165 research outputs found

    Lake Kivu Water Chemistry Variation with Depth Over Time, Northwestern Rwanda

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    The water of East African rift lakes contains large amounts of dissolved chemicals such as carbon dioxide, methane greatly and others like  phosphate, silicate, Sulfate, Sulfide, Iron, Ammonia, Alkalinity etc. Lake Kivu is a large, deep rift basin lake located in the western branch of the East African rift zone that contains a methane gas deposit of great economic interest with two main sources: Inorganic carbon dioxide CO2 + 4H2 = CH4 + 2H2O and Organic methanogenesis CH3COOH =CH4 + CO2. Lake Kivu is a stratified, meromictic lake bordering Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The lake has a surface area of 2,370 Km2, a volume of 580 Km3 and a maximum water depth of 485 m. To characterize the vertical variation of Lake Kivu water chemistry, 8 samples of water were collected using Niskin bottles in Lake Kivu near Gisenyi town. Water samples were therefore collected at different depths: 0 m, 40 m, 90 m, 240 m, 290 m, 340 m, 340 m, and 390 m. Hatch kits were used to analyze  water chemistry of samples taken of Sulfate, Sulfide, Iron, Ammonia, Alkalinity, Silica, PO4,andphosphorus.The results revealed that alkalinity  increases in the monimolimnion part due to the precipitation of calcium carbonate in the upper levels of the water column and dissolution in the monimolimnion. The conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature and pH weremeasured by CTD Sonde. Water column data from these studies showed increasing concentrations with depth. The divide between the mixolimnion and monomolimnion is estimated at a depth of around 40 m. Higher amounts of silica observed closer to the shoreline is likely a result of an influx of siliciclastic sediment and increased silica with depth is likely a result of the dissolution of diatoms below the photic zone. Keywords: Monimolimnion, mixolimnion, water stratification, chemicals agents

    On the scaling of activity in tropical forest mammals

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    Activity range – the amount of time spent active per day – is a fundamental aspect contributing to the optimization process by which animals achieve energetic balance. Based on their size and the nature of their diet, theoretical expectations are that larger carnivores need more time active to fulfil their energetic needs than do smaller ones and also more time active than similar‐sized non‐carnivores. Despite the relationship between daily activity, individual range and energy acquisition, large‐scale relationships between activity range and body mass among wild mammals have never been properly addressed. This study aimed to understand the scaling of activity range with body mass, while controlling for phylogeny and diet. We built simple empirical predictions for the scaling of activity range with body mass for mammals of different trophic guilds and used a phylogenetically controlled mixed model to test these predictions using activity records of 249 mammal populations (128 species) in 19 tropical forests (in 15 countries) obtained using camera traps. Our scaling model predicted a steeper scaling of activity range in carnivores (0.21) with higher levels of activity (higher intercept), and near‐zero scaling in herbivores (0.04). Empirical data showed that activity ranges scaled positively with body mass for carnivores (0.061), which also had higher intercept value, but not for herbivores, omnivores and insectivores, in general, corresponding with the predictions. Despite the many factors that shape animal activity at local scales, we found a general pattern showing that large carnivores need more time active in a day to meet their energetic demands. Introduction Activity range – the amount of time, in hours, spent active per day – is a fundamental outcome of the complex physiological and behavioral optimization process by which animals ensure that energy input keeps pace with energy output. In addition to basal metabolism, animals face costs of foraging, acquiring mates and shelter, building reserves for lean times and escaping predators (Carbone et al. 2007, Halle and Stenseth 2012). Environmental and ecological factors that vary through the day (e.g. luminosity, temperature, predation risk and competition avoidance) constrain activity to certain times, depending on morpho‐physiological limitations (Castillo‐Ruiz et al. 2012, Hut et al. 2012). In addition, animals need time to rest in order to recover their cognitive or physical condition (Siegel 2005). Thus, they must optimize their activity range to meet their resource requirements, while dealing with natural daily cycles and saving time for sleep/rest (Downes 2001, Siegel 2005, Cozzi et al. 2012). The resource requirements of mammals are related to basal metabolic rate, which scales positively with body mass (Kleiber 1932, Isaac and Carbone 2010), while predation risk decreases with body mass (Sinclair et al. 2003, Hopcraft et al. 2009). Because high predation risk constrains activity while high resource needs increases activity range (Cozzi et al. 2012, Suselbeek et al. 2014), the question arises whether and how activity range also scales with body mass. Day range (total distance travelled in a day) and home range (area in which animals perform their daily activities) scales positively with body mass and are key metrics to understand the resource requirements of an animal (McNab 1963, Kelt and Van Vuren 2001, Carbone et al. 2005, Tamburello et al. 2015). As activity range is related to space‐use metrics (i.e. home range and day range), it is hence, also related to the acquisition of energy. Given that, one might expect activity range to increase with body mass. However, we have a poor understanding of how this relationship actually looks. Previous work developed predictions of body mass scaling with day range (Garland 1983, Carbone et al. 2005) and travel speed (Carbone et al. 2007, Rowcliffe et al. 2016). From a simple physical viewpoint, activity range should equal the day range divided by average travel speed. It should thus be possible to infer the scaling of activity range with body mass from these relationships. Some of the variation in space use across species that is not explained by body mass is associated with different evolutionary histories and ecological traits (McNab 1963, Kelt and Van Vuren 2001, Price and Hopkins 2015, Tamburello et al. 2015). Diet is the most conspicuous of these, because primary and secondary productivity present different overall yields and accessibility for consumers (Jetz et al. 2004), which in turn influence individual movements (Carbone et al. 2005) and potentially activity range, when exploiting resources at different trophic levels. The nature of the diet aggravates the higher energetic demands of larger carnivores. Predators have considerable energetic constraints related to hunting and handling their prey (Gorman et al. 1998, Carbone et al. 1999) as animal prey can be rare, widely dispersed, unpredictable in time and space and not storable (Jetz et al. 2004, Carbone et al. 2007). Therefore, carnivores have the lowest energy supply rates (supply rate of usable resources available inside the home range), independent of body mass, when compared to other diet categories (Jetz et al. 2004) besides exploring larger areas and traveling greater daily distances (McNab 1963, Kelt and Van Vuren 2001, Carbone et al. 2005, Tamburello et al. 2015). Therefore, larger animals occupy larger areas than small ones, and carnivores occupy larger areas than do similar‐sized non‐carnivores (Jetz et al. 2004, Tamburello et al. 2015). To date, few studies have considered interspecific variation in activity range with body mass and other species traits. For example, van Schaik and Griffiths (1996) and Gómez et al. (2005) anecdotally suggested that larger mammal species are cathemeral (i.e. active day and night), which implies that they can be active during a larger proportion of the 24‐h cycle. Rowcliffe et al. (2014) found that activity range is positively correlated with body mass in tropical forest mammals in Panama. Ramesh et al. (2015) found a negative relationship between body mass and activity concentration (i.e. how concentrated in few hours is the activity of an animal during the day) in Indian mammals, also equating to a positive association between activity range and body mass. However, no study has explored variation in activity range across a diverse range of species, while controlling for phylogeny and diet. This has been, at least in part, due to a lack of consistent data available on a wide range of species. Recent work using camera traps (Oliveira‐Santos et al. 2013, Rowcliffe et al. 2014), however, has demonstrated that accurate estimates of activity range can be obtained from photographic records from camera traps. Given the large and rapidly increasing volume of camera‐trapping data available globally (Burton et al. 2015), these approaches, consistently applied across a wide range of studies, can provide an important basis for the large‐scale study of activity. Here, we provided simple empirical predictions for the scaling of activity range with body mass for mammals of different trophic guilds. To test these predictions, we estimated the activity range for 249 populations of 128 terrestrial mammal species across 19 tropical forests, and used a phylogenetically controlled mixed model to determine how activity range scales with body mass by diet. As larger animals occupy larger areas than small ones, and carnivores occupy larger areas than do similar‐sized non‐carnivores (Jetz et al. 2004), we hypothesize that carnivores will present a higher scaling of activity range with body mass and also higher activity ranges for a given mass (higher intercept) when compared to herbivores, omnivores and insectivores

    Treatment outcomes of new tuberculosis patients hospitalized in Kampala, Uganda: a prospective cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND: In most resource limited settings, new tuberculosis (TB) patients are usually treated as outpatients. We sought to investigate the reasons for hospitalisation and the predictors of poor treatment outcomes and mortality in a cohort of hospitalized new TB patients in Kampala, Uganda. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Ninety-six new TB patients hospitalised between 2003 and 2006 were enrolled and followed for two years. Thirty two were HIV-uninfected and 64 were HIV-infected. Among the HIV-uninfected, the commonest reasons for hospitalization were low Karnofsky score (47%) and need for diagnostic evaluation (25%). HIV-infected patients were commonly hospitalized due to low Karnofsky score (72%), concurrent illness (16%) and diagnostic evaluation (14%). Eleven HIV uninfected patients died (mortality rate 19.7 per 100 person-years) while 41 deaths occurred among the HIV-infected patients (mortality rate 46.9 per 100 person years). In all patients an unsuccessful treatment outcome (treatment failure, death during the treatment period or an unknown outcome) was associated with duration of TB symptoms, with the odds of an unsuccessful outcome decreasing with increasing duration. Among HIV-infected patients, an unsuccessful treatment outcome was also associated with male sex (P = 0.004) and age (P = 0.034). Low Karnofsky score (aHR = 8.93, 95% CI 1.88 - 42.40, P = 0.001) was the only factor significantly associated with mortality among the HIV-uninfected. Mortality among the HIV-infected was associated with the composite variable of CD4 and ART use, with patients with baseline CD4 below 200 cells/µL who were not on ART at a greater risk of death than those who were on ART, and low Karnofsky score (aHR = 2.02, 95% CI 1.02 - 4.01, P = 0.045). CONCLUSION: Poor health status is a common cause of hospitalisation for new TB patients. Mortality in this study was very high and associated with advanced HIV Disease and no use of ART

    Fulani cattle productivity and management in the Kachia grazing reserve, Nigeria

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    Kachia Grazing Reserve (KGR) in northern Nigeria was home to some 10,000 Fulani pastoralists and their 40,000 cattle in June 2011. This study examines productivity and management of cattle belonging to livestock keepers within the reserve before and after a mass immigration event when 3,000 refugees moved into the reserve with their cattle to escape inter-community violence during May 2011. Data, on livestock management strategies (transhumance) and production parameters (herd size, composition, fertility, dynamics), were collected in March, June and October 2011.Cattle productivity in KGR is geared to supporting Fulani households while maintaining herd wealth. High offtake of young animals, especially the selling of heifers, was an unusual finding and may indicate that KGR pastoralists have been restricting their herd size voluntarily as well as limiting milk production to household requirements. This is probably due to the absence of a commercial milk market and a higher reliance on the sale of young stock to meet cash needs.Despite the widespread perception that grazing reserves are promoting sedentarisation of Fulani pastoralists and curbing transhumance, the inhabitants of the KGR were observed to practise wide-ranging transhumance both during wet and dry seasons driven by the limited availability of grazing. Some households selected a sub-sample of animals for transhumance rather than sending their whole herd, and some maintained cattle on alternative land-holdings outside the reserve. KGR households described modifying their usual transhumance practices in response to the mass immigration event and insecurity.Nevertheless, the herd demography results from this study are broadly similar to data obtained from other studies over the past 40 years, indicating that productivity and management practices have remained relatively unchanged

    Does rapid HIV disease progression prior to combination antiretroviral therapy hinder optimal CD4 + T-cell recovery once HIV-1 suppression is achieved?

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    Objective: This article compares trends in CD4+ T-cell recovery and proportions achieving optimal restoration (>=500 cells/µl) after viral suppression following combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) initiation between rapid and nonrapid progressors. Methods: We included HIV-1 seroconverters achieving viral suppression within 6 months of cART. Rapid progressors were individuals experiencing at least one CD4+ less than 200 cells/µl within 12 months of seroconverters before cART. We used piecewise linear mixed models and logistic regression for optimal restoration. Results: Of 4024 individuals, 294 (7.3%) were classified as rapid progressors. At the same CD4+ T-cell count at cART start (baseline), rapid progressors experienced faster CD4+ T-cell increases than nonrapid progressors in first month [difference (95% confidence interval) in mean increase/month (square root scale): 1.82 (1.61; 2.04)], which reversed to slightly slower increases in months 1–18 [-0.05 (-0.06; -0.03)] and no significant differences in 18–60 months [-0.003 (-0.01; 0.01)]. Percentage achieving optimal restoration was significantly lower for rapid progressors than nonrapid progressors at months 12 (29.2 vs. 62.5%) and 36 (47.1 vs. 72.4%) but not at month 60 (70.4 vs. 71.8%). These differences disappeared after adjusting for baseline CD4+ T-cell count: odds ratio (95% confidence interval) 0.86 (0.61; 1.20), 0.90 (0.38; 2.17) and 1.56 (0.55; 4.46) at months 12, 36 and 60, respectively. Conclusion: Among people on suppressive antiretroviral therapy, rapid progressors experience faster initial increases of CD4+ T-cell counts than nonrapid progressors, but are less likely to achieve optimal restoration during the first 36 months after cART, mainly because of lower CD4+ T-cell counts at cART initiation

    High acceptance of home-based HIV counseling and testing in an urban community setting in Uganda

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>HIV testing is a key component of prevention and an entry point into HIV/AIDS treatment and care however, coverage and access to testing remains low in Uganda. Home-Based HIV Counseling and Testing (HBHCT) has potential to increase access and early identification of unknown HIV/AIDS disease. This study investigated the level of acceptance of Home-Based HIV Counseling and Testing (HBHCT), the HIV sero-prevalence and the factors associated with acceptance of HBHCT in an urban setting.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional house-to-house survey was conducted in Rubaga division of Kampala from January-June 2009. Residents aged ≥ 15 years were interviewed and tested for HIV by trained nurse-counselors using the national standard guidelines. Acceptance of HBHCT was defined as consenting, taking the HIV test and receipt of results offered during the home visit. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to determine significant factors associated with acceptance of HBHCT.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We enrolled 588 participants, 408 (69%, 95% CI: 66%-73%) accepted testing. After adjusting for confounding, being male (adj. OR 1.65; 95%CI 1.03, 2.73), age 25-34 (adj. OR 0.63; 95% CI 0.40, 0.94) and ≥35 years (adj. OR 0.30; 95%CI 0.17, 0.56), being previously married (adj. OR 3.22; 95%CI 1.49, 6.98) and previous HIV testing (adj. OR 0.50; 95%CI 0.30, 0.74) were significantly associated with HBHCT acceptance. Of 408 who took the test, 30 (7.4%, 95% CI: 4.8%- 9.9%) previously unknown HIV positive individuals were identified and linked to HIV care.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Acceptance of home-based counseling and testing was relatively high in this urban setting. This strategy provided access to HIV testing for previously untested and unknown HIV-infected individuals in the community. Age, sex, marital status and previous HIV test history are important factors that may be considered when designing programs for home-based HIV testing in urban settings in Uganda.</p

    Genome Scan of M. tuberculosis Infection and Disease in Ugandans

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    Tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), is an enduring public health problem globally, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Several studies have suggested a role for host genetic susceptibility in increased risk for TB but results across studies have been equivocal. As part of a household contact study of Mtb infection and disease in Kampala, Uganda, we have taken a unique approach to the study of genetic susceptibility to TB, by studying three phenotypes. First, we analyzed culture confirmed TB disease compared to latent Mtb infection (LTBI) or lack of Mtb infection. Second, we analyzed resistance to Mtb infection in the face of continuous exposure, defined by a persistently negative tuberculin skin test (PTST-); this outcome was contrasted to LTBI. Third, we analyzed an intermediate phenotype, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) expression in response to soluble Mtb ligands enriched with molecules secreted from Mtb (culture filtrate). We conducted a full microsatellite genome scan, using genotypes generated by the Center for Medical Genetics at Marshfield. Multipoint model-free linkage analysis was conducted using an extension of the Haseman-Elston regression model that includes half sibling pairs, and HIV status was included as a covariate in the model. The analysis included 803 individuals from 193 pedigrees, comprising 258 full sibling pairs and 175 half sibling pairs. Suggestive linkage (p<10−3) was observed on chromosomes 2q21-2q24 and 5p13-5q22 for PTST-, and on chromosome 7p22-7p21 for TB; these findings for PTST- are novel and the chromosome 7 region contains the IL6 gene. In addition, we replicated recent linkage findings on chromosome 20q13 for TB (p = 0.002). We also observed linkage at the nominal α = 0.05 threshold to a number of promising candidate genes, SLC11A1 (PTST- p = 0.02), IL-1 complex (TB p = 0.01), IL12BR2 (TNFα p = 0.006), IL12A (TB p = 0.02) and IFNGR2 (TNFα p = 0.002). These results confirm not only that genetic factors influence the interaction between humans and Mtb but more importantly that they differ according to the outcome of that interaction: exposure but no infection, infection without progression to disease, or progression of infection to disease. Many of the genetic factors for each of these stages are part of the innate immune system

    Effect of Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody Treatment on Early Trajectories of Virologic and Immunologic Biomarkers in Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19

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    BACKGROUND: Neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (nmAbs) failed to show clear benefit for hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Dynamics of virologic and immunologic biomarkers remain poorly understood. METHODS: Participants enrolled in the Therapeutics for Inpatients with COVID-19 trials were randomized to nmAb versus placebo. Longitudinal differences between treatment and placebo groups in levels of plasma nucleocapsid antigen (N-Ag), anti-nucleocapsid antibody, C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, and D-dimer at enrollment, day 1, 3, and 5 were estimated using linear mixed models. A 7-point pulmonary ordinal scale assessed at day 5 was compared using proportional odds models. RESULTS: Analysis included 2149 participants enrolled between August 2020 and September 2021. Treatment resulted in 20% lower levels of plasma N-Ag compared with placebo (95% confidence interval, 12%-27%; P \u3c .001), and a steeper rate of decline through the first 5 days (P \u3c .001). The treatment difference did not vary between subgroups, and no difference was observed in trajectories of other biomarkers or the day 5 pulmonary ordinal scale. CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that nmAb has an antiviral effect assessed by plasma N-Ag among hospitalized patients with COVID-19, with no blunting of the endogenous anti-nucleocapsid antibody response. No effect on systemic inflammation or day 5 clinical status was observed. CLINICAL TRIALS REGISTRATION: NCT04501978