256 research outputs found

    Multi-Day Analysis of Surface and Intramuscular EMG for Prosthetic Control

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    Uji Efektivitas Antibakteri Perasan Air Jeruk Nipis (Citrus aurantifolia) Dan Jeruk Lemon (Citrus lemon) Terhadap Streptococcus pneumonia

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    Jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia Swing.) adalah salah satu tanaman obat yang tumbuh subur di negara Indonesia. Jeruk lemon (Citrus limon) merupakan tanaman genus citrus yang banyak digunakan sebagai bahan makanan atau mimuan, obat-obatan, kosmetik, deterjen dan aromaterapi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Efektivitas Antibakteri Perasan Air Jeruk Nipis (Citrus aurantifolia) dan Jeruk Lemon (Citrus lemon) terhadap Streptococcus pneumonia. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode difusi dan Nutrient Agar sebagai media pertumbuhan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa air perasan jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia) pada Kosentrasi 25%v/v, 50%v/v, 75%v/v, 100%v/v, menghambat Streptococcus pneumonia dengan diameter zona hambat rata-rata (14 mm, 17 mm, 19 mm, 21,33 mm) dan air perasan jeruk lemon (Citrus lemon) pada kosentrasi 25% v/v, 50% v/v, 75% v/v, dan 100% v/v dapat menghambat Streptococcus pneumonia dengan diameter zona hambat 13 mm, 16 mm, 17 mm dan 19,33 mm

    Allelopathic Effect of Methanol and Water Extracts of \u3cem\u3eCamellia sinensis\u3c/em\u3e L. on Seed Germination and Growth of \u3cem\u3eTriticum aestivum\u3c/em\u3e L. and \u3cem\u3eZea mays\u3c/em\u3e L.

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    This study describes the possible effects of tea residues on crop production. To investigate the negative effects of tea on two cereal crops, i.e. wheat and maize, laboratory experiments were conducted during May 2014 and repeated in June 2014 to study the effect of black tea extract on wheat and maize seeds’ germination and growth. The experiment was conducted in petri dishes and laid out in completely randomized designs, replicated thrice. The petri dishes were kept in a growth chamber, with the temperature set at 25°C. 50 g of each dried fresh and used black tea was separately soaked in 500 ml of hot and cold distilled water. The same amount of tea residue was soaked in 500 ml of methanol. Ten seeds of each wheat variety (Siran) and maize variety (Azam) were placed in each petri dish. 10 ml of each extract was applied to each petri dish according to the requirement. A control (distilled water) was used for comparison. Analysis of the data revealed that tea extract significantly suppressed seed germination and the growth of wheat and maize. Methanol extracts, on the other hand, completely inhibited seed germination. The negative effects of tea extracts on seed germination of crops warns that apart from polluting the soil, the crop production could be greatly affected by dumping tea waste in agricultural fields. However, used cautiously, the application of tea extract can be used to suppress the growth of weeds in agriculture


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    The management of construction projects are becoming more challenging for civil engineers in the 21st century due to increasingly competitive performance expectations from the project stakeholders. However, among the financial and non-financial performance indicators, time and cost monitoring of construction projects are the critical issues for an effective project management. The traditional approach of project time and cost performance measurement is generally based on direct monitoring in which there is a split-up between them. Both of these parameters are measured and reported in isolation with each other by comparing their planned and actual values. Therefore, the traditional monitoring approach does not truly relate the time versus cost performance of the project. Furthermore, this approach is not so much efficient to provide early warning indicators and forecast future performance trends. As a remedy of these limitations in traditional monitoring practices, Earned Value Management (EVM) methodology integrates the work scope, cost and schedule to enable effective project performance measurement. EVM is based on three data sources and is able to compare the budgeted value of work scheduled (PV) with the Earned Value (EV) of physical work completed and the Actual Cost (AC) of work completed. Hence, performance data achieved by using EVM is an objective measure of actual work performed and can be used for the future performance analysis and forecasting. Due to these advantages, this study has proposed EVM method and extends its knowledge and applications for the Malaysian construction industry. The proposed study is based on a mixed methodology that incorporates both quantitative and qualitative methods and is designed into three phases. The first phase is based on a quantitative survey that aims to obtain a perception, understanding, barriers and enablers of EVM method for the local construction industry. The second and third phases will subsequently employ qualitative data collection and analysis of EVM applications through case studies and semi structured interviews. The questionnaire feedbacks were analyzed by using statistical tools such as frequency analysis, cross-tabulation, average index analysis, spearman’s correlation and Kendall’s coefficient of concordance to establish findings. This survey reveals that although the EVM methodology is recognized by the practitioners of local construction industry, nevertheless it is not very much in use. As 80% of the respondents are not practicing EVM method in their working environment. The survey has identified the “lack of EVM knowledge, expertise and experience” as the most important barriers. The study has found that there is a good degree of agreement among the respondents regarding the potential enablers of EVM method. The analysis of descriptive case studies explores the applications of EVM in different project scenarios. The study has also determined from the perspective of construction experts that EVM methodology would facilitate the clients and contractors in terms of integrated cost, schedule, and technical performance measures. The overall findings of this study support the application of EVM as a standardized project control method for the Malaysian construction industry

    Reflection of Regulatory Announcement in Equity Market: Fresh Insight from Oil & Gas Sector of Pakistan

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    This study is based on the problem that how regulations made by oil and gas regulatory authority influences the companies in oil and gas sector of Pakistan. We identify 13 regulatory changes in oil and sector of Pakistan which broadly includes the announcement related to the formulation, functions and responsibilities of oil and gas authority, deregulation and changes in the prices of oil and gas products, interference of apex court into the oil and gas sector and privatization of oil refineries in emerging market of Pakistan. Well-liked event study methodology is used to uncover the impact of regulation announcement on equity prices in Pakistan. Beside this, we also capture the effect of regulation announcement on the firm performance by introducing the dummy variable in ordinary least framework. In line with the financial and econometric theory criteria, we use the sales growth, leverage, liquidity and tangibility as control variables. Study reveal that regulatory announcements have statistically significant aggregate effect on the oil and gas sector of Pakistan stock exchange. We recommend to the policy makers, managers and regulators that the stock prices of oil and gas companies are more sensitive toward the regulatory announcements related to interference of Supreme Court and regulations concerning to the formulation, functions and responsibilities of oil and gas regulatory authority in Pakistan

    Formulasi dan Uji Efektivitas Antibakteri Sediaan Sabun Cair Ekstrak Herba Centella asiatica L.

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    The formulation and antibacterial effectiveness assay of C. asiatica herbal extract liquid soap of have been carried out. This study aims to determine which liquid soap preparations of C. asiatica L. herbal extract could be formulated as liquid soap preparations and to determine which concentration was effective against S. aureus. The extraction of the active substances used 96% ethanol as a solvent. Liquid soap preparations were made with 3 different concentrations of extracts at FI 0.5% w/v, FII 2% w/v and FIII 4% w/v. The tests carried out included tests, physical quality, namely organoleptic tests, homogeneity tests, pH tests, high foam tests, viscosity tests, free alkali tests and antibacterial effectiveness tests. Data analysis using the one-way Anova method, it was found that all formulas met the physical quality requirements and the antibacterial effectiveness test of C. asiatica herbal extract liquid soap in the three formulas had inhibitory effectiveness against S. aureus which was not significantly different from the positive control (Sabun Anti Bakteri Merek Dagang). Centella asiatica L. Telah dilakukan penelitian formulasi dan uji efektivitas antibakteri sediaan sabun cair ekstrak herba C. asiatica. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sedian sabun cair ekstrak herba C. asiatica dapat diformulasikan sebagai sedian sabun cair dan untuk mengetahi konsentrasi dari sabun cair yang memiliki efektivitas terhadap S. aureus. Penyarian zat aktif yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini metode maserasi dengan menggunakan pelarut etanol 96%. Sediaan sabun cair dibuat dengan 3 variasi konsentrasi ekstrak yang berbeda-beda pada FI 0,5% b/v, FII 2% b/v dan FIII 4% b/v. Pengujian yang dilakukan meliputi uji, mutu fisik, yaitu uji organoleptik, uji homogenitas, uji pH, uji tinggi busa, uji viskositas, uji alkali bebas dan uji efektivitas antibakteri. Dari hasil peneltian dan analisis data dengan metode one way Anova didapatkan bahwa semua formula memenuhi syarat mutu fisik dan pada uji efektivitas antibakteri sabun cair ekstrak herba C. asiatica pada ketiga formula memiliki efektivitas  daya hambat terhadap S. aureus yang tidak berbeda nyata dengan kontrol positif (Sabun Anti Bakteri Merek Dagang)

    Impact of external debt on stock market performance and economic growth: Moderating role of capital formation

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    The main objective of this study is to ascertain the effect of external debt on economic growth and stock market performance in SAARC countries that included Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and India for the period spanning from 1992 to 2017. This study examines the effect of capital formation as a moderator. Using panel least square recreation analysis, we find a negative and significant association between economic growth and external debts. The inclusion of interaction tea reveals a positive moderation effect of capital formation on the relationship of external debt and economic growth. Our study suggest that the external debt is less favourable for the SAARC countries and that greater emphasis should be increased on capital formulation. Moreover, policies that enhance the national treasury base, increase exports, and make environment conducive for foreign direct investment should be introduced in SAARC countries. The governments of SAARC countries should look for the alternates of external debt for financing the fiscal deficit


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    The present study aims to investigate the personality traits predict in sports performance among university athletes. The sample was comprised of 232 (male=148 and Female = 84), aged between 18 to 30 years (M/SD; 25.11/1.60) of university athletes. The data were gathered from three universities of Punjab, Pakistan through purposive sampling technique. The present research was quantitative in nature and cross-sectional research design was applied. Two research instruments were used to measure the quantify data; Revised NEO personality inventory (NEO-PI-R) and Coach's Ratings Scale. The results of correlation clearly identified that neuroticism personality trait was significantly and negatively correlated with coach ability,, athletic ability, game performance, team playerness, work ethic and overall sports performance among university athletes. While, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness personality traits were significantly and positively correlated with coach ability, athletic ability, game performance, team playerness, work ethic and overall sports performance among university athletes. Whereas, the results of multiple regression analysis revealed that agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness were found to be the significant predictors of sports performance

    FedDefender: Backdoor Attack Defense in Federated Learning

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    Federated Learning (FL) is a privacy-preserving distributed machine learning technique that enables individual clients (e.g., user participants, edge devices, or organizations) to train a model on their local data in a secure environment and then share the trained model with an aggregator to build a global model collaboratively. In this work, we propose FedDefender, a defense mechanism against targeted poisoning attacks in FL by leveraging differential testing. Our proposed method fingerprints the neuron activations of clients' models on the same input and uses differential testing to identify a potentially malicious client containing a backdoor. We evaluate FedDefender using MNIST and FashionMNIST datasets with 20 and 30 clients, and our results demonstrate that FedDefender effectively mitigates such attacks, reducing the attack success rate (ASR) to 10\% without deteriorating the global model performance.Comment: Published in SE4SafeML 2023 (co-located with FSE 2023). See https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3617574.361785
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