61 research outputs found

    Enhancement of Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitor Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) with Addition of Chitosan

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    Parallel with current needs of oil and gas industry where hydrates formation caused a problem with flow assurance, new formulations are strived to yield a better Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitor (KHI) with high efficiency and low dosage required to inhibit a large scales of hydrate in flow lines. The formation of hydrates can cause flow interruption due to plugging and resulted in higher cost in maintenance and the usage of large dosage of inhibitor. Polyvinylpyrrolidone or PVP is a successful KHI and commonly known as Low Dosage Hydrate Inhibitor (LDHI). A natural polysaccharide from shrimp shells, linear polymer Chitosan (ß-(1-4) linked 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-ß-D-Glucopyranose and 2-amino-deoxy-ß-D-Glucopyranose) is proposed to become an additive to enhance the performance of PVP as KHI. Therefore, this project aims to determine the capability of PVP with Chitosan to delay the formation of hydrate in comparison of using PVP only. Concentration of solution ranged from 0.1wt% to 1.0wt% to examine the optimum concentration of inhibitor required in weight percentage. The heat flux of exothermic and endothermic reaction of the tested inhibitor is examined by using Micro Differential Scanning Calorimeter (μDSC) against time to measure and compare the hydrate formation and dissociation mean time. PVP will be proven as conventional KHI with satisfying result and PVP with Chitosan as an addictive is expected to lengthen the induction time for hydrate to form greater than PVP alone. Polymer Chitosan is a green technology material with great future potential and the uses of Chitosan in oil and gas industry is a new step forward. As hydrates has been declared as long-term problems in oil and gas sector, research and studies regarding an improvement of known KHI is necessary to be applied in the industry

    Pengembangan Simulasi Main Engine Dengan Software Labview

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    Pengetahuan tentang sistem mesin di kapal ini penting dan jarang dikenal. Salah satu komponen utama dalam sistem mesin di kapal adalah mesin utama. Dengan demikian, proses operasional mesin utama sebagai sistem penggerak kapal wajib dipahami oleh setiap lulusan teknik kelautan. Ini adalah latar belakang tesis ini. Tujuan dari tugas akhir ini adalah untuk menjelaskan bagaimana proses kerja dan untuk mensimulasikan masalah umum dalam mesin kapal. Mesin utama yang akan disimulasikan adalah beberapa sistem, ini meliputi Sistem Bahan Bakar Minyak, Sistem Pelumas, Sistem Pendingin & Compressed Air System, dengan menyesuaikan data teknis dan komponen utama (pompa, pemanas, coler, tank dan alarm). Simulasi dalam tesis ini menggunakan software labview yang memiliki pengembangan aplikasi PLC dan lebih user friendly, sehingga software ini dirasa cocok untuk digunakan. Masih ada kekurangan dalam simulasi yang disebabkan oleh keterbatasan dan hambatan dalam proses pendalaman materi. Meskipun demikian, tujuan tesis ini masih dicapai. ========================================================================================================== Knowledge about machinery systems on ship is important and rarely known. One of the main components in machinery systems on ship is the main engine. Thus, operational processes of main engine as ship propulsion systems obliged to be understood by every marine engineering graduates. This is the background of this thesis. The purpose of this thesis is to explain how the work process and to simulate common problem in the ship's engine. Main Engine that will be simulated is the system consist of Fuel Oil System, Lubricating System, Cooling System & Compressed Air System, by adjusting the technical data and its main components (pumps, heater, cooler, tanks and alarm). The simulation in this thesis is using labview software that has PLC application development and more user friendly , so the software is deemed suitable to use. There are still deficiencies in the simulation caused by the limitations and obstacles in the process of deepening of the material. Nonetheless, the aim of this thesis is still achieve


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    Islamic law which in English is called Islamic Law. The main sources of Islamic law are the Qur'an and al-Sunnah. While the additional sources of law are ijma' and qiyas. With this source of Islamic law, it becomes the basis for answering and solving problems of Islamic law both in the early Islamic era as well as contemporary Islamic law problems. Islamic law itself is believed to be for Muslims as a law that is sourced from God's revelation. This is based on the sources of Islamic law derived from the Koran and the Sunnah. However, it is recognized that the Qur'an and al-Sunnah do not always appear explicitly for every problem of life, while the problems faced are increasingly numerous and complex. Therefore, the role of reason and revelation in the determination of Islamic law is very much needed.The purpose of this study was to find out how contemporary and western Muslim thinkers view Islamic law which is considered very elastic in the dynamics of social change. Which grows from various situations and conditions surrounding mankind. This ontological reality of Islamic law then gave birth to an epistemology of fiqh which is basically the resultant and interaction of the scholars with the social facts that surround it


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    Qawaid fiqhiyyah merupakan media dalam menggali kandungan dan makna hukum yang termaktub dalam nash alquran dan sunnah. Dengan mampu mengetahui dan memahami qawaid fiqhiyyah kita akan mengetahui benang merah dalam permasalahan fikih. Eksistensi qawaid fiqhiyyah dapat dijadikan titik temu dari permasalahan-permasalhan fikih yang dapat membuahkan kearifan dalam penerapan hukum yang diakibatkan adanya perbedaan waktu, tempat dan adat kebiasaan. Permasalahan-permalahan hukm Islam akan terus berkembang selaras dengan perkembangan zaman. Dimana masyarakat butuh suatu ketetapan hukum dalam suatu permasalhan baru yang mungkin tidak tertuang secara eksplisit di dalam alwuran dan sunnah. Untuk itu dibutuhkan suatu perkumpulan yang mampu menjawab permasalahan tersebut. AL Jam'iyatul Washliyah memiliki organ yang disebut Dewan Fatwa Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah. Organ ini berkompeten untuk mengeluarkan fatwa baik untuk kalangan Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah sendiri maupun masyarakat umum. Untuk itu artikel ini akan membahas bagaiman metode penginstinbatan hukum dan survey penggunaan qawaid fiqhiyyah pada Dewa Fatwa Al Jam'iyatul Washliya


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    Pada saat ini perkembangan tekhnologi komunikasi berbasis internet sudah sangat berkembang mengikuti kemajuan jaman, hal ini membuat perusahaan penyedia layanan telekomunikasi melakukan peningkatan segi kualitas produk untuk mengatasi adanya persaingan dan mempertahankan keputusan pembelian pelanggannya.. Penelitian kali bertujuan untuk membahas seberapa besar pengaruh pengaruh kualitas produk terhadap keputusan pembelian IndiHome, dan bermanfaat untuk membantu pihak perusahaan PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Witel Yogyakarta dalam pengambilan keputusan strategi yang tepat. Penelitian ini menggunakan kualitas produk sebagai variabel independen dan keputusan pembelian sebagai variabel dipenden. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner kepada 100 pelanggan IndiHome di sekitar ODP cluster SMN(Sleman), GOD(Godean), dan KEN(Kentungan) sebagai sampel penelitian. Penelitian ini termasuk ke dalam jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kualitas Produk berpengaruh terhadap Keputusan Pembelian produk IndiHome yaitu sebesar 20,9% dan sisanya 70,1% tidak dijelaskan dalam penelitian ini. Kata Kunci: Kualitas Produk, Keputusan Pembelia

    Enhancement of Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitor Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) with Addition of Chitosan

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    Parallel with current needs of oil and gas industry where hydrates formation caused a problem with flow assurance, new formulations are strived to yield a better Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitor (KHI) with high efficiency and low dosage required to inhibit a large scales of hydrate in flow lines. The formation of hydrates can cause flow interruption due to plugging and resulted in higher cost in maintenance and the usage of large dosage of inhibitor. Polyvinylpyrrolidone or PVP is a successful KHI and commonly known as Low Dosage Hydrate Inhibitor (LDHI). A natural polysaccharide from shrimp shells, linear polymer Chitosan (ß-(1-4) linked 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-ß-D-Glucopyranose and 2-amino-deoxy-ß-D-Glucopyranose) is proposed to become an additive to enhance the performance of PVP as KHI. Therefore, this project aims to determine the capability of PVP with Chitosan to delay the formation of hydrate in comparison of using PVP only. Concentration of solution ranged from 0.1wt% to 1.0wt% to examine the optimum concentration of inhibitor required in weight percentage. The heat flux of exothermic and endothermic reaction of the tested inhibitor is examined by using Micro Differential Scanning Calorimeter (μDSC) against time to measure and compare the hydrate formation and dissociation mean time. PVP will be proven as conventional KHI with satisfying result and PVP with Chitosan as an addictive is expected to lengthen the induction time for hydrate to form greater than PVP alone. Polymer Chitosan is a green technology material with great future potential and the uses of Chitosan in oil and gas industry is a new step forward. As hydrates has been declared as long-term problems in oil and gas sector, research and studies regarding an improvement of known KHI is necessary to be applied in the industry


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    Secara substantif, zakat, infaq, dan sedekah adalah bagian dari mekanisme keagamaan yang berintikan semangat pemerataan pendapatan. Dana zakat diambil dari harta orang berkelebihan dan disalurkan kepada orang yang kekurangan. Zakat tidak dimaksudkan untuk memiskinkan orang kaya, juga tidak untuk melecehkan jerih payah orang kaya. Hal ini disebabkan karena zakat diambil dari sebagian kecil hartanya dengan beberapa kriteria tertentu yang wajib dizakati. Oleh karena itu, alokasi dana zakat tidak bisa diberikan secara sembarangan dan hanya dapat disalurkan kepada kelompok masyarakat tertentu.Zakat terbagi dua yaitu zakat fitrah dan zakat harta (mal) dan diantara zakat harta tersebut ulama kontemporer memasukan zakat profesi sebagai salah satu bagian dari zakat harta (mal). Karena kenyataannya membuktikan bahwa banyak pekerja profesi saat ini yang menghasilkan uang cukup besar dan dilakukan dengan cara mudah dan waktu yang relatif singkat. Jika permasalahan ini dikaitkan dengan pelaksanaan zakat yang sudah berjalan dimasyarakat, maka terlihat adanya kesenjangan atau ketidakadilan anyata petani yang banyak mencurahkan tenaga tetapi memiliki penghasilan kecil dengan para pekerja profesional yang dalam waktu cepat dapat memperoleh hasil yang cukup besar.Apabila zakat profesi dianologikan dengan zakat hasil pertanian, maka kewajiban mengeluarkan zakat pada saat  mendapatkan penghasilan tanpa harus menunggu sampai nisab. Kemudian jika zakat profesi diqiyaskan dengan zakat emas, maka zakatnya dikeluarkan setelah sampai nishab emas dan harus genap setahun (haul). Karena itu makalah ini ingin menguraikan bagaiman zakat profesi dapat dimasukan kedalam bagian zakat harta.yang wajib dikeluarkan. Yang merupakan rumusan para ulama kontemporer dengan menggali dan melihat dari aspek maqasid syari’yahnya

    Social Justification, Social Control and Social Development

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    Law as provisions and norms that have special characteristics such as protecting, regulating and providing balance in maintaining the public interest. Therefore, violating legal provisions that cause harm from someone's negligence and cause interference with the public interest can cause reactions from. Provisions that apply to someone who neglects and disturbs the balance of the public interest are legal provisions that apply in the life of social groups at that time, not past legal provisions that have been in force or are being planned to come into effect. This study aims to see the law as a social justification, social control and social empowerment so that it can present a law based on justice. This research uses qualitative research methods with literature studies, namely by collecting data through reference books, journals, scientific articles and others. The conclusions of this study are 1) law is a tool for realizing and creating peace in social life and a means for realizing social justice, both birth and bathing as well as driving development for the community. 2) As a social tool, law means something that can determine human behavior where the law tries to direct people to behave properly in accordance with the rules so that peace and control are realized. 3) Positive impacts as social engineering can change certain patterns in a society, both in the sense of strengthening a habit into something more believed, as well as in the form of other changes. automatically there will be people who agree and disagree and then see what is happening in society, so that there are people who violate the law and so onAbstractLaw as provisions and norms that have special characteristics such as protecting, regulating and providing balance in maintaining the public interest. Therefore, violating legal provisions that cause harm from someone's negligence and cause interference with the public interest can cause reactions from. Provisions that apply to someone who neglects and disturbs the balance of the public interest are legal provisions that apply in the life of social groups at that time, not past legal provisions that have been in force or are being planned to come into effect. This study aims to see the law as a social justification, social control and social empowerment so that it can present a law based on justice. This research uses qualitative research methods with literature studies, namely by collecting data through reference books, journals, scientific articles and others. The conclusions of this study are 1) law is a tool for realizing and creating peace in social life and a means for realizing social justice, both birth and bathing as well as driving development for the community. 2) As a social tool, law means something that can determine human behavior where the law tries to direct people to behave properly in accordance with the rules so that peace and control are realized. 3) Positive impacts as social engineering can change certain patterns in a society, both in the sense of strengthening a habit into something more believed, as well as in the form of other changes. automatically there will be people who agree and disagree and then see what is happening in society, so that there are people who violate the law and so on

    Amoebic appendicitis--a rare entity

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    Appendectomy is the most common surgical procedure performed in routine general surgical practice. However, not all the appendices removed, are submitted for histopathological examination in this part of the world. We reviewed 1400 appendices received by our department from within our hospital and from outside the hospital. Of these 13 cases were reported as amoebic appendicitis. These patients did not have any different clinical presentation from the patients who were reported as acute appendicitis without amoebae. Microscopically these appendices had minimal neutrophil polymorph infiltration accompanied by tissue necrosis and amoebic trophozoites within the appendiceal wall. After histological diagnosis, different tests (IHA and stool examination) were done to exclude a possibility of secondary involvement of the appendix, on 8 patients from our hospital which were negative, thus confirming that these patients had primary appendiceal involvement. Hence we recommend that all the appendices removed should be subjected for histological examination, since ths may help in subsequent management of these patient

    Peran Dewan Kemakmuran Masjid dalam Membangun Solidaritas Umat

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    Masjid dalam Islam bukanlah sekedar tempat beribadah saja tetapi juga merupakan tempat pembangunan peradaban umat manusia. Jika kita lihat dari pendekatan sejarah bagaimana Rasulullah membangun suatu peradaban dimulai dari masjid. Terbukti ketika Rasulullah hijrah ke Madinah yang pertama sekali dibangunnya adalah masjid, yaitu masjid Nabawi. Tetapi saat ini terkesan ada pergeseran fungsi masjid tersebut, masjid saat ini hanya dijadikan tempat untuk beribadah shalat saja, tidak terlihat bagaimana masjid harus mampu membangun rasa kepedulian sesama muslim.  Sehingga keberadaan masjid tidak begitu mepengaruhi solidaritas masyarakat. Kondisi ini sangatlah mengkhawatirkan, ditambah kondisi Covid 19 saat ini dan  diberlakukan PPKM yang menyebabkan banyaknya kesulitan ekonomi yang dialami masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran masjid Al-Muhajirin Desa Bandar Klippa dalam membangun solidaritas umat yang ada di sekitaran wilayah masjid. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei dan naturalistik dengan pengolahan data secara deskriptif kualitatif.  Penelitian ini direncanakan selama 1 tahun untuk melihat bagaiman peran masjid Al-Muhajirin Desa Bandar Klippa dalam membangun solidaritas umat  dan masyarakat sekitar. Sedangkan sampel penelitian ini adalah masyarakat sekitar masjid Al-Muhajarin baik laki-laki maupun perempuan. Adapun hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa pihak pengelola masjid memiliki program-program yang membangun solidaritas masyarakat sekitar, seperti program kegiatan kajian Tauhid, Tasawuf, Fiqih dan Tafsir serta senin malam ba’da isya dilakukan pengajian tentang hadis. Selain itu Dewan Kemakmuran Masjid banyak perubahan jumlah jamah yang sholat fardhu di masjid ini dan semakin banyak saja. Karena dakwah yang dilakukan Dewan Kemakmuran Masjid Al-Muhajirin merupakan konsep dakwah yang merangkul tidak memukul. Selain itu tidak ada pelarangan anak-anak untuk sholat dimasjid, agar menghindari suasana tidak kondusif yang diakibatkan anak-anak yang bermain dalam shalatnya, maka dibuat piket salah satu pengurus menjaga waktu pelaksanaan shalat. Kata Kunci: Dewan Kemakmuran, Masjid, Solidaritas Uma
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