4,330 research outputs found

    The Effect of Motivation and Perceived Organizational Support to Commitment and Performance in Strategy Enhancing Performance Performance (Case Study PT Vale Indonesia Tbk)

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    For PT Vale Indonesia Tbk, performance is one of the important indicators for the company. Performance is also mentioned and described in the proceeds of the 2014 Joint Task Force which is the result of management agreements with trade unions as representatives of employees. To analyze the influence of motivation and perceived organizational support towards commitment and performance in employee performance improvement strategy at PT Vale Indonesia Tbk, used data collection technique through questionnaires distribution to selected employee as sample. Data analysis technique used in this research is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique. This method is commonly used for the examination of relatively complex relations simultaneously with a sample of 202 people at PT Vale Indonesia Tbk. The results showed that commitment was positively and significantly influenced by Perceived Organizational Support and motivation, performance was positively and significantly influenced by motivation and Perceived Organizational Suppor, while commitment had positive and significant effect on employee performance at PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk, so the hypothesis in this research is accepted


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    Studi ini bertjuan untuk mengetahui aspek terhadap korporasi dan pertanggungjawaban pidana terhadap korporasi yang melakukan pembakaran lahan dan hutan. Metode yang digunakan dalam menyelesaikan penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan konseptual. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perbuatan tindak pidana lingkungan hidup yang dilakukan korporasi pada pembakaran lahan dan hutan merupakan suatu delik materil tindakan melawan hukum yang menyebabkan pencemaran atau perusakan lingkungan hidup. Penegak hukum dapat lagi memperhatikan terhadap pertanggungjawaban pidana korporasi yang melakukan tindak pidana kebakaran hutan dan lahan, sehingga hal tersebut menjadi efek jera dan dapat mencegah korporasi lain untuk melakukannya karena kebakaran hutan

    Perancangan Antena Mikrostrip Dual-Band Patch Persegi Panjang Plannar Array 6 Elemen dengan Defected Ground Structure Berbentuk Segitiga untuk Jaringan Komunikasi Nirkabel 5G

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    In this paper, a six-element dual-band antenna array for 5G wireless communication network is presented. The proposed antenna's size is 25 x 3

    Analisa Penguasaan Hak Atas Tanah Tahun 2014 – 2015 (Studi Kasus : Kecamatan Lumajang, Kabupaten Lumajang)

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    Pembangunan daerah saat ini sangat pesat dan jumlah penduduk setiap tahun terus bertambah. Hal ini menjadi faktor utama meningkatnya kebutuhan manusia seperti kebutuhan pemukiman, industri, pelabuhan, pertanian/perikanan, pariwisata, kawasan pusat pemerintahan dan sebagainya [1]. Masalah tersebut menyebabkan tingkat permintaan lahan semakin tinggi sehingga berpengaruh terhadap Perubahan penguasaan hak atas tanah. Oleh karena itu diperlukan analisa penguasaan hak atas tanah terhadap penggunaan lahan di kecamatan lumajang untuk mengetahui Perubahan penguasaan hak atas tanah yang terjadi agar sesuai dengan perencanaan pembangunan kecamatan Lumajang. Penelitian ini menggunakan data spasial dan non spasial. Data spasial berupa peta persil tahun 2014 dan tahun 2015 sedangkan data non spasial berupa data penguasaan hak atas tanah. Peta diolah dengan menggunakan software ArcMap yang kemudian dilakukan pengolahan dengan analysis tools yaitu overlay sehingga didapatkan peta Perubahan penguasaan hak ata tanah yang memiliki tiga hak yaitu hak milik, hak guna bangunan, hak pakai. Setelah itu dilakukan perhitungan luas dengan menggunakan Calculate Geometry yang ada di atribute. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan Perubahan paling banyak terjadi pada hak milik

    Analisis Kewajiban Deposito sebagai Jaminan Reklamasi dan Pascatambang

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    Sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup menyebutkan bahwa dalam rangka melestarikan fungsi lingkungan hidup, maka setiap orang wajib untuk melindungi lingkungan. Undang-Undang Nomor 4 tahun 2009 tentang Mineral dan Batubara, mengatur mengenai izin USAha pertambangan. Perusahaan diwajibkan menyetor deposito untuk menjamin reklamasi dan pascatambang. Objek tulisan ini terkait dengan kewajiban deposito sebagai jaminan reklamasi dan pascatambang, dengan menggunakan metode yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setiap Perusahaan diwajibkan melakukan kegiatan pertambangan agar dapat melestarikan fungsi lingkungan hidup dan mencegah terjadinya pencemaran dan/ atau kerusakan lingkungan

    Detection of rotavirus infection in children with gastroenteritis attending three selected hospitals in Kano metropolis, Nigeria

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    The study aimed at detecting the incidence of rotavirus infection among children with gastroenteritis in Kano Metropolis. It was a descriptive cross-sectional study and a total of 200 stool samples were randomly collected and assayed for the presence of rotavirus antigens using Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay and confirmed using Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction. The study revealed that 21/200 (10.5%) stool samples were positive for rotavirus antigen and more males 13/21(6.5%) were positive than females 8/21 (4%) (p>0.05). The highest and lowest incidence rates in rotavirus infection of 42.8% (9/21) and 4.8% (1/21) were found among children aged 7–12 month and 31–36; 43–48 month (p>0.05) respectively. Most of the positive samples (95%) were from those who presented with diarrhea, vomiting and fever (p<0.05). The study further revealed that 20/21(95%) of the positive children were from married couples and the incidence rate was found to be independent of the educational level of the parent (p>0.05). Among the risk factors considered, source of drinking water (tap water) and playing with toys appeared to be the most predisposing factors as 16/21 (76%) and 19/21 (90.5%) of the children were found to be infected (p>0.05). Finally, the lowest rate of rotavirus infections was found in only 1/21 (0.5%) among the exclusively breastfed children compared to 14/21 (7%) of those on mixed feeding (p>0.05). The study recommends detection of rotavirus infection to be part of routine laboratory tests in our hospitals and advocates the concept of exclusive breastfeeding to curtail rate of infection among infants.Keywords: Rotavirus, Incidence rate, Risk factors, Children, Hospitals, Kano State

    Penciptaan Buku Pop-up Mesatua Bali Berjudul “I Lubdhaka” Dengan Teknik Pull Tab Sebagai Upaya Pelestarian Budaya Tradisional

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    Mesatua Bali is a tradition of storytelling the Parents to Children. However , currently Mesatua Bali The culture began to shift because influence of foreign culture and It is rare even society the apply culture of Masatua Bali. Hence this study aims to the creation pop-up books Mesatua Bali titled “I Lubdhaka” with pull tab techniques as aneffort to preservation the traditional culture. he study was conducted using with qualitative research methods is to conduct interviews, observation , documentation and literature book study to meet the needs of the data used as materials for concepts the creation pop-up books Mesatua Bali. Through the data analysis is done by a few keywords that are capable of supporting a creative strategy in the creation pop-up books Mesatua Bali to achieve the goal target audience. From the data analysis , the author found the concept “Swadharma”. Description of concept " Swadharma " That has Clearly (Something ) obligation to do, will provide awareness and interest to the children to have an obligation to maintain and conserve the traditional culture

    Potensi Pemanfaatan Perangkat Diagnostik ELISA Serta Variannya Untuk Deteksi Patogen Tanaman

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    Diseases aremajor constrains to agricultural crop productions in Indonesia.In the current free world trade system, the chances ofintroduction of plant quarantine agents are higher, and aredifficult to control, due to importation of seeds and otherplanting materials. Principles of the plant disease controlinclude exclusion and eradication. Early and accurate diseasediagnosis is an early and important step for a successfuldisease control. Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay(ELISA) is a promising technique for an aneffective andefficient disease diagnosis. Some advantages of techniqueover the conventional and molecular diagnostic techniquesare economical use of reagents, high sensitivity, relativelysimple and quick, suitable for large numbers of samples,and adaptable for automation. In the past decade, severalvariants and kits of ELISA had been introduced, such asIndirect ELISA, F(ab')2 ELISA, Dot Blot ELISA, and ImmunoFluorescence Assay (ELFA). Based on the solid membraneused, the Dot Blot ELISA some variants were developed,such as the NCM-ELISA, Tissue Blotting ELISA, dan Paper ELISA. The ELISA variants had different limit of detection levels. The limit detection of the variants for bacteria is ranging from 102-105 cells/ml, while those for viruses were from 1-10 ng/ml. The times required for the ELISA tests ranging from 5-48 hours. Models and components of ELISA kits for some viral and bacterial plant pathogens had been developed, but more are still needed since generally for each pathogen needs a different kit. The commercially available ELISA kits are limited in numbers, some of themare for pathogens that are not present in Indonesia. Production of ELISA kits for domestic uses will be more effective and efficent, particularly for pathogens that are present in the country. The ELISA kits are applicable not only fo detection and identification of pathogens, but also forecological study of the pathogens in conjuction with epidemiological study of the disease. This paper is a brief review on the ELISA technique and its variants and potential uses for detection of plant pathogen

    Analisis Kesediaan Membayar Jasa Lingkungan Dalam Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Air Minum Terpadu Di Indonesia (Studi Kasus DAS Cisadane Hulu)

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    Ecocentrism paradigm in development are intended to ensure the sustainability of water resources in the future for future generations. The research methodology was conducted with the model approach to drinking water users willingness to pay for environmental services (YWTP). The results in Analysis Willingness to Pay in Drinking Water Management in the Upstream Watershed Cisadane illustrates that the existence of a positive response from drinking water users (entrepreneurs) to be willingness to pay for environmental services (YWTP) as payment and reward for environmental services to the public because it is influenced by the presence and the beneficiaries are significantly linearly with level of education (sig. 0.041) and Variable in YWTP education significant at 95% confidence level. Policy implications of this research that the user (downstream) is willingness to pay (WTP) for environmental services with averaging Rp1 538.65 per m3 as payment or reward for environmental services to society (upstream), so the Government (Local) PES has a potential revenue to fund conservation of Rp106.94 billion per years, but in current conditions the government only earns Rp20.57 billionper year, so that only reached 19.24%
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