27 research outputs found


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    The shortage of pempek male goats due to high slaughter makes it difficult for partner breeders to carry out natural mating. The alternative is to use artificial insemination technology as a substitute for male pempek. The purpose of this service activity is to help partners who have difficulty mating their goats naturally. Using the artificial vagina of goat ejaculate, a 2.5 year old male stud was accommodated, mixed with coconut water diluent mixed with 10% egg yolk. Liquid semen was inseminated in 8 female recipients who were in heat. After days 19, 20, 21 post IB, the female recipients were observed for symptoms of estrus (NRR1), = 3 (37.5%) and NRR2 4 tails (50%) out of a total of 8 female recipients. Pregnant female = 2(25%)

    Evaluasi Tingkah Laku Sexual Kambing Kacang Jantan di Unit Pemukiman Transmigrasi (UPT) Desa Bina Gara Kabupaten Halmahera Timur

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    ABSTRAK. Keberhasilan IB kambing dipengaruhi salah satunya kualitas pejantan yang ditandai kemampuan menghasilkan semen dengan kualitas makroskopis dan mikroskopis tinggi. Kemampuan ini dipengaruhi oleh sexual behaviornya. Sebagai daerah transmigrasi yang berpotensi untuk pegembangan peternakan kambing, sekaligus banyak populasi kambing kacang di Halmahera Timur, sehingga desa Bina Gara menjadi lokasi sampel penelitian ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengevaluasi sexual behavior sebagai gambaran kinerja reproduksi kambing Kacang jantan. Materi yang digunakan yaitu 9 pejantan dan 5 betina yang dibagi dalam 3 kelompok umur masing-masing P1 (1,5 tahun), P2 (2,5 tahun) P3 (4 tahun). Metode yang digunakan yaitu survey dengan pemilihan sampel secara purposive sampling dengan variabel yaitu waktu reaksi, jumlah fals mounting, daya jepit, daya dorong dan kualitas ereksi. Data dianalisis deskriptif menggunakan software genstat 14.2. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu waktu reaksi P2 terbaik = 1,07±0,13, fals mounting rata-rata 2x di semua kelompok umur, daya jepit dan daya dorong 3+ di semua kelompok umur dan skor kualitas ereksi 3+ pada semua kelompok umur. Kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu tingkah laku sexual kambing kacang jantan di Unit Pemukiman Transmigrasi (UPT) Desa Bina Gara Kabupaten Halmahera Timur secara umum memiliki performans terbaik pada semua kelompok umur, ditandai score false mounting 2 kali, daya jepit +3 dan kualitas ereksi +3, sedangkan untuk waktu reaksi skor tertinggi yaitu pada kelompok umur 2,5 tahun. (The evaluation of sexual behavior on kacang buck (capra hircus) in transmigration settlement unit (TSU) Bina Gara Village East Halmahera District) ABSTRACT. The success of Artificial Insemination goat is related to quality service quality with high macroscopic and microscopic qualities. This ability is subject to sexual behavior. As a transmigration area that shifts for the development of goat farms, as well as many Kacang Buck populations in East Halmahera, so the village of Bina Gara became the sample location of this study. This study was conducted with the aim to raise sexual behavior as a description of the performance of Kacang Buck. The material used is 9 males and 5 females divided into 3 age groups of each P1 (1.5 years), P2 (2.5 years) P3 (4 years). The method used is survey with sample selection by purposive sampling with reaction time variabel, the amount of fals mounting, clamp power, thrust and erection quality. The data were analyzed descriptively using software genstat 14.2. The result is the best reaction time P2 = 1.07 ± 0.13, False mounting averages 2x in all age groups; 3-clamp force and thrust in all age groups and 3+ erectile quality score in all age groups. This research is sexual behavior of goat beans in Transmigration Resettlement Unit (TRU) of Bina Gara Village of East Halmahera Regency has the best performance in all age group, cleanliness 2 times, power +3 clamp and erection quality +3, while for time The highest score reactions are in the 2.5 year age group


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    Kampus IV Universitas Khairun di Dusun Bangko Pulau Halmahera Provinsi Maluku Utara memiliki luas lahan sekitar 150 ha, namun belum terisi infrastruktur bangunan sehingga ditumbuhi semak belukar. Kondisi lahan seperti ini dimanfaatkan untuk dijadikan sebagai lokasi pengembangan pakan ternak ternak sapi. Tanaman Gamal (Gliricidia sepium) ditanami pada lokasi kampus dengan tujuan untuk pakan ternak sekaligus sebagai pembatas penanda lahan kampus. Penanaman dilakukan dari Utara ke Selatan sepanjang 440m sebanyak 500 batang tanaman Gamal. Sumber bibit tanaman Gamal diperoleh dari Pulau Tidore diangkut dengan Kapal Fery dengan mobil pick up. Penanaman dilakukan menggunakan linggis kemudian ditancapkan batang Gamal. Penanaman dilakukan pada tanggal 9 Juli 2023 dan Produksi diperkirakan 3 bulan kemudian yaitu sekitar bulan Oktober 2023. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah percabangan terjadi setelah 2 minggu penananaman. Keberlanjutannya yaitu hasil dari tanaman ini berupa batangnya yang telah besar ditebang dan ditanam pada lokasi lain sekaligus daunnya sudah bisa dijadikan makanan ternak dari jenis leguminsoa. Manfaatnya pada masyarakat peternak sekitar adalah dapat dijadikan sebagai pakan ternak sapi merek

    The Effect of Using Papaya and Watermelon Juice as a Non-Synthetic Buffer on the Quality of Kacang Goat's (Capra Hircus) Liquid Semen During Cold Storage at 5oC

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    This study examines the role of non-synthetic buffers from watermelon and papaya juice added to coconut water diluent on the liquid semen quality of Kacang goats during cold storage at 5oC for three months. An experimental method was used in which semen from a 2.5-year-old male was collected twice a week using an artificial vagina. The primary ingredients include young coconut water, Viridis, watermelon, papaya, NaHCO3, and Egg Yolk (KT). Furthermore, the observed variables were individual motility, viability, and abnormality. This study used a Randomized Block Design (RAK)) with 3 treatments and 10 replications, namely P0: Coconut Water + NaHCO3 + 10% KT, P1: Coconut Water + Watermelon Juice + 10% KT, and P2: Coconut Water + Papaya Juice + 10% KT. The data were analyzed using Variety Analysis. The results showed the treatment had a significant effect (P0.01) on abnormality at all storage times. It can be concluded that the use of watermelon and papaya juice as non-synthetic buffers in coconut water diluent on Kacang goat semen affects motility and viability but has no effect on abnormality

    Konsentrasi Superoxydase Dismutase (SOD) dan Malondialdehyda (MDA) Semen Cair Kambing Boer selama Pendinginan Menggunakan Pengencer Air Kelapa

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    ABSTRACT. Lama simpan semen cair yang berbahan dasar pengencer air kelapa muda varietas kelapa hijau (C.Viridis) hanya mampu bertahan selama 3 hari pada suhu 50C akibat peroksidasi lipid yang menyebabkan kerusakan membran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh penggunaan pengencer air kelapa terhadap konsentrasi Superoxydase Dismutase (SOD) dan kadar Malondialdehyda (MDA) semen cair kambing Boer selama penyimpanan dingin. Durasi penelitian satu bulan bertempat di Laboratorium Fakultas Kedokteran dan Laboratorium Reproduksi Ternak, Unit Sumber Sekar, Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. Metode penelitian yaitu eksperimen. Dikoleksi dari semen 3 pejantan Boer umur 3-5 tahun interval 1 minggu 1 kali menggunakan Vagina Buatan. Air kelapa muda varietas viridis umur 5-7 bulan serta tris aminomethane sebagai kontrol. Rancangan penelitian didesain menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 2 perlakuan yaitu P0 (tris aminomethane + 10% Kuning Telur) dan P1 (air kelapa muda varietas viridis + 10% Kuning Telur) masing-masing diulang 3 kali. Data dianalisis dengan analisis Ragam (Anova) dengan software Genstat 18. Variabelnya yaitu konsentrasi SOD dan MDA. Hasil penelitian diperoleh untuk SOD P0 H1= 35,842 ± 1,82 ; H3= 33,342± 3,50 dan H8= 23,729± 9,02 dalam ng/100 ug. Untuk P1 diperoleh rerata H1 =36,676±2,19 ; H3= 36,527±2,20 ; H8= 24,830± 8,93 dalam ng/100ug. Kadar MDA P0 H1= 1,072±0,2 ; H3= 1,218± 0,4 dan H8= 1,439± 0,3 dalam ng/100ug. Hasil P1 H1= 0,941± 0,0 ; H3= 1,160± 0,4 dan H8= 1,370± 0,3. Hasil Anova Perlakuan tidak berpengaruh Nyata (P0,05) disemua hari simpan, tetapi konsentrasi SOD terbaik di P1 dibandingkan P0. Kesimpulan 1. Penggunaan air kelapa sebagai pengencer semen cair kambing Boer selama pendinginan tidak berdampak pada konsentrasi SOD dan MDA. 2. Peningkatan konsentrasi MDA dan Penurunan konsentrasi SOD disebabkan karena, rendahnya antioksidant flavonoid dan vitamin C.  (Concentration of Superoxydase Dismutase (SOD) and Malondialdehyda (MDA) Goat Boer Liquid Semen during Cooling using Coconut Water Diluent) ABSTRAK. The shelf life of young coconut water thinner viridis for liquid semen quality Boer goat is only up to 3 days, because there is damage due to lipid peroxidation which causes damage to the spermatozoa membrane. This study aims to analyze the effect of using coconut water thinner on the concentration of Superoxydase Dismutase (SOD) and levels of Malondialdehyda in Boer goat liquid semen during cold storage. The duration of the research is one month at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine and the Laboratory of Animal Reproduction, Sumber Sekar Unit, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Brawijaya University, Malang. The research method is experimental. Collected from the semen of 3 Boer males aged 3-5 years 1 week interval using Artificial Vagina. Young viridis coconut water aged 5-7 months and tris aminomethane as a control. The research design was designed using a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 2 treatments, namely T0 (tris aminomethane + 10% EY) and T1 (viridis young coconut water + 10% EY) each repeated 3 times. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (Anova) with Genstat 18 software. The variables were SOD and MDA concentrations. The results obtained for SOD T0 D1 = 35.842 ± 1.82; D3 = 33.342 ± 3.50 and D8 = 23.729 ± 9.02 in ng / 100 ug. For T1, the mean D1 = 36.676 ± 2.19; D3 = 36,527 ± 2.20; D8 = 24,830 ± 8.93 in ng / 100ug. MDA levels T0 D1 = 1.072 ± 0.2; D3 = 1.218 ± 0.4 and D8 = 1.439 ± 0.3 in ng / 100ug. Result of T1 H1 = 0.941 ± 0.0; D3 = 1.160 ± 0.4 and D8 = 1.370 ± 0.3. The results of the ANOVA treatment had no significant effect (P 0.05) on all storage days, but the best SOD concentration was in T1 compared to T0. The conclusion is that 1. The use of coconut water as a liquid Boer goat semen thinner during cooling has no impact on the SOD and MDA concentrations. 2. Increased MDA concentrations and decreased SOD concentrations were due to low flavonoid and vitamin C antioxidants


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    Training on broiler cultivation in Independent Livestock Groups is carried out with the aim that livestock groups understand broiler cultivation techniques, namely breeding, feeding and management, so as to produce optimal production and increase the economic income of livestock groups.The main problem that is often faced by broiler breeders, especially in the city of Ternate, is the high price of feed and limited availability, so many farmers are out of business.Through this activity, training is carried out on how to make broiler feed from locally available feed ingredients, easy to obtain, does not compete with human needs and the price is affordable for breeders, so as to produce quality rations and meet the standard of nutrient requirements for broiler growth. Formulation and techniques for making feed through training are carried out in a way that is simple and easy for farmers to understand. Feed making training through fermentation technology on the materials to be used, namely bran and EM4 for animal husbandr

    Pengaruh Metode Thawing terhadap Kualitas Semen Beku Sapi Bali, Sapi Madura dan Sapi PO

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    Effect of thawing technique to quality frozen semen spermatozoa in bali, madura and PO cattle ABSTRACT. The experiment was conducted from November 2011 to January 2012 in BBIB Singosari. The study aims was to determine the effect of thawing techniques on the quality frozen bovine sperm Bali, Madura and PO cattle. This material used 90 frozen straw of three cattle from the three breed. The method is an experiment with three treatments and 10 replications for frozen to thawing in temperature water is 5 0C of duration 60 seconds, 15 0C duration 30 seconds and 37 0C duration 15 seconds. Variables observed in this study were sperm quality are motility, viability and abnormality. Data in percentage transformed in to arcus sinus were analyzed using Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with replication as blocks of 10x. The results showed the thawing at 37 0C duration 15 seconds to highly significant effect (P0,05). Breed cattle not significant effect to quality. It can be concluded that thawing techniques impact the motility and viability in frozen bovine semen spermatozoa Bali, Madura and PO cattle. Thawing using 37 0C temperature water with duration of 15 seconds is the best method to obtain the quality of spermatozoa post thawing frozen sperm

    Pengaruh Metode Thawing terhadap Kualitas Semen Beku Sapi Bali, Sapi Madura dan Sapi PO

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    Effect of thawing technique to quality frozen semen spermatozoa in bali, madura and PO cattleABSTRACT. The experiment was conducted from November 2011 to January 2012 in BBIB Singosari. The study aims was to determine the effect of thawing techniques on the quality frozen bovine sperm Bali, Madura and PO cattle. This material used 90 frozen straw of three cattle from the three breed. The method is an experiment with three treatments and 10 replications for frozen to thawing in temperature water is 5 0C of duration 60 seconds, 15 0C duration 30 seconds and 37 0C duration 15 seconds. Variables observed in this study were sperm quality are motility, viability and abnormality. Data in percentage transformed in to arcus sinus were analyzed using Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with replication as blocks of 10x. The results showed the thawing at 37 0C duration 15 seconds to highly significant effect (P0,01) viability and motility and significant effect (P0.05). The abnormalities, no significant effect (P0,05). Breed cattle not significant effect to quality. It can be concluded that thawing techniques impact the motility and viability in frozen bovine semen spermatozoa Bali, Madura and PO cattle. Thawing using 37 0C temperature water with duration of 15 seconds is the best method to obtain the quality of spermatozoa post thawing frozen sperm

    Kualitas Semen Cair Kambing Boer Berbahan Pengencer Air Kelapa Muda Varietas Viridis Setelah Simpan Dingin

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    ABSTRAKAir kelapa muda varietas viridisdapat dijadikan pengencer aletrnatif semen cair bagi program IB di daerah minim sarana semen beku. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji pengaruh penggunaan air kelapa muda viridissebagai bahan pengencer terhadap kualitas semen cair kambing Boer setelah didinginkan. Dilaksanakanselama 3 bulan di Laboratorium Fakultas Peternakan UBUnit SumberSekar,Malang. Metodenya yaitu eksperimen. Semen dari  3 pejantan Boer umur 3-5 tahun, dikoleksi seminggu sekali dengan VB. Air kelapa mudaviridis umur 5-7 bulan serta tris aminomethane sebagai kontrol. Didesain menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 2 perlakuan yaitu P0 (tris aminomethane + 10% KT) dan  P1 (air kelapa muda viridis + 10% KT) masing-masing diulang 10 kali. Data dianalisis dengan analisis Ragam (Anova) dengan software Genstat 18. Variabelnya yaitu motilitas individu, viabilitas dan abnormalitas. Hasil penelitian yaitu motilitas individu pada P1bertahan sampai 4 hari (40,5± 24,3%), viabilitas terbaik sampai hari ke-5 (42±24,6%), abnormalitas terendah di hari ke-7(1,31± 0,6). Kesimpulannya, Pengencer air kelapa muda viridis dapat mempertahankan kualitas semen cair kambing Boer selama 4 hari untuk motilitas dan 5 hari untuk viabilitas.Kata Kunci:pengencer, air kelapa, varietas viridisABSTRACTYoung viridis coconut water could be used as an alternative to liquid semen diluent for artificial insemination program in the area with limited facility for frozen semen production. This study evaluated the use of young coconut water as a diluent on liquid semen quality of Boer goat after cold storage. This study was carried out for 3 months at Sumber Sekar Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Brawijaya, Malang. The semen was collected from 3 Boer bucks aged at 3 to 5 years old. The semen collection was done once a week with the aid of artificial vagina. The diluents used were young Viridis coconut (5 to 7 months old) and tris aminomethane. The method used was an experiment in a randomized block design with 2 treatments and 10 replicates. The treatments used were T0: tris aminomethane + 10% egg yolk (control) and T1:  young Viridis coconut water + 10% egg yolk. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance using Genstat 18 software. The variables measured were sperm individual motility, viability, and abnormality. The results showed that the sperm individual motility in T1 survived up to 4 days (40.5± 24.3%), the best viability at 5 days (42.0±24.6%),  while the lowest abnormality at 7 days (1.31±0.6). It could be concluded that: 1. Tris aminomethane diluent has higher quality with the storage length up to 9 days, 2. Young Viridis coconut water diluent could preserve liquid semen quality of Boer goat up to 4 days for sperm motility and 5 days for sperm viability.Keywords: diluents, coconut water, viridis variet

    Kidding rate of artificial insemination with Boer goat liquid semen during chilled preservation using coconut water-based diluent

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    The quality of liquid semen with coconut water as diluent could be preserved up to 3 to 4 days during cold storage at 4 - 5oC. In this research, the successful insemination rate of coconut water-based diluent Boer goat liquid semen was observed to understand the application of coconut water as semen diluent. The materials used in this research were 5 to 7 months Viridis coconut water, liquid semen from 3 years old Boer buck, 30 does for acceptor, and Tris-aminomethane added with 10% egg yolk (EY) as a control diluent. The Boer semen was collected once a week by using artificial vagina, diluted and then stored before used for insemination. The insemination was done by using intra-cervical method at position 3, started with estrous synchronization by using 2 mL PGF2α. The research was conducted as experimental method under randomized group design with two treatments, that were Tris-aminomethane + 10% EY (P0) and coconut water + 10% EY (P1). All of the treatments were repeated for 15 times and the collected data were analyzed with Pearson’s chi square with Genstat 18 program. The observed variables include non-return rate and kidding rate. The results showed that the first non-return rate of P1 were 93.33% and in P0 were 73.33%, while the second non-return rate of P1 were 93.33% and in P0 were 80%. Furthermore, the kidding rate of P1 were 40% and P0 were 66.66%. The Pearson’s chi square analysis showed that there was no effect of coconut water as semen diluent to the kidding rate. The research concludes that the usage of coconut water as semen diluent did not affect the successful insemination rate of Boer goat