310 research outputs found

    Leadership, Governance and Public Policy Implementation Competencies in the Broader Public Sector

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    The public sector is massive and complex. It is massive in the sense that members of the publicvperceive it  forces they imperfectly understand and against which they are relatively powerless (Dunsire in Kaufmann 1991:326), yet its activities affect them directly. It is complex in the sense that although activities in the public sector (i.e. public administration) are supposed to be publicly accountable, the public neither has the knowledge about objectives nor the latest information on what is going on in the public sector. These are two preconditions for direct control (Dunsire In Kaufmann 1991:328). This massiveness and complexity of the public sector requires that those engaged in leadership (public leadership) and governance (public governance) have broader understanding of these concepts over and above the narrow understanding ascribed to them in most literature. The assumption is that public leadership and public governance could serve as pre-requisites for proper public policy implementation which is identified as the weakest link in the public policy process, with requisite implementation competencies in the broader public sector. Developmental states are characterised by a multitude of factors that need to be addressed such as poverty, structural adjustments, sustainable good governance in the face of globalisation and democracy, corruption and strategic policy challenges. The development of good public policies in developmental states is no panacea to problems facing such states. Even the importation of good administrative/management practices have not had the required impact on developmental states. This necessitates a revisit and analysis of other factors that may contribute positively towards achievement of developmental goals. This paper argues for public policy implementation competencies backed up by appropriate public leadership and public governance as mechanisms to address developmental goals both locally, continentally and globally. The underpinning problem statement is that why even the importation of good administrative/management practices have failed to impact positively on developmental states in their quest for development of their respective states. Keywords: Public leadership; public Governance; competencies

    Innovative Public Leadership versus New Public Management

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    There has been an increasing momentum in public sector reform  in Indonesia after 1999. The paper will seek to explore these impact of these reforms on public leaders in Indonesia and the extent to which these reforms embraces the traditional notion of new public management (NPM). The attention will also turn to the collective nature of innovative public leaders in Indonesia. It will also explore why public leaders take the option to work together across public organizations, in Indonesia. This form of collective public leadership seeks to promote, influence and deliver improved public service. The collective nature of innovative public leadership rather than its individual construct will be explored. The paper also takes its lead from the challenges presented by new public management theory, which has been dominant for the past 25 years. It also suggest that the time is ripe to move beyond new public management theory and move towards a new innovative public leadership theory.The paper seeks to turn attention to collective nature of innovative public leadership rather than its individual construct. It also explores how and why leaders work together across public institutions. Its goes further and takes it lead from challenges presented by the new public management movement, which has been dominant for over twenty years. The paper will suggest that the time is ripe to move beyond the new public management movement and move towards a new innovative public leadership and whilst aspects of public management, the real challenge for public sector is to achieve a stronger theory of innovative public leadership that emphasizes collective nature of public leadership. Keywords: Leadership, Public Management, and Innovative Leadershi

    Feasibility Study of Solar Power Generation System for Public Street Lighting

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    One of the uses of electricity that is widely used by society today is as a source of lighting. The increasing level of community mobility makes all activities require lighting. One part that is important and requires lighting is a highway or public road. PJU is a lighting lamp that is public (for the common good) and is usually installed on roads and certain places such as parks and other public places. PJU (street lighting) or road lighting is a light source that is installed as street lighting at night. Public street lighting using solar power is a cheap and economical alternative to be used as a source of lighting electricity because it uses a new and unlimited renewable energy source that comes from nature, namely solar energy. This study aims to determine the feasibility of solar street lighting in the future as a substitute for conventional public street lighting in the future by looking at the Net present cost, and Break even point assisted by HOMER software version 3.10.3. And the results obtained from the calculation of the Net present cost of conventional street lighting costs less, which is only Rp. 30,245,473 and the Net present cost of solar street lighting costs an initial investment of Rp. 128,341,312 and the BEP (Break even point) graph that has not been found to break even.

    Models for Estimating Energy and Protein Utilization for Feeds

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    Data on the proximate nutrient content of feedstuffs , digestibility and energy utilization available from the International Feedstuffs Institute (Utah State University) were used to develop mathematical models for estimating energy and protein utilization of five classes of feedstuffs for various kinds of animals. Classes of feedstuffs were subdivided into more related subclasses. Furthermore, data from all feeds were pooled together then subgrouped into more related subgroups in an attempt to gain high precision in prediction of digestible proximate nutrients and TDN from a single chemical entity by the use of simple regression models (Y = bo + b1x1). Digestible percentages (Y) of crude protein , ether extract, crude fiber and nitrogen free extract were highly correlated with their proximate contents (Xs) of most classes, subclasses and subgroups of feedstuffs for various kinds of animals. However, the use of linear multiple regression equation resulted in more precision in estimating each digestible nutrient (Y) from proximate analysis (Xl ; CP%, Xz ; EE% , x3 ; CF% and X4 ; NFE%) of the different classes of feedstuffs for various kinds of animals. Prediction of digestible proximate nutrients made it possible to calculate Tn~ by the conventional equation: TDN ; DCP% + DCF% + DNFE% + 2.25 x DEE%. And to calculate digestible energy (DE) from the following equation : DE(Mcal/kg); 5.72 (DCP%) + 9.5 (DEE%)+ 4.79 (DCF%) + 4. 03 (NFE%)/100 TDN, DE and ME (Ys) were highly correlated with the digestible proximate nutrients (X1 ; DCP%, x2 ; DEE% , X3 ; DCF% and X4 = DNFE%) and with proximate analysis (upon the use of multiple regression models). However, TDN, DE and ME (Ys) were not predictable with high precision from any one single chemical entity (Xs) in most cases of the different classes of feedstuffs for various kinds of animals. DE (Y) was highly correlated with TDN values (X), and ME (Y) was highly correlated with DE and TDN (Xs) values of t he different classes of feedstuffs for various kinds of animals. The inclusion of physical descriptions (qualitative factors) of feedstuffs along with chemical analysis (quantitative factors) gave promising results predicting TDN content of feedstuffs. MEn and NEP for poultry were highly correlated with proximate analysis of the different classes of feedstuffs. NEP was also estimated with high precision from MEn. However, both MEn and NEP were not highly associated with single chemical entities. The dissertation contains an extensive literature review on systems of evaluating nutritive value, and factors affecting digestibility of feedstuffs. This dissertation also contains numerous equations which predict each digestible nutrient from its proximate content and from proximate analysis; TDN, DE and ME from each proximate nutrient, digestible proximate nutrients and proximate analysis; DE and~~ from TDN; and ME from DE contents of different classes of feedstuffs for various kinds of animals. Moreover, there are complex equations to predict TDN from proximate analysis and their interactions and from proximate analysis plus physical descriptions of feedstuffs for various kinds of animals


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    This study aims to determine the effect of work environment, work culture, work motivation, job satisfaction, work discipline, and work stress on employee performance. This type of research is quantitative research. The research sample was 63 employees of PT. Hasjrat Abadi Palu. The results of regression analysis show that the work environment, work culture, job satisfaction, and job stress partially have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Meanwhile, work motivation and work discipline do not have a significant effect on employee performance. The results can be used as a source of information in determining company policies to improve employee performance. In addition, these findings can be used as a reference for further research interested in discussing employee performance

    Pengaruh Growth Opportunities, Komite Audit dan Kepemilikan Manajerial terhadap Konservatisme Akuntansi

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    ABSTRACT Conservatism is a cautious reaction to the uncertainty inherent in a company to try to ensure that uncertainty and risk in the business environment have been sufficiently considered. Accounting conservatism is still applied because accounting uses the accrual basis in forming and presenting the company's financial statements, therefore many factors can influence accounting conservatism in a company. This study aims to test Growth Opportunities, Audit Committees and Managerial Ownership on Accounting Conservatism in Energy sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017 - 2022. The research sample collection technique used the purposive sampling method, so that a sample of 9 companies was obtained with 54 data observations and using an associative quantitative approach. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis, with data processing using EViews 9. The results of the study indicate that Growth Opportunities have an effect on Accounting Conservatism. The Audit Committee and Managerial Ownership have no effect on Accounting Conservatism.  Keywords: Growth Opportunities, Audit Committee, Managerial Ownership, Accounting Conservatism.   ABSTRAK Konservatisme adalah reaksi hati-hati terhadap ketidakpastian yang melekat pada suatu perusahaan untuk mencoba memastikan bahwa ketidakpastian dan risiko dalam lingkungan bisnis telah dipertimbangkan secara memadai. Konservatisme akuntansi masih diterapkan karena akuntansi menggunakan basis akrual dalam pembentukan dan penyajian laporan keuangan perusahaan, oleh karena itu banyak faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi konservatisme akuntansi pada suatu perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji Growth Opportunities, Komite Audit dan Kepemilikan Manajerial terhadap Konservatisme Akuntansi pada perusahaan sektor Energi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2017 – 2022. Teknik pengumpulan sampel penelitian menggunakan metode purposive sampling, sehingga diperoleh sampel sebanyak 9 perusahaan. diperoleh dengan 54 data observasi dan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif asosiatif. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda, dengan pengolahan data menggunakan EViews 9. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Peluang Pertumbuhan berpengaruh terhadap Konservatisme Akuntansi. Komite Audit dan Kepemilikan Manajerial tidak berpengaruh terhadap Konservatisme Akuntansi.  Kata Kunci: Growth Opportunities, Komite Audit, Kepemilikan Manajerial, Konservatisme Akuntansi


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    Penelitian ini mengkaji pemenuhan hak disabilitas dalam konteks membangun integrasi bangsa di Lapas Indonesia. Penyandang disabilitas sering mengalami marginalisasi dan hambatan dalam partisipasi sosial. Penelitian ini menganalisis aksesibilitas fisik fasilitas, program pendidikan dan pelatihan inklusif, pelayanan kesehatan yang memadai, dan partisipasi dalam program rehabilitasi sosial di lapas. Hasilnya mengindikasikan kurangnya aksesibilitas fisik, program pendidikan yang terbatas, pelayanan kesehatan yang tidak memadai, dan stigma sosial sebagai hambatan utama dalam pemenuhan hak disabilitas. Integrasi narapidana disabilitas dapat mendukung pembangunan bangsa yang inklusif. Studi ini merekomendasikan perbaikan aksesibilitas fisik fasilitas, pengembangan program pendidikan inklusif yang sesuai, peningkatan pelayanan kesehatan yang memadai, dan upaya pengurangan stigma sosial. Dengan mengatasi hambatan-hambatan ini, diharapkan narapidana disabilitas dapat lebih berpartisipasi dalam masyarakat setelah pembebasan, berkontribusi positif, dan mengurangi risiko keterlibatan kembali dalam tindakan kriminal.Kata Kunci: Narapidana Disabilitas, Hak Narapidana, Lapas Indonesi


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    This study aims to determine the effect of work environment, work culture, work motivation, job satisfaction, work discipline, and work stress on employee performance. This type of research is quantitative research. The research sample was 63 employees of PT. Hasjrat Abadi Palu. The results of regression analysis show that the work environment, work culture, job satisfaction, and job stress partially have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Meanwhile, work motivation and work discipline do not have a significant effect on employee performance. The results can be used as a source of information in determining company policies to improve employee performance. In addition, these findings can be used as a reference for further research interested in discussing employee performance
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