8 research outputs found

    Telaah Pustaka Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome  adalah salah satu kelainan pada bidang Orthopaedi, dimana terjadi penekanan  pada  Nervus Medianus oleh ligamentum transverase carpal. Nervus ini memberikan persyarafan pada jari jempol, jari telunjuk, jari tengah dan sebagian jari manis. Ketika tendon membengkak atau ligamen menebal maka volume didalam terowongan tersebut akan mengecil dan menyebabkan Nervus Medianus  akan terjepit. Artikel ini akan menjelaskan tentang gejala yang dialami, cara mendiagnosa, terapi yang dilakukan dan terapi lanjutannya serta  apa saja komplikasinya. (QM 2017;01:60-64

    Femur Pathological Fracture Caused by Metastatic Bone Disease Derived from Foot Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Background : Bone is an organ and the most common site that prone to metastatic cancer and cause serious morbidity. Besides, metastatic cancer to bone will limit skeletal function so that decrease quality of life and even death that most of them caused by its complication.Objective : Reporting a rare case about Squamous Cell Carcinoma that cause femur pathological fracture caused by Metastatic Bone Disease.Material and Method : Case report in women patients 55 years old with femur close fracture one-third middle caused by Metastatic Bone Disease in RSUD Soetomo Surabaya, period May 2015-March 2016.Data is taken retrospectively from medical record through interview, physical examination, radiological examination, and laboratory.Result and Discussion : Patients are treated in hospital because of femur close fracture one-third middle caused by Metastatic Bone Disease.  Based on physical and radiological examination, it is decided being done by skin traction first. The next plan is surgery. Patients are treated with interlocking nail left femur. Evaluation after surgery is done with medical rehabilitation, that is ROM exercise. Until now, 9 months after surgery, patients still control routinely to be done chemotherapy and there is improvement in patient’s condition.Conclusion : Metastatic process in bone often cause pathological fracture. Bone Metastatic is common from Breast, Lung, Prostate and Kideney Cancer. There was no publication before about Bone Metastatic Disease come from Squamous Cell Cancer. Mirel’s score is used as guiding in fixation prior to the next treatment. Decision of surgery is considered through patient’s objective and subjective appraisal that can be calculated in Abdurrahman score system

    Biopsi pada Muskuloskeletal Tumor

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    Biopsi berasal dari bahasa Yunani yaitu bios yang artinya kehidupan, dan opsis yang artinya melihat, jadi biopsi dapat diartikan sebagai melihat kehidupan dari suatu jaringan atau sel yang diambil melalui tindakan medis. Biopsi didefinisikan sebagai tindakan mengambil atau melakukan pemeriksaan mikroskopis dari jaringan yang berasal dari tubuh manusia yang masih hidup untuk menegakkan suatu diagnosis atau menentukan apakah suatu tumor ganas atau jinak atau untuk menegakkan diagnosis suatu proses penyakit atau infeksi

    Pendekatan Sistematis Diagnosis, Terapi dan Follow-Up Tumor Muskuloskeletal (Multidisplinary Approach)

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    Insiden tumor muskuloskeletal rendah, sedangkan terapinya bisa sangat berat bagi pasien dan keluarganya, seperti tindakan amputasi tungkai. Dengan penanganan yang sempurna sekalipun, umur harapan hidup beberapa penderitanya tidak mencapai angka yang tinggi. Oleh sebab itu, di bidang tumor muskuloskeletal, mutlak dibutuhkan standar pelayanan yang tinggi mulai dari skrining, diagnosis, penatalaksanaan dan evaluasi pasca terapi. Salah satu standar pelayanan yang tinggi di bidang diagnosis adalah prinsip multidisiplin dalam penegakan diagnosis. Paling tidak dokter-dokter spesialis orthopedi, patologi dan radiologi bersama-sama membahas informasi dari masing-masing bidang untuk disatukan menjadi diagnosis yang tepat

    Osteosarcoma has not become attention to society profile of osteosarcoma patients at dr. soetomo general hospital surabaya “a retrospective study”

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    Background: Osteosarcoma is the most common bone neoplasm found in the community but evaluation osteosarcoma cases in RSUD Dr. Soetomo has not been updated since 1995. Purpose: This study o osteosarcoma patient characteristic as well as therapy at Dr. Soetomo General Hospital in 2007 to 2016. It expects to show survival rates of osteosarcoma patient, so it can be a reference for searching the problems in the treatment of osteosarcoma cases and helps to decide treatment for osteosarcoma. Research Methods: Descriptive retrospective study, conducted on osteosarcoma patients at Dr. Soetomo General Hospital during 2007-2016 periods. Data were obtained from Ortho tumor patient database, and contacting them by phone or home visit. Results: Osteosarcoma patients was found mostly in 2015, while the least in 2008, with trend increasing by time. Majority of the patients came with advanced stage. Osteosarcoma treated mostly by amputation, either with or without chemotherapy. The survival rate in the first, second, or the fifth year was found lower than other references. Most common cause of mortality was the metastasis. Conclusion: Awareness of the society about the cancer sign of cancer and desire to use medical treatment as a priority is still low. This causes a low early detection rate of osteosarcoma and a high rate of metastatic cases because of inappropriate early treatment. Further socialization and increased awareness of medics about the suspicion of osteosarcoma are needed to improve the success rate of treatment as well as the survival rate

    Hemangioma Pedis and Tuberculoma Pedis Sinistra in Children

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    HISTORY: The girl 15 years old, had main complaint, there was a mass in her pedis since she got 2 years old, look red, no pain although in walk, size equal with the skin. The mass got bigger and pain in walk. The mass get bleedy after had crushed by stone, after that bleedy always happen when there was a contact, although soft touch. Patient had history contact with tuberculosis patient. INTERESTING POINTS FOR DISCUSSION: Tuberculoma is a mass that happened because infected bacil mycobacterium tuberculosis, hemangioma is a soft tissue mass that formed by vascular. hemangioma commonly happened in children about 4-10% in children’s tumor. It happened in a girl 3-5 more times than in a boy. Both of them are rare happen in the same time, especially in pedis. From this case, we  can found both type in the same patient. SOLUTION AND RATIONALE: For this case of soft tissue tumor,we use open biopsy. After we found the result , the best treatment for hemangioma and tuberculoma of the pedis for this case is below knee amputation. FINAL OUTCOME: For this case, the best treatment is amputation, and after amputation, the patient never complain about pain anymore, she feel satisfied and overall her quality of life is improving

    Analysis of prognostic factors in soft tissue sarcoma: Cancer registry from a single tertiary hospital in Indonesia. A retrospective cohort study

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    Background Soft tissue sarcoma is one cause of mortality in adult malignancies. This tumor is rare, persistent, and highly-recurrent. Many patients are came in late stage. It is important to identify a prognostic tool that is reliable, easily obtainable, and widely applicable. The aim of this study is to investigate and analyze the prognostic value of clinicopathological and biomarker factors in patients with soft tissue sarcoma. Methods This retrospective study extracts data from the musculoskeletal tumor registry from January 2012 to December 2018 in a single tertiary hospital. Eighty patients with diagnosis of soft tissue sarcoma were included. Preoperative modified Glasgow Prognostic Score, Neutrophils/Lymphocytes Ratio, Hemoglobin, serum lactate dehydrogenase data were analyzed along with demographic, clinical, radiological and histopathological data. The relationship between variables on overall survival, distant metastasis, and local recurrence were evaluated using univariate and multivariate Cox regression. Results On univariate analysis, there was significant relationship between hemoglobin, Neutrophils/Lymphocytes Ratio and modified Glasgow Prognostic Score with overall survival (p = 0.031, HR = 1.99; p = 0.04, HR = 1.129; and p = 0.044, HR = 3.89). A significant relationship was found between age and soft tissue sarcoma stage with distant metastasis (p = 0.046, HR = 1.95; and p = 0.00, HR = 3.22). In addition, we also found significant relationship between surgical margin with local recurrence (p = 0.018, OR = 3.44). However, on multivariate analysis the independent prognostic factor for overall survival was only modified Glasgow Prognostic Score (HR = 2.138; p = 0.011). Stage IIIA (HR = 5.32; p = 0.005) and IIIB (HR = 13.48; p = 0.00) were independent prognostic for distant metastasis. Surgical margin was independently associated with local recurrence (HR = 14.84; p = 0.001). Conclusion Modified Glasgow Prognostic Score can be used as prognostic tool of overall survival in soft tissue sarcoma patients. Moreover, stage of STS and surgical margin can be used as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis and local recurrence of soft tissue sarcoma respectively