18 research outputs found
ARtikel ini sdh diterbitakn di jurnal torani pada edisi maret 2003There is still lack of study on Trapezia in Indonesia, even few reports on preliminary research had been done for inventarisation. The objective of this study were to analyze the growth response of the crab T. ferruginea transplanted within coral Pocillopora verrucosa in two different locations and three zones of coral reef, after 60 days of transplantation; and to determine environmental parameters that influence the growth of crab and stony coral as well. Data were analyzed by t-student and PCA. The result showed that the growth rate in weight were not different between locations, but significant (p???0,05) between zones. The best growth rate (100%) occurred in mixing zone (sea grass and coral communities). In high sedimentation rate, the growth rate the crab greatly depend on the growth of stony coral (specifically for weight growth), locations with high temperature and total organic matter (TOM) as food source
Artikel ini dipresentasekan dlm bentuk poster pada kegiatan International symposium on fisheries science in tropical area-JSPS pada tanggal 21-25 Agust 2000 dan sdh diterbitkan dlm bentuk prosidingDegradation of coral reef in Indonesia is very serious. One-way to overcome its problem standing up today that with developing the coral reef rehabilitation program. In the attempt of rehabilitation, the method of artificial reef and coral transplantation were applied. Coral transplantation has been studied in waters of Kepulauan Seribu, Jepara, and Bali. To supporting coral transplantation, it???s needed of back-up data research particularly on techniques, specific kind of coral which viable and grow fast, and identification of site characteristic suit with each coral. The study aims are to analyze growth response of P. verrucosa in various sites and zones of coral reef and to determine some environmental parameters that influence the growth rate of P. verrucosa. There were two sites of observation and each site has three zones. Each units of experiment was placed in each site and zone with three replications. The coral growth observed after two months transplantation. The growth rate of P. verrucosa in different sites and zones of coral reef or their interaction analyzed by analysis of variance (factorial patterns); and to determine environmental parameters (habitat characteristics) that influence the growth of P. verrucosa used multivariate analysis (Principal Component Analysis), which confirmed with Cluster Analysis. This research showed that there were not significance growth rate across sites (P???0.05), but across zones, founded significant (P???0.05). The effect of site and zone interaction showed that the high growth rate of P. verrucosa was found in both sites, which transplanted in zone 1 and 2. This was closely associated with environmental parameters, i.e. high pH, temperature, current velocity, sedimentation, phosphate, dissolved oxygen, salinity and ammonia, and low TOM and turbidity
Studi Habitat Peneluran Penyu Sisik (Eretmochelys Imbricata L) di Pulau Peteloran Timur dan Barat Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu , Jakarta
Penyu sisik (Eretmoche/ys imbricata L.) merupakan salah satu dari enam penyu laut yang ditemukan di Indonesia. Jenis penyu ini termasuk dalam daftar Red Data Book JUeN sebagai jenis yang hampir punah. Oleh karena itu, pengelolaan yang berkelanjutan terhadap penyu ini sangat diperlukan. Untuk maksud tersebut, salah satu langkah yang dilakukan adalah mengadakan studi mengenai habitat dan dinamika populasinya yang di Indonesia masih jarang dilakukan. Studi ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik biotik dan abiotik dari habitatpenelurannya di pulau Peteloran Timur dan Barat, Taman Nasionallaut Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa tipe vegetasi pantai, kemiringan pantai, komposisi dan struktur pasir, keragaman dan kelimpahan predator serta keberadaan terumbu karang merupakan faktor-faktor yang berperan dalam habitat peneluran penyu sisik.Kata-kata kunci: penyu sisik, habitat peneluran, faktor biotik, faktor abioti
Keadaan Net-Fitoplankton Perairan Estuari di Sebelah Selatan Beting Pasir Pantai Marunda,Teluk Jakarta Pada Saat Pasang dan Surut
Penelitian tentang kondisi net-fitoplankton di perairan estuari di sebelah selatan beting pasir pantai Marunda dilakukan antara tanggal JO Februari - 10 Maret 1990. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui komposisi dan perbedaan kelimpahan net-fitoplankton pada saat pasang dan surut. Pengambilan contoh dilakukan di 10 titik pengambilan contoh seminggu sekali dengan pengulangan 5kali. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan adanya 3 kelas net-fitoplankton di lokasi penelitian, yaitu Kelas Bacillariophyceae dengan 37 genera, Kelas Cyanophyceaedengan 9 genera dan Kelas Chlorophyceae dengan II genera. Pada beberapa stasiun pengamatan dijumpai kelimpahan yang cukup tinggi dari jenis Chaetoceros dan Skeletonerna. Hal ini berkaitan dengan parameter kimia dan fisika stasiun pengamatan terse but. Kelimpahan net-fitoplankton tidak memperlihatkan perbedaan yang nyata antara saat pasang dengan saat surut.Kata-kata kunci : net-fitoplankton, estuari, komposisi, beting pasir, kelimpahan,pasang suru
Artikel ini sdh dipresentasekan dalam kegiatan Seminar Nasional Perikanan Jakarta dan telah diterbitkan di prosiding Seminar Nasional Jakarta Tahun 2003The timing of reproduction of Acropora nobilis in relations to lunar patterns (moon phases) and tidal cycles was studied in Barrang Lompo Island, Makassar, Indonesia. Eight colonies A. nobilis with >20 cm in colony diameter were taken randomly in NW of coral reef waters, Barrang Lompo Island. Immediately, samples were transported to site observation in SE of island and adapted until one month. Dives were made 3 or 4 nights before and after in each moon phase following to observe reproduction in situ during one moon cycle (4 moon phases) from 14 January to 14 February 2002. The results showed that timing of spawning from A. nobilis were occurred during 3 nights in the full moon and 4 nights in the new moon (the dark moon). Colony proportion was more intensive spawned in the new moon (100% in one night before the new moon) with the hours of gamete release were took place between 18.00 and 20.00. The timing of reproduction was occurred when a peak the high tide and go on headed for the low tide
Species composition, abundance and distribution of macro-crustaceans and fishes in the intake area, discharge canal, and cooling lake of the Cedar Bayou electric generating station, near Baytown, Texas
Vita.Species composition, abundance, and distribution of macro-crustaceans and fishes in the intake area, discharge canal and cooling lake of the Cedar Bayou Electric Generating Station near Baytown, Texas, were analyzed using data collected by trawling, trammeling, and seining from November 1973 through September 1975. Hydrological data were taken prior to each collection. The data were compared with those of previous studies. Anaerobic conditions and extreme conductivity due to sewage and brine pollution downstream of the plant was eliminated by the reversed flow in Cedar Bayou. This increased the number of species caught in the intake area; there were 61 species collected during September 1974 through September 1975 with three units in operation but only 45 during more than 4 years of previous study with none to two units in operation. In general, the mean CPUE (catch-per-unit-of-effort) of migratory species increased soon after the plant began operation but eventually levelled off. On the other hand the mean CPUE of resident species decreased soon after start-up but later increased again. For migratory species, population changes in the cooling lake were more closely related to those in the intake area than for resident species. The changes were modified by varied survival rate during transit to and ecological conditions in the cooling lake. The decay of the inundated marsh grass and the absence of phanerogams in the cooling lake were limited factors for marsh species, animals which use vegetation as a spawning site, and for those whose young use it as a cover
Species composition, abundance and distribution of macro-crustaceans and fishes in the intake area, discharge canal, and cooling lake of the Cedar Bayou electric generating station, near Baytown, Texas
Vita.Species composition, abundance, and distribution of macro-crustaceans and fishes in the intake area, discharge canal and cooling lake of the Cedar Bayou Electric Generating Station near Baytown, Texas, were analyzed using data collected by trawling, trammeling, and seining from November 1973 through September 1975. Hydrological data were taken prior to each collection. The data were compared with those of previous studies. Anaerobic conditions and extreme conductivity due to sewage and brine pollution downstream of the plant was eliminated by the reversed flow in Cedar Bayou. This increased the number of species caught in the intake area; there were 61 species collected during September 1974 through September 1975 with three units in operation but only 45 during more than 4 years of previous study with none to two units in operation. In general, the mean CPUE (catch-per-unit-of-effort) of migratory species increased soon after the plant began operation but eventually levelled off. On the other hand the mean CPUE of resident species decreased soon after start-up but later increased again. For migratory species, population changes in the cooling lake were more closely related to those in the intake area than for resident species. The changes were modified by varied survival rate during transit to and ecological conditions in the cooling lake. The decay of the inundated marsh grass and the absence of phanerogams in the cooling lake were limited factors for marsh species, animals which use vegetation as a spawning site, and for those whose young use it as a cover
Biologi laut: suatu pendekatan ekologis/ Nybakken
xv, 459 hal.: ill.; 24 cm