207 research outputs found

    Estimation of Genetic Parameter for Quantitative Characters of Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    The research was conducted at Leuwikopo Experimental Field and Plant Breeding Laboratory of IPB, Dramaga, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia from October 2012 to April 2013. Crossing population between C15 and C2 genotype were used to study genetic parameters for quantitative characters in pepper. All the characters were not controlled by maternal effect, except fruit length. Broad-sense heritability were high for plant height, stem diameter, dichotomous height, days to flower, days to harvest; and medium for fruit length and diameter. Narrow-sense heritability was high for stem diameter, dichotomous height, days for flowering; medium for plant height, days to harvest; and low for fruit length and diameter. The ratio of additive variance was high for all the characters, except for fruit length and fruit diameter.Keywords: heritability, heterosis, heterobeltiosis, additive variance, dominant varianc

    Evaluation of Progress Selection of F2 - F6 Population, A Cross between Two Lowland Tomato Genotypes

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    One of the parameters that can be measured from the activities of selection  is  progress  selection.  The population of a plant which has been selected  is expected to  be good against a derivative of a  crop which was selected. The aim of this research   is to study the results of progress selection varieties superior of tomato plants down the generations in the population F2 005001 until F6 005001-4-1-12-3 with a standard tomato cultivar, “Ratna”. The result showed that the selected genotypes have shown improvements over the standard cutivar in terms of weight per fruit, fruit weight  per plant, the number   of fruits per plant, fruit thickness and the age of harvested plants in the population F2-005001 until F6 005001-4-1-12-3. The mean against the character being observed in the population F2 005001 until F6 005001-4-1-12-3 indicated that the result is better    if compared with both parents, P1 (SSH-5 ) and P2 (Intan) and the standard cultivar “Ratna”. The value of heritability a wider sense indicate its value being on each character of being selected, while the value of heritability in a more narrow sense showed a low value on every character. The value of progress against character selection of weights per fruit, the weight of the fruit per plant, the number of fruit per plant, thick flesh fruit and the age of harvest showed increased slow progress in a genotype F2 005001 followed by a period of rapid progress in a genotype F4 005001-4-1 and very slow in a genotype F6 005001-4-1-12-3

    Evaluation of Yield and Pigment Content of Eleven Genotypes of Green and Purple Pod Yard Long Bean (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.)

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    The consumption of yard long bean in Indonesia is high and it has been increasing continuously, but the production and harvest area has been decreasing. New, superior long bean varieties with higher productivity are required to meet the increasing demands. The aim of this study was to evaluate the morphological and yield characters of selected purple and green long bean genotypes. The research was conducted from February to May 2018 in the Madiun district, East Java, Indonesia. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with genotypes as the single factor treatment, replicated three times. Eleven yard long bean genotypes were tested, consisting of four new genotypes, F7-013014- 4U-16-1-1, “F7-013014-4U-16-1-2”, “F7-013014- 4U-16-1-3”, and “F7-013014-7P-4-1-1”, and seven control genotypes, “KP13”, “KP14”, “KP Putih China”, “KP Putih China”, “Borneo”, “Sabrina” and “Parade”. The new genotypes, “F7-013014-4U-16-1-1, “F7- 013014-4U-16-1-2”, “F7-013014-4U-16-1-3”, and “F7-013014-7P-4-1-1” had at least one superior characters compared to the control genotypes, i.e. earlier fl owering and time to harvest, longer leaves, greater pod weight, longer pods, larger pod diameter, and higher contents of anthocyanin, carotene, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and total chlorophyll. Keywords: anthocyanin, genotype, pigment, carotene, chlorophyl

    Heritabilitas dan Hubungan Antar Karakter Kuantitatif Kecipir (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC) pada Tiga Lingkungan

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    Kecipir (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC) dijuluki sebagai kedelai daerah tropis dengan potensi kandungan gizi tinggi. Kurangnya informasi mengenai komponen keragaman dan heritabilitas dalam pemuliaan kecipir menjadi salah satu penyebab belum berkembangnya program pemuliaan kecipir di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi ragam, heritabilitas dan hubungan antar karakter kecipir. Penelitian dilakukan di tiga lingkungan yaitu dua lingkungan di Bogor, dan satu lingkungan di Palembang, pada bulan Januari 2019 sampai dengan Juni 2020. Pengujian dilakukan terhadap 11 genotipe kecipir dan 11 karakter pengamatan. Hasil menunjukkan karakter umur berbunga dan jumlah biji per polong memiliki keragaman genetik yang luas. Nilai heritabilitas tinggi ditunjukkan oleh karakter jumlah biji per polong (89.48%), umur berbunga (83.32%), panjang polong muda (70.97%) dan bobot 100 biji (68.63%). Hasil analisis lintas menunjukkan karakter produktivitas polong muda (1.07), bobot biji per plot (0.81), umur berbunga (0.29), panjang polong muda (0.17), lebar polong muda (0.12), bobot biji per tanaman (0.09), dan bobot 100 biji (0.01) memiliki pengaruh langsung positif terhadap produktivitas biji kecipir. Umur berbunga, jumlah biji per polong dan bobot biji per tanaman merupakan karakter yang tepat menjadi kriteria seleksi dalam merakit kecipir berproduksi tinggi. Kata kunci: analisis lintas, keragaman genetik, korelasiWinged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC) is known as tropical soybean with high nutritional content. Lack of information on the variance components and heritability of winged bean breeding is one of the reasons for the lack of winged bean breeding programs in Indonesia. This reseach aimed to obtain information on variance components, heritability and relationship between winged bean traits. The experiment was conducted in three environments, from January 2019 to June 2020. Two environments located in Bogor and one in Palembang. Eleven genotypes of winged bean were tested and 11 traits were observed. The result showed that flowering time and seed number per pod performed wide genetic variability. High heritability was observed on seed number per pod (89.48%), flowering time (83.32%), young pods length (70.97%), and weight of 100 seeds (68.63%). The results of correlation analysis and path analysis showed that young pod productivity (1.07), seed weight per plot (0.81), flowering time (0.29), young pod length (0.17), young pod width (0.12), seed weight per plant (0.09), and 100 seeds weight (0.01) had a positive direct effect on wing bean productivity. Flowering time, seed number per pod, seed weight per plant are suitable characters for selection criteria for breeding high productivity winged bean. Keywords: correlation, genetic variability, path analysi

    Analisis Keragaman Genetik Karakter Morfologi Populasi M2 Cabai Hasil Iradiasi Sinar Gamma

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    Mutasi merupakan teknik untuk meningkatkan keragaman genetik sebagai modal dasar perakitan varietas unggul. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis keragaman genetik populasi M2 cabai hasil iradiasi sinar gamma berdasarkan karakter morfologi. Analisis keragaman genetik dilakukan melalui pendugaan ragam genetik, heritabilitas arti luas, serta sidik lintas karakter-karakter yang berpengaruh langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap hasil. Sebanyak 350 tanaman M2 dievaluasi karakter morfologinya di Kebun Percobaan BB Biogen Bogor pada bulan Agustus 2020 hingga Januari 2021. Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai keragaman genetik yang luas pada populasi M2 diperoleh pada karakter umur panen dan lebar tajuk. Nilai heritabilitas arti luas yang tinggi terdapat pada karakter panjang buah, diameter buah, bobot per buah, panjang daun, lebar daun, dan lebar tajuk. Sementara itu sidik lintas menunjukkan terdapat dua karakter yang memiliki nilai pengaruh langsung yang besar terhadap hasil yaitu diameter batang dan lebar tajuk. Kata kunci: heritabilitas, induksi mutasi, korelasi, ragam genetik, sidik lintasMutation is a useful technique that could be used to increase genetic variability of chili as a basis for developing new improved varieties. The aim of this study was to analyze the genetic variability of M2 population derived from gamma irradiation based on morphological characters. The analysis was conducted through estimation of genetic variability, broad-sense heritability, and also path analysis to see which characters have a direct and indirect effect on the yield. As many as 350 M2 plants were evaluated for their morphological characters at the ICABIOGRAD experimental field in Bogor from August 2020 to January 2021. The results showed that harvest period and canopy width had a broad genetic variability in M2 population. Several quantitative characters such as fruit length, fruit diameter, weight per fruit, leaf length, leaf width, and canopy width showed high broad-sense heritability values. Path analysis showed that there were two characters namely stem diameter and canopy width with the highest direct effect on the yield. Keywords: correlation, genetic variance, heritability, induced mutation, path analysi

    Respon Pertumbuhan Cabai Hias (Capsicum annuum L.) dalam Pot terhadap Komposisi Pupuk AB Mix

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    Tanaman cabai dapat dibudidayakan sebagai tanaman hias dalam pot karena keragaan tanaman yang tidak terlalu tinggi, memiliki buah yang berwarna-warni, dan tampilannya menarik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh beberapa komposisi pupuk AB mix terhadap penampilan genotipe cabai hias Viola, Adelina, dan Ayesha sebagai tanaman hias dalam pot. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di rumah kaca Kebun Percobaan Cikabayan, IPB Dramaga Bogor pada bulan Agustus sampai November 2019. Percobaan ini dilakukan menggunakan rancangan petak terbagi (split plot RKLT). Petak utama adalah pemupukan: P1 (AB mix cabai hara tinggi), P2 (AB mix cabai hara rendah), dan P3 (AB mix general). Anak petak adalah: G1 (Viola), G2 (Adelina), dan G3 (Ayesha). Peningkatan pertumbuhan dan keragaan cabai hias genotipe Viola, Adelina, dan Ayesha dapat dilakukan dengan pemberian pupuk AB Mix cabai baik yang memiliki kandungan hara tinggi maupun rendah dan AB mix general. Genotipe Viola dan Ayesha memiliki keragaan terbaik pada 10 MST dengan pemberian pupuk AB mix general. Tanaman cabai hias genotipe Adelina memiliki keragaan terbaik pada 10 MST dengan pemberian pupuk AB mix cabai hara tinggi. Kata kunci: AB mix, keragaan, komposisi pupuk, proporsi tanaman, tanaman hia

    Growth and Development of Potted Ornamental Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) with Different Types of Fertilizer and Growing Media

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    Chilli has great potential to be marketed as ornamental potted plants due to their diversity in colours and shape of the fruits. The purpose of this research was to determine the optimum growing media and types of fertilizer to improve the performance of three varieties of potted ornamental chilli, ”Syakira”, “Lembayung”, and “Ayesha”. This research was conducted in Cikabayan greenhouse, Bogor Agricultural University, from December 2016 until May 2017. The experiment was arranged in a split plot design with fertilizer as the main factor (without fertilizer, P0; AB mix; P1, and NPK + Gandasil D, P2) and growing media as sub plots, i.e. charcoal husk : soil : manure (M1), perlite: soil : manure (M1), and cocopeat : soil: manure (M3) with proportion of 2:1:1 (v/v). NPK fertilizer and foliar fertilizer Gandasil D showed the maximum plant height, number of branches, number of flowers and fruits. “Ayesha” treated with AB mix fertilizer had the largest fruit diameter whereas “Syakira” and “Ayesha” had the longest fruit under the same treatment. Ornamental chilli grown on charcoal husk and cocopeat had the maximum number of branches and flowers per plant. “Syakira” grown on charcoal husk with AB mix and NPK + Gandasil D, “Lembayung” using cocopeat with AB mix fertilizer, and “Ayesha” varieties using charcoal husk with AB mix fertilizer were the most preferred by the consumers

    Community Participation Relationship with Flood Disaster Mitigation in Boliyohuto District, Gorontalo District

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    Disaster is the incident or sequence which threatens and disrupts people’s lives that caused of natural and non natural factors as well as human factors resulting in fatalities environmental damage, and property loss. The objective of research was to determine the relationship between society’s participations with flood disaster mitigation at Tolite village, Boliyohuto sub district. The design used quantitative descriptive with cross sectional study approach. The populations are 1101 respondents of societies with sampling was used purposive sampling technique with the samples determinate used slovin formula therefore obtained the samples are 92 respondents. Statistical test used chi square. With significance value is p value= 0,005 small than (p<0,05) thus Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Concluded, there is significance relationship between between society’s participations with flood disaster mitigation at Tolite village, Boliyohuto sub district

    Perbedaan Respon Pertumbuhan, Fisiologi dan Produksi 20 Genotipe Cabai Rawit terhadap Berbagai Tingkat Naungan

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    Salah satu faktor pembatas utama yang mempengaruhi produksi cabai rawit adalah cekaman cahaya rendah. Varietas unggul cabai toleran terhadap cahaya rendah sampai saat ini belum banyak dilaporkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui perbedaan respon pertumbuhan, fisiologi, dan produksi 20 genotipe tanaman cabai rawit terhadap intensitas cahaya rendah. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Oktober 2020 - April 2021 di Kebun Percobaan Cikabayan IPB. Penelitian ini disusun dalam rancangan kelompok lengkap teracak. Faktor naungan terdiri atas 4 taraf, yaitu 0, 25, 50, dan 75%. Respon genotipe cabai rawit terhadap naungan 50% menunjukkan keragaman yang lebih besar daripada tingkat naungan lainnya. Berdasarkan pengelompokan genotipe, spesies C. frutescens memiliki genotipe senang naungan lebih banyak dibanding dengan spesies C. annuum. Pemberian naungan 50% meningkatkan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun dan luas daun pada semua kelompok genotipe. Kelompok genotipe senang naungan memberikan peningkatan tertinggi pada karakter morfologi. Jumlah buah per tanaman, bobot per buah dan total bobot buah per tanaman secara nyata turun pada kelompok genotipe peka dan moderat naungan. Ketiga peubah tersebut lebih tinggi secara signifikan pada kondisi naungan daripada tanpa naungan pada kelompok genotipe senang naungan. Kata kunci: agroforestri, cahaya, fotosintesis, pigmenThe main limiting factor affecting chili production is low light stress. Until recently, there have not been many reports of superior varieties of chili tolerant to low light. The aim of this study was to understand the difference of growth, physiology, and production responses of 20 chili genotypes under shading conditions. This study was conducted at Cikabayan Experimental Station of IPB University from October 2020 to April 2021. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design. The shade factor consisted of four levels, namely 0, 25, 50, and 75%. The chili genotype response to 50% shade showed greater diversity compared to other shade levels. Based on genotype grouping, C. frutescens species had more shade-loving genotypes than C. annuum species. Fifty-percent shade increased plant height, number of leaves, and leaf area in all genotype groups. The shade-loving genotype group had the highest increase in morphological characters. The number of fruits per plant, weight per fruit, and total fruit weight per plant significantly decreased in the shade sensitive and moderate genotype groups. These three variables were significantly higher in shaded conditions than without shade in shade-loving genotype group. Keywords: agroforestry, light, photosynthesis, pigmen

    Diallel Analysis of Chili Pepper Resistance to Melon Aphid (Aphis gossypii Glover) Infestation in Seedling Phase

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    Aphis gossypii Glover is one of important insect pest in Indonesia. Genetic analysis of resistance to A. gossypii is required in plant breeding program to obtain host-plant resistance cultivar. Diallel analysis was used to estimate genetic parameters for chili pepper resistance to A. gossypii infestation in early generation. The objective of this research was to estimate genetic parameters of chili pepper resistance to A. gossypii infestation with diallel crossing design. The F1 and parent plants were arranged in randomized competed block design with three replication. Resistance lines was measured using choice test laboratory screening techniques. Two aphids were infested per plant and stopped 12 days after first infestation. Different lines respond was detected as shown by significant numbers of aphid per leaf, total aphid per plant, and total winged aphid per plant. There were no maternal effect and resistance were controlled by recessive and polygenic genes. Gene effects for resistance to aphid’s infestation were additive and dominance. Dominance effect larger than additive effects. Broad-sense heritability values were high but narrow-sense heritability values were very lo
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