15th, 2020. The primary outcome was the burden of burnout during the pandemic indicated by the validated Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure. Results: Nine hundred fifty-four surgeons completed the survey. The median length of practice was 10 years; 78.2% included were male with a median age of 37 years old, 39.5% were consultants, 68.9% were general surgeons, and 55.7% were affiliated with an academic institution. Overall, there was a significant increase in the mean burnout score during the pandemic; longer years of practice and older age were significantly associated with less burnout. There were significant reductions in the median number of outpatient visits, operated cases, on-call hours, emergency visits, and research work, so, 48.2% of respondents felt that the training resources were insufficient. The majority (81.3%) of respondents reported that their hospitals were included in the management of COVID-19, 66.5% felt their roles had been minimized; 41% were asked to assist in non-surgical medical practices, and 37.6% of respondents were included in COVID-19 management. Conclusions: There was a significant burnout among trainees. Almost all aspects of clinical and research activities were affected with a significant reduction in the volume of research, outpatient clinic visits, surgical procedures, on-call hours, and emergency cases hindering the training. Trial registration: The study was registered on clicaltrials.gov "NCT04433286" on 16/06/2020

    Effects of micropores on geometric, topological and transport properties of pore systems for low-permeability porous media

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    Pore systems become very complex in heterogeneous reservoirs such as low-permeability and tight sandstones for macropores and micropores both exist in such reservoirs. Although the large pores may control the reservoir quality and rock properties, micropores always can affect the geometric and transport properties of the pore systems. In this paper, thus, such an effect is studied comprehensively. As such, low- and high-resolution computed tomography (CT) scanning experiments were carried out on the same low-permeability sandstone in order to obtain the low- and high-resolution digital rock (LRDR and HRDR) images, respectively. The impacts of micropores on properties of pore systems were investigated based on digital rock analysis of the LRDR and HRDR images for two samples. In this study, the micro-porosity is defined as the pores and throats which can be covered by the HRDR images but cannot be covered by the LRDR images. The results show that there are better connectivity, smaller tortuosity and higher heterogeneity for the HRDR image, compared to the LRDR image of the same rock. The fractal analysis of pore space indicates that the surface of the pore space with micropores becomes rougher. Moreover, we found that the micropore space plays a more significant role in the throats than the pores by comparing the pore and throat size distributions of the LRDR and HRDR images. In addition, the micropores can lead to a decrease in the average shape factor and smoothness of the boundary of pores and throats. It was also found that micro-porosity not only increases the average coordination number but also increases the number of isolated pores according to the coordination number distributions. Finally, the results of single- and two-phase flow simulation show that the absolute permeability and formation factor become larger and smaller, respectively, for the pore systems with micropores. This result reveals that micropores can improve the transportability and connectivity of the pore systems

    An integrated petrophysical-based wedge modeling and thin bed AVO analysis for improved reservoir characterization of Zhujiang Formation, Huizhou sub-basin, China: A case study

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    The main reservoir in Huizhou sub-basin is Zhujiang Formation of early Miocene age. The petrophysical analysis shows that the Zhujiang Formation contains thin carbonate intervals, which have good hydrocarbon potential. However, the accurate interpretation of thin carbonate intervals is always challenging as conventional seismic interpretation techniques do not provide much success in such cases. In this study, well logs, three-layer forward amplitude versus offset (AVO) model and the wedge model are integrated to analyze the effect of tuning thickness on AVO responses. It is observed that zones having a thickness greater than or equal to 15 m can be delineated with seismic data having a dominant frequency of more than 45 Hz. The results are also successfully verified by analyzing AVO attributes, i.e., intercept and gradient. The study will be helpful to enhance the characterization of thin reservoir intervals and minimize the risk of exploration in the Huizhou sub-basin, China

    Diagenetic Evolution of Upper Cretaceous Kawagarh Carbonates from Attock Hazara Fold and Thrust Belt, Pakistan

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    A recent hydrocarbons discovery in 2021 in the Kawagarh Formation has brought attention to the significance of sedimentology and specifically diagenesis for understanding and characterizing the reservoir properties. The diagenetic history and multiscale processes that contributed to diagenesis were vaguely known. This study aimed to reconstruct various diagenetic phases, paragenetic sequences, and the interrelationship of these phases in the Kawagarh Formation. The diagenetic processes were identified and characterized through an integrated methodology utilizing the outcrop, petrographic, and geochemical analyses. Early calcite cementation was found to occur in the early stages of marine burial diagenesis involving pore fluid originating from the dissolution of aragonite in interlayer marl/mudstone beds and reprecipitating as microspar in adjacent limestone beds. The absence of mechanical compaction in wackstone and mudstone facies and the presence of late compaction in lithified packstones clearly imply that early calcite cementation occurred prior to compaction. Dolomitization with stylolites coupled with significant negative oxygen (δ18O) isotope values implies a fault-related hydrothermal dolomitization model. Uplift introduced the fractures and low Mg fresh fluids to the system which caused calcitisation in shallow burial settings. The depleted δ13C and negative δ18O values indicate the mixing of surface-derived waters with hot burial fluids during the calcitization. This study offers valuable insights into several aspects related to the formation and the basin itself, including burial depths, fluid influx, and geochemical gradients. It also sheds light on the evolution of reservoir properties such as porosity and permeability in dolomitization fronts. Such insights can be used to gain a deeper understanding about the burial history, basin evaluation, and reservoir characterization for hydrocarbon exploration

    Architecture and reservoir quality of low-permeable Eocene lacustrine turbidite sandstone from the Dongying Depression, East China

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    The architecture and quality of lacustrine turbidites that act as petroleum reservoirs are less well documented. Reservoir architecture and multiscale heterogeneity in turbidites represent serious challenges to production performance. Additionally, establishing a hierarchy profile to delineate heterogeneity is a challenging task in lacustrine turbidite deposits. Here, we report on the turbidites in the middle third member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation (Es3), which was deposited during extensive Middle to Late Eocene rifting in the Dongying Depression. Seismic records, wireline log responses, and core observations were integrated to describe the reservoir heterogeneity by delineating the architectural elements, sequence stratigraphic framework and lithofacies assemblage. A petrographic approach was adopted to constrain microscopic heterogeneity using an optical microscope, routine core analyses and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses. The Es3m member is interpreted as a sequence set composed of four composite sequences: CS1, CS2, CS3 and CS4. A total of forty-five sequences were identified within these four composite sequences. Sand bodies were mainly deposited as channels, levees, overbank splays, lobes and lobe fringes. The combination of fining-upward and coarsening-upward lithofacies patterns in the architectural elements produces highly complex composite flow units. Microscopic heterogeneity is produced by diagenetic alteration processes (i.e., feldspar dissolution, authigenic clay formation and quartz cementation). The widespread kaolinization of feldspar and mobilization of materials enhanced the quality of the reservoir by producing secondary enlarged pores. In contrast, the formation of pore-filling authigenic illite and illite/smectite clays reduced its permeability. Recovery rates are higher in the axial areas and smaller in the marginal areas of architectural elements. This study represents a significant insight into the reservoir architecture and heterogeneity of lacustrine turbidites, and the understanding of compartmentalization and distribution of high-quality sand reservoirs can be applied to improve primary and secondary production in these fields

    Petrographic characterization to build an accurate rock model using micro-CT : Case study on low-permeable to tight turbidite sandstone from Eocene Shahejie Formation

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    Pore scale flow simulations heavily depend on petrographic characterizing and modeling of reservoir rocks. Mineral phase segmentation and pore network modeling are crucial stages in micro-CT based rock modeling. The success of the pore network model (PNM) to predict petrophysical properties relies on image segmentation, image resolution and most importantly nature of rock (homogenous, complex or microporous). The pore network modeling has experienced extensive research and development during last decade, however the application of these models to a variety of naturally heterogenous reservoir rock is still a challenge. In this paper, four samples from a low permeable to tight sandstone reservoir were used to characterize their petrographic and petrophysical properties using high-resolution micro-CT imaging. The phase segmentation analysis from micro-CT images shows that 5–6% microporous regions are present in kaolinite rich sandstone (E3 and E4), while 1.7–1.8% are present in illite rich sandstone (E1 and E2). The pore system percolates without micropores in E1 and E2 while it does not percolate without micropores in E3 and E4. In E1 and E2, total MICP porosity is equal to the volume percent of macrospores determined from micro-CT images, which indicate that the macropores are well connected and microspores do not play any role in non-wetting fluid (mercury) displacement process. Whereas in E3 and E4 sandstones, the volume percent of micropores is far less (almost 50%) than the total MICP porosity which means that almost half of the pore space was not detected by the micro-CT scan. PNM behaved well in E1 and E2 where better agreement exists in PNM and MICP measurements. While E3 and E4 exhibit multiscale pore space which cannot be addressed with single scale PNM method, a multiscale approach is needed to characterize such complex rocks. This study provides helpful insights towards the application of existing micro-CT based petrographic characterization methodology to naturally complex petroleum reservoir rocks

    Effects of micropores on geometric, topological and transport properties of pore systems for low-permeability porous media

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    Pore systems become very complex in heterogeneous reservoirs such as low-permeability and tight sandstones for macropores and micropores both exist in such reservoirs. Although the large pores may control the reservoir quality and rock properties, micropores always can affect the geometric and transport properties of the pore systems. In this paper, thus, such an effect is studied comprehensively. As such, low- and high-resolution computed tomography (CT)scanning experiments were carried out on the same low-permeability sandstone in order to obtain the low- and high-resolution digital rock (LRDR and HRDR)images, respectively. The impacts of micropores on properties of pore systems were investigated based on digital rock analysis of the LRDR and HRDR images for two samples. In this study, the micro-porosity is defined as the pores and throats which can be covered by the HRDR images but cannot be covered by the LRDR images. The results show that there are better connectivity, smaller tortuosity and higher heterogeneity for the HRDR image, compared to the LRDR image of the same rock. The fractal analysis of pore space indicates that the surface of the pore space with micropores becomes rougher. Moreover, we found that the micropore space plays a more significant role in the throats than the pores by comparing the pore and throat size distributions of the LRDR and HRDR images. In addition, the micropores can lead to a decrease in the average shape factor and smoothness of the boundary of pores and throats. It was also found that micro-porosity not only increases the average coordination number but also increases the number of isolated pores according to the coordination number distributions. Finally, the results of single- and two-phase flow simulation show that the absolute permeability and formation factor become larger and smaller, respectively, for the pore systems with micropores. This result reveals that micropores can improve the transportability and connectivity of the pore systems

    Shallow-water carbonate facies herald the onset of the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (Hazara basin, Northern Pakistan)

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    We investigate the Palaeocene succession of the Hazara Basin (Northern Pakistan) to better understand the impact of climate change on marine carbonate-producing organisms. These shallow-water carbonates, deposited during the Late Palaeocene, before the onset of the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, were studied using a quantitative approach to highlight changes in the skeletal assemblage. We recognise a decrease in the abundance of colonial corals and green calcareous algae and an increase in larger benthic foraminifera and red calcareous algae from the early Thanetian to the late Thanetian. Increasing temperatures may represent a plausible cause for the decline of the more sensitive colonial corals in favor of the more tolerant larger benthic foraminifera. A similar pattern is observed in most successions deposited along the margins of the Neotethys Ocean, suggesting a connection with the Late Palaeocene environmental changes that heralded the PETM hyperthermal event. Our stratigraphic analysis of the Hazara Basin strata suggests that the biotic turnovers occurred during the Palaeocene – Eocene transition started already before the onset of the Palaeocene Eocene Thermal Maximum as recorded by the geochemical proxies