90 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar dribling bola dalam permainan bola basket melalui penerapan variasi pembelajaran pada siswa SMP Negeri 2 Samarinda. Metode penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (Classroom Action Research). Prosedur penelitian tindakan kelas meliputi tahap perencanaan (planning), tahap pelaksanaan (action), tahap observasi (observasion), dan tahap refleksi (reflecting). Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara melakukan pengamatan dilapangan (observasi), wawancara dan dokumentasi. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar pengamatan, kuesioner, lembar tes praktik, dan RPP. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dan deskriptif kualitatif. Ketuntasan belajar klasikal yang harus dicapai pada mata pelajaran Penjas di SMP Negeri 2 Samarinda yaitu 75% dari jumlah siswa memperoleh nilai sekurang-kurangnya 65 dan aktivitas belajar siswa dianggap tuntas apabila meningkat hingga 75%. Penerapan variasi pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar dribbling bola basket pada siswa SMP Negeri 2 Samarinda, hal ini dapat dilihat pada hasil belajar dribbling bola basket siswa dari siklus I memperoleh skor rata-rata 67,5%, dan siklus II memperoleh skor rata-rata 76,2%. Dari hasil data yang diperoleh melalui lembar pengamatan siswa dan lembar tes praktik, penelitian tindakan kelas ini dinyatakan sudah mencapai ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 76,2

    Analisa Ekonomi Usaha Ternak Itik Pedaging di Kabupaten Langkat

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      The research was conducted in Pematang Cengal Barat Village, Tanjung Pura Subdistrict, Langkat Regency with the aim of identifying and knowing the availability of production inputs, business management systems, the amount of business income, and the contribution of broiler duck business income to overall income who also works as a rice farmer. The research area was determined purposively considering the unique characteristics of this business and the entire population of 30 people was used as the research sample. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. From the research results, it is found that proportionally the availability of inputs or production factors for this business is quite good. Meanwhile, the broiler duck business management system is still carried out in a simple and traditional manner but has shown quite good results. The income received by broiler duck breeders is quite high in the season and it turns out that the contribution of the broiler duck business to the total income of the farmers is actually greater than their main business from lowland rice farming, which is 59.03%. The results of the research recommend that farmers who are also breeders make this business the main business whose maintenance can be carried out extensively and intensively so that it can produce better productivity. &nbsp

    Traditional Borneo Game in Improving Student Character : Changes in Social Behavior

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    The purpose of this research is to reveal the result of an experiment of a traditional game native to Kalimantan in improving students' character: changes in social behavior. The method used is the experimental method: participants, 60 junior high school students aged 12 to 13 years. The research instrument used a questionnaire regarding students' social behavior. The data processing and analysis technique used the t-test analysis technique. From the test results, it is obtained that t count = 7.82 and p = 0.001. The test results showed significant differences in social behavior between the experimental and control groups. The conclusion from the results of this study is that the traditional game of Borneo Asen Naga (AN) has a significant influence on the formation of students' social behavior. The development of social behavior that is most visible from the treatment results in this traditional game is the aspect of cooperation. Meanwhile, the male sample group showed better motor development than the female group motor behavior


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk mengetahui strategi pembelajaran guru PJOK dalam memuwujudkan tujuan kebugaran jasmani pada siswa kelas X SMA N 10 Berau dan Untuk mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi strategi pembelajaran guru PJOK dalam memuwujudkan tujuan kebugaran jasmani pada siswa kelas X SMA N 10 Berau. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan angket, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan observasi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X di SMA N 10 Berau yang berjumlah 20 siswa. Teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif dengan persentase. Hasil penelitian analisis pembelajaran guru PJOK dalam memuwujudkan tujuan kebugaran jasmani pada siswa kelas X SMA N 10 Berau di katagorikan “ baik “ 15 siswa atau 50%. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa analisis pembelajaran guru PJOK dalam memuwujudkan tujuan kebugaran jasmani pada siswa kelas X SMA N 10 Berau berkategori bai

    The effect of Social Economic Factors on Ability to Save of Farmers: the role of Income Supply, Education Supply, Experience, Age, Land Area Distribution, Piece, Consumption and Family

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    The ability of farmers in the village's economic life is very varied and tends to be in a weak position, especially in terms of saving skills. This study aims to determine the influence of socioeconomic factors on the ability to save, pull, and push elements of farmers to keep and resource savings fund farmers. This research is a case study in Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatera, where 60 people from 312 populations of paddy rice farmers were sampled purposively. The results showed that simultaneously social factors: the number of dependents, education supply, experience, and age of farmers significantly affected the ability to save. While partially, the number of dependents and skills influence substantially the ability to save, while the education supply and age of the farmer have no significant effect on the ability to save. Simultaneously economic factors: land area distribution, income supply, price, and consumption have a substantial impact on the ability to save. Partially, use has a significant effect on the ability to save, while land area distribution, income supply, and the price has no significant impact on the ability to save. The factors attracting farmers to keep are security, the interest of money, prizes, proximity to their homes, and familiarity with bank officers. While the elements are driving farmers to save the desire to change lives, children's education supply expands the business, supplies sudden necessities, and insurance. Source of farmers' savings comes from farm income supply, off-farm income supply, and other family income supply. The study recommends that farmers increase their farming skills to better earnings so that the ability to save the better. Farmers can utilize existing financial institutions as much as possible for farming needs

    Attitudinal Changes Using Peer Education Training in the Prevention of HIV/AIDS: A Case Study of Youths in North Central Nigeria

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    Purpose: HIV/AIDS is a major public health issue. Studies have shown that young people between the ages of 15 to 24 years accounts for more than 40% of new HIV infections. However, new infections could be prevented if the desired impact is made on young people through interventions such as effective peer education program to improve their knowledge, attitude and practice. Therefore, this study is aimed at assessing the impact of peer education vis-a-vis attitudinal changes and practices on issues relating to HIV/AIDS among youths in North central Nigeria. Methods: This classical experimental study was carried out in three stages, that is: pre-intervention, intervention and post-intervention stages among students of Government High School, Ilorin between the ages of 15 and 24 years. The sample size was 80 students each for study and control groups. Proportional gender distribution was ensured in the selection and the sampling technique was multistage sampling technique. Data collection was through semi structured self administered pre and post evaluation questionnaire. Peer education training and forth night mentoring sessions was conducted for the study group. Impact of the intervention was assessed after eight weeks. Results: Analysis of the result shows that out of the sixteen questions asked on respondents‟ attitude, only four showed statistical significance between the study and control group before the intervention which shot up to eleven after intervention. Also, the frequency of those having bad practices regarding prevention of HIV/AIDS also reduced after intervention. This reduction was much more in many instances when compared to the control group. Conclusion: This study has revealed that peer education training among youth can go a long way in educating them on issues relating to HIV/AIDS prevention. It can also bring about attitudinal changes and better practices that may help in reducing incidence and prevalence of HIV/AIDS in our society

    Modified PSO-Based Virtual Inertia Controller for Optimal Frequency Regulation of Micro-Grid

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    Owing to the growing need to address the energy crisis by the traditional sources (e.g. Thermal power plants), as well as the associated environmental concerns posed, the power system witnessed increased penetration of power electronics-based power sources like solar, wind, and energy storage in terms of battery technologies. Consequently, modern compared with traditional power systems have become more susceptible to large frequency fluctuations due to the emergence of stability issues. Prominent among these include the reduction of system properties such as damping and inertia which are significant characteristics of system stability. Insufficient inertia drives the grid frequency outside the acceptable range under severe disturbances and this may lead to an outage of generators and tripping, unscheduled shedding of load, system collapse, and in the severe scenario, an entire power blackout, this threatens the system dynamic security. To preserve the system's dynamic security, this paper proposes an alternative approach to frequency regulation built upon a PID-based Virtual Inertia Control (VIC) which imitates the inertia property. The proposed virtual inertia uses the frequency derivative to emulate virtual inertia. The optimality search capability of the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique is used to design the proposed controller. Evaluation of the robustness of the proposed controller is demonstrated through Time Domain Analysis, considering different system operating ranges for improving frequency stability and resilience. Improved performance of the proposed controller when paralleled with the traditional virtual inertia controller shows a 69.2% reduction in frequency nadir under the condition of reduced system inertia, 70% without RESs integration. Also, 50.7% and 44.4% improvement in the reduction of frequency nadir and maximum overshoot respectively were observed under the situation of nominal system inertia, 100%, and Renewable Energy Systems (RESs) penetration

    Upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar passing dan dribbling permainan bola basket melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe group investigation pada peserta didik kelas xi-1 Farmasi SMK Negeri 17 Samarinda

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar menggoper dan menggiring bola basket pada peserta didik kelas XI-1 farmasi SMK Negeri 17 Samarinda tahun ajaran 2019/2020 menggunakan model kooperatif tipe group investigation. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, yang terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi tindakan untuk tiap siklus. Subyek penelitian adalah murid kelas XI-1 farmasi SMK Negeri 17 Samarinda tahun ajaran 2019/2020 yang berjumlah 32 murid, 5 siswa dan 27 siswi. Sumber data untuk penelitian berasal dari murid dan guru. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan tes keterampilan, pengetahuan dan juga mengamati perilaku murid sebagai penilaian pada aspek sikap. Data analisis mengunakan teknik analisis deskriptif yang berdasarkan pada analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa mengunakan model kooperatif tipe group investigation dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar passing dan dribbling bola basket pada murid dari prasiklus ke siklus satu dari siklus satu ke siklus dua. Dari analisis data yang diperoleh hasil siklus satu terjadi peningkatan hasil belajar menggoper dan menggiring bola basket yang tuntas yaitu 43,75% atau 14 murid yang tuntas. Sedangkan siklus dua peningkatan hasil belajar teknik dasar menggoper dan menggiring bola basket sebesar 100% atau 32 peserta didik yang tuntas. Bedasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa mengunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe group investigation tepat dalam pembelajaran bola basket khususnya teknik dasar passing dan dribbling

    Persepsi kepemimpinan virtual kepala sekolah terhadap kompetensi pedagogik guru penjas orkes se-kecamatan tenggarong

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi kepemiminan virtual kepala sekolah terahdap kompetensi pedagogik guru penajsorkes se-kecamatan Tenggarong Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif yang kaitannya dalam teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Narasumber dalam penelitan penelitian ini sebanyak 20 kepala sekolah. Penelitian ini melakukan pengambilan data dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan analisis data yang dilakukan penelitian ini, hasil analisis terkait dari tujuh indikator dari kepemimpinan virtual kepala sekolah yang terdiri atas, kepala sekolah sebagai pendidik, kepala sekolah sebagai leader, kepala sekolah sebagai manajer, kepala sekolah sebagai administrator, kepala sekolah sebagai supervisor, kepala sekolah sebagai innovator, dan kepala sekolah sebagai motivator di kecamatan Tenggarong telah dilaksanakan dengan baik terhadap kompetensi pedagogik guru penjasorkes. Penelitian ini dapat disimpulakan bahwa persepsi kepemimpinan virtual kepala sekolah terhadap kompetensi pedagogik guru penjasorkes se-kecamatan Tenggarong, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara
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