9 research outputs found


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    Kepahiang Regency is ones of largest producing robusta coffee on Bengkulu Province. Many business actors are involved in the activities of this product supply chain system, they are supposed to be lower income This research tried to explain in a detailed and systematic description so that the three activities in the robusta coffee supply chain system in Kepahiang Regency. Snow ball sampling method was used to determine actors sample in Supply Chain System of Robusta Coffee. Secondary data was production, land size, and productifity were collected from Central Bureau of Statistics, Regional Agriculture Office of Kepahiang Regency and coffee consumption was collected from International Coffee Organization. Primary data was product, price, quantity, delivery time, payment, and delivery services. Data analysis used Hayami et al model for value added, share margin for financial flow, flow diagram for information and product flows. The results showed that there are three patterns of robusta coffee supply chain in Kepahiang Regency, namely Pattern 1: Coffee farmers –Village collectors – Regency Collectors-Coffee Shop Palembang. Pattern 2: Coffee farmers –Village collectors – Regency collectors 1– Coffee company- Exporter. Pattern 3: Coffee farmers - Regency collectors 2 - Coffee company - Exporter. Generally, business activities in the supply chain in namely 1) categorization of the quality and quantity of large products in the supply chains 2, and 3, 2) Flow of price information is obtained from business actors downstream as price maker to actors upstream as price taker in the supply chain system, and 3) financial flow and the largest marketing margin in supply chains 2, 3 and 1 respectively,and 4) the payment system being carried out in three, namely cash, credit and payment. Value added is received by company was Rp12.151 per kgs since it was grading treatment for gaining better product quality. The development of processing industry of robusta coffee could increase added value of product and income of actors in Supply Chain System, then contribute to regional economy.Kabupaten Kepahiang salah satu penghasil kopi robusta terbesar di Propinsi Bengkulu. Banyak pelaku usaha terlibat dalam sistem aliran rantai pasok kopi robusta diduga pendapatan pelaku usaha lebih rendah. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menjelaskan sistem rantai pasok kopi robusta di Kabupaten Kepahiang. Lokasi penelitian di Kabupaten Kepahiang. Metode Snow Ball Sampling digunakan untuk menentukan sampel pelaku dalam sistem rantai pasok kopi robusta. Data sekunder yaitu produksi, luas lahan, produktifitas diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik, Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Kepahiang dan konsumsi kopi diperoleh dari International Coffee Organization. Data primer yaitu produk, harga, kuantitas, waktu pengiriman, sistem pembayaran, serta layanan antar pelaku. Analisis data menggunakan Model Hayami et al (1987) untuk nilai tambah, margin share untuk aliran keuangan dan flow diagram untuk aliran barang dan informasi. Tiga pola rantai pasok kopi robusta diperoleh dari penelitian yaitu 1: Petani Kopi–Pedang Pengumpul Desa–Pedagang Pengumpul Kabupaten–Gudang Kopi Palembang, 2 : Petani Kopi– Pedagang Pengumpul Desa–Pedagang Pengumpul Kabupaten–Perusahaan Kopi–Eksportir Kopi, dan 3 : Petani Kopi–Pedagang Pengumpul Kabupaten–Perusahaan Kopi–Eksportir Kopi. Aktivitas pelaku dalam rantai pasok yaitu 1) kategorisasi kualitas dan kuantitas produk pada rantai pasok 2, dan rantai pasok 3, 2) Informasi harga mengalir dari penentu harga di hilir ke pelaku di hulu sebagai penerima harga, 3) aliran keuangan dan marjin pemasaran terbesar berada pada rantai pasok 2, rantai pasok 3, dan rantai pasok 1, dan 4) sistem pembayaran yaitu tunai, kredit dan konsinyiasi. Nilai tambah yang di terima perusahaan adalah Rp12.151 per kg dengan perlakuan grading untuk mendapatkan mutu yang baik Pengembangan industri pengolahan kopi robusta dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah produk dan pendapatan pelaku usaha dalam rantai pasok sehingga berdampak besar bagi ekonomi daerah

    Financial Feasibility and Sensitivity of Arabica Coffee Farming In Simalungun District, Sumatra Utara Province

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    Arabica coffee productivity in Simalungun Regency has the highest value, namely 1.25 tons/ha, among other arabica coffee producing districts in Sumatra Utara Province. However, the level of feasibility of return on investment made by farmers of arabica coffee has not been measured. The research method used to determine the feasibility and sensitivity of arabica coffee farming is Net B/C ratio, Gross B/C ratio, Profitability Ratio, Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return. The results of the research show that arabica coffee farming is financially feasible based on the criteria of Net B/C Ratio (2.33), Gross B/C Ratio (1.38), Profitability Ratio (2.31), NPV (Rp. 23,194,329), and IRR (25.06%). The sensitivity of arabica coffee farming occurs if fertilizer and labor costs increase by 55% and production prices fall, then arabica coffee farming is not worth pursuing. Arabica coffee farming in Raya Huluan Village is financially feasible but farmers have not been able to independently cultivate arabica coffee properly. Therefore, farmers are given assistance on how to cultivate arabica coffee farming, types of fertilizer and dosage of fertilizer, timing of fertilizer application so that the economic life of arabica coffee is more than 10 years

    Financial Performance Of Lump Auction (Case Study Of Kud Berkat In Muaraenim Regency, South Sumatra Province)

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    This study aims to analyze financial performance of at  KUD  Berkat in 2011 to 2016  and to analyze the contribution of profit share auction business unit to total profit share KUD Berkat. The study was conducted from April to May 2017. The respondents were 15 KUD officials. The financial performance KUD Berkat was analyzed with time series datMica for the 6 last years with liquidity, solvability, activity, and profitability ratios based on Regulation of State Minister of Cooperative and Small-Micro Business Republic of Indonesia Number.06/Per/M.KUKM/V/2006. The conclusion of this research is that financial analysis based on liquidity, solvability, and profitability ratios at KUD Berkat during 6 last years in healthy condition. While the activity ratio is very unhealthy. It means the turnover of receivables into cash is slow. The contribution of Auction and marketing of lump rubber to total business profit KUD Berkat at the last six years constant.

    crumb rubber auction system in KUD Berkat at MUARA ENIM District South Sumatera Province

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    Crumb rubber auction is ones of business unit of KUD Berkat, this is the biggest income contribution to the KUD. This research tries to explain the mechanism and the process of lump rubber auction at  KUD  Berkat. The study was conducted from April to May 2017. Determination of respondents using census and lottery method with a total of 58 respondents. The mechanism and process of the auction were explained by descriptive qualitative analysis. The research shoed that the mechanism of lump rubber auction starting from rubber farmers to TPK (Cooperative Service Point) is then reported an auction was conducted at KUD Berkat. The factory is given a form to fill the bidding price on several TPK then read the winner of the auction. A week later weighed.Crumb rubber auction is ones of business unit of KUD Berkat, this is the biggest income contribution to the KUD. This research tries to explain the mechanism and the process of lump rubber auction at  KUD  Berkat. The study was conducted from April to May 2017. Determination of respondents using census and lottery method with a total of 58 respondents. The mechanism and process of the auction were explained by descriptive qualitative analysis. The research shoed that the mechanism of lump rubber auction starting from rubber farmers to TPK (Cooperative Service Point) is then reported an auction was conducted at KUD Berkat. The factory is given a form to fill the bidding price on several TPK then read the winner of the auction. A week later weighed.Keywords : Crumb rubber auction, cooperative

    Technical Efficiency Analysis Of Home Industry Kamang Crackers In Kenagarian Kamang Hilir Kamang Magek District, Agam Regency West Sumatra Province

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    Technical efficiency is the ability of an industry to use minimum total input to produce maximum output. This research aims to 1) Analyze the level of technical efficiency in the Kamang cracker home industry in Kamang Hilir Kenagarian, and 2) Analyze what factors influencing the level of technical efficiency in the Kamang cracker home industry in Kamang Hilir Kenagarian. This research was carried out deliberately in Kenagarian Kamang Hilir, Kamang Magek District, Agam Regency. Respondents in this study using the Slovin formula, totaling 51 Kamang cracker home industry entrepreneurs using a simple random sampling technique. Using primary and secondary data, while the data analysis used is qualitative descriptive analysis and the Cobb-Douglass production function method which is converted into logarithmic form, then data analysis uses Stochastic Frontier. The analysis results showed that the average level of technical efficiency was 0.5792, proving that the hypothesis in this research was proven correct. Can be concluded that the Kamang cracker home industry is technically efficient and the factors that influence technical efficiency are raw materials, salt, hours people work, age, number of family members while green onions, pertalite and gas fuel, education, business experience are not significant in the Kamang cracker home industr


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    Studi ini dilatarbelakangi bahwa keberhasilan pembangunan ekonomi daerah ditentukan oleh kebijakan-kebijakan pembangunan yang berlandaskan pada upaya peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang mampu menciptakan lapangan kerja secara optimal dari segi jumlah produktivitas dan efisiensi. Laju pertumbuhan perekonomian Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara tahun 2010 hingga 2015 berfluktuasi dan cenderung menurun setiap tahunnya. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menentukan sektor ekonomi basis, untuk mengetahui klasifikasi pertumbuhan ekonomi, untuk menganalisa keunggulan kompetitif dan untuk menentukan strategi memicu pengembangan pembangunan perekonomian di Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara. Metode analisa menggunakan data sekunder dengan metode Location Quotient (LQ) dan metode Shift Share. Data primer sebagai kerangka kerja dan rencana strategis (Framework and strategic Planing) dengan analisa SWOT sebagai strategi memicu pengembangan sektor-sektor unggulan perekonomian di Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sektor-sektor basis yang menopang perekonomian Bengkulu Utara tahun 2010-2015 antara lain 1). Sektor pertanian, kehutanan, dan perikanan, 2). Sektor pertambangan dan penggalian, 3). Sektor industri pengolahan dan 4). Sektor jasa asuransi dan keuangan. Keunggulan kompetitif sektor perekonomian Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara tahun 2010 hingga 2015 terdapat pada : 1). Sektor pertanian, kehutanan dan perikanan dengan laju pertumbuhan cukup besar dan memiliki keuntungan berspesialisasi, 2). Sektor pertambangan dan penggalian dan 3). Sektor jasa keuangan dan asuransi juga memiliki keunggulan kompetitif rendah namun memiliki keuntungan dari berspesialisasi. Strategi memicu pengembangan sektor-sektor unggulan perekonomian Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara menggunakan strategi interaksi kombinasi StrenghtOpportunity (SO), yaitu “ Strategi yang Menggunakan Kekuatan Untuk Memanfaatkan Peluang” dengan kebijakan ; mengotimalkan pengelolaan sumber daya, memperkuat pusat-pusat perekonomian, membangun dan mengembangkan potensi pariwisata, mempertahankan pemberdayaan kegiatan ekonomi daerah, dan meningkatkan kinerja kelembagaan. Saran kepada Pemerintah Daerah supaya memprioritaskan kegiatan sektor ekonomi basis. Semakin besar pertumbuhan sektor ekonomi basis maka semakin besar pula pendapatan daerah. Strategi pengembangan sektor-sektor unggulan perekonomian sebaiknya menggunakan kekuatan untuk memanfaatkan peluang pengelolaan sumber daya, memperkuat pusat-pusat perekonomian, membangun industri pariwisata dan meningkatkan kinerja kelembagaan


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    Crumb rubber auction is ones of business unit of KUD Berkat, this is the biggest income contribution to the KUD. This research tries to explain the mechanism and the process of lump rubber auction at KUD Berkat. The study was conducted from April to May 2017. Determination of respondents using simple randomg sampling with a total of 58 respondents. The mechanism and process of the auction were explained by descriptive qualitative analysis. The research showed that the mechanism of lump rubber auction starting from rubber farmers to TPK (Cooperative Service Point) is then reported an auction was conducted at KUD Berkat. The factory is given a form to fill the bidding price on several TPK then read the winner of the auction. A week later weighed

    Economic Inequality in Coastal Area of Bengkulu Province

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    The issue of economic inequality is still a major issue in development in the coastal areas of Bengkulu Province. The region's high economic growth (5.3%) was eroded by the high rate of inflation (5%), the economy grew only 0.3 - 0.5%. The question is whether the decreasing of Bengkulu Province's economic growth due to inflation has contributed to regional economic inequality, on the coast of Bengkulu Province specifically ? The data analysis method used to assess the level of economic inequality is the Williamson Index. The results indicated that the economic growth (Gross Regional Domestic Product - GRDP) in coastal areas was lower than in non-coastal areas. Economic disparities between coastal and non-coastal areas in Bengkulu Province for the 2010-2013 period widened, however inequality in coastal areas was smaller than in non-coastal areas

    Economic Inequality in Coastal Area of Bengkulu Province

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    The issue of economic inequality is still a major issue in development in the coastal areas of Bengkulu Province. The region's high economic growth (5.3%) was eroded by the high rate of inflation (5%), the economy grew only 0.3 - 0.5%. The question is whether the decreasing of Bengkulu Province's economic growth due to inflation has contributed to regional economic inequality, on the coast of Bengkulu Province specifically ? The data analysis method used to assess the level of economic inequality is the Williamson Index. The results indicated that the economic growth (Gross Regional Domestic Product - GRDP) in coastal areas was lower than in non-coastal areas. Economic disparities between coastal and non-coastal areas in Bengkulu Province for the 2010-2013 period widened, however inequality in coastal areas was smaller than in non-coastal areas