1,509 research outputs found

    The Effects of P, I and D Parameters in Automatic Liquid Level Control Using UniTrain Module

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    The research discusses some experiments to control the level of liquid inside a tank by using PID controllers which can be divided into four categories. The experiments describe the effect of P, I, and D element. It also discusses the best possible controller, which is a PI controller, for the liquid level tank system. The liquid level controlling is done by adjusting the voltage pump which will further regulate the flow rate of the fluid entering the inlet valve. The liquid that flows through the outlet valve is considered as the disturbance variable to the system. The liquid tank sensor needs to be calibrated prior to the experiments. Calibration can be done manually by using a digital multimeter or by using the computer sofware that is connected directly to the plant system. Set point and PID parameters are determined by the UniTrain and the computer interface. In these experiments, PI controller has the best result with a medium proportional gain (KP = 5) and a small integral gain (TN = 0.2)


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    Muchacha Mufti A, 2015. Aplikasi Metode AHP Untuk Penentuan Prioritas Pemeliharaan Bangunan Puskesmas Pembantu (PUSTU) Berbasis GIS Di Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Skripsi Program Studi Teknik Sipil Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Pemeliharaan Bangunan sangat diperlukan untuk menjaga kinerja bangunan selama umur layannya. Puskesmas Pembantu (Pustu) merupakan salah satu prasarana milik Negara yang harus dijaga pemeliharaannya karena merupakan prasarana yang terdekat dalam membantu masyarakat untuk mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan. Agar bangunan pustu selalu dalam keadaan terawat dan memberikan kinerja secara optimal maka diperlukan pemeliharaan dan perawatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan skala prioritas kriteria dalam menentukan pemeliharaan bangunan berdasarkan tingkat kerusakan dari komponen bangunan pustu. Program Aplikasi ini menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) yang telah dikembangkan oleh Saaty. Obyek dari penelitian dilakukan terhadap seluruh bangunan gedung pustu kabupaten Sukoharjo yang berjumlah 45 pustu. Data primer yang digunakan untuk penelitian meliputi survei langsung ke lapangan berupa pengisian form penilaian kondisi bangunan untuk mendapatkan nilai persentase kerusakan komponen bangunan, sedangkan penilaian pembobotan di setiap komponen bangunan didapat dengan cara memberikan kuisioner yang melibatkan Dinas Cipta Karya Kabupaten Sukoharjo, Dinas Tata Ruang Kabupaten Sukoharjo, DPPKA Kabupaten Sukoharjo, akademisi, konsultan, dan kontraktor. Sedangkan untuk data sekunder diperoleh dari sumber yang telah ada (dari data penelitian terdahulu) serta sumber data yang diperoleh dari peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia

    Implikasi Perkawinan Campuran terhadap Status Kewarganegaraan Anak

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    This paper discusses about Law No. 12 year 2006, article 6 on the Indonesian citizenship which gives the provisions of dual citizenship status to a child as the implication of the mixed marriage, and analysis of Islamic political jurisprudence perspective toward the provisions of the dual citizenship status. The author concludes that granting the dual citizenship status to a child as the implication of the mixed marriage is nothing but for the sake of enforcing the rights of men, particularly for children. It is so because the child’s rights are part of the Human Rights which must be guaranteed, protected, and fulfilled by parents, families, communities, governments, and states. In addition, It is also as a manifestation of the implementation of UUD 1945, article 26 about the citizens’ rights. Islamic political jurisprudence judges that the dual citizenship status for a child of the mixed marriage for the reason to uphold Human Rights might be justified. Since Islam also upholds Human Rights. But in respect to a childcare, they follow their mother’s citizenship when they have been adult. And when they have already been adult, they have  right to choose their nationality

    A “Near-Miss Lethal Accident Case” in MR Suit of a Tertiary Care Hospital

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    A “near miss” is an unpleasant event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage but had the potential to do so, but for a fortunate break in the chain of events. We present a near-miss case which occurred in the MR suite of a tertiary care hospital. Although the MR is considered a very safe procedure, if MR safety guidelines are not adhered to, adverse and catastrophic events to the extent of patient deaths are known to have occurred. It is hoped that this incident will prompt hospitals to document and follow MR safety protocols for patient and staff safety. Although MRI is an extremely safe procedure rarely MR adverse incidents have resulted in serious physical injury or even death. The incident is an eye opener regarding potential adverse events lurking in the relatively safe MR environment and provides an opportunity to rectify the inadequacies in MR safety

    Release of soluble metal ions from copper based dental alloys mesured by ICP-MS

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    Describes the release of soluble metal ions from copper based dental alloys mesured by ICP-MS. Presented at the annual congress of the british toxicology society

    Necrotizing enterocolitis in infants weighing less than 2000 G

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    Over a 4 year period, nine of 180 (5%) infants weighing less than 2000 G, admitted to the Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH) developed necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). An outbreak of NEC occurred in 1989, during which six infants developed the clinical illness. Overall incidence was 1.1%. Thirty-one birth weight and gestation matched controls were selected for comparison. Risk factors usually considered as predisposing factors, i.e., low 5 min Apgar score, rate of maternal complications, respiratory distress syndrome, mechanical ventilation, umbilical catheterisation, patient ductus arteriosus, use of antibiotics and feeding practices were found with equal frequency in both cases and controls. Six infants had positive blood and/or peritoneal fluid cultures (66%) compared to only five (16%) in the control group (P less than 0.01). Our data suggests that prematurity and sepsis are important predisposing factors for development of NEC

    The Influence of Marketing Mix and Service Quality on Corporate Reputation and Its Impact on Repurchase Decision

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    . Retail business is a growing Industry in Indonesia. Among others there aretwo important variables in retail business: Marketing mix and service quality. Thisresearch are aimed first to know and to analysis the influence of marketing mix andservice quality on corporate reputation and its impact on repurchase decision directlyand indirectly. Secondly, to analysis which variables affect mostly on corporatereputation and on repurchase decision. The research approaches using quantitativeapproach with survey method. Tool for the statistical test used structural equationmodeling (SEM) with LISREL 8.7 software. There are 200 respondents involved,mostly are middle income people. Method of sampling used non probability samplingmethod in particular by accidental sampling. The results: Marketing mix directlyinfluenced corporate reputation and repurchase decision directly and indirectly mediatedby corporate reputation. In the other hand, service quality directly did not influencecorporate reputation it also did not influence decision to repurchase directly andindirectly through corporate reputation. Lastly, corporate reputation directly influencedrepurchases decision. Implication of the research it is obvious in retail industrycustomer decision on repurchase is highly based on and influenced by marketing mix,especially pricing policy and decision