563 research outputs found

    Implementation of the Futsal Field Ordering Platform Using the UCD Method

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    The development of information technology is exploding. We cannot separate the need for information from the use and use of computers. With a computerized information system, the work done will be more effective and accurate. Karawang Futsal is a sports venue in the Karawang Regency. Using the futsal ordering system is still manual, the data input system which is still recording in the ledger, making reports is not accurate because of frequent miscalculations that result in making reports not on time because all processes are done. Therefore, with the existence of a computer system, all the needs for everything in the Karawang Regency Futsal will run

    Kesan penggunaan koswer multimedia animasi visual terhadap pencapaian pelajar dalam mata pelajaran matematik

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    Ramai pelajar yang bermasalah dalam topik Pelan dan Dongakan. Ini kerana pelajar sukar untuk membayangkan objek yang tersembunyi melalui proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) secara konvensional. Penyelidik telah membangunkan satu koswer multimedia animasi visual dalam topik Pelan dan Dongakan dengan menerapkan kesemua elemen-elemen yang dapat membantu meningkatkan kemahiran visual iaitu elemen animasi, video, audio, grafik dan teks. Seterusnya, kajian kuasi eksperimental ini turut dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesan penggunaan koswer multimedia animasi visual terhadap pencapaian pelajar bagi mata pelajaran Matematik di sekolah menengah. Ujian Pra dan Ujian Pos digunakan untuk melihat perbezaan pencapaian yang signifikan selepas menggunakan koswer multimedia animasi visual yang menggunakan teori Kognitif Visual Wiley. Responden yang terlibat dalam kajian ini ialah seramai 40 orang pelajar Tingkatan Lima yang dibahagikan kepada dua kumpulan iaitu kumpulan rawatan dan kumpulan kawalan yang dipilih daripada sebuah sekolah di daerah Batu Pahat, Johor. Hasil analisis menunjukkan peningkatan skor min markah bagi pelajar kumpulan rawatan. Hasil analisis ujian-t (paired-sample-t-test) membuktikan bahawa wujudnya perbezaan skor min markah yang signifikan di antara markah ujian pra dan markah ujian pos bagi kumpulan rawatan. Oleh itu, terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan di antara skor min markah ujian pra dan ujian pos bagi pelajar kumpulan rawatan selepas menggunakan koswer multimedia animasi visual. Manakala instrumen soal selidik yang digunakan untuk melihat tahap penerimaan pelajar selepas menggunakan koswer multimedia animasi visual berdasarkan tiga aspek iaitu aspek isi kandungan, aspek interaksi dan aspek persembahan telah memeperolehi skor min yang tinggi bagi ketiga-tiga aspek tersebut. Dapatan kajian ini menggambarkan penggunaan koswer multimedia animasi visual dapat membantu meningkatkan pencapaian Matematik di dalam bilik darjah terutama yang tidak melibatkan pengiraan

    Hubungan Kemampuan Penyesuaian Diri dan Pola Berpikir dengan Kemandirian Belajar Serta Dampaknya pada Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa

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    The purpose of this study to uncover the relationship between (1) the ability of adjustment (X1) with academic achievement (Z); (2) patterns of thinking (X2) with academic achievement (Z); (3) regulated learning (Y) with academic achievement (Z); (4) ability of adjustment (X1) with regulated learning (Y); and (5) patterns of thinking (X2) with independent learning (Y). The design of this study using a quantitative approach to look at the relationships of independent variables on the dependent variable and causal relationships. Model analysis of patterns of relationships between variables using path analysis (path analysis). The study population was a graduate student to continue studying in vocational courses Higher Education on ICT. Determining the number of samples using the formula Slovin and sampling techniques using proportional random sampling. The collection of data variables (X1), (X2), and (Y) using the enclosed questionnaire and variables (Z) using the documentation. Prerequisite test analysis of this study has been qualified. To reveal the direct relationship between X1, X2, and Y to Z using multiple regression analysis with the help of SPSS software. The conclusion of this study were (1) there is a positive and significant correlation between (X1) with (Z); (2) there is a positive and significant correlation between (X2) and (Z); (3) there is a positive and significant correlation between (Y) and (Z); (4) there is a positive and significant correlation between (X1) with (Y); and (5) there is a positive and significant correlation between (X2) and (Y).Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengungkap hubungan antara (1) kemampuan penyesuaian diri (X1) dengan prestasi akademik (Z); (2) pola berpikir (X2) dengan prestasi akademik (Z); (3) kemandirian belajar (Y) dengan prestasi akademik (Z); (4) kemampuan penyesuaian diri (X1) dengan kemandirian belajar (Y); (5) pola berpikir (X2) dengan kemandirian belajar (Y). Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif untuk melihat hubungan variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat maupun hubungan kausal. Model analisa pola hubungan antar variabel menggunakan analisis jalur (path analysis). Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa lulusan SMK yang melanjutkan kuliah di PerguruanTinggi pada program studi TIK. Jumlah penentuan sampel menggunakan rumus Slovin dan teknik sampling menggunakan proposional random sampling. Pengumpulan data variabel (X1), (X2), dan (Y) menggunakan angket tertutup dan variabel (Z) menggunakan dokumentasi. Uji prasyarat analisis penelitian ini telah memenuhi syarat. Untuk mengungkap hubungan secara langsung antara X1, dan X2, serta Y terhadap Z menggunakan analisis regresi ganda dengan bantuan software SPSS. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara (X1) dengan (Z); (2) ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara (X2) dengan (Z); (3) ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara (Y) dengan (Z); (4) ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara (X1) dengan (Y); (5) ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara (X2) dengan (Y)

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Air Kelapa pada Pembibitantanaman Buah Naga (Hylocereus Costaricencis)

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    The objectives of this research to determine the effect of coconut water concentration on dragon fruit (Hylocereus costaricensis) nursery. This research was conducted at dragon fruit plantation of dragon fruit Tameran, Bengkalis, in August to December 2012. This experiment used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) which consisting of 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments were Coconut Water Concentration (P) as followed: P1: 0% (0 ml coconut water in 100 ml of water), P2: 25 % (25 ml coconut water in 75 ml of water), P3: 50% (50 ml coconut water in 50 ml of water), P4: 75% (75 ml coconut water in 50 ml of water), P5: 100% (100 ml coconut water in 0 ml of water). Parameters observed: those appearing shoot, shoot length, number of shoot, added root length, added number of roots, root volume, fresh and dry weight. Data were analyzed statistically using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and further tested using Duncan New Multiple Range Test level 5%. The research suggested that 50% concentration coconut water was the best for growth added root length, added number of roots, root volume, fresh and dry weight

    Predictors of oral hygiene practices among primary school children of Alzintan City, Libya

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    Background: Good oral health is essential for the well-being and development of young children. Preservation of good oral hygiene in children is important for the development of strong, healthy teeth and to decrease the possibility of dental caries. Oral health is maintained by regular eating and drinking, as well as daily mechanical and pharmacological cleaning of the mouth, for example, brushing teeth with fluoride toothpaste and flossing. The aim of the study is to determine oral hygiene practices among public primary school children in Al Zintan City, Libya. Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted in three public primary schools in Al Zintan City, Libya. A total of 100 school children aged 9-12 years old participated in the study. Random sampling method was used. Result: Response rate was 92%. There was 53.3% of respondents who had correct practices on oral hygiene, and 46.7% of respondents had incorrect practices on oral hygiene. It was observed that statistically significant association was found between oral hygiene practices and different age groups of respondents (P = 0.04). There was no significant association between oral hygiene practices and other socio demographic characteristics (P > 0.05). No statistically significant association regarding oral hygiene practices between children with high and low knowledge, good and bad dietary habits, positive and negative dental history (P > 0.05). Oral hygiene practices are significantly associated with attitude toward oral hygiene among primary school children of Al Zintan City, Libya (P < 0.01). Conclusion: Correct oral hygiene practices is better among school children of older age. In addition, school children whose father had higher education level have correct oral hygiene practices. Attitude towards oral hygiene is one of the important predictors of oral hygiene practices

    Pengembangan Sistem Ojrs+ (Online Jadwal Rencana Studi Plus) sebagai Media Perencanaan Jadwal Kuliah

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    OJRS at the College of Raharja is an information system that is in the component of the SIS (Student Information System). OJRS present to facilitate students in performing void add class schedules and print the form - the form that is in the menu OJRS. OJRS main function is to facilitate the process of void-added service class schedule resulting in fast and accurate data. Starting from the view class schedules, add and cancel courses, pick up class schedules to generate report output in the form of KSTF (Final Fixed Study Card) for students. This research is a quantitative research design using survey research using questionnaires processing techniques are processed based on validity and reliability test using SPSS software. With research results OJRS system is running is still relatively less than the maximum, and still there are 5 (five) deficiencies or weaknesses in the system. Therefore, in this study will be explained about the system OJRS ongoing at this time to describe the analysis of the system using UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams and try to provide input in the form of system design to support and contribute to the development of systems OJRS + that are in SIS + (Student iLearning Services) which can be accessed online outside the campus environment easily and quickly just by using the Internet connectio

    Interoperability and Reliability of Multiplatform MPLS VPN: Comparison of Traffic Engineering with RSVP-TE Protocol and LDP Protocol

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    One of the alternatives to overcome network scalability problem and maintaining reliability is using MPLS VPN network. In reallity, the current network is already using a multiplatform of several different hardware vendors, i.e., Cisco and Juniper platforms. This paper discusses the comparison of the simulation results to see interoperability of multiplatform MPLS VPN andreliability through traffic engineering using RSVP-TE and LDP protocols. Both the RSVP and LDP protocols are tested on a stable network and in a recovery mode,as well as non-load conditions and with additional traffic load. The recovery mode is the condition after the failover due to termination of one of the links in the network. The no-load condition means that the network is not filled with additional traffic. There is only traffic from the measurement activity itself. While network conditions with an additional load are conditions where there is an additional UDP packet traffic load of 4.5 Mbps in addition to the measurement load itself. On a stable network and without additional traffic load, the average delay on LDP protocol is 59.41 ms, 2.06 ms jitter, 0.08% packetloss, and 8.99 Mbps throughput. Meanwhile, on RSVP protocol, the average delay is 52.40 ms, 2.39 ms jitter, 12.18% packet loss, and 7.80 Mbps throughput. When failover occurs and on recovery mode, LDP protocol is48% of packet loss per 100 sent packets while on RSVP packet loss percentage is 35.5% per 100 sent packets. Both protocols have interoperability on the third layer of multiplatform MPLS VPN, but on heavy loaded traffic condition, RSVP protocol has better reliability than the LDP protocol

    Profil Petani Sayur di Kabupaten Karanganyar Berdasarkan Kadar Kholinesterase dan Fungsi Tiroidnya

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    Iodine is an essential mineral. This mineral is indispensable as thyroid forming substance, which is produced by the thyroid gland. The performance of the thyroid gland could be disrupted by the pesticide, when used excessively. Disorders occur in the process of thyroid hormone synthesis, which is on the receptor TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) in the thyroid gland. Thyroid hormone synthesis become inhibited because TSH can not enter the thyroid gland. It also inhibits the work of enzymes that act as catalyst for changes in T4 and T3 (active forms of hormones in the body). The presence of pesticides in the body is indicated by levels of cholinesterase in the blood. This study was conducted to know the profile of farmers exposed to pesticides, measure levels of cholinestrase (CHE), TSH levels in the blood of farmers, and analyze the relationship of pesticide residues (blood cholinestrase levels) to thyroid function (TSH level). Subject of research (N) was 109 farmers. Characteristic data were obtained by interview using structured instruments. Levels of TSH and T4 were analyzed by ELISA method. Cholinesterase was measured by spectrophotometry. Test kit was used to test the quality of salt. The results of this study showed 7.3% of farmers have cholinesterase levels below normal limits; 4.6% of farmers have high levels of TSH; and 6.4% of farmers have T4 levels below normal values. It is concluded that farmers with subclinical hypothyroidism and low-levels of poisoning are still found. However, there is no relationship between pesticide residues and thyroid function in farmers