6,208 research outputs found

    A bridgeless Cuk PFC converter

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    A bridgeless Power Factor Correction (PFC) circuit based on Cuk converter is proposed in this paper. The operation during each sub-interval modes of the converter operated in Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM) is discussed. The smallsignal and large signal models are presented using Current Injected Equivalent Circuit Approach (CIECA). PLECS/Simulink is used to verify the capability of the proposed converter to regulate the output voltage while the input current regulation is inherent. This converter is capable to operate in universal input voltage condition

    Implementation Of Internal Model Control (IMC) In Continuous Distillation Column.

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    Distillation columns have been widely used in chemical plants for separation process. The high nonlinearity and dynamic behavior of the column make them hard to control

    Motivasi Mahasiswa Akuntansi Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Minat Untuk Mengikuti Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi (Studi Empiris Di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Mulawarman)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji pengaruh motivasi terhadap minat mahasiswa untuk mengikuti Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi. Motivasi dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari motivasi kualitas, motivasi karir, dan motivasi ekonomi. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang disebarkan pada 88 responden sebagai sampel penelitian. Model analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi kualitas dan motivasi karir berpengaruh secara positif terhadap minat mahasiswa untuk mengikuti Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi. Akan tetapi, motivasi ekonomi berpengaruh secara negatif terhadap minat mahasiswa untuk mengikuti Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi

    ENTOGPRENEURSHIP dengan Memanfaatkan Limbah Rumah Potong Ayam (RPA) sebagai Sumber Utama Pakan Ternak

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    The increasing of chicken meat consumption will increase the number of Chicken Slaughter House(RPA). RPA is a special place to process the meat. However, However, it causes the increasing number of waste from unprocessed meat that may damage the environment. Whereas, the waste from RPA contains a huge amount of protein that can support entog\u27s (Cairinamoschata) growth and development. Entog is well known with its immunity against virus and bacteria. According to PKHDG(2011), demand for ducken meat, including entog, reaching 33,000 tons annually. Entog market price is also quite high. Lowest price per head reached Rp. 25.0600. Higher market entog males aged two months, around Rp. 50,000 per head. Entog was marketed in size from 2.6 to 3 kg for males, while females weighing 1.5 to 1.9kg. Utilization of waste as a source of live stock feed RPA is considered very advantageous, because the feed is readily available, abundant, cheap, highly nutria thousand not lead to residues in meat. The result is that we have sold 200 entogs (period I) and 110 entogs in period II with the total yield Rp.8.910.000 and the total profit Rp.2.400.000

    Nutrient Digestibility Feed with Different Levels of Protein and Lipid on Coral Rock Grouper (Epinephelus Corallicola) Juvenile

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    The aims of this study was to determine the nutrient digestibility coefficient of diet with diertary levels of protein and lipid on coral rock grouper (Epinephelus corallicola) juvenile. This study used completely randomized design with factorial arranged in 3 different treatment of dietary protein levels i.e., 36%, 42%, and 48%;and 2 different treatment of dietary lipid levels i.e., 9% and 18%; with 3 repetition. The average initial body weight of fishes for this study was 29.19 ± 0.97 g/fish. Fishes were reared in 18 pieces of polycarbonate tank with water volume of 30 liters with stocked density of 7 fishes/tank. The tank equipped with aeration with water flow change of 20 liters/hour. Fish were fed 2 times per day on at satiation and fish rearing for 150 days. Parameters measured were protein, lipid, carbohydrate and energy of digestibility coefficient . The results showed that the interaction of protein and lipid levels that differ in feed ratio significantly affected on protein, lipid, carbohydrate, and energy digestibility coefficients. In general, feed with a protein content of 36% and 9% lipid produced good nutrient digestibility coefficient and better economic value

    Konsep Ruang dalam Bahasa Sumbawa dan Kaitannya dengan Cara Pandang Penuturnya (Sebuah Tinjauan Linguistik Antropologis)

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    Sebagai salah satu kebudayaan nasional, bahasa Sumbawa memiliki nuansa tersendiri dalam memandang konsep nomina-ruang berdasarkan cara pandang penuturnya. Sehingga penutur Sumbawa mengklasifikasi nomina-ruang dengan berbagai leksikon, seperti ano siup, ano rawi, atas, bawa?, bao, atas, kiri, dan kanan. Melalui konsep itu, penutur setempat memiliki pola pikir yang sesuai dengan fenomena alam yang terdapat di komunitas Sumbawa, seperti terlihat pada konsep atas dan bawa’ yang syarat dengan fenomena alam sekitar, yaitu mengalirnya air dari atas ke bawa’ (dari selatan ke utara).            Kemampuan menguasai segala penjuru arah dapat memberikan pengalaman tersendiri bagi keberadaan penduduk setempat. Hadirnya terminologi yang ada keterkaitan dengan dimensi ruang yang sangat komprehensif  dalam bahasa Sumbawa dan penggunaan nomina-ruang dalam mempersepsikan keberadaannya dalam dimensi ruang. Cara penuturnya mempersepsikan diri dalam dimensi ruang tersebut telah berimplikasi pada munculnya perilaku budaya, seperti adanya kerapan kerbau dan pacuan kuda yang berimplikasi adanya pengklasipikasian munculnya konsep ruang ano siup dan ano rawi. Demikian selanjutnya.            Ada hal yang menarik untuk direnungkan yaitu tentang konsep arah mata angin di Sumbawa dapat menjadi larangan dan anjuran kepada masyarakatnya, seperti larangan tidak boleh tidur menghadapkan kepala ke arah utara atau bawa’ karena ada kesamaan dengan orang yang mati dan anjuran membangun rumah agar dihadapkan ke arah timur atau ano siup dipersepsikan akan mendatangkan rezeki dan terbebasnya dari wabah penyakit

    Design and Performance Test of Axial Halbach Brushless DC Motor with Power Density 1.5 Kw/Kg

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    Progress of technology on electric vehicle component sector is one reason the emergence of electric vehicles at the moment. Starting from battery which has a great current density up to the automatic control systems on electric vehicles. But there are still some shortcomings of this electric vehicle components, one of which is the low value of power density of existing electric motor in the market today.On vehicles such as electric cars when Race Car Contest, energy saving problems about power density of the driving motor is very vital. This is because the total weight of the vehicle has a huge influence on the vehicle efficiency is against it. The issue is one of the reasons of the research task. In this final task is done making the design, simulation, and architecture of the Axial Halbach Brushless DC Motor. Use of system configuration on the halbach magnet to avoid the use of iron as a material cantilever rotor. By changing the material of the cantilever rotor with lighter materials such as aluminum or even carbon fibre, the value of power density electric motors can be increased. Then using the litz wire on coil stator to reduce loss-power loss due to the barriers on the coil. Coreless stator on the system and to avoid the phenomenon of cogging at the time due to low rpm style attraction magnet with iron in the core material. While the creation process begins by determining the specifications of the Axial Halbach Brushless DC motors. Then go into the design phase of the mechanical and electrical design. Who then conducted simulations to help determine other parameters such as air gap, slot turn, and magnetic orientation. The process of making a component of stator and rotor after the simulation is completed. After all the components of the rotor and stator on assembly, mounting the hall sensor is carried out to the right to position obtained by reading the signals. After the motor can spin with good motor performance, testing can be done. This final task generates Axial Halbach Brushless DC Motor with construction of one rotor and a stator. Axial DC Brushless Halbach Motor consists of 10 pole halbach magnet system permanent and 30 slot on the stator. On the performance test of Axial Halbach Brushless DCMotor it obtained efficiency of 92.72%, power output of 807.34 Watts, torque of 2.24 Nm, moment rpm 3451. As well as the power density of 0.588 kW/kg at 50% throttle opening

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Tematik-integratif Berbasis Nilai Karakter Peduli Lingkungan Dan Tanggung Jawab

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar tematik-integratif dengan tema “Lingkunganku Bersih dan Sehat” berbasis nilai karakter peduli lingkungan dan tanggung jawab yang layak dan efektif untuk peserta didik kelas I SDN 2 Padokan Bantul. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian Research and Development (R & D), yang terdiri dari 9 tahap, yaitu: (1) studi pendahuluan dan pengumpulan informasi; (2) perencanaan; (3) pengembangan produk awal; (4) uji coba awal; (5) revisi untuk menyusun produk utama; (6) uji lapangan utama; (7) revisi produk operasional; (8) uji lapangan operasional; dan (9) revisi produk akhir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar yang dikembangkan layak dan efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Kelayakan bahan ajar ditunjukkan dengan penilaian “baik” oleh ahli materi dengan skor 50, penilaian “sangat baik” oleh ahli media dengan skor 47 dan penilaian “baik” oleh guru dengan skor 75. Keefektifan dibuktikan dengan hasil uji-t = -8,939 yang menunjukkan bahwa kenaikan rerata skor signifikan dengan nilai p sebesar 0,05 untuk karakter peduli lingkungan dan untuk karakter tanggung jawab hasil uji-t = -6,254 yang menunjukkan bahwa kenaikan rerata skor signifikan dengan nilai p sebesar 0,05