2 research outputs found

    Dampak Kegiatan Pariwisata Olahraga Internasional Tour de Lingarjati terhadap Kepariwisatan Kabupaten Kuningan

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    Curently the visitng various interesting places around the world both in busines and travel maters is become a global trend. The Indonesian government is agresively promoting various superior destinations in Indonesia, including sports tourism. This is because of the domino efect of regional tourism development; is the improvement of the people's economy, and of course foreign exchange for the country. Some regions also competed to develop Sports Tourism, including Kuningan regency with the implementation of Tour de Lingarjati. This article seks to highlight the suces of Tour de Lingarjati and its signifcant impact on Kuningan district. Keywords: Tour de Lingarjati; Sport Tourism; Kuningan District

    Dampak Kegiatan Pariwisata Olahraga Internasional Tour de Linggarjati terhadap Kepariwisataan Kabupaten Kuningan

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    Currently the visiting various interesting places around the world both in business and travel matters is become a global trend. The Indonesian government is aggressively promoting various superior destinations in Indonesia, including sports tourism. This is because of the domino effect of regional tourism development; is the improvement of the people's economy, and of course foreign exchange for the country. Some regions also competed to develop Sports Tourism, including Kuningan regency with the implementation of Tour de Linggarjati. This article seeks to highlight the success of Tour de Linggarjati and its significant impact on Kuningan district