146 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejarah pertumbuhan perguruan tinggi Islam. Selain itu peneliti ingin mengetahui pengembangan perguruan tinggi Islam di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif-deskriptif dengan   teknik   studi kepustakaan   (library research). Dalam mengumpulkan data dilakukan studi literature dilakukan dengan mengkaji berbagai referensi yang relevan seperti buku, jurnal dan internet sebagai sumber utama serta ilmiah lainnya sumber yang berkaitan dengan Perguruan Tinggi Islam di Indonesia. Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis, ditinjau, dan didiskusikan dengan teori yang relevan dan akhirnya kesimpulan ditarik dengan membandingkan berbagai pendapat ahli. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Perguruan tinggi Islam di Indonesia didirikan pada tanggal 10 April 1946 di Jogjakarta dengan nama Sekolah Tinggi Islam (STI), pada bulan November 1947, STI berkembang menjadi universitas bernama Universitas Islam Indonesia, yang mengoperasikan empat fakultas, termasuk agama dan PTAIN telah berkembang menjadi 52 PTAIN diantaranya terdiri dari 6 UIN, 15 IAIN dan 31 STAIN. Kemudian perkembangan PTAI berdampak besar terhadap pergerakan politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya dan lainnya. dikalangan umat Islam Indonesia dan masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya

    Location Selection Study For Building Fish Landing Place In Districts Bukit Batubengkalisdistrict Riauprovince

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    The survey was conducted in July 2015, in the village Bukitbatu, Api-api andTenggayun, Bukitbatu district in Riau Province.The purpose of this study was to find thebest location suitable for fish landing building. The method used is the method review /revise the field. Can be seen from the survey data in the technical aspects, fisheries, socioeconomicand infrastructural purpose of the examination of the three villages.The location in the village Tenggayun have advantages, including the opportunity forfishing based on factors such as the number of fishing gear, fishing, the fishing fleet and thenumber of population, which is more than Bukitbatu villages and Api-api. Waters in thevillage Tenggayun fishery potential confounding factors and population factors get thehighest score compared to two other villages, with 55 points and 30 points. The final score ofthe third evaluation village consists of 187 points for Bukitbatu village, 173 points for thevillage burning and 195 points for Tenggayun village. The results of the research using thescoring method showed that the location in the village Tenggayun is the best place to build afish landing site

    Dampak Aktivitas Swalayan Grand Hero terhadap Kinerja Ruas Jalan Basuki Rahmat di Kota Palu

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    One of the few supermakets in Palu city which considerably crowded is Grand Hero Supermarket. This Supermarket was located on the Basuki Rahmat street. Because this road is an arterial road with highly traffic volume at certain hours, so the Grand Hero Supermarket activity will affect the performance of the road. At peak hours, many vehicles are in and out from the supermaket, disrupting theperformance of BasukiRahmat road. The aim of this research is to understand the existing condition of the Basuki Rahmat street performance with or without the activity of Grand Hero Supermaket. This research was conducted by surveying the volume of the street, side friction and travel time. The survey was carried on Wednesday 04-06-2015 and Saturday 6-06 2015. The analysis was conducted by using Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia 1997 method. The results show that the performance of JalanBasuki Rahmat with no Grand Hero Supermarket\u27s activity has a degree of saturation 0.35. Grand Hero Supermarket with activity would increase the degree of saturation that is 0.43 that increases 22.86%. The speed of light vehicles by MKJI is 42.84 km / h. With the Grand Hero Supermarket activity, the speed of light vehicle decreased from 27.76 km/ h to 23.74 km / h or there are speed reductions of 14.49%. The level of service with the Grand Hero Supermarket activity was at B condition with DS rate of 0,4

    Location Selection Study For Building Fish Landing Place In Districts Bukit Batubengkalisdistrict Riauprovince

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    The survey was conducted in July 2015, in the village Bukitbatu, Api-api andTenggayun, Bukitbatu district in Riau Province.The purpose of this study was to find thebest location suitable for fish landing building. The method used is the method review /revise the field. Can be seen from the survey data in the technical aspects, fisheries, socioeconomicand infrastructural purpose of the examination of the three villages.The location in the village Tenggayun have advantages, including the opportunity forfishing based on factors such as the number of fishing gear, fishing, the fishing fleet and thenumber of population, which is more than Bukitbatu villages and Api-api. Waters in thevillage Tenggayun fishery potential confounding factors and population factors get thehighest score compared to two other villages, with 55 points and 30 points. The final score ofthe third evaluation village consists of 187 points for Bukitbatu village, 173 points for thevillage burning and 195 points for Tenggayun village. The results of the research using thescoring method showed that the location in the village Tenggayun is the best place to build afish landing site


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan 1) Kreativitas peserta didik MIN Sepabatu KabupatenPolewali Mandar sebelum penerapan model pembelajaran berbasis proyek dan model pembelajarankonvensional 2) Kreativitas peserta didik yang diajar dengan model pembelajaran berbasis proyekdan model pembelajaran konvensional 3) Perbedaan hasil kreativitas peserta didik melaluipenggunaan model pembelajaran berbasis proyek dengan model pembelajaran konvensional padaMIN Sepabatu Kabupaten Polewali Mandar. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatifjenis quasi experiment design dan desain penelitian non-equivalent control grup design. Populasi dalampenelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta didik kelas V MIN Sepabatu Kabupaten Polewali Mandar yangberjumlah 36 peserta didik. Adapun instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teskreativitas dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nilai nilai hasilkreativitas peserta didik untuk kelas eksperimen sebelum diajar model pembelajaran berbasis proyeksebesar 1,46. nilai rata-rata setelah diajar model pembelajaran berbasis proyek sebesar 3,25.Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dengan menggunakan statistik inferensial, diperoleh hasilperhitungan spss 23 sig.‹ α (0.000 ‹ 0.05) Artinya H0 ditolak dan H1 terima, dikatakan bahwa rataratanilai kreativitas peserta didik dengan menggunakan model konvensional tidak sama denganrata-rata nilai kreativitas dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis proyek. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan penerapan model pembelajaran berbasisproyek terhadap kreativitas peserta didik

    Studi Parameter Fisika dan Kimia Daerah Penangkapan Ikan di Perairan Pulau Halang Kecamatan Kubu Babussalam Kabupaten Rokan Hilir Propinsi Riau (Studi Kasus pada Penangkapan Ikan dengan Bubu Tiang)

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    Survey and measurement of aquatic environmental condition of Halang Island water was conducted in order to know the physical and chemical parameters in the Halang Island water. Measurement was conducted at three stations a long the Halang Island, and the data was collected has been analysis by multiple linear regression.The result of this observation for a environment parameter were as following temperatures 270C – 320C, current speed 0,2 m/s - 0,9 m/s, brightness 0,39 m - 0,45 m, salinity 15‰- 20‰, dissolved oxygen 1,8 mg/l – 2,1 mg/l and pH 5 – 6. Based analysis with multiple linear regression,the parameters of the water hasn't effect on catches indicated by the regression coefficient (R) of 0,0057 (close to zero) and R square value of 32,3%.According to the result analysis, can be concluded that the aquatic environment in the coastal area of Halang island was still suffientas habitat for living organisms and may be used for fishing activities

    Mapping Of Long Line Fishing Ground In The Fishing Port Of The Ocean (Pps) Bungus Districts Teluk Kabung Padang Province West Sumatera

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the area tishi tor long line with a heat map setting in western Sumatra in 2015. The method used in this study is a survey method. The results of this study indicate the location of long line fishing ground is in the zone of archipelagic waters, depths, territorial sea, contiguous zone, ZEE and the high seas. seen from the results of catching the most is the transitional season II in the amount of 47. 232 kg while the catch at least the first transitional season that is equal to 17. 783 kg. significant correlation level with the coordinates of the catch and the more extensive range area of the arrest, the greater the results obtained fishermen. Poot arrest hos point fewest arrests West season with one point while most is the transition season 2 is two points hotspots with a radius of 0.2

    Desain Dan Implementasi Sistem Informasi Akademik (Studi Kasus Fakultas Ilmu Agama Islam Universitas Islam Indragiri)

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    Sistem Informasi yang berjalan di Fakultas Ilmu Agama Islam Universitas Islam Indragiri yang dalam pengolahan data akademiknya masihmenggunkan sistem komputerisasi sederhana. Walaupun sudah didukung dengankomputer tetapi hanya memanfaatkan office standar (Microsoft Office Excel danWord) sehingga memungkinkan banyak sekali kesalahan dalam pengolahan dataakademik. Dan menyebabkan pelayanan akademik yang diberikan oleh FakultasIlmu Agama Islam menjadi kurang efisien, serta mengakibatkan kesulitan dalampencarian data dan menyita waktu relatif lama dalam pembuatan laporan. Untukmembantu dalam menyelesaikan masalah tersebut perlu adanya suatu sisteminformasi akademik yang baru agar setiap pekerjaan yang menyangkut pengolahandatanya dapat dikurangi tingkat kesalahannya serta dapat memberikan pelayananyang memuaskan terhadap para pengguna sistem. Dalam perancangan sisteminformasi akademik ini digambarkan ke dalam bentuk diagram UML (UnifiedModelling Language)

    Tazkiyatun Nafs as a Strength Base of Teacher Personality Competency

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    The teacher should have a steady, stable, adult, wise, and authoritative personality competence, be an example for learners, and have a noble character, but in reality, his personality competence is still low and still far from the personality that teachers should have. The authors offer an alternative solution with the Islamic psychology approach that is Tazkiyatun nafs that can be used as a basis of teacher personality strengthening. This research uses qualitative descriptive approach and literature or library research. The essence of tazkiyatun nafs tends to talk about the soul (an-nafs). It is a process of purification of the human soul from the impurities, both visible dirt and inner dirt. Therefore, the notion of tazkiyatun nafs is closely related to morals and psychology, and in Islam, it serves as a pattern of human formation of good character and cautious to Allah. In this study, the authors found some of the following findings. First, the growth of one\u27s personality is influenced by factors from within that is the integration of elements of aql (mind), qalb (heart), lust and outside factors such as the process of interaction with the environment. Second, the soul is very functional to one\u27s personality. A clean soul will produce good behavior while a dirty soul will result in a low or weak personality

    Lama Fermentasi Terhadap Mutu Cocoghurt Menggunakan Enterecoccus Faecalis Up-11 Yang Diisiolasi Dari Tempoyak

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    Coconut milk is usually used as condiment for production various Indonesia traditional cuisine coconut milk can be also used as raw material for making cocoghurt because of it is high nutrional value. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of fermentation time on the quality of cocoghurt . The research used a Completely Randommized Design with five treatments, T1 (duration of fermentasi in three hours), T2 (duration of fermentation in six hours), T3 (duration of fermentation in nine hours), T4 (duration of fermentation in twelve hours) and T5 (duration of fermentation in fifteen hours) with three replication. The data was analyzed using ANNOVA, if any influence continued with DNMRT test at 5%. Results show that fermentation time significantly (P0.05) total solids, ash content, protein content, total lactid acid bacteria, test organoleptik of flavor, and taste. It was concluded that the best quality of cocoghurt. Was obtained in the fermentation time of six hours (T2), that meets the Indonesian yoghurt standard (SNI 102981: 2009) as total lactid acid, fat content, total solids, ash content, and protein content
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