33 research outputs found

    Measuring the Level of Discipline of Bureaucrats in Palu City

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    This research was conducted to find out why the implementation of the disciplinary policies of the State Civil Apparatus in Palu City has not been running optimally. The scope of this research is the Palu City government using qualitative methods as a reference to produce descriptive data collected through in-depth interviews, observation and document analysis related to the implementation of employee work discipline. With the determination of informants using a purposive method. Purposive sampling is a non-random sampling strategy where the selection is determined by the researcher by determining certain characteristics that are in line with the research objectives so that research questions can be resolved. The results showed that the implementation of the discipline of the Palu City State Civil Apparatus, which was seen from the dimensions of communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure, had not gone as expected. Thus it is necessary to evaluate and provide motivation given by the leadership to employees in order to increase the quality of performance. Employee discipline is very influential on services for the community

    Conflict of Government Policy in Tolitoli Regency, Central Sulawesi Province

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    This study aims to determine how the policy conflict between the Regent and Deputy Regent of Tolitoli Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. The basis of research is carried out with a qualitative approach, while the type of research is exploratory. This research was conducted in Tolitoli Regency with the basis of the problem being the conflict of Regent Moh. Saleh Bantilan with Deputy Regent ABD Rahman Hi. Buddin. In this study, it was found that the root causes of conflict were conflicts of political interest in policies and authority to organize the Bureaucratic Structure in the levels of the Tolitoli Regency Regional Government which occurred in the two periods 2010-2015 and 2015-2020. The data collection techniques used are; first, literature study, by searching literature and documents related to the scope of research. second, in-depth interviews with research informants who have been determined purposively. The results of the study revealed that there was a political policy conflict between the Regent, Moh. Saleh Bantilan with his representatives for two periods, in which Moh Saleh Bantilan monopolized the authority in carrying out his duties and functions as Regent whose authority is regulated in Regional Government Law Number 23 of 2014. And this Law does not explicitly and clearly regulate the powers and the obligations of regional heads and deputy regional heads. Thus, the Political Policy conflict occurred, as a result of the transactional political construction agreed upon by both parties when they were candidates for regent and deputy regent, and after being elected as Regent / Deputy Regent, there was a split between the Regent and his deputy. Regional Government bureaucracy does not work professionally

    Good Hospital Governance at the Indonesian Hospital

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    This study aims to describe the commitment of stakeholders in implementing the Good Hospital Governance policy at the Undata Regional General Hospital, Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The method used is a qualitative exploratory approach with 13 (thirteen) informants who were determined by purposive sampling, the data analysis used was an interactive model data analysis from Miles and Huberman by triangulating methods and data sources. The results showed that the successful implementation of the Good Hospital Governance policy at Undata Hospital, Central Sulawesi Province which was viewed from 6 (six) supporting aspects of the implementation of the Van Metter and Van Horn policies had not been running properly. That is; aspects of resources, aspects of the characteristics of the executing agent, aspects of the attitudes/tendencies (dispositions) of the executing agents, and aspects of the external environment (economic, social, and political). Besides, an implementation must also be supported by the commitment of the owner, board of directors, and management as well as all hospital staff, to implement the principles of transparency, accountability, independence, responsibility, equality, and fairness

    Technocratic Development Planning Policies

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    The aim of this study is to explain development planning in the development phase. The study method used is a comprehensive type of qualitative study that relates to the paradigm used by Nazir to offer a simple description of the issues being examined and to perform interviews with informants. Using 2 metrics that relate to the principle established by William L. Collor, namely participatory technocratic and democratic growth planning, the findings illustrated a variety of issues. Technocratic planning in the construction phase is associated with planning, unilateral growth, and restrictions. Two aspects regarding neighborhood engagement will be addressed in participatory democratic preparation, namely at the village creation workshop, and while village creation is ongoing. &nbsp

    Kepemimpinan Transformasional Walikota Makassar (2014-2019) pada Program Makassar Tidak Rantasa (MTR)

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    This study discusses transformational leadership, the reference theory used in this study is Yukl (2007), a Professor from the State University of New York, he mapped that transformational leadership basically has four characteristics, namely; (1) ideal influences, (2) inspirational motivation, (3) intellectual stimulation, and (4) individual attention. The concept is then tested to the flagship program of Makassar's mayor elected 2014-2019 namely, Makassar Green and Clean, to make it happen a derivative program that is Makassar No Rantasa (MTR). Through qualitative approach with case study method, the researcher then get the data in more depth. Data collection was done in three ways: interview, observation and documentation study. Based on the results of the research indicates that the level of community satisfaction and government apparatus towards this program has shown positive trend, in the sense that they (the community and government apparatus) have felt the positive impact of this program, that is with the changing of environment condition and citizen mindset for cleanliness and arrangement of beauty hallway. But it can not be denied that this program has not been implemented with the maximum in all corners of Makassar, this is evidenced by the results of research in sub-district locations located on the outskirts of the city seen not getting the maximum attention from the city government

    Factors affecting reintubations after cardiac and thoracic surgeries in cardiac intensive care unit of a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Reintubation and readmission after cardiothoracic surgeries are not uncommon, and its reasons are multifactorial. The study goal was to identify the factors that contribute reintubation after cardiac and thoracic surgery in tertiary care hospital and to compare the outcome with international benchmark.Methodology: A prospective, observational study was planned in Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU). The study included all those patients who required readmission in CICU due to endotracheal intubation following cardiac and thoracic surgeries. The study was conducted from January to December 2016. The primary focus was to identify the reasons for reintubation within 72 h of extubation after CICU discharge and its association with outcome.Results: Out of 750 patients who shifted out from CICU following successful extubation, only 32 were readmitted and among them in 25 patients (3.33%) were reintubated and their reasons reintubation were noted. Patients underwent a coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) with valve replacement had a higher incidence of reintubation 3/39 (7.69%) when compared with CABG 13/517 (2.51%) and 4/135 (2.96%) valve procedure alone. Single cause of endotracheal reintubation was observed in 7 patients (28%), in which 5 patients (20%) had respiratory and 2 patients had (8%) cardiac reason while 18 patients (72%) were observed with multisystem involvement, in which 7 patients (28%) had both respiratory and cardiovascular causes, and 2 (8%) had both respiratory and neurological causes. More than 70% cause of endotracheal reintubation was both respiratory and cardiovascular. The CICU stay after reintubations was 12.88 ± 16.88 days and the hospital stay prolonged to 23.84 ± 21.61 days.Conclusion: Reasons of reintubation were mainly respiratory and cardiac. The rate of reintubations is high when multisystem involvement is there. CICU, hospital stay, and mortality are increases after reintubation

    Hematological Profile of Patients with Dementia in South Punjab

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    Objectives:  A case-control study was conducted to find the prevalence of abnormal blood indices and electrolytes in patients with dementia. Material & Methods:  The levels of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, electrolytes, and ESR were determined from the biochemistry lab. A t-test was applied to see the significance of the difference between each dementia patient group (Alzheimer Disease-AD, Parkinson’s Disease-PD, and Frontotemporal Dementia-FTD) with the control group for each CBC and electrolyte parameter Results:  In each patients’ groups (AD, PD, and FTD), the mean value of every erythrocyte was lower than the normal range. A significant difference existed for each erythrocyte between dementia patients and controls, except MCHC. Low levels were observed in neutrophils in all groups of dementia including control group. Very high levels were observed in ESR in all groups of dementia. Significant differences existed in the WBC levels between controls and AD as well as PD patients, in platelets between the control group and FTD patients, and in ESR in each group of dementia patients vs. control group. Normal values observed in all groups of dementia patients as well as in the control group.  Conclusion:  We found low levels in erythrocytes in cases of Alzheimer disease, Parkinson’s disease, and frontotemporal dementia. Age-related changes to hematological indices especially related to RBCs, and inflammatory mediators like cytokines, hamper the microcirculation in the cerebral tissue leading to micro-infarcts or microbleeds which cause neuronal insults and parenchymal damage


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     This study aims to determine the role of local government in empowering cocoa farmers in the village community Kayuangin Malunda District of Majene and determine the factors that influence the local government's role in empowering cocoa farmers in the village community Kayuangin Malunda District of Majene. Research type is descriptive and qualitative and quantitative combined with taking samples from the level of stakeholder related to the level of Head of the nodes of lower levels such as village government. Based on the results of research in the village Kayuangin describe that some obstacles were very urgent in light, namely: the level of people's mindsets are still very low given the level of education and knowledge was limited to Junior High School (SMP) alone, the geography has not been possible to distribute the logistics of agriculture so that they become major constraint at present, inadequate extension workers so that they FEA concurrent positions of more than one village. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran pemerintah daerah dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat petani kakao di Desa Kayuangin Kecamatan Malunda Kabupaten Majene dan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi peran pemerintah daerah dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat petani kakao di Desa Kayuangin Kecamatan Malunda Kabupaten Majene. Jenis Penelitian adalah Deskriptif dan gabungan Kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan mengambil sampel mulai dari tingkat Stakeholder yang terkait dari tingkat Kepala Dinas hingga pada simpul-simpul pemerintahan yang lebih rendah seperti pemerintah desa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang ada di Desa Kayuangin mendeskripsikan bahwa beberapa kendala yang sangat urjen yaitu: tingkat pola pikir masyarakat masih sangat rendah mengingat tingkat pendidikan dan pengetahuan hanya sebatas Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) saja, kondisi geografis belum memungkinkan dalam mendistribusikan logistik pertanian sehingga masih menjadi kendala besar saat ini, tenaga penyuluh yang belum memadai sehingga masih ada tenaga penyuluh yang merangkap jabatan lebih dari satu desa

    Physarum-Inspired Bicycle Lane Network Design in a Congested Megacity

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    Improvement of mobility, especially environment-friendly green mobility, is challenging in existing megacities due to road network complexity and space constraints. Endorsing the bicycle lane network (BLN) in congested megacities is a promising option to foster green mobility. This research presents a novel bioinspired network design method that considers various constraints and preferences related to the megacity for designing an optimal BLN. The proposed method is inspired by natural Physarum polycephalum, a brainless, multi-headed single-celled organism, which is capable of developing a reticulated network of complex foraging behaviors in pursuit of food. The mathematical model of Physarum foraging behavior is adapted to maneuver various BLN constraints in megacity contexts in designing the optimal BLN. The Physarum-inspired BLN method is applied to two case studies on the megacity Dhaka for designing BLNs: the first one covers congested central city area, and the second one covers a broader area that includes major locations of the city. The obtained BLNs were evaluated comparing their available routes between different locations with the existing vehicle routes of the city in terms of distance and required travel times in different time periods, and the BLN routes were found to be suitable alternatives for avoiding congested main roads. The expected travel time using BLNs is shorter than other transport (e.g., car and public bus); additionally, at glance, the average travel speed on BLNs is almost double that of public buses in peak hours. Finally, the designed BLNs are promising for environment-friendly and healthy mobility