9,755 research outputs found

    The Violating Maxims of Main Characters in the Hangover Movie's Script

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    The study deals with the types of maxims violation in The Hangover movie's script used by the main characters. The objectives of study were to describe the violation of maxim, to describe the dominant type of maxim violation and to elaborate the reason for the maxim violation. The data were the dialogue of main characters in The Hangover movie. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative and limited on the main characters. The data analysis findingsshowthat there are 22 violation of maxim of quality, 2 violation of maxim of quantity, 9 violation of maxim of relation, and 8 violation of maxim of manner.The reason of the violations areto give the lack of evidence, to lying to other speaker in hiding the truth, to save face the embarrassment, to present the strongest information, to represent what is in the speaker's mind, or to trick audience or listener for making a joke or not

    Corporate Governance for Banks in Pakistan: Recent Developments and Regional Comparisons

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    The emerging economies in the South Asian region have embarked on a bold reform process to develop the banking sector. This development has improved the transparency and accountability of the banking sector because these countries focused on ‘best practice’ corporate governance for banks. In view of a rapidly developing market with a slow pace of information dissemination, adverse selection and moral hazard problems are likely to be on the rise and may need a mechanism to train and discipline bank management. It was, therefore timely for the central banks in the region to introduce a ‘best practice’ for the banking system as a whole. This study provides a survey of recent developments in corporate governance of the banking sector in Pakistan and a comparison of similar developments in two other regional economies, namely, India and Bangladesh. In addition to a theoretical discussion on this issue, we also provide an overview of the banking sector restructuring and highlighting important features of the codes of corporate governance established by central banks in the sample countries. In conclusion, we present a comparison of the major differences in these measures across countries and comment on the pace of these developments.Corporate Governance, Banks, Pakistan

    Corporate Governance for Banks in Pakistan : Recent Developments and Regional Comparisons

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    The emerging economies in the South Asian region have embarked on a bold reform process to develop the banking sector. This development has improved the transparency and accountability of the banking sector because these countries focused on best practice corporate governance for banks. In view of a rapidly developing market with a slow pace of information dissemination, adverse selection and moral hazard problems are likely to be on the rise and may need a mechanism to train and discipline bank management. It was, therefore timely for the central banks in the region to introduce a best practice for the banking system as a whole. This study provides a survey of recent developments in corporate governance of the banking sector in Pakistan and a comparison of similar developments in two other regional economies, namely, India and Bangladesh. In addition to a theoretical discussion on this issue, we also provide an overview of the banking sector restructuring and highlighting important features of the codes of corporate governance established by central banks in the sample countries. In conclusion, we present a comparison of the major differences in these measures across countries and comment on the pace of these developments.Banking, Corporate governance, banking sector restructuring

    Pengalaman Kegagalan Pada Laki-Laki Dan Perempuan

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    Situasi sukses dan kegagalan merupakan reperesentasi dari keinginan dan tujuan hidup yang ingin dicapai, perbedaan harapan antara laki-laki dan perempuan akan membuat perbedaan kegagalan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengalaman kegagalan pada remaja. Penelitian ini mensurvei 605 (laki-laki : 217, perempuan : 388) orang remaja di tiga perguruan tinggi berbeda di Pekanbaru, dengan menggunakan questioner (pertanyaan) terbuka. Subjek diminta untuk menjawab pertanyaan “pengalaman kegagalan apa yang paling menyakitkan dalam hidup?”, dikembangkan oleh Kim dan Park (2006). Analisis data menggunakan pendekatan Indigenous psychology, dengan kategorisasi, frekuensi, dan cross tabulasi. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada lima pengalaman kegagalan pada remaja, yaitu: akademik (48,1%), harapan (17%), hubungan personal (15,9), kompetisi (10,4%), manajemen diri (3,1%). Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan ada perbedaan pengalaman kegagalan antara laki-laki dan perempuan, laki-laki lebih merasa gagal dalam harapan (9,3%) dan kompetisi (6,6%), sedangkan perempuan lebih merasa gagal dalam akademik (36,4%) dan hubungan personal (10,6%). Penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman bahwa perbedaan pengalaman kegagalan antara laki-laki dan perempuan disebabkan oleh adanya perbedaan peran sosial antara laki-laki dan perempuan

    Inflation and financial sector correlation: the case of Bangladesh

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    This paper examines the impact of inflation on financial development in case of Bangladesh for the period of 1985-2005. In doing so, ARDL bounds testing approach and Error Correction Method (ECM) have been employed. Empirical findings reveal that high trends of inflation impede the performance of financial markets. GDP per capita promotes development of financial sector through its causal channels.Financial Sector, Inflation, Pakistan, ARDL Approach

    Tinjauan Akad Murabahah Li Al-amr BI Ashira

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    This article aim to examine the term of mura>bah}a li al-a>mr bi ashira> (MLAB) is not widely known by practitioners and observers of Islamic economics. MLAB is a term of contemporary fikih that is different from classical mura>bah}a, the difference is not located at the level of the concept, but lies in the procedures performed. The most fundamental difference between mura>bah}a and MLAB is located on the parties to a contract; in MLAB parties directly involved are the sellers, banks and customers as a buyer, while the mura>bah}a parties involved only the seller and buyer. In addition, there is necessity in carrying out the promise of MLAB (wa\u27ad al-mulzim) the sale and purchase of a promise by the bank and the customer. The method of this article is to review the opinion of Islamic scholars in many books and articles, meanwhile the aim of this article is to explain the controversial behind of two contracts such as mura>bah}a, and mura>bah}a li al-a>mr bi ashira>>> in the implementation of Islamic Finance and Islamic Banks

    Komunikasi Organisasi Dalam Penanaman Budaya Organisasi Di Seminari Tinggi Santo Paulus YOGYAKARTA

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    : Organizational culture is not just a relative habit or moderate behavior, but rather as a unique characteristic of an organization. Organizational culture is a metaphor to depict norms, feelings, and activity patterns of a group as well as a communication climate rooted from a set of same norms. St. Paul Seminary is an institution that educates diocesan priests or pastors candidates. This study is based on case study and using interviews, document searches and direct observation in the data collection. The results show that the organizational communication applied in St. Paul’s Seminary is both vertical and horizontal

    Demokrasi dan Amerika Serikat

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    The United State of America life is always the result of interaction between the anti-democratic and nondemocratic traditions with the existing democratic traditions, and a new perception in the field of human social, religious, political necessity and political rights. While in Islamic history there are a number of concepts and images that make up a very important Islamic perception of democracy is of course different from what is believed to be in the United State of America