8 research outputs found


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    Sosialisasi program motorik halus dan kasar yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik pada wali murid TK Takdzibiyah. Motorik kasar sendiri adalah gerakan yang melibatkan seluruh gerakan anggota tubuh dan gerakan tungkai, seperti melompat, berenang, menembak. Sedangkan motorik halus adalah meningkatnya pengkordinasian gerak tubuh yang melibatkan otot dan syaraf yang jauh lebih kecil atau detail. Keduanya mampu mengembangkan gerak motorik halus seperti meremas kertas, menyobek, menggambar, menulis, dan lain sebagainya. Perkembangan motorik pada anak meliputi dua macam,yaitu perkembangan motorik kasar dan perkembangan motorik halus. Anak mengalami masa cemas pada usia taman kanak – kanak. Pada masa ini anak mengalami perkembangan yang luar biasa baik pada otak maupun fisiknya, maka dari itu perlunya pengetahuan dan peran orang tua untuk menunjang perkembangan motorik pada anak usia 5 tahun. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman orang tua tentang pentingnya perkembangan motorik anak- anak mereka, sehingga dapat membantu menguatkan dan mematangkan motorik anak yang nantinya akan berdampak baik pada tumbuh kembang anak. Metode pelaksanaan melibatkan workshop, seminar dan sesi tanya jawab. Hasil dan pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa sosialisasi ini memberikan manfaat yang signifikan dalam meningkatkan pemahaman wali murid tentang program motorik halus dan kasa


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    Sosialisasi merupakan sebuah proses penanaman atau pemindahan kebiasaan atau nilai dan aturan dari satu generasi ke generasi lainnya dalam sebuah kelompok atau masyarkat. Sosialisai penentuan harga jual suatu produk sangat di butuhkan dalam pelaku usaha terutama pelaku usaha yang baru saja merintis. Kegiatan pengabdian warga ini dilakukan pada warga Desa Sidokelar, Kecamatan Paciran, Kabupaten Lamongan. Pada kegitan sosialisasi penentuan harga jual produk ini dikhususkan untuk ibu-ibu PKK yang ingin merintis suatu usaha. Mayoritas ibu- ibu PKK yang ingin merintis suatu usaha masih belum memadai tentang cara perhitungan harga jual produk yang benar. Mereka tidak memahami cara mengidentifikasi biaya dan menggolongkannya secara tepat. Dampaknya, keuntungan yang dihasilkan menjadi tidak optimal atau berbeda-beda setiap bulannya. Kegiatan sosialisasi ini bertujuan untuk menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan ibu-ibu PKK Desa Sidokelar mengenai perhitungan harga jual produk. Kegiatan sosialisasi diikuti oleh 15 orang peserta yang dilakukan pada tanggal 27 September 2023 di Balai Desa Sidokelar. Tahapan pengabdian meliputi tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan dan tahap evaluasi. Setelah mengikuti kegiatan sosialisasi KKN UMG Prodi Akuntansi berharap pengetahuan ibu-ibu PKK Desa Sidokelar dalam perhitungan harga jual produk meningkat dan nantinya mampu mengidentifikasi dan menggolongkan biaya-biaya pada usaha yang dikelolanya. Kegiatan sosialisasi ini berdampak positif dalam menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan ibu-ibu PKK yang ingin merintis usah


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    Pendidik atau guru mempunyai tuntutan untuk selalu berkembang. Kewajiban seorang pendidik yaitu melakukan pendidikan, tetapi mendapat nilai tambah jika bisa melakukan penelitian. Penelitian merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk memeriksa sebuah kondisi. Kegiatan memeriksa nantinya akan didokumentasikan dalam bentuk jurnal yang bisa dipublikasikan dan bisa dijadikan acuhan bagi peneliti lain. Guru bisa melakukan penelitian sesuai dengan bidang keilmuannya. Kompetensi keahlian dibidang proses permesinan bisa melakukan yang penelitian yang memberikan solusi secara praktis. Dimana hasil penelitian bisa digunakan untuk praktikum bubut siswa SMKN 1 Pungging Proses permesinan dengan alat bubut memerlukan tingkat penghilangan material yang tinggi sehingga dari proses penghilangan material bisa dijagikan variable yang akan dilakukan dengan riset terapan. Hasil dari riset terapan adalah mengetahui pengaturan kecepatan spindle, gerak umpan dan kedalaman umpan dalam menghasilkan proses manufaktur yang efeksif dan efisien. Setelah mengetahui pengaturan yang efektif dan efisien, guru bisa menggunakan pengaturan tersebut dalam memproduksi produk yang dijual di Badan Layanan Umum Daerah (BLUD) dan mengembangkan kinerja SMK

    Characterization of PLA/PCL/green mussel shells Hydroxyapatite (HA) biocomposites prepared by chemical blending methods

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    Recently, there has been an increase in the number of studies conducted on the process of developing hydroxyapatite (HA) to use in biocomposites. HA can be derived from natural sources such as bovine bone. The HA usage obtained from green mussel shells in biocomposites in this study will be explored. The research goal is to investigate the composition effect of biomaterials derived from polycaprolactone (PCL), polylactic acid (PLA), as well as HA obtained from green mussel shells with a chemical blending method on mechanical properties and degradation rate. First, 80 mL of chloroform solution was utilized to immerse 16 g of the PLA/PCL mixture with the ratios of 85:15 and 60:40 for 30 min. A magnetic stirrer was used to mix the solution for an additional 30 min at a temperature and speed of 50 °C and 300 rpm. Next, the hydroxyapatite (HA) was added in percentages of 5%, 10%, and 15%, as well as 20% of the PLA/PCL mixture’s total weight. It was then stirred for 1 h at 100 rpm at 65 °C to produce a homogeneous mixture of HA and polymer. The biocomposite mixture was then added into a glass mold as per ASTM D790. Following this, biocomposite specimens were tested for their density, biodegradability, and three points of bending in determining the effect of HA and polymer composition on the degradation rate and mechanical properties. According to the findings of this study, increasing the HA and PLA composition yields a rise in the mechanical properties of the biocomposites. However, the biocomposite degradation rate is increasing

    Investigating the effect of deacetylation temperature on the characterization of chitosan from crab shells as a candidate for organic nanofluids

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    Chitosan has been broadly utilized in bone scaffold production because of its antibacterial qualities, low toxicity, biodegradability, biocompatibility, and ability to aid regeneration processes in wound healing. In this work, chitosan was produced from crab shell waste through demineralization, deproteination, and deacetylation, utilizing HCl 1:7 (v/v), NaOH 3%, 1:10 (v/w), and NaOH 50%. The aim of this study is to examine the deacetylation temperature’s impact towards the crystallinity index, chemical bond, degree of deacetylation, and morphology of chitosan synthesized. The deacetylation procedure was conducted for eight hours at temperatures of 100°C, 120°C, and 140°C. The synthesized chitosan was evaluated by utilizing XRD, FTIR, and SEM methods. According to the findings of this investigation, deacetylation at a temperature of 140 °C produced the highest degree of deacetylation, resulting in the highest quality chitosan. In addition, compared to other obtained chitosans, the shape of this result of synthesis is homogenous. At a deacetylation temperature of 140°C, the amounts of deacetylation degree, and crystallinity index of the chitosan were, in order, 81%, and 44

    Synthesis and characterization of calcium carbonate obtained from green mussel and crab shells as a biomaterials candidate

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    Green mussel and crab shells are natural sources of CaCO3, which is widely used as a bioceramic for biomedical applications, although they are commonly disposed of in landfills. The improper disposal of green mussel and crab shells can cause environmental pollution, reducing the quality of life in the community. Many studies have reported the preparation of CaCO3 from green mussels and crab shells. However, there are limited studies comparing the characteristics, including the crystal phase obtained, weight percentage (%) of crystal, crystal size, crystal system, and elemental composition of CaCO3 from green mussel shells, crab shells, and commercial CaCO3. The objective of this research was to compare the calcium carbonate properties formed from green mussel (PMS) and crab (PCS) shells to commercial CaCO3. Green mussel and crab shells were crushed to powder and were calcined at 900 °C for 5 h. Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) was synthesized from calcined green mussel and crab shells using a solution of 2M HNO3, NH4OH, and CO2 gas. The effect of setting parameters on the synthesized product was analyzed using XRD and SEM-EDX methods. This study shows that the chemical composition of PMS is nearly identical to that of commercial CaCO3, where no contaminants were identified. In contrast, PCS has N components other than Ca, C, and O. Furthermore, the predominance of the vaterite crystal phases in PMS and PCS, with respective weight percentages of 91.2% and 98.9%, provides a benefit for biomaterial applications. The crystallite sizes of vaterite in PMS, PCS, and calcite in commercial CaCO3 are 34 nm, 21 nm, and 15 nm, respectively

    Characterization of PLA/PCL/Green Mussel Shells Hydroxyapatite (HA) Biocomposites Prepared by Chemical Blending Methods

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    Recently, there has been an increase in the number of studies conducted on the process of developing hydroxyapatite (HA) to use in biocomposites. HA can be derived from natural sources such as bovine bone. The HA usage obtained from green mussel shells in biocomposites in this study will be explored. The research goal is to investigate the composition effect of biomaterials derived from polycaprolactone (PCL), polylactic acid (PLA), as well as HA obtained from green mussel shells with a chemical blending method on mechanical properties and degradation rate. First, 80 mL of chloroform solution was utilized to immerse 16 g of the PLA/PCL mixture with the ratios of 85:15 and 60:40 for 30 min. A magnetic stirrer was used to mix the solution for an additional 30 min at a temperature and speed of 50 °C and 300 rpm. Next, the hydroxyapatite (HA) was added in percentages of 5%, 10%, and 15%, as well as 20% of the PLA/PCL mixture’s total weight. It was then stirred for 1 h at 100 rpm at 65 °C to produce a homogeneous mixture of HA and polymer. The biocomposite mixture was then added into a glass mold as per ASTM D790. Following this, biocomposite specimens were tested for their density, biodegradability, and three points of bending in determining the effect of HA and polymer composition on the degradation rate and mechanical properties. According to the findings of this study, increasing the HA and PLA composition yields a rise in the mechanical properties of the biocomposites. However, the biocomposite degradation rate is increasing