1,770 research outputs found

    A Dynamic Macroeconometric Model of Pakistan’s Economy

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    In this study, an attempt has been made of develop a dynamic macroeconometric model of Pakistan’s economy to examine the behaviour of major macroeconomic variables such as output, consumption, investment, government expenditure, money, interest rates, prices, exports, and imports. The model consists of 21 equations, of which 13 are behavioural and the rest are identities. The Engle-Granger two-step cointegration procedure is used to derive the long-run and short -run elasticities for the period 1972-2009. The test of significance of each estimated equation seems to validate the model. The estimated long-run parameters are used to perform simulation experiments to determine the model’s ability to track historical data and to assess the behaviour of the key macroeconomic variables in response to the changes in selected exogenous variables. The results indicate that the majority of macroeconomic variables follow an increasing trend over the period of simulation, 2009-2013.Macroeconometric Model; Pakistan Economy, Cointegration, Forecasting

    Development of Islamic Thought and Civilization in History Perspective

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    The rapid development of Islamic thought throughout history, due to the open, tolerant and accommodating attitude of Muslims to the hegemony of foreign thought and civilization, love of science, academic culture, the work of Muslim scholars in government and social institutions, the development of streams that prioritize ratios and freedom of thought, increased the prosperity of Muslim countries, and the problems faced by Muslims from time to time are increasingly complex and require solutions. This type of research is library research, namely research whose main object is books or other sources of literature. That is, data are sought and found through literature review from books that are relevant to the discussion. All fields of science are subjected to study by Islamic thinkers, both religious and general sciences. The development of Islamic thought has implications for the development of Islamic civilization throughout the Islamic world. The development of Islamic thought and civilization was marked by the development of educational institutions, during the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties and supported by other dynasties such as Andalusian Cordova, North Africa, Turkey and Islamic India. This has a significant impact on the lives of Muslims and has a strong influence on the progress of international civilization in general, from the classical period to the modern era. In this paper, we examine the supporting factors of the development of Islamic thought and civilization, the process of the development of Islamic thought and civilization throughout history, the scientific fields developed and its leaders, and the impact of the development of Islamic thought and civilization on the lives of Muslims and the international world.                                                         Keywords: Islamic Thought, Islamic Civilization, Histor

    Qur'an And Al-Hadits Model-Based Education In Increasing Islamic Civilization

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    Abstract This study aimed to explore how educational models that can realize high-emergence of Islamic civilization; how civilization produced by education based on the revelation of the Qur'an and Al-Hadits); and what happens when a civilization based education override revelation (Al-Quran and Al-Hadits). This study is intended as an exploration efforts and the transformation of science into the Islamic education system is an integral and operationally. This type of research is the approach of the literature; the data collection method: the method of documentation and observation method, while the method of the interview as a method of investigation to collect data related to this study. Analysis of the data used in this study is a non-statistical analysis. The research result is concluded: first,the emergence of education that can realize the high Islamic civilization is education based on revelation; second,civilization produced by education based on revelation (Al-Quran and Al-Hadits) is a civilization which brings benefit in this world and happiness in the hereafter. Third,when civilization based education override revelation (Al-Quran and Al-Hadits) then there is the deterioration and destruction. Keywords: education, civilization of Islam, the Qur'an and al-Hadit

    Tawhid Concepts and Its Learning According to Ibn Taimiyah

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the tawhid concept and its learning according to Ibn Taymiyyah. This research is a qualitative research with literature research type, and the data analysis technique uses inductive and deductive. The findings of this study can be concluded: first, according to Ibn Taimiyah Tawhid is insisting on Allah in matters that are specific to God, both in rububiyah, uluhiyah and asma’ and shifat. Second, the relationship between the three types of tawẖîd is in the correlative and comprehensive form. Therefore, tawẖîd rububiyah is a necessity of tawẖîd uluhiyah, while tawẖîd rububiyah is the preamble of tawẖîd uluhiyah. As for the tawẖîd asma’ and shifat, then also contained in it also the two types of tawẖîd, meaning people who force God with all that he has from al-asma' al-husna and noble qualities that are not possessed except by Him, then by he himself admitted tawẖîd rububiyah and uluhiyah. Keywords: Concept, Tawhid, Ibn Taimiya

    Effect of nozzle diameter and volume cavity at various distances for electronic cooling / Muhammad Hafiz Mohd Din

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    Synthetic jet actuator working by injecting air to dissipate from heated electronic surface. It contains two main parts which are the case and piezoelectric diaphragm. Major advantage was on the device size that smaller compare to the cooling fan, low on dust trap at cooling device with low operation power consumption. The optimization of design synthetic jet is crucial in order to maximize the heat dissipation for a heated electronic device. This research will cover the synthetic jet effect at various volumes and nozzle diameter with various distances to the heated surface on the heat transfer coefficient value effect of various volumes and nozzle diameter at various distances. There are 25 models design with different cavity volume and nozzle diameter have been fabricated using 3D printer. Result obtained from the temperature drop for each experiment has been shown in heat transfer coefficient value. Result shows that small nozzle diameter with smaller cavity volume give the highest value of heat transfer coefficient. The increasing of heat transfer coefficient value shows the efficiency of the synthetic jet device at the optimum condition in dissipates the heat. However, the effective distance from nozzle to the heated surface was depending on the nozzle diameter and cavity volume. Maximum temperature drop was 41.57℃ for synthetic jet model 2mm nozzle diameter and 1mm cavity volume at distance 50mm from nozzle to the heated surface. The maximum value of heat transfer coefficient was 65.82 W/m2℃ for the same model and distance

    Motivation Techniques Used By Heads Of Higher Educational Institutions In Pakistan

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    The study was aimed to investigate the Motivation techniques used by Heads Higher Educational Institutions in Pakistan. The population of this study comprised all the heads of degree colleges of Pakistan. For choosing the sample from this population, random sampling type was used. The sample constituted of 200 heads of degree colleges and colleges and 1000 teachers of degree colleges. A questionnaire was used as research instruments for collection of data. Collected data were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted in the light of objectives of the study by applying statistical tools of research such as chi-square as a contingency test and percentage were used. Chi-square as contingency test was used to compare the frequencies of principals/teachers. In the light of the conclusions it is recommended that a special training course may be arranged for educational managers, administrators and supervisors for achieving competency in motivation techniques

    AKAD NIKAH DENGAN VIDEO CALL: dalam Pandangan Habib Zain bin Ibrahim Bin Smith dalam kitab Al-Mukhtarah li Saliki Thariq Al-Akhirah

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    The discussion in this research is a review of Islamic law regarding the issue of marriage contracts via video calls that have ever occurred. The data studied is the fatwa of the Ulama' of the Syafi'iyyah madzhab with more focus on the fatwa of Habib Zain bin Ibrahim bin Smith. Regarding this research, researchers tried to analyze the fatwa of Habib Zain bin Ibrahim bin Smith as the main study material. By using a literature review through technical fatwa analysis. This analysis aims to find out more deeply and critically about fatwas related to the problems above. The existing data was obtained from reading classical and contemporary jurisprudence literature, focusing more on the fatwa of Habib Zain bin Ibrahim bin Smith in the book Fawaidul Mukhtarah Li Salik Tariqil Akhirah. The data is then collected and used as a legal comparison. Through this research, the following results were obtained: Description of the practice of marriage contracts via video call. Legal fatwas that can be used as a reference if a marriage contract takes place via video call. Legal conclusions and results of fatwas regarding marriage contracts via video call. Plus there is a solution if the marriage ceremony takes place via video call
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