25 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Peer Mediated Instruction and Intervention dan Model Pembelajaran Think Pair-Share terhadap Hasil Belajar Biologi

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    This research is motivated by the problems derived from the observation that low motivation and activeness and student learning outcomes in learning biology, evident from the study of biology class VII SMP Negeri 2 Bajeng West, in general, students received grades that are still under the KKM. In this study, researchers used peer learning model Mediated Instruction and Intervention (PMII) type Peer Mediated Instruction And Intervention (CWPT) and learning model Think Pair-Share (TPS) to foster motivation and activeness of student learning. This study aims to (1) To determine the result of studying biology class VII SMP Negeri 2 Bajeng Gowa on the subject of diversity of living creatures that learned learning model Peer Mediated intruction and Invention (PMII) type Class Wide Peer Tutoring (CWPT) (2) to find out the results of studying biology class VII SMP Negeri 2 Bajeng Gowa on the subject of diversity of living creatures that learned and learning model Think Pair-Share (TPS) (3) to determine differences in learning outcomes biology class VII SMP Negeri 2 Bajeng Gowa on the subject of diversity of living creatures that learned to Peer Mediated learning model intruction and Intervention (PMII) type Class Wide Peer Tutoring (CWPT) and learning model Think Pair-Share (TPS). This study is a quasi-experimental research (quasi) using a pretest-posttest design nonequivalent control group design. The population of this study were all students of class VII SMP Negeri 2 Bajeng Gowa district in 2015/2016 academic year consisting of five study groups totaling 151 students, with a sample of 25 people in the class VIIB and 25 people in the class VIIA. The results showed that the obtained tcount 1,680 <ttable 2,000 and significance (0.000 <0.05), suggesting that H0 and H1 accepted, so it can be concluded that there is positive and significant difference in the application of learning models Peer Mediated Instruction and Intervention (PMII) type class Wide Peer Tutoring (CWPT) to class VIIB using learning model Think Pair-Share (TPS) for class VIIA


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    This study aims to determine; 1) Development of professional competence of lecturer at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Alauddin Makassar; 2) Lecturer Motivation at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Alauddin Makassar; 3) Improving professional competence Lecturer Commitment to Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Alauddin Makassar, to improve professional competence. This research use case study approach. This research data source is 1. human element and 2. non human element, research instrument is researcher own function as a key instrument. Qualitative research data is narrative and data analysis techniques applied through three lines: 1. Data reduction, 2. Presentation of data, and 3. drawing conclusions. The validity of data is done four testing criteria, namely 1. Credibility, 2. Dependability, 3. Transferability, and 4. Confirmability.The research findings are; 1. Motivation model of lecturers who can improve their professional competence, that is because of the encouragement from within the lecturers and from outside the lecturers themselves. The encouragement from within the lecturer is the clarity of the lecturer's career in the structural position, as well as the functional position of the lecturer. While the encouragement from outside the lecturers who are very influential in terms of achievement and mastering professional competence is the Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and UG Teachers Alauddin Makassar. 2) The commitment model of a lecturer who can improve their professional competence is the dedication and service of the foundation of commitment. Therefore, to create a commitment of a lecturer to be synergy and intact buildings then the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Alauddin Makassar must empower all lecturers, by involving lecturers in important decision making through Faculty senate. 3) Increasing the competence of professional lecturers will be beneficial to improve their professionalism in improving the quality of education. Therefore, the Quality Assurance Institution (LPM) is also considered to be very instrumental in increasing the professional competence of a lecturer. A lecturer needs to be equipped with new knowledge and diligence so that the lecturer can produce quality outpu

    Perbandingan Metode Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dengan Metode Mind Mapping terhadap Hasil Belajar Biologi

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    The objectives of this research were to determine the outcome differences learning of students who are taught by the teaching mthods Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Mind Mapping in digestive system material of the student in Class XI SMAN 1 Bangkala Western district.jeneponto. This research used quasi Experimental. The research design was nonequivalent control gruop design. The population was all second year student of SMA 1 Bangkala Barat Kabupaten Jeneponto. The population of this research was all students of class XI SMAN 1 Bangkala western district.jeneponto. The research sampel was class XI IPA2 as the first experimental class XI IPA1 as the second experimental class. Data were collected using achievement test in the form of pretest and posttest. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques and inferential statistical analysis techniques. Analysis of the data showed the learning outcomes student class XI SMAN 1 Bangkala western district.jeneponto. was in digestive system material taught through; the first method of learning (PBL) is in the medium categori, with a percentage of 35 % of the 20 learners and the average value of 79. While the outcomes of Mind Mapping learning methods was in middle category, with an average value of 68 with increased 11. The results of the analysis of hypothesis testing using t-test diperoles thit value = 3.489 and the value ttab with dk= 2.02438. were the value of t hit>t tab so H-0 rejected, H1 accepted. Thus there are differences in learning outcomes of students who are taught through learning methods Problem Based Learning (PBL) with Mind Mapping on the material digestive system in class XI sman 1 Bangkala western district Jenepont


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk; 1. Menganalisis kelengkapan sarana prasaranaakademik Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Alauddin Makassar. 2.Menganalisis kualitas mengajar dosen Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UINAlauddin Makassar. 3. Menganalisis prestasi belajar mahasiswa Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Alauddin Makassar. 4. Menganalisis pengaruh saranaprasarana akademik terhadap prestasi belajar mahasiswa Fakultas Tarbiyah danKeguruan UIN Alauddin Makassar. 5. Menganalisis pengaruh kualitas mengajardosen terhadap prestasi belajar mahasiswa Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UINAlauddin Makassar.Penelitian ini adalah expost-facto dengan menggunakan model penelitian survey dengan teknik analisis regresi linier gandaSubjek populasi pada penelitian ini adalah semua mahasiswa angkatan angkata 2010/2011 masing-masing jurusan yang ada pada Fakultas Tarbiyaah dan Keguruan UIN Alauddin Makassar. Jumlah populasi 557 orang, sampel 60 orang mahasiswa. Ada tiga data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: 1) data prestasi belajar mahasiswa, 2) data sarana dan prasarana akdemik berdasarkan persepsi mahasiswa, 3) data kualitas mengajar dosen berdasarkan persepsi mahasiswa. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah Teknik analisis statistik deskriptif digunakan untuk menggambarkan karakteristik data yang diperoleh dari masing-masing mahasiswa , dan Analisis inferensial adalah untuk menguji hipotesis. Berdasarkan hasil analisis statistik variable sarana prasarana akademik (X1) dankualitas mengajar dosen (X2) terhadap prestasi belajar (Y) dengan menggunakan analisis regresi ganda pada taraf signifikan = 0,05 diperoleh Fhitung sebesar 5,410 lebih besar dari Ftabel= 4,02 pada taraf = 0,05. Ini berarti model regresi yang diperoleh signifikan dan dapat digunakan untuk menaksir variabel (Y) apabila variabel bebas (X1) dan variabel bebas (X2) diketahui. Artinya variable (Y) prestasi belajar mahasiswa Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Alauddin Makassar dipengaruhi oleh variabel bebas (X1) sarana prasarana akademik dan variabel bebas (X2) kualitas mengajar dosen. Dan dapat dijelaskan bahwa hasil analisis tersebut diperoleh nilai koofisien diterminasi (2) sebesar 0,085 atau 8,5%

    Peningkatan Kompetensi Profesional Dosen (Studi Kasus pada Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Univesitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar)

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    This study aims to determine; 1) Development of professional competence of lecturer at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Alauddin Makassar; 2) Lecturer Motivation at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Alauddin Makassar; 3) Improving professional competence Lecturer Commitment to Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Alauddin Makassar, to improve professional competence. This research use case study approach. This research data source is 1. human element and 2. non human element, research instrument is researcher own function as a key instrument. Qualitative research data is narrative and data analysis techniques applied through three lines: 1. Data reduction, 2. Presentation of data, and 3. drawing conclusions. The validity of data is done four testing criteria, namely 1. Credibility, 2. Dependability, 3. Transferability, and 4. Confirmability. The research findings are; 1. Motivation model of lecturers who can improve their professional competence, that is because of the encouragement from within the lecturers and from outside the lecturers themselves. The encouragement from within the lecturer is the clarity of the lecturer's career in the structural position, as well as the functional position of the lecturer. While the encouragement from outside the lecturers who are very influential in terms of achievement and mastering professional competence is the Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and UG Teachers Alauddin Makassar. 2) The commitment model of a lecturer who can improve their professional competence is the dedication and service of the foundation of commitment. Therefore, to create a commitment of a lecturer to be synergy and intact buildings then the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Alauddin Makassar must empower all lecturers, by involving lecturers in important decision making through Faculty senate. 3) Increasing the competence of professional lecturers will be beneficial to improve their professionalism in improving the quality of education. Therefore, the Quality Assurance Institution (LPM) is also considered to be very instrumental in increasing the professional competence of a lecturer. A lecturer needs to be equipped with new knowledge and diligence so that the lecturer can produce quality outpu


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    This research aims at identifying the effect of formative assessment type towards the learning achievement of Natural Sciences. This study applied 2 x 2 factorial design experimental methods. The population of the research is all the fift grade students of elementary school number 03 and 05 of Rawamangun Eastern Jakarta, with 80 students as sample, implementing inferential statistic assessment with ANCOVA. The study concludes (1) having controlled the students' prior knowledge, the learning achievement of Natural Sciences of the group, which is given essay test formative assessment is difference than the achievement of those with multiple choice test, (2) having controlled the students' prior knowledge, the learning achievement of Natural Sciences of the group which is given essay test formative assessment is higher than the group in multiple choice tes

    Pengaruh Intensitas Penilaian Formatif terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA dengan Mengontrol Pengetahuan Awal Siswa

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    This study aims to determine the effect of intensity of formative assessment of science learning outcomes. Experimental studies with the study population was all students in grade V SD 03, and 05 am in East Jakarta, 80 samples of students, inferential statistical testing with the conclusion of the study are: (1). By controlling the initial knowledge of science students, there is a difference between the groups of students studying science are given formative assessment on each face to face with groups of students are given formative assessment on each standara competence (2). By controlling the students' prior knowledge of science, science learning outcomes of students who were given group of formative assessment on each face is higher than the group of students who were in the formative assessment of each competency standard

    Tanggung Jawab Guru Melakukan Evaluasi Hasil Belajar: Belajar dari Desain Penyelenggaraan Ujian Nasional Tahun 2008

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    This paper aims at describing the role of teachers in evaluating students' learning outcomes. In measuring the achievement of instructional goals, teachers should know the principles and techniques of evaluation, so the results can be scientifically accountable. The evaluation which is done well, will avoid teachers to be subjective in evaluating students' achievements. Conversely, if it is done badly, the evaluation will not show the factual results of students' learning. As a result, learning achievements is difficult to be described


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    This research was ex post facto applying a quantitative methodological approach and a scientific approach in psychology. There were 61 Respondents in this study obtained by proportional cluster random sampling and collected through a questionnaire. The instrument was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The statistical hypothesis testing results from F_count analysis of 0.025 and p-value = 0.000 &lt;0.05 means that H_0 is rejected and H_a is accepted. It indicated an effect of students' perceptions on utilizing video and PowerPoint media with students' independent learning in PAI subjects in class XI SMA Negeri 6 Sinjai. It means a simultaneous (simultaneous) influence on students' perceptions of using video and media PowerPoint with independent learning. This study implies that Islamic Religious Education Learning was very complex in increasing students' learning independence. As anticipation, a more precise learning process was needed.This research was ex post facto applying a quantitative methodological approach and a scientific approach in psychology. There were 61 Respondents in this study obtained by proportional cluster random sampling and collected through a questionnaire. The instrument was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The statistical hypothesis testing results from F_count analysis of 0.025 and p-value = 0.000 &lt;0.05 means that H_0 is rejected and H_a is accepted. It indicated an effect of students' perceptions on utilizing video and PowerPoint media with students' independent learning in PAI subjects in class XI SMA Negeri 6 Sinjai. It means a simultaneous (simultaneous) influence on students' perceptions of using video and media PowerPoint with independent learning. This study implies that Islamic Religious Education Learning was very complex in increasing students' learning independence. As anticipation, a more precise learning process was needed

    Internalisasi Pembentukan Karakter dalam Proses Pembelajaran pada SMP Negeri 37 Bulukumba

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    This article discusses the internalization of character formation in the learning process at SMP Negeri 37 Bulukumba. The approach used is qualitative which is reviewed based on a phenomenological. The informant in this article is the head of Madrasah and teacher of Islamic religious education. The data collection techniques used are observations and interviews. Processing techniques and data analysis through data reduction, data presentation, and verification or withdrawal of conclusions. This article shows that the implementation of character education in students at SMP Negeri 37 Bulukumba is implemented by prioritizing the creation of 8 characters, namely responsible, love of homeland, social care, tolerance, discipline, Independent, democratic, and avid reading. The character education implementation is integrated with all subjects, especially the subjects of Islamic religious education conducted in the form of intrurricular and extracurricular, both in learning and beyond learning. The strategies pursued by teachers of Islamic education in the establishment of students' character at SMP Negeri 37 Bulukumba is done through the development of students and the improvement of the religious knowledge of students