24 research outputs found

    Penjadwalan Mata Pelajaran Menggunakan Algoritma Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Pada SMPIT Mufidatul Ilmi

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    Scheduling has a division of time based on a work sequence arrangement plan in the form of a list or table of activities or an activity plan with a detailed division of implementation time which is very necessary in carrying out institutional/company business processes. It is important to note the complexity of the process in scheduling appropriate subjects from various perspectives, both teachers, students and classrooms. Provision of teacher teaching schedules based on abilities in the field of subjects, suitable time each semester is very important to consider for very complex schedule arrangements, the number of classrooms that can be used in teaching activities is relatively small, and preventing teacher teaching conflicts so that the need for optimization of eye scheduling lesson to be made. Furthermore, at the stage of application development using the Waterfall method. The purpose of this research is to build a lesson scheduling application at SMPIT Mufidatul Ilmi by applying the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm to compile lesson schedules. Particle Swarm Optimization is a population-based algorithm that exploits individuals in search. In PSO the population is called a swarm and individuals are called particles. Each particle moves at a speed adapted from the search area and stores it as the best position ever achieved. Design analysis includes Use Case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD). The results of this study provide several primary data (service) features, especially features to provide scheduling results from processing with the PSO algorith

    Analisis Kepuasan Learning Management System Universitas XYZ Menggunakan Metode System Usability Scale dan K-Means

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    The importance of knowing the results of using the LMS (Learning Management System) learning application to determine the overall use value of users each semester. User perceptions were obtained using the SUS (system usability scale) method using a questionnaire that adopted 10 questions distributed to 118 users (students) of the XYZ University Informatics Engineering study program who had used the LMS after 1 semester. The purpose of this study is to determine user perceptions by clustering user satisfaction which has been carried out for 1 semester. Grouping perceptions using the K-Means method with variables (columns) that seem to have the greatest influence on other variables. Other tools use Google Colab in the Python programming language. The number of variables is 10 variables adopted from the questions in the System Usability Scale method. The results of this study provide a total of 3 (three) clusters which will then become the basis for scoring the criteria for the SUS method. The criteria for using the LMS system with cluster 2 have an excellent rating (SUS score of 72.04) and the number of perceptions is 49 people from 118 students. Overall, LMS users provide good value for several modules in the LMS, but the third cluster with the highest number gives the best results from the other clusters


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    Abstrak— Palindrom merupakan string (untai) yang dibacasama jika ditelusuri dari depan maupun dari belakang.Palindrom dalam otomata berperan penting dalam teorikomputasi karena hanya ada dalam bahasa bebas konteks yangmemberikan kajian mengenai mesin komputasi khayali denganmempunyai batasan susunan literal dalam komputasi.Setiapmesin abstrak otomata memiliki bahasa formal salah satunyatata bahasa bebas konteks (Context Free Grammar/ CFG) yangbanyak diimplementasikan dalam bahasa pemrogramankomputer. Tulisan ini dibuat untuk memberikan pendekatansintaksis pada Palindrom mesin Push Down Automata (PDA)dan menjelaskan bagaimana CFG memberikan palindrom bagimesin PDA.Kata Kunci— Palindrom, Otomata,CFG, PDA.Abstract: Palindrome is a string ( string ) that reads the same iftraced from the front or from behind . Palindrome in automatahave an important role in the theory of computation because itonly exists in a context-free languages are on the study of theimaginary computing machine with literals arrangement haslimitations in computing . Each machine has an abstract automataformal language one context-free grammar (Context FreeGrammar / CFG ) is most implemented in a computerprogramming language. This paper created to provide syntacticpalindromes approach on a Push Down Automata ( PDA ) andexplains how the CFG provides a palindrome for PDA machines .Keywords: Palindrome, automata, CFG, PDA

    Teaching Quantitative Research Method with Three Methods of Learning

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    This study aims to investigated the effect of lecture-discussion (LD), direct instruction (DI)and guide inqury (GI) to students’achievement on quantitative design research. An experimental comparison group post-test only designwas used to prove the hypothesis there is a significant difference of students’achievement on undergraduate biology education class (BEC) and master's economic class (EC)with the using of LD, DI and GI.This study used34 BECs’ student and 26 ECs’ student who take quantitative research courses in the academic year 2016-2017.The students’ achievement was measured by instrument of Research based Learning (RbL). The collected data has been analyzed by using descriptive statistics, and Chi-Square test to determine the comparison in both treatment of classes.The result of this study has shown thatχ2scores of LD(71.276) andχ2scores of DI(203.12) χ2 table α(0.05;0.01) (15.507;20.090). At the using of GI, the quality for students’ achievement scores on BEC is better than EC (standard vs. approaching standard). In conclusion, there was significant difference of students’achievement onBEC and EC with the using of LD, DI and GI

    Pengaruh Layanan Google Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Untuk Mendukung Prestasi Belajar Siswa

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    Information technology in education sector affected on learning process held by senior high school in Palembang city. Some 77,43% computer users (including students) who visit the google pages with the number of of 4,464,000,000 visitors everyday. Particularly students are very depend on search engine to to search of information or matter to complete a task school that relies heavily with the internet, thereby should be tested what factors affecting and could provide motivation to study and improve student learning achievements. The results of literature give you some of factors affect the motivation to study and student learning achievements that is a source of learning, intensity using, the quality of information. The methodology used namely AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structure), and path analysis, calculation the probability between endogenous, or endogenous and exogenous by the application of SEM (Structural Equation Model). The results of the study gained may be used as input for school management to make maximum use of google search engine in increased the motivation to study and student learning achievements

    Relationships Between Teaching Experience and Teaching Ability with TPACK: Perceptions of Mathematics and Science Lecturers at an Islamic University

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    The purpose of this study was to measure Islamic university mathematics and science lecturers (IU-MSLs) perception of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in 21st-century learning. This research utilized a quantitative method derived from a descriptive survey collected from 48 lecturers at a single university. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and alpha Cronbach methods were applied to determine the quality of the instruments used in this study. Furthermore, descriptive statistics and ANOVA were used to analyze the data obtained, while correlations were used to test the hypotheses. The results showed no relationship between teaching experience (TE) and teaching ability (TA) with TPACK. In addition, there were no differences in lecturers' perceptions of TPACK based on the material being taught. This study concluded that TPACK is an essential competency for mathematics and science lecturers in an Islamic university

    Analisis Penerimaan Sistem Informasi Akademik Dengan Menggunakan UTAUT 2 (Studi Kasus: Akademi Keperawatan Pembina Palembang)

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    Penerimaan terhadap sistem teknologi informasi penting untuk dilakukan karena dapat menjadi indikator bahwa sistem akan diterima dan diterapkan oleh pengguna untuk mendukung proses perkuliahan di Akademi Keperawatan Pembina Palembang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh variabel model Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) 2 terhadap penerimaan sistem informasi akademik dan seberapa besar tingkat penerimaan sistem informasi akademik menggunakan model UTAUT 2. Untuk mengetahui penerimaan sistem informasi peneliti menggunakan semua variabel utama dan variabel moderasi umur, jenis kelamin, pengalaman. Data penelitian ini menggunakan 135 responden yaitu 113 sampel mahasiswa dan 22 sampel dosen melalui penyebaran kuesioner. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitumenggunakan metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan menggunakan tool Lisrel versi 8.70. Analisis SEM memiliki tahapan yaitu: (1) konseptualisasi model (2) membentuk path diagram (3) identifikasi model (4) estimasi model (5) penilaian model fit (6) menginterpretasikan hasil. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa variabel espektasi kinerja berpengaruh sebesar (16.46), espektasi usaha berpengaruh sebesar (16.54), pengaruh sosial berpengaruh sebesar (14.85), motivasi hedonis berpengaruh sebesar (6.18), nilai harga berpengaruh sebesar (16.59), kebiasaan berpengaruh sebesar (15.94) terhadap niat perilaku. Variabel kondisi fasilitas berpengaruh sebesar (2.22) terhadap perilaku menggunakan. Variabel UTAUT 2 mampu mempengaruhi penerimaan sistem sebesar 9,4%

    Perbandingan Akurasi Metode Principal Component Analysis (PCA) dan Correlation-Based Feature Selection (CFS) Pada Klasifikasi Perpanjangan Kontrak Karyawan Menggunakan Metode NaĂŻve Bayes

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    PT. Oasis Waters International Palembang conducts regular staff performance reviews, the findings of which are utilized to make recommendations for employee contract extension. The Human Resource Department has assigned a numerical value to 25 qualities (HRD). The process of giving a label or class to a number of examples when the value of each characteristic is known as classification. The NaĂŻve Bayes technique is a basic classification approach that makes use of probability estimates. Based on the observations, it was discovered that one of the 25 criteria was deemed the most relevant in determining the recommendation for an employee contract renewal. As a result, in this study, a comparison of the pre-processing Principal Component Analysis (PCA) approach and the Correlation-based Feature Selection (CFS) method on the categorization of employee contract extensions at PT Oasis Waters International Palembang will be performed. According to the data, the CFS approach has a positive influence on classification performance, while PCA does not. This is demonstrated by a 30% increase in accuracy when utilizing the CFS approach. Meanwhile, both strategies have a positive influence on the model's dependability. This is demonstrated by a reduction in Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) when using the CFS approach from 0.6325 to 0.1845, whereas using the PCA method results in 0.5123.Keywords : NaĂŻve Bayes, Principal Component Analysis, Correlation-based Feature Selection, Confusion Matrix, Root Mean Square Erro

    Structural Model of Critical Success Factors The Success of E-Learning Implementation In Private Colleges-University in Palembang

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    —Electronic learning (e-learning) is the latest information technology used by many colleges to improve and enhance the learning process as a competitive advantage in order to achieve the vision and mission of the college. Conventional learning process gradually abandoned because the students have to change the way of learning so that the learning process to be efficient and effective by e-learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the critical success factor (CSF) or critical success factors that affect the success of the implementation or application of e-learning, and to model structural CSF factors. The study used Structural Equation Model (SEM), the population of the study was all students and lecturers of private colleges majoring in computer science and use e-learning. Conducting literature review to obtain the key factors of success, making the research structural models that can be continued for subsequent analysis. Determining hypothesis critical success factors, techniques for data collection were a questionnaire, Likert scale was presented in figures 1 to 5 defined ranging from strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree, a quantitative statistic was used to obtain primary data. The results provided a structural research model related to the data available in the case study of this research. Further research of structural model can be used to analyze the correlation / regression of exogenous factors and endogenous factors

    Penerapan Algoritma Best First Search Pada Sistem Pakar untuk Menentukan Penyakit Pepaya Berbasis Web

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    Pepaya adalah tumbuhan yang berasal dari Meksiko bagian selatan dan bagian utara dari Amerika Selatan, dan kini menyebar luas dan banyak ditanam di seluruh daerah tropis untuk diambil buahnya. Pepaya memiliki manfaat memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh, mencegah penyakit jantung, mencegah pembekuan darah, menjaga kesehatan pencernaan, menyehatkan tulang, memperbaiki daya tahan tubuh dan lain sebagainya. Dengan manfaat kesehatan yang besar inilah maka dikembangkan sistem pakar untuk membantu petani dan orang-orang yang tertarik menanam pepaya untuk mengidentifikasi penyakit pepaya maka mereka dapat menemukan obat yang tepat untuk mengobati tanaman. Sistem pakar ini menerapkan Algoritma Best First Search sebagai teknik penelusurannya