127 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk mengedukasi kelompok pembudidaya ikan kabupaten Aceh Tamiang melalui teknologi pakan pelet ramah lingkungan. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan edukatif dan transfer teknologi melalui serangkaian tahapan kegiatan antaranya koordinasi, sosialisasi, pelaksanaan kegiatan, pendampingan serta monitoring dan evaluasi. Seluruh tahapan kegiatan yang tercatat melalui lembar post test memperlihatkan sebanyak 6 anggota kelompok (27,2%) memahami tata cara pembuatan pakan, 7 anggota pokdakan jasa tambak (31,8%) mengetahui prosedur penggunaan mesin pakan dan 3 anggota lainnya (13,6%) memahami tatacara pengisian buku pencatatan produk dan 8 anggota pokdakan (38%) memahami materi bentuk dan warna pakan pelet yang baik. Disimpulkan bahwa 7 anggota pokdakan sinar tambak (31,8%) mengetahui prosedur penggunaan mesin pakan, 3 anggota kelompok yang lain (13,6%) memahami tatacara pengisian buku pencatatan produk dan pengunaan mesin pakan pelet mampu meningkatkan protein pada tepung ikan hingga 27%. Abstract: This community service (PKM) aims to educate Aceh Tamiang district fish farming groups through environmentally friendly pellet feed technology. The method used is an educative approach and technology transfer through a series of activity stages including coordination, outreach, implementation of activities, mentoring and monitoring and evaluation. All stages of activity recorded through the post test sheet showed that 6 group members (27.2%) understood the procedure for making feed, 7 members of the fish pond service group (31.8%) knew the procedure for using feed machines and 3 other members (13.6 %) understood the procedure for filling in the product record book and 8 members of the Pokdakan (38%) understood the shape and color of good pellet feed. It was concluded that 7 members of the Pokdakan Sinar Tambak (31.8%) knew the procedure for using a feed machine, 3 other group members (13.6%) understood the procedure for filling out a product record book and using a pellet feed machine was able to increase protein in fish meal by up to 27%. 


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    Abstrak:Pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan dan mendiseminasikan teknologi keramba jaring apung dalam meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas ikan nila yang dihasilkan oleh pokdakan sepakat makmur. Metode yang digunakan adalah edukatif dan transfer teknologi melalui berbagai tahapan kegiatan antaranya koordinasi, sosialisasi, pelaksanaan kegiatan, pendampingan serta monitoring dan evaluasi.Seluruh tahapan kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan tergambarkan melalui lembar pencatatan post test yang memperlihatkan 3 anggota kelompok (16%) memahami kelebihan dan kekurangan budidaya ikan nila dengan sistim keramba jaring apung, 6 anggota kelompok (40%) cukup memahami perhitungan kualitas air pada usaha budidaya ikan nilai, 6 anggota lainnya (40%) cukup paham dengan materi tahapan pembuatan keramba jaring apung dan 5 anggota pokdakan (33.3%) cukup memahami materi siklus pemberian pakan selama masa pembenihan pada kolam keramba jaring apung.Hasil pendampingan memperlihatkan 3 anggota kelompok (20%) sangat memahami materi teknik pencatatan produk dan 11 anggota (73,3%) cukup memahami materi perhitungan analisa usaha. Disimpukan bahawa 73,3% anggota kelompok cukup memahami tatacara pengisian buku kas kelompok serta 20% anggota pokdakan mengetahui ciri-ciri benih nikan nila yang baik dan berkualitasAbstract: This community service (PKM) aims to introduce and disseminate floating net cage technology in increasing the quantity and quality of tilapia produced by Pokdakan agreed to prosper. The method used is educative and technology transfer through various stages of activities including coordination, socialization, implementation of activities, mentoring and monitoring and evaluation. All stages of the activities that have been carried out are illustrated through a post-test recording sheet which shows 3 group members (16%) understand the advantages and disadvantages of tilapia cultivation with floating net cages, 6 group members (40%) quite understand the calculation of water quality in fish farming. value, 6 other members (40%) quite understand the material for the stages of making floating net cages and 5 members of the pokdakan (33.3%) quite understand the material of the feeding cycle during the hatchery period in floating net cage ponds. The results of the mentoring showed that 3 members of the group (20%) really understood the material on product recording techniques and 11 members (73.3%) quite understood the material for business analysis calculations. It was concluded that 73.3% of group members quite understood the procedures for filling out the group cash book and 20% of pokdakan members knew the characteristics of good and quality nile tilapia seeds.

    Helicobacter pylori: A Clinical Review

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    Helicobacter pylori, a gram negative microorganism, concomitant with a ramification of gastro-intestinal illnesses blanketed duodenal, non-ulcer dyspepsia, and gastric ulcer and active persistent gastritis. The frequency of H. pylori contamination ought to more than ninety % in patients showing sign and symptoms of gastrointestinal infections. It has been reported of affiliation of H. pylori infection with complication of stomach cancer. It may be transmitted through oro-fecal rely via the eating of waste-polluted water or meals. Combination of antibiotics and bismuth compounds found to be powerful in treating lively infection. Diagnosis of infection is through invasive testing techniques i.e. histology, Culture, based totally on endoscopy and biopsy, or non-invasive trying out strategies, which include serologic antibody assay, urea breath test and stool antigen test. Serologic antibody assay and UBT do no longer distinguish between a current infection and past cured infection. The stool antigen test is used to detect antigen presence inside the faeces that suggests lively infection. It can be extensively utilized to monitor the prognosis of disease and the recurrence. Prevention is by means of hygiene measures like hand washing practice and transmission control.  If infection left untreated may also lead to critical hassle. Keywords: H. Pylori, Helicobacter Pylori, Clinical Revie

    Advances in Halloysite Nanotubes (HNTs)-Based Mixed-Matrix Membranes for CO2 Capture

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    Membrane technology promises a highly economical and efficient solution for CO2 separation. Many polymeric membranes have been reported in the past for the separation of gases specially to remove CO2 from natural gas and low-pressure flue-gas streams. The performance of membranes can be tailored by dispersing nanofillers in a polymeric matrix to produce mixed-matrix membranes (MMMs). This not only adds mechanical strength to membranes but also reduces compaction of the polymeric layer at high pressure and maintains high performance. Halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) gained attention in gas separation technology and due to their tubular structure have been used in a variety of applications in biomedical, coating, composite, and electronic industries. However, very little but conclusive literature and reviews are available to indicate that functionalized and non-functionalized HNTs can improve the performance of MMMs for efficient CO2 capture. The current status and gaps for potential applications of HNTs-based membranes for gas separation are identified and reviewed

    Facies Analysis and Sedimentary Architecture of Hybrid Event Beds in Submarine Lobes: Insights from the Crocker Fan, NW Borneo, Malaysia

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    Hybrid event beds represent the combined effect of multiple geological processes, which result in complex depositional geometries and distinct facies distribution in marine environments. Previous work on hybrid event beds highlights the classification, origin, and types of hybrid facies. However, in the present study, we discuss the development of hybrid event beds in submarine lobes with an emphasis on the analysis of proximal to distal, frontal to lateral relationships and evolution during lobe progradation. Detailed geological fieldwork was carried out in the classical deep-marine Late Paleogene Crocker Fan to understand the relationship between the character of hybrid bed facies and lobe architecture. The results indicate that hybrid facies of massive or structureless sandstone with mud clasts, clean to muddy sand, and chaotic muddy sand with oversized sand patch alternations (H1–H3) are well developed in proximal to medial lobes, while distal lobes mainly contain parallel to cross-laminated clean to muddy hybrid facies (H3–H5). Furthermore, lateral lobes have less vertical thickness of hybrid beds than frontal lobes. The development of hybrid beds takes place in the lower part of the thickening upward sequence of lobe progradation, while lobe retrogradation contains hybrid facies intervals in the upper part of stratigraphy. Hence, the development of hybrid beds in submarine lobe systems has a significant impact on the characterization of heterogeneities in deep-marine petroleum reservoirs at sub-seismic levels

    Algorithms for Computing Wiener Indices of Acyclic and Unicyclic Graphs

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    Let G=(V(G),E(G))G=(V(G),E(G)) be a molecular graph, where V(G)V(G) and E(G)E(G) are the sets of vertices (atoms) and edges (bonds). A topological index of a molecular graph is a numerical quantity which helps to predict the chemical/physical properties of the molecules. The Wiener, Wiener polarity and the terminal Wiener indices are the distance based topological indices. In this paper, we described a linear time algorithm {\bf(LTA)} that computes the Wiener index for acyclic graphs and extended this algorithm for unicyclic graphs. The same algorithms are modified to compute the terminal Wiener index and the Wiener polarity index. All these algorithms compute the indices in time O(n)O(n)

    Protocol optimization for efficient in vitro micro-propagation of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni

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    Background: Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni is one of the most amazing herb that is an abundant source of diterpene glycoside a non-caloric sweetener. In recent years alongside its utilization in herbal and folk medicine, commercial exploitation of this herb for weight control and anti-diabetic treatment has started.Methods: In present study healthy nodal segments of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni were used as explants for optimization of in vitro micro-propagation and regeneration protocol for rapid, fast and efficient multiplication under in-vitro conditions. For shoot proliferation and rooting various concentrations cytokinins NAA (Naphthalene acetic acid), BAP (Benzyl amino purine), IAA (Indole acetic acid) and kinetin (Kn) were employed.Results: Shoots without roots were regenerated from nodal segments via auxiliary shoot induction. The production of multiple shoots from nodal portion was maximum on MS medium complemented with 0.5 mg/L of BAP and 1.5 mg/L of Kn. Maximum rooting was recorded on MS medium supplemented with 0.25 mg/L NAA and 1.0 mg/L of IAA. Successful hardening was achieved under controlled growth room conditions followed by transfer to glass house and open field.Conclusion: Standardization of explant source and culturing media for multiplication of shoot resulted in mass proliferation of homogenous and healthy plantlets of Stevia clones under local conditions. Keywords: Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni; BAP; Kinetin, NAA; IAA; Micro-propagation; Regeneratio

    Tick Infestation, Distribution, Identification, and Risk Factors on Large Ruminants in Southern Regions of Pakistan

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    The livestock sector plays fundamental role in Pakistan\u27s economy, and a variety of ruminants (cattle and buffaloes) are raised to meet the rising demand for milk, meat, and hide goods. Ticks are the most common vectors for the transmission of tick-borne disease and several pathogens to animals and people. Ticks are widespread in Pakistan due to the country\u27s favorable subtropical climate, and they parasitize large and small ruminants, causing infestation and mortality, as well as economic losses to herdsmen. Therefore, the study aimed to investigate the tick’s epidemiology in large animals in the selected Southern regions of Pakistan, during the year 2020-21, along with the identification of infesting ticks and their associated risk factors. For this purpose, a total of 2637 tick specimens were collected from 2813 animals and seven tick species belonging to five genera were identified from examined animals. The identified species were A. variegatum, D. marginatus, H. anatolicum, H. excavatum, H. dromedarii, Hae. punctata and R. sanguineus. D. marginatus was not found on buffaloes, while A. variegatum, Hae. punctata and H. excavatum were not recorded on cows. Age and sex of the animals were non-significantly (p \u3e 0.05) associated with the prevalence of tick infestation. However, the females and younger animals were significantly (p ≤ 0.05) infested with ticks as compared to males and older animals. The most common sites of tick attachment were the tail and ear regions, while the thigh region was the least common. This study concluded that H. anatolicum is the most prevalent tick species found on both hosts (cows and buffaloes), which bear a major risk of protozoan transmission in the livestock population and may badly affect the health status and production of the animals