29 research outputs found

    Principal's leadership in improving student learning outcomes

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    The purpose of this research was to identify, explain, and analyze the principal's of headmasters learning as a step in improving student learning outcomes. The method used is a literature study method with a conceptual research approach related to ideas and theories. Principal leadership in improving student learning outcomes is the most important element in improving the quality of education. In order to be able to improve the quality of education, school principals must do good learning in their leadership. Based on the instructional leadership model expressed by Weber dan Murphy, it can be concluded that good instructional leadership must include activities including, developing the school's vision, mission, and goals, developing learning programs that can meet needs, developing an academic learning climate, creating a work environment that is conducive to learning. support and implement comprehensive learning assessments. Principal instructional leadership is a multidimensional construct that focuses on how principals organize and perform coordination tasks in school life. In creating effective learning lead ership a synergistic relationship is needed with all school members

    Pengaruh manajemen evaluasi manajemen pendidikan teknologi terhadap kualitas lulusan teknik elektronika FT UNP

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    The current era of globalization demands that education goes hand in hand with technological developments. Technology education evaluation management will greatly determine the quality of graduates from an educational institution. It is a special task for educational institutions to collaborate and harmonize education with technological developments. Educational institutions need to carry out evaluation management of technology education so that graduates are able to survive in the midst of labor market competition. Electronic Engineering FT UNP always conducts technology education evaluation management in order to be able to achieve the department's vision and mission. This study involved graduates of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia by utilizing a qualitative descriptive method combined with direct field observation data collection techniques and interviewing graduates regarding the achievements obtained when they completed their education. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the quality of graduates with the performance management evaluation of technology education which is carried out by the department on a regular basis. The results of this study indicate that the FT UNP Electronic Engineering has succeeded in producing competent and competitive graduates


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    Komitmen guru merupakan elemen penting yang berkontribusi pada efektivitas sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara iklim sekolah dengan komitmen guru dan dampak dari iklim sekolah yaitu kepemimpinan kolegial, prestasi akademik, profesionalisme guru dan kerentanan kelembagaan terhadap komitmen guru. Faktor-faktor tersebut berhubungan langsung dengan efisiensi dan efektivitas sekolah. Organizational Climate Index yang dikembangkan oleh Hoy, Smith, dan Sweetland dan Organizational Commitment Questionnaire yang dikembangkan oleh Mowday, Steers, dan Porter digunakan sebagai instrumen survei. Data dikumpulkan dari 42 guru SMPN 9 Padang untuk penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara iklim sekolah dengan komitmen guru. Hasil analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan kolegial dan kerentanan kelembagaan merupakan prediktor komitmen guru. Temuan penelitian ini dapat berkontribusi untuk mengembangkan wawasan bagi administrator sekolah dan kepala sekolah untuk membuat intervensi yang diperlukan untuk mengembangkan iklim sekolah yang positif


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    Pandemi coronavirus telah merubah pola pendidikan di beberapa negara termasuk Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan studi banding antara tiga sekolah yang terkena dampak coronavirus berdasarkan analisis refleksi siswa dan guru pada pengajaran daring atau secara virtual. Metodologi deskriptif diterapkan pada penelitian ini, eksploratif dan survei dilakukan pada bulan Maret dan April 2021 kepada siswa dan guru SMKN 1 Padang, SMKN 3 Padang, dan SMKN 9 Padang. Survei memiliki tanggapan dari 150 siswa (50 per sekolah) dan 90 guru. Hasil refleksi menunjukkan sebagian besar siswa secara negatif menilai perpindahan ke virtualitas karena dikaitkan secara teratur dengan peningkatan beban belajar. Sedangkan manajemen pendidikan menuntut keterampilan digital pada siswa SMK. Kesimpulannya guru harus mampu berinovasi, merefleksi, dan mengubah kegiatan didaktik mereka menjadi bisa menanggapi tuntutan sosial yang dialami dunia selama krisis kesehatan sambil mencapai tujuan kurikulum yang diusulkan pada awal tahun ajaran baru.


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    School financial management or financial School Operational Assistance is carried out directly by the school, but is guided and supervised by the education office. The authorized school, called School Based Management, manages school finances based on BOS technical guidelines and technical guidelines from the city BOS manager. Financial management is carried out through the stages of planning, realization and reporting. The smooth management of school finances depends on good management, starting from the decision maker to the lowest level, namely the school. The smoothness of financial management has an impact on other fields in the administration of education


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    The purpose of this research is to find out the teacher's response to offline and online learning, especially in the long term as we are currently facing with the Corona Virus (COVID-19) which has not stopped. Through questionnaire response analysis using offline and online learning models, the research sample is teachers who teach at the Vocational High School level, both from public and private schools in the Padang city area. The instrument used is a questionnaire distributed online using the ms.form link. Based on the data obtained that the implementation of offline and online learning has been carried out effectively, it can be seen from the teacher's response to offline and online learning using a learning model, namely 40% of teachers said it was very good, 30% said it was good, 20% said it was not good, and 10% said very not good at processing offline and online learning models. With the results found from the management of educator readiness in offline and online learning in the future, it can be anticipated to be more effective by looking at the shortcomings and obstacles found in the field through this research


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    The purpose of this research is to find out and explore the principal's management State Vocational High School 6 Padang on learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was conducted using qualitative research methods, with the determination of selected participants (purposive sampling). Data collection is done through interviews, and field observation. We conducted data analysis using qualitative analysis methods. Results research shows that the leadership role of SMK Negeri 6 Padang in ensuring education is carried out through 3 main things, namely LMS development, LMS use training, and online teacher performance assessment. All of these leadership practices are forms of adaptive leadership that adapts to the conditions of the distance learning process that must be carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic


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    This study aims to manage online learning in increasing activities student learning during the covid-19 pandemic for the future, especially in the long term like what we are facing right now with Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19) which doesn't exist yet stop. Through analyzing online learning activity questionnaires through the opinion of an educator or the teacher's point of view with the research sample being 45 teachers who teach at the State Vocational High School in the city of Padang. The instrument used is a questionnaire distributed online using the ms.form link. Based on the data obtained,shows that the implementation of online learning has been carried out effectively seen from the teacher learning model readiness activity. From the results obtained, the teacher's readiness in addressing online learning using a learning model, namely 50% of teachers stated very ready, 20% said they agreed, 10% said they were not ready, 15% said they were not ready and 5% stated when they were not ready to process online learning models, with good results found from the management of educator readiness in online learning in the future can anticipated to be more effective by looking at the deficiencies and obstacles found in the field through this research

    Development of curriculum management in the world of education

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    The research objective is to develop curriculum management in an effort to improve the quality of education. The method used is qualitative with descriptive research. Efforts to improve the quality of education must be supported by all parties, both by managers of educational institutions at the central, regional and school levels, especially in classroom learning. In the implementation of education, each region should have a curriculum management which is an elaboration or implementation of the educational curriculum set by educational institutions. This is in accordance with the demands of the curriculum, where both the local government and even the school level are given the freedom to describe programs to improve the quality of education. The parties involved in curriculum development are the government, principals, teachers and students. The results of this curriculum management study have a concept as the main determinant of school activities in an effort to improve the quality of education

    Adsorption of Heavy Metals Fe and Mn in Acid Mine Drainage from Coal Mining Waste Using Calcium Oxide and Fly Ash

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    Acid mine drainage for Fe and Mn metals have a negative impact on the environment. This study studies the use of calcium oxide and fly ash as adsorbents, used to absorb Fe and Mn metals contained in acid mine drainage. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of Calcium Oxide and fly ash as adsorbents, that an adsorbent of Fe and Mn metals in acid mine drainage. The method used is experimental with a laboratory scale, the test is carried out by adsorption using a batch system. Magnetic stirrer is used as a stirring medium in the adsorption process. Calcium oxide with various doses (0.1; 0.2; 0.3 grams) and fly ash with various doses (10; 14; 17 grams) were mixed with 250 ml acid mine drainage, then stirred at a speed of 150 rpm and (30; 60; 90 minutes) stirring time. The characterization of the adsorbent was carried out by SEM testing. The results show that fly ash adsorbent has a better adsorption effectiveness than calcium oxide. The effectiveness of Fe is 85.35% and Mn 78.14%. While calcium oxide has the effectiveness of Fe 72.91% and Mn 61.81%. SEM testing of holes that increase and enlarge after adsorption, as well as the filling of the cavity by the material indicates the success of the adsorption process