79 research outputs found

    Corporate governance and tax avoidance: evidence from an emerging market

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    This study investigates the impact of corporate governance practices (namely board characteristics, ownership structure, and audit committee characteristics) on corporate tax avoidance. For this purpose, this study uses generalised least squares regression on a sample of 138 companies listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange. Ten-year data from 2009 to 2018 are collected from published annual reports, comprising 1380 firm-year observations. The findings highlight that board independence, concentrated ownership, and audit committee gender diversity are negatively associated with tax avoidance. Conversely, managerial ownership and audit committee independence positively influence aggressive tax behaviour. Additional analysis reveals that these impacts are nonlinear and change with the different levels of tax avoidance. Enhanced governance stifles tax avoidance at lower levels; however, it encourages tax avoidance when firms are already aggressively avoiding taxes. This scenario represents a ‘double down’ behaviour depicted by the Pakistani corporate sector. This is one of the foremost studies to explore the impact of corporate governance on tax avoidance in Pakistan. It contributes to the literature by examining the impact of under-researched factors such as board meetings and audit committee characteristics and provides insights into the conflicting findings on board characteristics and ownership structure

    Infective agents in diabetic foot ulcers and their sensitivity patterns

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    Background: Diabetic-foot syndrome is a difficult & debilitating complication of inadequately regulated Diabetes Mellitus. Attributed to neural & vascular pathology, the condition is further potentiated by glycemic healing impairment.  A wide array of microorganisms have been implicated & sensitivity-guided antibiotics are essential to save both limb as well as to minimize rampant microbial resistance. Present study aims to determine the culture & sensitivity pattern of bacteria in stated cohort of patients at a Surgical Unit. Materials & Methods: This prospective cohort study was conducted over a period of 1 year-duration at a tertiary-care-Hospital. All patients presenting with diabetic-foot who had not been subjected to empiric antibiotic-therapy were enrolled. Demographic & lesion-based variables were studied and the Culture & Sensitivity pattern was evaluated and statistically analyzed. Results:100 patients were included in the study,of which 80 were male (mean-age 60.8±12.7 years) & rest female (mean-age 58.4±11.3-years).35% cultures yielded no growth. Remaining cases showed following pathogens in descending order of incidence. Maximal sensitivity was also reported as mentioned. 1) Staphylococcus-aureus & Klebseilla-Pneumoenae– Piperacillin/Tazobactam,2) Pseudomonas-Aerugionas-Cefotaxime,3)E-coli–Amikacin& Sulbactam,4) Proteus -Gentamicin, 5) Streptococci– Amikacin and 6) Bacteroides – Cefoperazone & Aztreonam. Of 71 cases, 70  had aerobic-organisms isolates & only 1 had anaerobic-isolate.   Conclusions: Six pathogens were identified in present study of which Staphylococcus-Aureus was the most prevalent as well as the most resistant. Streptococci & Gram-negative Organisms were observed in remaining cases. While formulation of an adequate antibiotic regime is rendered difficult by resistance & mixed infections, targeted antibiotic administration is decisively crucial to achieve optimal & timely outcome in diabetic foot. &nbsp

    Association of Serum Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase and C-Reactive Protein as a Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress in Patients of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Objective: To compare Serum gamma-glutamyl transferase and serum C-reactive protein as biomarker of oxidative stress in patients of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Study Design: Comparative cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted at Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, department of Chemical Pathology and Endocrinology Rawalpindi. The duration of study was 6 months i.e., 17 Nov 2021 – 17 May 2022 after approval from Institutional Review Board FC-CHP21-12/Read-IRB/22/846. Materials and Methods: An analytical, cross-sectional research was carried out at Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Rawalpindi. An overall 300 diabetic patients were included between ages of 45 – 65 years. Group I had 100 nondiabetic individuals of 45 – 65 years of age with HbA1c < 5.7 %. Group II and III included 100 patients each of DM of matched age with HbA1c 6.5 – 7 % and greater than 7 % respectively, without any other chronic disease. Serum gamma-glutamyl transferase, HbA1c, Serum C-Reactive Protein were analyzed. Moreover, some more biochemical investigations such as serum liver enzymes were measured to rule out any liver disease. One-way ANOVA was followed up by post-hoc Tukey analysis for intergroup comparison. Results: Mean serum gamma-glutamyl transferase levels were markedly increased in group III patients followed by group II and normal in group I. The mean of serum gamma-glutamyl transferase in group I was (9.38+4.05U/l), group II (34.27+15.07 U/l) and group III (47.08+20.56 U/l). The mean of Serum C-Reactive Protein in group I was (11+6.02 mg/l), group II (62.07+ 26.94 mg/l) and group III (107.73+57.03 mg/l). Pearson correlation revealed prominent positive correlation between HbA1c, serum gamma-glutamyl transferase and Serum C-Reactive Protein with r value of serum gamma-glutamyl transferase (0.838367) and Serum C-Reactive Protein (0.684722). One-way ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey analysis had p value of < 0.05 which was statistically significant. Conclusion: Serum gamma-glutamyl transferase is better marker of oxidative stress in patients of type 2 diabetes mellitus as compared to Serum C-Reactive Protein. The r value of serum gamma-glutamyl transferase is (0.838367) and Serum C-Reactive Protein is (0.684722) indicating strong positive correlation of serum gamma-glutamyl transferase with HbA1c. Therefore, Serum gamma-glutamyl transferase can be used for the prevention and monitoring of complications of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

    Studies on tracheorelaxant and anti-inflammatory activities of rhizomes of polygonatum verticillatum

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    Background: The present study describes the tracheorelaxant and anti-inflammatory effects of Polygonatum verticillatum which may support its medicinal use in hyperactive airway complaints and inflammatory disorders.Methods: The tracheorelaxant activity of crude extract of the rhizomes of P. verticillatum (PR) was assessed in isolated guinea-pig tracheal tissues immersed in tissue organ bath filled with Tyrode\u27s solution and a continuous supply of carbogen gas (95% O2 and 5% CO2). The contractile and relaxant responses of the tissue were measured using isometric transducers coupled with Power-Lab data acquisition system. The anti-inflammatory effect was evaluated in carrageenan-induced rat paw edema model, while the lipoxygenase inhibitory activity was performed in the in-vitro assay. Various chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques were used for the isolation and characterization of pure molecules.Results: In isolated guinea-pig tracheal preparations, PR caused complete inhibition of the high K+ (80 mM) and carbachol-induced contractions however, it was more potent against K+ than CCh, similar to verapamil. Pretreatment of the tissue with PR, displaced the Ca2+ concentration-response curves to the right, similar to that induced by verapamil, indicating the presence of Ca2+ channel blocking like activity. When tested on carrageenan-induced rat paw edema, PR demonstrated a marked reduction in edema with 65.22% protection at 200 mg/kg, similar to aspirin. In the in-vitro assay, PR showed lipoxygenase inhibitory activity (IC50: 102 ± 0.19 μg/mL), similar to baicalein. Bioactivity-guided fractionation led to the isolation of 2-hydroxybenzoic acid and β-sitosterol.Conclusions: These results indicate that the plant possesses tracheorelaxant, mediated possibly through a Ca2+ channel blockade mechanism, and anti-inflammatory activities, which may explain the medicinal use of this plant in airway disorders and inflammation

    Design and Implementation of Real-Time Kitchen Monitoring and Automation System Based on Internet of Things

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    Automation can now be found in nearly every industry. However, home automation has yet to reach Pakistan. This paper presents an Internet of Things smart kitchen project that includes automation and monitoring. In this project, a system was developed that automatically detects the kitchen temperature. It also monitors the humidity level in the kitchen. This system includes built-in gas detection sensors that detect any gas leaks in the kitchen and notify the user if the gas pressure in the kitchen exceeds a certain level. This system also allows the user to remotely control appliances such as freezers, ovens, and air conditioners using a mobile phone. The user can control gas levels using their phone with this system. In this paper, the ESP32, DHT11 Sensor, 5 V Relay X 8, and MQ-135 gas sensors create a smart kitchen by controlling the temperature, managing humidity, and detecting gas leakage. The system was built on an Arduino board that is connected to the Internet. The hardware was integrated and programmed using an Arduino, and a user Android application was developed. The project’s goal is to allow any Android smartphone to remotely control devices. This method is commonly used in homes, businesses, and grocery stores. Users will be able to control all of their instruments from anywhere, including switches, fans, and lights. Furthermore, simulation was performed using Matlab2016b on multiple houses. In the simulation, not only was the kitchen considered, but also two, four, and six houses. Each house has two bedrooms, one living room, one guest room, two bathrooms, and one kitchen. The results revealed that using this system will have a scientifically significant impact on electricity consumption and cost. In the case of the houses, the cost was USD 33.32, 32.64, 22.32, and 19.54 for unscheduled, two, four, and six houses, respectively. Thus, it was observed that the cost and power are directly proportional to each other. The results reveal that the proposed solution efficiently reduces the cost as compared to that of unscheduled houses.publishedVersio

    Sonographic Evaluation of Cholelithiasis and Its Correlation with Normal/Fatty Liver

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    Cholelithiasis and Fatty Liver disease are usually observed to coexist. Patients who have gallstones also have Fatty Liver as both of the conditions have same associated risk factors I.e., diabetes mellitus, gender, age, obesity, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance and high lipids level. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is also an independent accountable risk factor for the formation of gallstones. We aimed to determine whether there is any correlation between cholelithiasis and fatty liver disease. The study was conducted in Lahore General Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan. The data was collected from March 24,2021 to May 24,2021. Informed consent was taken from all the participants. We did a cohort study comprising the data of 51 patients undergoing physical checkup. The data gathered included age, gender and whether they had normal or fatty liver. Cholelithiasis was diagnosed by confirming the presence of gallstones on abdominal ultrasonography after fasting for approximately 8hrs. it was an observational study for the assessment of correlation between cholelithiasis and fatty liver in the participants. A Total of 51 patients with cholelithiasis were included in our study. Most of the patients were 29 to 70 years of age. The average age of the patients was 42.3 ± 10.1 years. Out of 51 patients, there were 60.8% (P=31) females and 39.2%(P=20) males. Out of 51 cholelithiasis patients there were 31.4%(P=16) had Normal Liver and 68.6%(P=35) were positive with Fatty liver disease. Patients with stone size ranges from 1.90mm to 4.6mm hade Grade 1 Fatty liver as shown in table-5.4, Grade 2 Fatty liver was seen in patients with stone size ranges from 4.5mm to 5.8mm. Fatty liver Grade 3 was not observed in any included patient with cholelithiasis. Results of our study showed that both cholelithiasis and Fatty Liver disease are correlated with each other. Females are at higher risk to be affected by these with diseases. Early detection of Fatty liver in patients of cholelithiasis can help patients to prevent them further complications regarded to fatty liver and cholelithiasis and can play important role in health care of society. Keywords: Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Cholelithiasis, Fatty liver, Ultrasonography. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/91-07 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Development and assessment of cement and concrete made of the burning of quinary by-product

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the usability of new cement (NC) made by the burning of quinary by-product to make commercial binders. Chemical analysis of the by-products and NC as well as X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of NC, fineness, density, consistency, and setting time of NC paste, and slump in addition to compressive strength (CS) and splitting tensile strength (STS) of NC concrete (NCC) were conducted. The results suggested that chemical composition of by-products is suitable to make NC binder. The NC contains Ca3SiO5, Ca2SiO5, Ca3Al2O6, and Ca3Al2FeO10. The particles passing through the 200 um Sieve were 56% compared with 52% for Portland cement (PC). The density of the of NC was similar to that of PC. The NC needed 48% more water than PC for normal consistency. The initial and final setting-time of NC was 105 min and 225 min respectively which is much higher than that of PC (15 and 45 min). The slump, compressive strength and splitting tensile strength were slightly lower for concrete containing NC compared with that pf PC concrete. Although the CS and STS of NCC are the lowest, the rate of the CS and STS gain of NCC is greater than that of PCC. It was concluded that NC is a viable alternative to PC for the production of greener concrete
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