7 research outputs found

    Zakat Tanaman: Konsep, Potensi dan Strategi Peningkatannya di Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar potensi zakat terutama zakat tumbuhan yang dimiliki oleh Indonesia sebagai Negara agraris. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif melalui pengumpulan data sekunder dari berrbagai sumber. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa potensi zakat tumbuhan di Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun mengalami peningkatan yang sangat signifikan. Namun demikian, potensi zakat yang besar ini tidak dibarengi dengan keseriusan pemerintah dalam mengumpulkan dan mengelolanya, terlebih lagi terdapat stigma dalam masyarakat yang megidentikkan bahwa zakat tumbuhan hanya sebatas pada jenis tumbuhan padi saja

    Metode Ijtihad Dan Dinamika Persoalan Di Kalangan Imam Madzhab

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    Background. There is no corner of space that is not touched by Islamic law, the difference in legal products from the results of ijtihad scholars is a blessing for the people. The problem is; Why do scholars differ on a religious issue? Aim. This study aims to explore the ijtihad method of madhhab scholars used as a tool to analyze all phenomena that occur, so that the roots of these differences are known.Methods. This research is a type of qualitative research in the form of library research, by exploring the arguments and methods used by scholars who then make legal products that are different from one another.Results. The results of this study indicate that differences are mercy, as long as these differences do not cause division, and always bring benefit with logical arguments and can be accepted by common sense, even though there are two types of differences, namely differences in reason (ikhtilaf al-aql), and differences in morals. (ikhtilaf al-akhlak), differences occur due to unequal contextualization, thus requiring different arguments and methods of ijtihad, resulting in unequal products from one another.Background. There is no corner of space that is not touched by Islamic law, the difference in legal products from the results of ijtihad scholars is a blessing for the people. The problem is; Why do scholars differ on a religious issue? Aim. This study aims to explore the ijtihad method of madhhab scholars used as a tool to analyze all phenomena that occur, so that the roots of these differences are known.Methods. This research is a type of qualitative research in the form of library research, by exploring the arguments and methods used by scholars who then make legal products that are different from one another.Results. The results of this study indicate that differences are mercy, as long as these differences do not cause division, and always bring benefit with logical arguments and can be accepted by common sense, even though there are two types of differences, namely differences in reason (ikhtilaf al-aql), and differences in morals. (ikhtilaf al-akhlak), differences occur due to unequal contextualization, thus requiring different arguments and methods of ijtihad, resulting in unequal products from one another

    Implikasi Pelanggaran Taklik Talak Terhadap Status Perkawinan Perspektif Kitab Fiqih dan UU Perkawinan

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    Background. Taklik talak is an agreement in which the husband depends on the occurrence of a divorce for his wife if it turns out that in the future the husband violates one or all of the things in the taklik talak agreement.Aim. To find out and analyze the implications of the violation of taklik talak on marital status from the perspective of the book of fiqh and the marriage law.Methods. The type of research used is library research, namely the book of fiqh and the Marriage Law as the main sources. This research approach uses a normative approach and is analyzed qualitatively, namely based on the Marriage Law No.1 of 1974 and also studied based on fiqh books such as classical fiqh Fathul Mu'in Translation, Fathul Qarib Translation Idol Fiqh, and General References of the Ummah. The data analysis technique uses deductive techniques which are used to find out the violation of taklik talak on marital status which is then developed and described in more detail based on fiqh books and the Marriage Act.Results. Based on the study of fiqh books, the husband who violates the taklik talak he said after the marriage contract took place, then the divorce fell for his husband directly, who had already signed the taklik talak. Because it is the husband who has hung the divorce on a thing or trait, thus the divorce falls with the realization of that nature according to the words of the husband. While the violation of takalik talak on marital status according to the Marriage Act must meet the requirements in divorce, sighat taklik talak contains 2 conditions, namely alternative conditions and cumulative conditions.Background. Taklik talak is an agreement in which the husband depends on the occurrence of a divorce for his wife if it turns out that in the future the husband violates one or all of the things in the taklik talak agreement.Aim. To find out and analyze the implications of the violation of taklik talak on marital status from the perspective of the book of fiqh and the marriage law.Methods. The type of research used is library research, namely the book of fiqh and the Marriage Law as the main sources. This research approach uses a normative approach and is analyzed qualitatively, namely based on the Marriage Law No.1 of 1974 and also studied based on fiqh books such as classical fiqh Fathul Mu'in Translation, Fathul Qarib Translation Idol Fiqh, and General References of the Ummah. The data analysis technique uses deductive techniques which are used to find out the violation of taklik talak on marital status which is then developed and described in more detail based on fiqh books and the Marriage Act.Results. Based on the study of fiqh books, the husband who violates the taklik talak he said after the marriage contract took place, then the divorce fell for his husband directly, who had already signed the taklik talak. Because it is the husband who has hung the divorce on a thing or trait, thus the divorce falls with the realization of that nature according to the words of the husband. While the violation of takalik talak on marital status according to the Marriage Act must meet the requirements in divorce, sighat taklik talak contains 2 conditions, namely alternative conditions and cumulative conditions

    Moderasi Beragama Dalam Mendudukkan Posisi Perempuan Dalam Rumah Tangga

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    Religious moderation is a perspective, attitude, and practice in common life by embodying the essence of religious teachings towards the principle of justice. This study aims to see how religious moderation is in positioning women in the household. The research was carried out using library research. Data collection techniques by collecting various sources including articles, books, Al-Qur'an, and hadith. Data analysis by providing a re-interpretation of the verses and the paradigm of society that is gender biased. The results of the study show that women in the current context must have an appropriate position in realizing their rights in the household, so that their position in a moderate way can build mutual values in the household in a way that is fair, balanced, equal, democratic and treats both of them equally good way.Moderasi beragama adalah cara pandang, sikap, dan praktik dalam kehidupan bersama dengan cara mengejawantahkan esensi ajaran agama terhadap prinsip keadilan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana moderasi beragama dalam mendudukkan posisi perempuan dalam rumah tangga. Penelitian dijalankan menggunakan library research. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara mengumpulkan berbagai sumber meliputi artikel, buku, Al-Qur’an, dan hadist. Analisis data dengan cara memberikan penafsiran ulang terhadap ayat-ayat serta paradigma masyarakat yang bias gender. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perempuan dalam konteks saat ini haruslah memiliki kedudukan yang layak dalam mewujudkan hak-haknya dalam berumah tangga, sehingga kedudukannya secara moderat dapat membangun nilai-nilai kesalingan dalam rumah tangga dengan cara berkeadilan, berkeseimbangan, berpersamaan, berdemokrasi dan memperlakukan antara keduanya dengan cara yang bai

    Penerapan Batas Usia Pernikahan Di Dunia Islam: Review Literature

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    Background.The application of Islamic family law has differences in Islamic countries. The differences stem from the interpretation and understanding of the relationship between Islam and the state (din wa siyasah), the ideological basis of the state, the Islamic style of the mainstream Muslim population, traditions and socio-cultural realities, and their respective historical backgrounds.Aim. This library research article review uses a philosophical and sociological approach in each country which sets the minimum age limit for marriage to examines the comparison of Islamic family law in the Islamic world.Results. The existence of Islamic family law in the world as positive law has different forms. There are three categories of countries based on the adopted family law; 1) Countries that apply traditional family law. Countries that fall into this category are Saudi Arabia. Yemen, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Sinegal, Somalia. 2) Countries that apply secular family law. Included in this category are Turkey, Albania, Tanzania, the Muslim minority of the Philippines. 3) Countries that implement the updated family law. countries in the category of carrying out substantive reforms and or regulatory reforms. The reform of Islamic family law was carried out for the first time in Turkey, followed by Lebanon and Egypt, Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia.Background.The application of Islamic family law has differences in Islamic countries. The differences stem from the interpretation and understanding of the relationship between Islam and the state (din wa siyasah), the ideological basis of the state, the Islamic style of the mainstream Muslim population, traditions and socio-cultural realities, and their respective historical backgrounds.Aim. This library research article review uses a philosophical and sociological approach in each country which sets the minimum age limit for marriage to examines the comparison of Islamic family law in the Islamic world.Results. The existence of Islamic family law in the world as positive law has different forms. There are three categories of countries based on the adopted family law; 1) Countries that apply traditional family law. Countries that fall into this category are Saudi Arabia. Yemen, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Sinegal, Somalia. 2) Countries that apply secular family law. Included in this category are Turkey, Albania, Tanzania, the Muslim minority of the Philippines. 3) Countries that implement the updated family law. countries in the category of carrying out substantive reforms and or regulatory reforms. The reform of Islamic family law was carried out for the first time in Turkey, followed by Lebanon and Egypt, Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia