149 research outputs found


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    As an indeterminate crop, lentil continues its vegetative growth after flowering under favourable conditions of water and nitrogen (N). Such conditions may delay its maturity due to excessive growth. Furthermore, lentil is a leguminous crop; late season N2 fixation could prolong its growth and maturity. The objective of this research was to determine the role of N supply and diquat application in suppressing post-flowering growth and biomass. Two experiments were designed for two distinct soil zones of Saskatchewan during 2007 and 2008. In the first experiment, different combinations of nitrogen, phosphorus and inoculation were employed to determine their effect on growth, yield, biomass and N accumulation in lentil. In a second experiment, diquat was applied at two rates (lower than recommended) at two post-flowering stages (earlier than end-of-season desiccation) to control lentil growth. In both experiments, post-flowering vegetative growth was greater at Indian Head (IH) compared to Saskatoon (SKA). Regardless of the site features, greater N availability resulted in increased biomass production at both locations. The yield trend was, however, different. At IH, highest yield was obtained with 10 kg N ha-1 (lowest N applied), while at SKA, yield was not significantly affected by fertility treatments. The hypothesis that greater amounts of N application may reduce post-flowering biomass accumulation by curtailing N2 fixation is not supported by the data since biomass increased with increasing N application. In addition, both biomass and N accumulation after flowering were not affected significantly by the fertility treatments, showing that post-flowering physiology in lentils is governed more by N2 fixation instead of N application. The overall lack of response of lentil biomass and N accumulation after flowering to the individual fertility treatments suggested that source and availability of N does not change within plant. Instead, environmental conditions were more likely to influence portioning of biomass and N to seed through remobilization from vegetative parts in mid to late-season reproductive growth. Diquat application successfully suppressed biomass and plant growth at maturity. However, a reduction in biomass was obtained at the cost of yield loss at both sites. This loss in yield was great when diquat was applied at the earlier stage (one WAF) at half rate at both sites. Early application of diquat at low rate at IH reduced biomass by 25% compared to the control without significantly affecting yield. The same treatment, however, reduced biomass by 45% at SKA with huge yield loss. The results suggested low rate of diquat application at earlier crop growth stage to avoid yield loss in lentil

    The Use of Scanning Electron Microscopy for Identification of Cuts and Tears in Fabrics: Observations Based upon Criminal Cases

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    Examination of fabrics to determine if they have been cut or torn may become an important issue in criminal investigations under a variety of circumstances. Since most fabrics are composed of extremely fine fibers, they present a difficult problem when such examinations are conducted by stereo light microscopy. This is particularly true when the cut fabric yarns are grossly displaced or disturbed from their original positions and where fabric edge characteristics lack the observable specificity to provide any definitive conclusion. The scanning electron microscope, due to its higher magnification, resolution and depth of field, provides an excellent technique for examination and differentiation of cut and torn fabrics. The acts of cutting and tearing produce different morphological characteristics on the separated fiber ends. Examination of these fiber ends at significantly high magnification and comparison with deliberately produced cut and torn fabrics will allow positive identification of cuts and tears. Three actual criminal cases involving man-made and/or natural fibers in woven and/or nonwoven fabrics demonstrate the usefulness of the technique where visual and stereo light microscopical examinations were inconclusive

    Modelling and robust controller design for an underactuated self-balancing robot with uncertain parameter estimation

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    A comprehensive literature review of self-balancing robot (SBR) provides an insight to the strengths and limitations of the available control techniques for different applications. Most of the researchers have not included the payload and its variations in their investigations. To address this problem comprehensively, it was realized that a rigorous mathematical model of the SBR will help to design an effective control for the targeted system. A robust control for a two-wheeled SBR with unknown payload parameters is considered in these investigations. Although, its mechanical design has the advantage of additional maneuverability, however, the robot's stability is affected by changes in the rider's mass and height, which affect the robot's center of gravity (COG). Conventionally, variations in these parameters impact the performance of the controller that are designed with the assumption to operate under nominal values of the rider's mass and height. The proposed solution includes an extended Kalman filter (EKF) based sliding mode controller (SMC) with an extensive mathematical model describing the dynamics of the robot itself and the payload. The rider's mass and height are estimated using EKF and this information is used to improve the control of SBR. Significance of the proposed method is demonstrated by comparing simulation results with the conventional SMC under different scenarios as well as with other techniques in literature. The proposed method shows zero steady state error and no overshoot. Performance of the conventional SMC is improved with controller parameter estimation. Moreover, the stability issue in the reaching phase of the controller is also solved with the availability of parameter estimates. The proposed method is suitable for a wide range of indoor applications with no disturbance. This investigation provides a comprehensive comparison of available techniques to contextualize the proposed method within the scope of self-balancing robots for indoor applications


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    The date palm is a historic plant in the history of Islam that has been grown for ages in the Arab deserts for its consumable fruit. Fruits contain a lot of calories, dietary fiber, and several vital vitamins and minerals. Palm fruits are abundant in minerals, lipids, and protein and are a great source of dietary fiber. In this research paper, we will examine how dates are utilized in ancient medical practices to treat a variety of maladies in addition to their nutritional worth. According to a phytochemical study, Fruits contain substances with various health benefits, including anthocyanins, phenols, sterols, carotenoids, procyonids, and flavonoids. Studies in medicine have revealed results that palm fruits have no radical scavenging, antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, nephroprotective, anti-cancer, and immunostimulant properties are present in palm fruits. The pharmacological characteristics of palm fruits and seeds and their significance in the Quran, Hadith, and Islamic literature are confirmed by this study's thorough research of phytochemistry. According to temperament, experimental curative results are improved. Advance medicinal results are shown in which temperament palm fruit is curative and when it has side effects study case is improved in the view of Islamic literature Quran Hadith and medical science

    Sniffing, Decoding and Decryption of GSM Signals Using low cost hardware and Open-source software

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    We have participated in the creation of almost two terabytes of tables aimed at cracking A5/1, the most common ciphering algorithm used in GSM. Given 114-bit of known plaintext, we are able to recover the session key with a hit rate of 19%. The tables are expected to be unique as they provide the best coverage yet known to the authors and research workers and they are the first step in a real-world passive attack against GSM. An initial investigation and analysis into the air interface of GSM were performed, from both a theoretical and practical point of view. These examinations would be essential in order to utilize the downloaded tables in a practical attack. Additionally, a rogue GSM network was built and deployed without enabling ciphering and frequency hopping. This active attack was purely based on opensource software and hardware, implying that real GSM networks could be spoofed with resources available to the general publi

    Application of artificial neural networks and the wavelet transform for pattern recognition, noise reduction and data compression.

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    Theory of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) could not provide an exact method of weights training. The training is done mostly by iterative trial and error minimisation methods which do not enable the ANNs for time incremental learning. In this thesis, it is shown that the weights successfully produced by an error minimisation method are nothing more than the scaled versions of their respective components of the sample pattern and that the training methods leaves a chance for a neuron to be deceived. An exact method of weight construction is developed in the form of a system of linear equations. A new linear classifier ANN and a number of thresholding procedures are developed. It is proved that the Hopfield network and the Boltzmann machine do not qualify as the reasonable networks. A generalised multiclass linear classifier ANN is developed which is a combination of a newly developed multiclass linear ANN and a newly developed multiclass XOR classifier ANN. A biological neuromuscular system is interpreted as a multiclass linear classifier ANN. A new technique for pattern recognition. especially for images, has been presented with a software check. The technique minimises the design topology of ANNs and enables them to classify a scaled, a mirror image, and a noisy version of the sample pattern. The Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), the Discrete Wavelet Transform, and the Wavelet Decomposition has been connected by developing an extend-able and intensifyable system of particular six Gaussian wavelets. A binary transform applicable for every real function is developed. The confusing automatic nature of the CWT is explained along with presenting a new style of defining wavelets. Application of the wavelet transforms for noise reduction and data compression/expansion is explained and their performance is checked through the self developed software. A modification in the CWT is made in order to make their application easier through ANNs. The ANNs are developed and their performance is checked against the self developed software. A new multiresolution zoom-out wavelet transform is developed which expands data without smoothing it. A new wavelet is deduced from the smoothing average filter. Some twodimensional wavelets for noise reduction and data compression/expansion are developed on the same style and their performance is checked through the self developed software. An ANN for CWT using a newly developed two-dimensional wavelet is developed and its activation is explained. Data compression by locating peaks and bottoms of data and setting other elements equals zero is done with the guarantee of reconstruction. The new wavelet transform is modified to reconstruct the data between peaks and bottoms. Peaks and bottoms detecting ANNs are developed and their performance is checked against the self developed software. Procedures for classification are presented with self developed software check. The theory of ANNs requires bit-wise parallel adders and multiplexors. A parallel adder circuit is developed by combining some newly developed basic units for the purpose

    Capsulotomia làser: efecte sobre la refracció i les aberracions oculars

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    L'opacificació capsular posterior (OCP) és una de les principals causes de pèrdua de visió després de la cirurgia de cataractes, degut a una migració i proliferació de restes de cèl·lules epitelials. S’espera que entre el 20% i el 60% els pacients desenvolupen OCP entre els primers 2 a 5 anys després de la cirurgia. El tractament per aquesta complicació és la capsulotomia làser. Tanmateix, el tractament amb làser comporta el risc d'afectar l'estabilitat posicional de la lent intraocular (LIO), afectant els resultats de la refracció i de les aberracions oculars. Aquest projecte es centra en la revisió bibliogràfica per obtenir evidència científica i avaluar si existeix la influència en aquests factors. En diversos estudis, s'ha observat que la capsulotomia amb làser YAG no modifica l'estat de refracció dels ulls després del procediment. En termes de les aberracions oculars provoca una disminució significativa, i, per tant hi ha una millora en la qualitat visual. Cal destacar, que existeixen altres factors que poden influir en el procediment, com ara, el disseny i tipus de lents intraoculars, diàmetre pupil·lar i el temps de la intervenció quan es manifesta la OCP. Gràcies als nous avenços en els dissenys, materials de lents intraoculars i millora en la intervenció quirúrgica aconsegueixen que actualment la taxa d'incidència d’OCP hagi disminuït considerablement.La opacificación capsular posterior (OCP) es una de las principales causas de pérdida de visión después de la cirugía de cataratas, debido a una migración y proliferación de restos de células epiteliales. Se espera que entre el 20% y el 60% los pacientes desarrollen OCP entre los primeros 2 a 5 años después de la cirugía. El tratamiento para esta complicación es la capsulotomía láser. Sin embargo, el tratamiento con láser comporta el riesgo de afectar en la estabilidad posicional de la lente intraocular (LIO), afectando a los resultados de la refracción y de las aberraciones oculares. Este proyecto se centra en la revisión bibliográfica para obtener evidencia científica y evaluar si existe influencia en estos factores. En varios estudios, se ha observado que la capsulotomía con láser YAG no modifica el estado de refracción de los ojos después del procedimiento. En términos de las aberraciones oculares provoca una disminución significativa, y, por tanto, hay una mejora en la calidad visual. Cabe destacar, que existen otros factores que pueden influir en el procedimiento, como el diseño y tipos de lentes intraoculares, diámetro pupilar y el tiempo de la intervención cuando se manifiesta la OCP. Gracias a los nuevos avances en los diseños, materiales de lentes intraoculares y mejora en la intervención quirúrgica logran que actualmente la tasa de incidencia de OCP haya disminuido considerablemente.Posterior capsular opacification (PCO) is one of the main causes of vision loss after cataract surgery, due to the migration and proliferation of epithelial cell. It is expected that between 20% and 60% of patients develop PCO in the first 2 to 5 years after surgery. Treatment for this complication is laser capsulotomy. However, laser treatment carries the risk of affecting the positional stability of the intraocular lens (IOL), affecting refractive results and ocular aberrations. This project focuses on the bibliographic review to obtain scientific evidence and assess whether there is an influence on these factors. In several studies, it has been observed that YAG laser capsulotomy does not change the refractive status of the eyes after the procedure. In terms of ocular aberrations, it causes a significant decrease, and therefore, there is an improvement in visual quality. It should be noted that there are other factors that can influence the procedure, such as the design and types of intraocular lenses, pupil diameter and the time of the intervention when the PCO manifests itself. Thanks to the new advances in the designs, materials of intraocular lenses and improvement in surgical intervention, the incidence rate of PCO has currently decreased considerably

    Usability Assessment of an EHR’s Clinical Notes Interface from Attendings and Residents Vision: An Exploratory Study

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    Background: Usability gaps between current and future improved Electronic Health Record (EHR) system designs exist due to insufficient incorporation of User-Centered Design (UCD) principles during System Development Life Cycle (SDLC).Objectives: To evaluate the usability aspects of a commonly used EHR system specific to clinical notes usage from attendings’ and residents’ standpoints by analyzing objective measures of users’ performance and their subjective perceptions employing mixed methods approach.Methods: Usability of a commercial, inpatient EHR clinical notes documentation interface was analyzed from standpoints of two provider groups employing two standardized patient cases. Both objective and subjective data were collected from attending (n=6) and resident physicians (n=8) through usability testing employing a mixed method approach.Results: The study results suggested that (i) EHR usability and desirability is influenced by user characteristics, (ii) workloads associated with H&P and progress notes writing are perceived differently between two groups, (iii) repeated task performance improves user efficiency and (iv) user performance is correlated to their subjective system assessments.Conclusion: Understanding usability of clinical documentation interface from perspectives of two different user groups, provides interface designers with an opportunity to develop an EHR system centered on UCD principles

    Impact Of After Sale Service Characteristics on Customer Satisfaction

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    Researcher examines the impact of after sale service characteristics on customer satisfaction in home appliance industry of Pakistan. To what extent does characteristics like delivery time, installation of product, warranty time of product, feedback implementations and quality of service provided satisfies customers? In this globalized market, organizations try to differentiate themselves, so they tend to provide value added services to its customers; according their needs and wants. After detail and extensive review of literature researcher found that after sale service is essential in retaining and satisfying customers. Due to limited time, quantitative study is not possible. Practically our study benefitted for the manager of the organization that are mostly related to home appliances, so that they can check the customers trend towards after sale services characteristics i.e. delivery, installation, warranty, service quality and feedback

    Association of particles of lipoprotein subclasses with arterial stiffness in a high-risk working population: the Baptist Employee Healthy Heart Study (BEHHS)

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    Background: Arterial stiffness is an independent predictor of cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality. A risk factor-independent association of arterial stiffness with traditional lipids has been described extensively, but it is still unclear whether an independent relationship exists between arterial stiffness and particles of lipoprotein subclasses. Methods: The Baptist Employee Healthy Heart Study (BEHHS) is a lifestyle intervention study examining the effects of web-based programs on reducing CVD risk in high-risk persons. Participants had their brachial arterial augmentation index (AI, a measure arterial stiffness) assessed using the EndoPAT 2000 device. Cardio IQ™ ion mobility lipoprotein fractionation was utilized for measurement of particles of lipoprotein subclasses. Results: The population consisted of 182 participants, (74% women, 49% Hispanic) with a mean age of 52 ± 9 years. There was a significant trend association between quartiles of AI and total cholesterol, HDL-c, large LDL-p, small IDL-p, large IDL-p, and all subclasses of HDL particles (total HDL-p, small HDL-p, and large HDL-p). In logistic regression analysis, only HDL-c, total LDL-p, large LDL-p, small IDL-p, large IDL-p, total HDL-p, small HDL-p, and large HDL-p demonstrated significant independent association with AI. Conclusion: Several lipoprotein subclasses demonstrate independent significant associations with arterial stiffness. A safe and relatively inexpensive blood test may be useful in identifying subclinical atherosclerosis process in a relatively young high CVD risk population
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