76 research outputs found


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    Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan fisik, kimia dan biologis pada proses pretreatmet pelepah salak; untuk mengetahui degradasi lignin, hemiselulosa dan selulosa. Perlakuan pretreatment pelepah pohon salak pada penelitian ini meliputi fisik,kimia dan biologi. Perlakuan fisik menggunakan steam explosion, perlakuan kimia menggunkan NaOH dan perlakuan biologis menggunkan Trichoderma reesei FNCC 6012. Perlakuan  Pretreatment menggunkan Steam Explosion memiliki aras yaitu besarnya suhu mulai dari 120 0C, 140 0C, dan 1600C. Perlakuan menggunakan NaOH terdiri dari konsentrasi 2 %, 4%, dan 6%, sedangkan perlakuan menggunakan Trichoderma reesei berdasarkan waktu fermentasi selama 5 hari, 10 hari, 15 hari. Perlakuan pendahuluan tersebut berfungsi untuk mengurangi kadar lignin yang ada pada pelepah salak. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah kandungan lignin, hemiselulosa dan selulosa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perlakuan menggunakan Steam Explosion  dengan suhu 140 0C dan 160 0C mampu menurunkan kadar lignin sebesar 16.03% dan 15,90%.  Perlakuan menggunakan Steam exploision suhu 160 0C dan Trcihoderma reesei 15 Hari  mampu meningkatkan kadar Hemiselulosa sebesar 35, 84 % dan 36,21%. Perlakuan menggunakan Steam Explosion dengan suhu 160 0C memberikan pengaruh yang terbaik pada selulosa sebesar 51.09%

    Antioxidant Activity of Isoflavone Aglycone from Fermented Black Soymilk Supplemented with Sucrose and Skim Milk Using Indonesian Indigenous Lactic Acid Bacteria

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    Background and Objective: Black soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Detam-1 variety includes high quantities of isoflavone majorly in glucoside form; in which, the biochemical antioxidant activity was lower than that in isoflavone aglycone form. Fermentation by lactic acid bacteria can increase antioxidant activity and isoflavone aglycone of black soymilk. However, the biochemical ability is strain-dependent and sucrose or skim milk supplementation during processing may affect this ability. The objective of the current study was to investigate antioxidant properties of the fermented black soymilk and fermented black soymilk supplemented with 2% sucrose or skim milk using three Indonesian indigenous lactic acid bacteria, namely Lactobacillus plantarum WGK 4, Streptococcus thermophilus Dad 11 and Lactobacillus plantarum Dad 13. Furthermore, cell growth and acid production were investigated. Material and Methods: Fermentation of black soymilk and black soymilk supplemented with 2% sucrose or skim milk was carried out using three indigenous lactic acid bacteria at 37 °C for 18 h. Viable cell, pH, titratable acidity, β-glucosidase activity, isoflavone aglycone, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of black soymilk were assessed at the beginning of the experiment and after 18 h of fermentation. Results and Conclusion: Results showed that all strains could grow (9 log CFU ml-1) and produce acid in black soymilk and black soymilk supplemented with 2% sucrose or skim milk. Fermentation increased isoflavone aglycone through β-glucosidase activity, which resulted in increased total phenolic content and antioxidant activity. Fermented black soymilk with no sucrose or skim milk exhibited the highest β-glucosidase activity (19.66-21.54 mU ml-1), daidzein formation (62-74%), genistein formation (67-80%) and antioxidant capacity (32.81-38.47%). All three lactic acid bacteria strains enhanced antioxidant activity and isoflavone aglycone of the black soymilk. Sucrose or skim milk addition did not affect the cell growth but increased acid production and decreased β-glucosidase activity and isoflavone aglycone formation. These three lactic acid bacteria included similar abilities to enhance antioxidant activity and isoflavone aglycone formation in fermented black soymilk

    Inhibicija angiotenzinskog pretvorbenog enzima pomoću peptida nastalih tijekom apsorpcije fermentiranog graha Canavalia ensiformis (tempeh) u tankom crijevu

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    Research background. High blood pressure is the most significant cause of mortality globally. Some fermented foods include ACE-inhibitory peptides that help fight this disease. The ability of fermented jack bean (tempeh) to inhibit ACE during consumption has not been demonstrated yet. This study identified and characterised ACE-inhibitory peptides from jack bean tempeh produced by small intestine absorption using the everted intestinal sac model. Experimental approach. Sequentially, the protein extract of jack bean tempeh and unfermented jack bean was hydrolysed using pepsin-pancreatin for 240 min. The hydrolysed samples were then evaluated for the peptide absorption using three-segmented everted intestinal sacs (duodenum, jejunum and ileum). The peptides absorbed from all intestinal segments were mixed in the small intestine. Results and conclusion. The data showed that both jack bean tempeh and unfermented jack bean had the same peptide absorption pattern, with the highest percentage of peptide absorption in the jejunum, followed by the duodenum and ileum. The absorbed peptides of jack bean tempeh exhibited equally strong activity of ACE inhibition in all intestinal segments, while the unfermented jack bean showed strong activity only in the jejunum. The mixture of the peptides from jack bean tempeh absorbed in the small intestine had higher ACE-inhibitory activity (81.09%) than the unfermented jack bean (72.22%). The peptides produced from jack bean tempeh were identified as pro-drug ACE inhibitors and had the mixed inhibition pattern. The mixture of peptides consisted of seven types of peptides with a molecular mass of 826.86–978.20 Da (DLGKAPIN, GKGRFVYG, PFMRWR, DKDHAEI, LAHLYEPS, KIKHPEVK, and LLRDTCK). Novelty and scientific contribution. This study discovered that consuming jack bean tempeh generated more potent ACE-inhibitory peptides during small intestine absorption than cooked jack beans. Absorbed tempeh peptides have high ACE-inhibitory activity.Pozadina istraživanja. Visoki krvni tlak je najčešći uzrok smrti u svijetu. Neki fermentirani prehrambeni proizvodi sadržavaju peptide koji inhibiraju angiotenzinski pretvorbeni enzim i mogu pomoći u borbi protiv te bolesti. Svojstvo fermentiranog graha vrste Canavalia ensiformis (tempeh) da inhibira angiotenzinski pretvorbeni enzim dosad nije prikazano. U ovom su radu identificirani i okarakterizirani peptidi iz tempeha što inhibiraju angiotenzinski pretvorbeni enzim, nastali tijekom apsorpcije u tankom crijevu u modelu izvrnute crijevne vrećice. Eksperimentalni pristup. Ekstrakti proteina fermentiranog (tempeh) i nefermentiranog graha vrste Canavalia ensiformis hidrolizirani su pomoću pepsina i pankreatina tijekom 240 min. Zatim je mjerena apsorpcija hidroliziranih peptida u izvrnutoj crijevnoj vrećici podijeljenoj u tri dijela (duodenum, jejunum i ileum). Apsorbirani peptidi iz sve tri vrećice pomiješani su u tankom crijevu. Rezultati i zaključci. Rezultati pokazuju da se apsorpcija peptida iz tempeha i nefermentiranog graha odvija na isti način, pri čemu se najveći postotak peptida apsorbira u jejunumu, nešto manje u duodenumu i najmanje u ileumu. Apsorbirani peptidi iz tempeha izolirani iz sva tri dijela izvrnute crijevne vrećice imali su jednaku sposobnost inhibicije angiotenzinskog pretvorbenog enzima, dok je nefermentirani grah imao to svojstvo izraženo samo u jejunumu. Mješavina peptida apsorbiranih u tankom crijevu iz tempeha imala je veću aktivnost (81,09 %) inhibicije angiotenzinskog pretvorbenog enzima od onih iz nefermentiranog graha (72,22 %). Peptidi proizvedeni u tempehu identificirani su kao prolijekovi koji inhibiraju angiotenzinski pretvorbeni enzim i imaju svojstvo inhibicije mješovitog tipa. Mješavina iz tempeha sadržavala je sedam tipova peptida molekulske mase 826,86–978,20 Da (DLGKAPIN, GKGRFVYG, PFMRWR, DKDHAEI, LAHLYEPS, KIKHPEVK i LLRDTCK). Novina i znanstveni doprinos. U istraživanju je otkriveno da nakon konzumiranja fermentiranog graha vrste Canavalia ensiformis (tempeh) u tankom crijevu nastaju peptidi koji učinkovitije inhibiraju angiotenzinski pretvorbeni enzim od onih iz kuhanog graha. Apsorbirani peptidi iz tempeha imaju izraženu sposobnost inhibicije angiotenzinskog pretvorbenog enzima

    Characterization of Aspergillus Niger 65i6 lipase from solid-state fermentation using Jatropha seed cake medium

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    Jatropha curcas seed cake contains a high amount of protein, and consequently has very high potentialas a medium for lipase production. The objective of this research was to characterize lipase from Aspergillusniger 6516, which was produced by solid-state fermentation on Jatropha curcas seed cake as the medium. The effects of pH and temperature on enzyme activity were evaluated, along with substrate specifcity and enzyme stability. Fermentation was performed at a water concentration of 63% and temperature of 30 °C for 7 days. The results showed that the optimum pH and temperature for Aspergillus niger 6516 lipase activities were 8.0 and 40 °C, respectively. The lipase had the substrate specifcity to hydrolyze long-chain fatty acids and was stable in polar organic solvents. The lipase had a molecular weight, Km and vmax about 19 kDa, 0.27 µmol/ml, and 52.63 µmol/ml/min, respectively. The results also suggested that the produced lipase from Aspergillus niger 6516 was an alkaline lipase. Based on these results, we conclude that Jatropha seed cake is a suitable medium for lipase production

    Effect of Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) and Organic Loading Rate (OLR) to the Nata de coco Anaerobic Treatment Eficiency and its Wastewater Characteristics

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    In this study, experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of hydraulic retention time (HRT) and organic loading rate (OLR) on process stability of nata de coco wastewater anaerobic treatment using semi-continuous digester. The standard-rate anaerobic digester with working volume of 8.5 L was used to investigate the effect of three different hydraulic retention times (15, 20, and 25 days), and a standard-rate anaerobic digester with working volume of 9.1 L was operated at different organic loading rates of 0.5, 1, and 1.5 g/L/day. The findings revealed that minimum HRT for nata de coco wastewater anaerobic treatment using semi-continuous digester was achieved at HRT 20 days. Based on data from this study, the reduction of organic content in nata de coco wastewater increased when OLR increased until 1 g/L/day. But then those parameters value decreased when OLR being increased further to 1.5 g/L/day. It showed that at 1.5 g/L/day the amount of substrate fed to the system was exceeding the total degradation capacity of methanogenic microorganisms, hence the organic overload happened and decreased the efficiency of organic content reduction in anaerobic treatment of nata de coco wastewater

    Produksi Bioetanol Daun Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.Moench)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis  potensi daun sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.  Moench) sebagai biomassa dalam produksi etanol. Daun sorghum akan digunakan sebagai substrat dalam proses hidrolisis enzimatis dan gula reduksi yang dihasilkan akan digunakan sebagai substrat dalam fermentasi. Hidrolisis dilakukan tanpa perlakuan pendahuluan. Daun sorghum dihancurkan hingga berbentuk serbuk berukuran 30mesh sebelum digunakan sebagai substrat dalam hidrolisis enzimatis menggunakan enzim Celluclast (novozyme) 90FPU/g berat kering. Konsentrasi gula reduksi dan nilai CCR (Cellulose Conversion Ratio) akan digunakan untuk menganalisis  tingkat degradabilitas selulosa daun sorghum. Gula reduksi dalam hidrolisat sebagai hasil proses hidrolisis enzimatis akan difermentasi oleh Saccharomyces cerevisiae FNCC 3012 untuk menghasilkan etanol. Konsentrasi  Sorghum  cerevisiae  yang digunakan adalah 106 CFU/ml dan ditambahkan dalam 10% volume hidrolisat. Pengamatan dalam proses fermentasi dilakukan terhadap konsentrasi gula reduksi dan etanol selama 36 jam. Hasil yang didapatkan menunjukkan bahwa selulosa tidak dapat dihidrolisis enzimatis secara langsung dilihat dari rendahnya nilai CCR. Konsentrasi gula reduksi tertinggi setelah hidrolisis enzimatis adalah 3,18 mg/ml. Konsentrasi etanol tertinggi setelah proses fermentasi adalah 0,23%(v/v)

    Pengaruh Retrogradasi pada Pembuatan Sohun Pati Jagung terhadap Karakteristik Fisikokimia Produk dan Aktivitas Prebiotiknya

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    The study was aimed to determine the optimal storage time of steamed maize starch noodle that gives the desirable properties along with the prebiotic potential. Noodle was prepared by extrusion of the partially cooked maize starch, followed by steaming the strands, and keeping strands at 4 C at various time (0, 1, 2, and 3 h) to enhance retrogradation, and then drying the noodle. The resulted noodle was characterized for physicochemical properties. To evaluate the prebiotic activity, the noodle was rehydrated, and then hydrolyzed by porcine pancreati 30 U/mg) and amyloglucosidase (enzym activity 300 U/mL) to obtain the resistant starch (RS) Type 3. The prebiotic activity of the RS was analayzed by the relative growth ratios of the probiotic bacterias, i. e. ATCC 15707 and JCM 1551, to the enteric bacteria (IFO 3301) on the for control.The results showed that the longer storage time of the cooked starch noodle strands led to the higher values of hardness and cooking time, but lower cooking loss and swelling index, indicating the different level of retrogradation. Prebiotic activities of the RS obtained from cooked noodle strands kept for 3 h was 0.730 based on the growth rate of the , and 0.041 based on that of the . The score for the ocommercial RSI, commercial RSII and inulin were 1.058; 0.405; and 1.130 based on the growth of respectively. The prebioctic activities onfor the commercial RSI, commercial RS II and inulin were 0.062; 0.066; and 0.076 respectively.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk  pati jagung dan mengetahui nilai aktivitas prebiotik produk sebagai hasil pembentukan sifat fungsional prebiotiknya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan perlakuan variasi lama waktu retrogradasi 0, 1, 2 dan 3 jam pada pembuatan sohun terlarut, rehidrasi, rasio pengembangan, elongasi, tekstur, dan kuat patah sohun kering). Hasil analisis dibandingkan dengan sampel komersial dan dipilih produk yang memiliki karakteristik sama dengan produk komersial. Produk terpilih dipreparasi menjadi RS ((30 U/mg) dan enzim amiloglukosidase (300 U/mL), lalu sampel dicuci dengan alkohol 50%, dikeringkan dan disimpan 4 C hingga pemakaian. Analisis nilai aktivitas prebiotik dilakukan dengan menumbuhkan bakteri probiotik (ATCC 15707JCM 1551) dan bakteri enterik (IFO3301) pada media yang mengandung substrat 1% RS sohun teretrogradasi,1% glukosa, 1% RS produk komersial, 1% inulin dan kontrol selama 24 jam pada 37oC. ATCC 15707 diinkubasi pada kondisi anaerobik sedangkan IFO 3301dan JCM 1551 diinkubasi secara aerobik. Nilai aktivitas prebiotik ditentukan berdasarkan pertumbuhan populasi sel bakteri probiotik dan enterik selama 0 dan 24 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan retrogradasi 3 jam pada suhu 4ooC menghasilkan sohun pati jagung dengan mutu yang paling mendekati produk komersial. Pengaruh lama waktu retrogradasi berbeda nyata terhadap kadar air produk akhir, lama pemasakan, totalkehilangan padatan terlarut, rasio pengembangan, dan tekstur. Nilai aktivitas prebiotik sohun pati jagung teretrogradasi 3 jam pada pertumbuhan   sebesar 0,730 dan   0,041. Nilai aktivitas prebiotik komersial A,komersial B, dan inulin pada adalah 1,058; 0,405 dan 1,130 sedangkan pada  nilai aktivitasnya sebesar 0,062; 0,066; dan 0,076

    Pengaruh Ukuran Potongan terhadap Pertumbuhan Jamur Pleurotus floridanus LIPIMC 996 dan Hasil Delignifikasi Selama Perlakuan Pendahuluan Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit

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    The aim of this research was to determine the effects of particle size on the growth of Pleurotus floridanus LIPIMC 996 and the delignification of oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) during pretreatment. The OPEFB was reduced its size to 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8 cm, sterilized at 121oC for 15 minutes, inoculated with P. floridanus LIPIMC 996 mycelia, and incubated in room temperature for 35 days. The lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose, and glucosamine content of OPEFB were analyzed every 7 days. Size reduction of OPEFB from 8 cm to 2 cm reduced the growth rate of P. floridanus LIPIMC 996 and degradation rate of lignin and cellulose, but reduction from 2 cm to 1 cm increased the fungal growth rate. The lignin and cellulose degradation rate from the various different fiber sizes showed the same trend. The elimination of lignin reached maximum 79.7% on day-35 for 8 cm-long OPEFB. The maximum of cellulose and hemicelluloses degradation were 78.9% and 80.6%, respectively.ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ukuran potongan terhadap pertumbuhan jamur Pleurotus floridanus LIPIMC 996 dan hasil delignifikasi selama perlakuan pendahuluan tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS). TKKS dikecilkan ukurannya menjadi 0,5; 1; 2; 4; dan 8 cm, disterilisasi pada suhu 121oC selama 15 menit, diinokulasi dengan miselia P. floridanus LIPIMC 996 kemudian diinkubasi pada suhu ruang selama 35 hari. Setiap 7 hari, dilakukan pengambilan sampel untuk analisis lignin, selulosa, hemiselulosa, dan glukosamin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengecilan ukuran TKKS dari 8 cm hingga 2 cm memperlambat laju pertumbuhan jamur serta laju degradasi lignin dan selulosa sedangkan pada ukuran 1 cm dan 0,5 cm justru mempercepat. Pola laju degradasi lignin dan selulosa pada setiap ukuran potongan TKKS sama dengan pola laju pertumbuhan pada setiap ukuran potongan. Penurunan lignin terbesar terjadi pada TKKS dengan panjang 8 cm yaitu mencapai 79,7%. Degradasi selulosa mencapai 78,9% pada TKKS dengan panjang 8 cm. Selain itu, degradasi hemiselulosa mencapai 80,6% pada TKKS dengan ukuran 8 cm